The solo competition part 1

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Daisy TH : today is my first competition and I'm so nervous , there's so much pressure on me to get the five point advantage for regionals , everyone merged because of me , I can't let anyone down
Emily : hey you nervous ?
Daisy : yeah
Emily : don't be your gonna be great
Daisy : thanks
Emily TH : we really need these 5 points I hope Daisy can do this
(Poppy goes to see Daisy)
Daisy : I told you I didn't want you there
Poppy : I know I just wanted to wish you luck
Daisy : thanks
Poppy : I'll see you later
Daisy : Poppy ?
Poppy : yeah
Daisy : thanks for coming
Poppy : it's ok
(J troupe are sat in the seats)
Millie : first competition

Tali : yeah I hope Daisy can do it
Millie : same
(The A troupers and J troupers are watching the other soloists)
Finley : this one is really good
Maisie : yeah it is
Izzy : I can't believe it's the first competition and Riley is missing it
Maisie : I know
Finley : we will be alright
Noah : hey remember when we were watching the soloist on stage for regionals last time ?
Amanda : yeah can we not bring up regionals
Noah : oh right sorry , I'm glad your back
Amanda : I love you
Noah : I love you too
(Finley goes to see Daisy)
Finley : hey how you feeling ?
Daisy : yeah I think I'm ready
Finley : that's good your gonna do amazing
Daisy : thanks , I just hope I don't let everyone down
Finley : don't be silly your not going to
Daisy : how can you be so positive ?
Finley : it's just who I am , you should be too
Daisy : thanks
Finley : how about if you win this then I take you out for dinner
Daisy : a date ?
Finley : if you want it to be
Daisy : ok
Finley : good luck Daisy , we're all cheering for you
Daisy : thanks for
Daisy TH : it's nice that Finley believes in me
Emily : it's weird that Poppy isn't here
(Maisie looks away)
Izzy : you ok ?
Maisie : yeah fine
Michelle : ok Daisy it's time
Daisy : what now ?
Michelle : yeah you ready ?
Daisy : umm yeah
Finn : you've got this Daisy
Piper : yeah come on Daisy
(Daisy is about to go stage but she starts to feel dizzy)
Izzy : Daisy what's wrong ?
Daisy : I feel sick
Maisie : that's just nerves
The judges : can the next step please enter the stage
Maisie : you've got this Daisy
Izzy : yeah you do
Daisy : yeah yeah I do yeah I can do this
(Daisy walks towards the stage and faints)
Emily : oh
Maisie : Daisy ? , Daisy ?
Izzy : Daisy ?!
The judges : can the next step please enter the stage
Emily TH : Daisy is our soloist and she's just fainted what are we supposed to do now
Tali TH : this is not good
Closing titles

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