Daisys secret

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Riley TH : I've been helping out with the studio recently and I've kinda taken charge of J troupe
Riley : Ok guys we're gonna go through the routine for the dance show you guys have coming up  , so let's go through the routine
Daisy : actually can I take 5 minutes I need to warm up
Riley : we already had the warm up
Daisy : right ok
Riley : ok ready guys 5 , 6 , 7 ,8
Daisy : wait please can we go slower
Tali : that's the tempo Daisy
Daisy : right yeah sorry
Maisie TH : Daisy is acting really weird today
Millie TH : I'm a little distracted today after I saw Scarlett kissing Tali , I really like Tali so it hurts
(Daisy starts marking the routine)
Riley TH : I have no idea what's going on with daisy she's normally so on top of it , but today she seems distracted I know it's J troupe but it's still important
Daisy TH : the truth is I've been having problems with my heart recently I keep getting out of breath and chest pains but I don't wanna look weak
Riley : ok guys that was good , umm Daisy can I talk to you for a minute ?
Daisy : sure
Riley TH : I have learnt from signs from Noah when he was injured with his back I can't risk another dancer being inured
Riley : I see you were making the routine is everything ok ?
Daisy : yeah yeah everything is fine I just didn't really sleep much
Riley : oh how comes ?

Daisy : I just didn't go to sleep till late
Riley : ok well just make sure you get some sleep it's important why don't you take a bit of a break for the day
Daisy : thanks
Maisie TH : something seems to be going on with Daisy , and I care about her a lot
Maisie : hey Daisy you ok ?
Daisy : yeah yeah I'm fine why wouldn't I be ?
Maisie : it's just you were kinda marking the routine
Daisy : yeah I just didn't get much sleep
Maisie : you sure nothing is going on dais ?
Daisy : no I'm fine , just leave me alone
Maisie : ok then..
Maisie TH : I have no idea what's going on with daisy , maybe she found out about the dance battle I just don't know
(Millie goes into shakes and ladders sees Tali)
Millie : hey can we talk ?
Tali : yeah sure actually I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me tonight
Millie : I saw you kiss Scarlett
Tali : what ? , Millie she kissed me
Millie : I don't care ok , do you like her ?
Tali : well I mean she's a nice girl
Millie : that's not what I asked
Tali : well I don't know it's complicated
Millie : right got it
Tali : Millie wait
(Millie walks off and pushes Daisy and she nearly falls)
Daisy : ow
Tali : Daisy are you ok ?
Daisy : what yeah yeah I'm fine
Tali : you sure ?
Daisy : yeah I'm fine , why can't people just leave me alone today !
Tali : ok sorry
Tali TH : I need to stay focussed I need to talk to Millie
(Daisy goes into the locker room and puts ice on her chest)
Piper : hey Daisy
(Daisy throws the ice)
Daisy : hey piper you alright ?
Piper : yeah what were you doing with ice ?
Daisy : oh you know I was just trying to ice my muscles I mean it's meant to help
Piper : really , your muscles ?
Daisy : yeah
Daisy TH : I'm not telling anyone about my heart ok because I don't know what's going on , and I don't wanna get kicked off the duet , I just need to stay strong
(Tali goes to see Millie)
Tali : hey Millie can we talk ?
Millie : I don't want to talk to you
Tali : wait please you don't understand
Millie : no you don't understand I don't wanna talk to you
(Millie walks out)
Tali : but wait Millie I like.. you
Tali TH : I need to make it up to her , I really like her I didn't realise it before but I do and I do wanna be with her
(Scarlett goes to see Daisy)
Scarlett : hey Daisy
Daisy : oh don't need anymore sympathy
Scarlett : what are you talking about , Daisy are you ok ?
Daisy : yes I'm fine
Scarlett : Riley said you were marking rehearsals today
Daisy : I don't need anyone checking up on me
Scarlett : look poppy is worried about you and so am I , you were fine the other day and now you've gone all weird , Daisy you can talk to me
Daisy : I'm fine
(Scarlett holds Daisy's hand)
Scarlett : whatever it is you can tell me , I'm here for you and I'm not going anywhere I'll be here when you do wanna talk
(Daisy looks back at Scarlett)
Daisy TH : I wish I wasn't snapping at everyone but I can't deal with this
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