Chapter 8

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Then they heard Hutch from inside of the house

"How are we going to get him outside?" Grace asked Gromit

Gromit threw a part of the shovel at the garden gnome, activating Anti-Pesto launch, Hutch drove out of the van crashing through the walls and into the backyard

Gromit immediately wrapped his arms around Grace for protection, they ducked down as the van hit the cage, knocking them out and they were free

"Job well done lad, hmmhmm" Hutch said

Gromit went into the greenhouse, pull the blanket out of his prized melon while Grace came in and seeing Gromit doing some thinking as he look at the competition poster

"Gromit, you're not thinking about chopping your melon off, are you? What about the contest?" Grace said

Gromit looked at her with a "I have to save Wallace" look and chopped off the melon's vine, making Grace gasped and they quickly drove off and headed to the Tottington Hall

Grace was helping Gromit to wrap a tied up the melon while Hutch was driving, they busted through the gates with the melon been tied to a rope that is attached to the van while Grace and Gromit were riding on it like surfboard and they made it just in time to lead Victor could take a shot of the were-rabbit, Grace and Gromit were waving at him as he growls

"Hurrah, Anti-Pesto and Grace" Lady Tottington said

"It's getting away" one man said to Victor

Then someone grabbed his gun, took a shot but it missed, then Wallace jumped off the underground and continuing hopping after them

But then Wallace stopped, when he heard Lady Tottington in distress, he sees Victor trying to take the golden carrot from her, he got angry and ran off

"WALLACE, WAIT" Grace said and she jumped off the melon and ran after him

"The golden carrot belongs in the show" Lady Tottington said

"No, the golden carrots belongs in the were-rabbit" Victor said

Wallace was behind them, as Grace came to Lady Tottington and Victor they noticed him, Wallace pound Victor, he grabbed Lady Tottington and Grace in one arm, kicked Victor, tried to run off but the angry mob stopped, he jumped so high and held on the Tottington Hall making Lady Tottington and Grace scream

"HELP US, SOMEONE HELP US" Lady Tottington screamed

Then they broke into Lady Tottington's secret garden and placed Lady Tottington and Grace down

"What is it? What are you staring at those beastly eyes?" Lady Tottington said as she protects Grace, Wallace did the hand gesture that he always did around his friends, and she gasped "Wallace"

Lady Tottington and Grace got up and Lady Tottington said "oh Wallace what ever have you done to yourself? Well don't you worry I'll protect you"

Then they saw Victor came up with a pink cotton candy on his head and said "get your hairy mitts off my future wife you big brute"

Grace laughs and said "nice hair"

Victor pushes Grace out of his way and Lady Tottington said "no, no Victor, you don't understand, the hunt is off, we made a terrible mistake"

"Oh no! You commissioned me to rid you of Pesto and that's what I intend to do" Victor said but he shuts his mouth

"Pesto? You, you knew it was Wallace all along" Lady Tottington said

"Oh alright, so what if it is that blithering idiot, no one will ever believe you" Victor said "if I can't have your money, I'll can still bag your Bunny!"

As Victor was about to shoot, Lady Tottington grab a Pansy Spray, spray it to Victor, causing his eyes to burn

"Run rabbit! Run" Lady Tottington said to Wallace and he ran off

Victor rams a pitchfork into Lady Tottington's hair

"Hmm. I rather like your hair pinned back" Victor said and we went after Wallace when Lady Tottington kept telling him to stop "you can hop, but you can't hide, Pesto"

"No" Grace shouts and she goes after him

Then when she saw Victor and Wallace who was holding one of the towers and Victor said "looks like the bucks stops here"

Grace ran to Victor, yanking his arm while saying "you monster, leave him alone"

He grabbed her arm, threw her from behind and it made her fell

"Eat carrot, Bunny Boy" Victor said and he pulled the trigger

"WALLACE" Grace screamed and she saw Gromit flew by with a small plane, grabbed a rope, made a U-turn around the tower and the golden carrot hit the plane

Wallace, Gromit and Grace cheered

"NOOOOO!" Victor shouts and started stomping on his gun "Potty poo!"

When Wallace and Gromit high fived each other, the plane started to slow down, making them panic, Wallace jumped, held on to Gromit and they landed in a cheese tent

"No one beats Victor Quartermain!" He cackled

"Is that so?" Lady Tottington said and hits Victor over the head with her giant carrot when Grace came to her "consider yourself dumped"

"Nice shot, your ladyship" Grace said

"Come on, we have to check on them" Lady Tottington suggested when they held hands and they went down

Then they saw Gromit putting Victor in the female rabbit costume, pushing him out, making the angry mob go after him

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