Misunderstandings and Collisions

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"That girl...the one wearing a suit and tie. Your better off with her. Don't see Dahlia anymore...she's no good for you.." a man told a spiky haired guy who punched him and he landed on the ground, dead.

[Courthouse 「A Few Weeks Later」]

"Mia...what should I do...?" A girl with dark brown nearly black hair in a crop cut and slate gray blue eyes surrounded, by an amber colored glasses frame asked as she teared up at her friend, "I didn't mean to cause this!" She pat her shoulder with their mentor who had told her, "Calm down, Ms. Li. We know you had no culpability in this case. But your testimony about Dahlia's behavior may be the key to saving Mia's defendant." She appeared troubled until their client had snuck up behind her and startled her with a sneeze, "Good morning everyone!" With a shriek and jump, Mia was holding her (barely) as she shivered, "Oh, you're... it was..just you Mr. Wright. Sorry..."

He seemed surprised at her quiet disposition and asked, "Aren't you that really famous independent online singer? I never imagined you'd be so small and quiet looking...thanks for uh..getting my name correct." She seemed confused and hopped out from Mia's arms at the right time (she was about to fall over), "I'd think anyone would get it correct, Mr. Wright. It's just like saying the word "right" but with a "w" in front of it." He seemed surprised by her reasoning but kept talking with her to ease his nerves and she handed him something before going in, "Here, a cough drop. I noticed you were recovering from a cold and these usually help. Good luck, I'll try my best too."
Courtroom No. 2 [Court is in Session]

"The defense is ready your honor. Mr. Grossberg had an emergency...er that is to say...he wanted me to take this case." Mia stuttered as Payne not so subtly trash talked her with the facts of the case coming afterward, "The defendant had fled by the time the other students found him and called the cops. The only one they could think of as witnesses to the crime were Marie Li who was there with her cousin who was checking out the campus, and Dahlia Hawthorne who was Phoenix's girlfriend." He then spoke about a potential motive and he spoke, "Phoenix was appalled by Doug's audacity to step in on his relationship and recommended another girl so he could have Dahlia."

"That is sooo off-base. Are you sure he's a lawyer?" Marie whispered to Mia who had nodded and said, "Yes. He's just very flamboyant and probably insecure." When Payne had mentioned Marie, the judge had stiffened but rejected Payne's request for Phoenix to testify, "Fine, the prosecution calls Marie Li to the stand. "Name and occupation." She stammered out shyly, "M-My name is Ma-Marie Li and I-I'm an independent songwriter." He asked her, "What were you doing at Ivy College the day of the murder?" She stuttered and tried to speak but it was jumbled until Payne told her to take a deep breath and then continue.

Marie's Testimony: Why I was At Ivy College

"My lil cousin...er older cousin technically..I call her lil cousin because we're close. She's crazy smart and wanted to check out Ivy College as a possible option." She seemed non-enthused for her next statement, "I didn't expect that so many of my fans would be there so I was really overwhelmed and ran until I lost them. It was about noon when I took a breather and calmed down." Payne asked her, "And did you see the defendant?" She responded, "I caught a glimpse of his hair but I didn't really know him, so I paid no mind to it and decided to find my cousin." He raised a question about that, "My cousin, Ondelia. She's very clumsy and I've probably saved her from dying or getting injured a bunch of times. I was actually running away because she was the one who called attention to my fans about my presence by accident."

Mia pressed on her, "You ran until you lost them? Did you bump into anyone around that time?" She seemed to be thinking, "No...not that I can remember at present." Payne tried to object to Mia's follow up question but the judge overruled him, "Please think hard, Marie. Are you sure you didn't meet anyone?" She suddenly stated, "I ran into two people within the time I stopped running and started searching for my cousin. First I ran into Dahlia around 12:45 but she seemed really irate and angered about something. The second was Phoenix who had been trying to find someone, that was around one forty."

Mia raised a question regarding her cousin driving her away, "Why would she do that if you're as close as you say?" Marie seemed a bit pained when she told them, "Truth be told, we are close but she's been going through a rebellious streak lately and kind of thought it would be funny in a twisted way...to make me get swarmed by my fans." She added on after, "I don't hold it against her...I just wish she had a better sense of humor. If I'm remembering correctly that happened at around 11:45." Mia asked, "You had run away for fifteen minutes? Then how did you get to the building block where my client was? Orientation and tours for new or potential students was on the opposite end of the campus." Payne claimed it was very self explanatory and Marie nodded, "Like I said, Ondelia was going through a rebellious streak so we didn't enter on the right side of the campus and she eventually got bored so she almost made me get swarmed for entertainment."

She spoke regarding the victim, "Honestly, the only reason I know who Doug is...is because he approached me randomly at an event about four months ago and told me basically everything about himself...he was the blabber mouth type of fan." She added while saying, "He even admitted that the only reason he kept up a "British reminiscent persona" was because he heard a rumor I liked my fans in England the best." Payne asked what else she told her, "That he had a girlfriend he hated, and he wanted to end the relationship but he didn't know how to. Including something about how she subtly manipulated him into making something....but he never told me what."

"I believe that's enough questioning your honor. The prosecution now calls Phoenix Wright to the stand."
Victim and I - Phoenix's Testimony

"I knew he used to wear a big Union Jack on his back but at some point he got rid of it. I heard from others that he usually dropped off some ColdkillerX for me in classed we shared, and before I found his body..there was this note I found that I thought he wrote which told me to meet them so they could talk about something." Mia asked about what he did for lunch and Phoenix told them he ate with Dahlia, but when he caught sight of Marie who was with Ondelia, Dahlia suddenly became aggravated by their presence. "It was like she wasn't herself."

Mia then established that Doug had still been alive after Pheonix left and was killed by someone else, though when it came time to question that woman...she tried to pin everything on Marie who had been the wanderer in the case that was being chased around all day, stating she could've been lying and just used everyone else as an excuse. "I believe you're projecting a bit to much there, dear. If that were true then why would I even bother showing up on campus at all that day? I don't attend college because I graduated early at an overseas college." She added, "Besides I'm not the one who has the evidence with the poison traces on it. The person who does, however, only does because you gave it to them to ward off suspicion for another case then when you couldn't get it back, you decided to throw them out of the picture entirely by taking the fall for both cases!!"

Dahlia began to have a slight breakdown which caused her to seem a bit unhinged, "I'm going to spend some quality time with the men in blue suits." She left peacefully as the trial concluded and when they were alone in the lobby, Marie consoled Phoenix who was even more determined to be a lawyer, "It's okay, Nick." He stiffened, "Is that a nickname?" She nodded and he suddenly hugged her, "Thanks...no one's ever really given me a nickname before. Even if we were friends." She smiled, "No problem, and if we ever meet in court one day.." she held out her hand, "Let's each do our best to help our clients!!"

He couldn't help but agree with her infectious positive attitude and she smiled even brighter, "I think we're gonna be good friends!!"

[Phoenix's Narration]

[I never did see her after that day. It was like she vanished...then again she was almost ready to be a lawyer since she was waiting for her bar results, and I was still studying for it. She was so bright and loud...it always makes me wonder what happened to her. Because she saved me from taking the fall for Dahlia and put that woman where she belonged behind bars for her crimes. I look up to her and to this day continue to strive to be more like her and Chief....oh Chief....she's in a better place now, but I'm disappointed that...I still don't feel like I've done enough to be like both of them.]

[Honestly...I figured out why I had been acting out and weirdly around Lyla recently. It's because she reminds me of Marie...she's not as loud as her but she has that same infectious energy and aura...like they're the same even though I feel that they're different. Despite that...my heart...keeps telling me to stop her from leaving so suddenly every once in a while..by just telling her how I feel. Yet at the same time...I still feel the scars that woman left and I'm too scared to try to confess to Lyla.]

[I fell so hard...but now I think she's too good for me to even compare and the pain is just tearing me up...because I really want to know how she truly feels inspite of the fear.]

[I want to know what she thinks, how she feels, and what she likes...but that line is so scary that everytime I think of crossing it...I choke before I even lift my foot to walk.]

[But she told me that she needs to leave again and now...I couldn't care less about that line because if I don't cross it soon...]

[I'll lose her forever]

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