Chapter 6

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"They know it's us" Gremlin #1 said

"What'll we do?" Gremlin #2 asked

"Hide!" Gremlin #1 said

The gremlins bumped each other, cause they are running since we gotta hide these doors. While, the green door opened when ask you to go until they bumped into each other

"How are we going to stop those 2 little gremlinies from making a muddle of our program?" the Captain asked

"Captain, if we're going to stop them. We need to find them" Greg said "Do you know where those gremlins went? Did you see them? Behind the door? Great! Let's have a look behind the door"

The Wiggles, Captain Feathersword and Grace are gonna try to find the gremlins through the door, while those gremlins came out of the door. When they come out and they kept saying no gremlins

"Let's try this one" The Captain suggested the other door

"Okay, let's try this one" Anthony agreed

The Wiggles, Captain Feathersword and Grace are gonna try to find the gremlins through the door, while those gremlins came out of the door. When they come out and they kept saying no gremlins

"Guys, I've got a plan. It's not working this way. Let's split up and find them. Captain, Greg, if you can go through that door. Uh, Jeff, through that door. Murray, through that door. And I and Grace stay here" Anthony suggested and they were all leaving to go find the gremlins, except him and Grace and he turned to her "If you see the gremlins. Please tell us! They're green, they wear hats, they're very funny creatures. But... uh, right"

They all came back and they kept saying no gremlins. But, the gremlins came out of the door, except Murray who didn't come out

"No gremlins... Murray, how did you do? No gremlins?" Anthony said to who he thought it was Murray but it was Gremlin #1 but he didn't noticed that "well, um, just remember, everybody. They wear green hats just like that one. They have a vest with lovely buttons just like that, they wear lovely stockings. Green ones and they've beautiful little buckles. Just like those"

"Anthony?" Murray asked after he came out

"Yes, Murray?" Anthony said

"Who are you talking to?" Murray confused

"Well, I'm talking to Murray" Anthony said and then he realized it

The Wiggles tries to tell they found a gremlin, since they were tapping our shoulders. The gremlins are waving each other. But then, Captain Feathersword was funny while laughing since there is a gremlin

"Here we are" Gremlin #2 said

"Gremlins, what have you been up to?" Anthony asked

"Well, we'd heard of all the clever things you can do at Network Wiggles" Gremlin #1 explains "so we thought we'd come and see for ourselves"

"And we thought it would be easier if The Wiggles weren't here, so...." Gremlin #2 said

"So you did something to the Big Red Car!" Murray said

"I told you guys I saw them" Grace said

"You told us, but we couldn't see them!" Murray said

"Only me!" Gremlin #1 said in excitement, while he clap his hands "she only saw me!"

"So you did something to the Big Red Car?" Anthony said to Gremlin #1

"And you were back here at the studio" Greg said to Gremlin #2 and turns to Gremlin #1 "well, hang on, we know how you did the things here at the studio. I mean, you used all our special effects but... How did you do the thing with the Big Red Car?"

"Yeah, there's no special effects out on the road" Anthony said "no electricity"

"Ooh-ooh-ooh!" Gremlin #1 holding a big wrench, while he does make a funny sound and clicking his tongue. When, the Big Red Car is moving to make the funny sound, while honking the horn that so funny and, they were all laughing

"Ooh-ooh-ooh!" Anthony makes a funny sound and clicking his tongue "the old spanner in the works"

"And you kept hiding from us!" Murray said

"Oh, you be clever little gremlinies. You be" The Captain laughing hysterically

"Well, now that's all cleared up, let's get on with the show" Greg said

"Yeah, it's time to get into our dressing up clothes" Jeff said

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