Guess who's back part 1

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James : hey
Noah : hey you alright ?
James : yeah I've got a free day today so do you wanna hang
Noah : I've got rehearsals but later
James : ok cool
Noah : see you later , wait
James : yeah
Noah : I'm gonna tell people about us
James : do you want to ?
Noah : yeah
James : ok well I don't have a problem with it
(Noah smiles)
Noah : I'll see you later
James : yeah enjoy rehearsals don't miss me too much
(James looks behind him and sees Riley)
James : hey Riley
Riley : hey James..
James : good trip ?
Riley : yeah it was great..
James : so we're good then ?

Riley : yeah.. friends
James : yeah..
(James goes to hug Riley but she pushes him back)
(Riley starts crying)
James : what's wrong ?
Riley : don't even worry about it
(Riley walks out)
Riley TH : I can't believe what's happened
(Riley walks back into the studio)
Tali : Riley
(Tali runs to Riley and hugs her)
Riley : hey oh be careful
Tali : why are you ok ?
Riley : yeah I'm fine just a long flight you know
Tali : yeah it's nice to have you back
Riley : I told you guys I'd be back
Millie : it's good to have you back
Michelle : hey Riley
Riley : hey
Michelle : it's great to have you back
(Finn smiles)
Izzy : yay jiley back together
(Riley looks down)
(Noah looks away)
Riley : em can I talk to you a minute ?
Emily : yeah sure guys warm up
Riley : yeah umm J troupe start warming up I'll be with you guys in a minute
Emily : so what's up did you have a good trip ?
Riley : em just listen
Emily : what's wrong ?
Riley : I'm .. I'm pregnant
Emily : wait what how ?
Riley : I didn't feel well in London and so I went out and I got a test and it was positive
Emily : so it's James's then
Riley : yeah of course it's James's but we've just broken up
Emily : Ri come here it's gonna be ok
(Emily hugs Riley)
Emily TH : I am shocked but Riley is my sister and I love her so I need to be there for her
Emily : We will get through this together but you need to tell James
Riley : yeah I know
Emily : it's gonna be ok , do you need a break from the rehearsals I can always teach them ?
Riley : no thanks em but I've missed too many rehearsals I need to show the team that I'm committed to them
Emily : ok just don't over do it
Riley : thanks
(Emily and Riley go out the office)
Riley : ok guys let's start the routine , umm wait guys where's Maisie ?
(Everyone looks down)
Riley : is there something I don't know about ?
Richelle : umm she's not feeling too good today
Riley : oh ok I guess she will have to catch up then
(Noah goes over to Riley)
Noah : hey Riley how was your trip ?
Riley : yeah it was fine
Noah : you looked kinda upset in the office earlier with Emily , is everything ok ?
Riley : yes I'm fine ok you don't need to worry about me
Noah : I care about James though
Riley : not everything is about James Noah
Noah : look I just want us to be cool
Riley : yeah we're fine..
Noah : you sure ?
Riley : just get back to rehearsals Noah
Noah TH : I need to get things back on track
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