Don't get mad at me for saying this please this is my opinion.
I think the boys are rude as fuck they sit here looking through all the fanfics And they just wanna post them on fucking youtube? In my opinion I think that is rude as fuck because let's be honest we write fanfics for fun.
The boys wanna sit here and say dumb shit and they r just making the writers feel bad for writing it and I think it's bullshit. THEY FUCKING POST FANFICS ON YOUTUBE BECAUSE THEY WANNA EMBARRASS THE WRITERS and I think that's fucked up. They posted a fanfic video already once and the writer that wrote yeah...just friends probably felt so fucking embarrassed because of it look on chapter 11 of that book and look at all the fucking comments under it
They say "oh I'm just here because the boys read it" or some shit like that and I find it messed up because I think the boys shouldn't be doing this to the writers. They are making them feel bad about what they did.
I understand if the fanfics are cringe to them but they need to understand that people write the fanfics for fun.
I just think it's bullshit that they call out the writers names saying dude this is so bad I Know that it's about them but they need to learn when enough is enough because we all know if we said some shit about them they'd be pissed off but anyway this is my personal opinion so don't get pissed off at me
Love you all
Let's hope they didn't find ur fanfic I'll see you all on the other side ๐ค๐ค
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