Double Trouble

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"This case is closed, I find the defendant...Guilty." Lyla seemed worried as she woke up but was even more so after Gumshoe told her she was suspected in a poisoning case in December, "I never took a case for poisoning in December. Is it someone impersonating me?" Gumshoe asked her if she was sure and she nodded, "It may be so then because everyone was sure it was you in court that day." Lyla kept telling herself it was a joke because either someone was impersonating her unintentionally or it was on purpose and to frame her for something. "If it was in December...then it would be during when I was taking time off. Which means it quite literally couldn't have been me. This will be difficult though because I gave my report for vacation to sMiles but he never got back to me on it. So I have no idea if he still has it."

[Detention Center]

"How could you, Ms. Li!? How could you do this to me!?" Maggey shouted as Lyla eased her down and told her, "The person who represented you was a fraud, because I had been taking a vacation during the time your case was tried and decided. But I will get your sentence overturned Maggey, you don't deserve this." After getting the location of her workplace, the trio headed there an dwere bombarded by its cutesy interior and smothering smell of flowers, "Hello?" Lyla sked and when no one responded, Pearls decided to look around despite the warnings from Phoenix and Lyla. "Hey this paper is from the date of the poisoning!" They showed it to Maggey who informed them that a cd had the same name written in the magazine, and was on the table within the killer an victim with the 100grand number was a down-payment for it with the victim leaving it behind on the day of the murder, stating it may have been a scam and the victim was killed so either one could keep th money given the circumstances. "What happened on the day of the murder? Wait what old man?"

When Armstrong described the man, Lyla put her hand in her face, "...not him....why oh why him..." she muttered while remembering something about the second witness, "Wait where's the magatama I gave you?" Phoenix had told her about how he didn't know but she found her spare and imbued it with energy, "This should do the trick for now." She gave a determined look, "Let's go find the old man."

Traveling to vitamin square, they found him and he had gushed over seeing Lyla, "Why hello, young lady. You're mighty graceful." They left after a brief questioning and after Lyla was briefly abducted by Armstrong after showing him the job listing paper, Phoenix went alone to the precinct where he asked about Godot and was threatened by Gumshoe about Maggey's soon to be trial and the possibility of a guilty outcome. "Don't worry, Lyla says she's git this in the bag and that she's going to maim Godot if he throws coffee at her again regardless if she gets punished." Gumshoe laughed, "She always was a firecracker even when she worked at the prosecutor's office with Edgeworth. The two of them were unstoppable."

He gave him a smile, "Take good care of her, Phoenix."
First and Only Trial Day


"I think we already know who the prime suspect of this case is your honor. It's Tigre, he was Elg's loan giver and in debt with Viola's father!! He killed Elg to get the remaining money needed to pay Viola's father off and then the three of them (Viola, Tigre, and whatsvtheir name) set it up to look like Maggey had done it!!" Lyla showed the documents proving that Tigre was Elg's lender and Elg was Tigre's client, "The day you found out he had enough to pay off his debt, you took his virus and killed him to take his lottery prize!! You realized that if he paid you back then you couldn't extort him for more and given that you haven't been able to get clients, business was dry so you needed Elg to stay or you'd be swimming with the sharks!!"

"The defendant is not guilty!!" The Judge rang out and shortly after, Phoenix wanted to asked Lyla about who she was but because of her haste to leave the courtroom and clumsiness, she tripped and ended up in the hospital for a few days while rejecting visitors. 'That incident was the day I became determined to follow in her footsteps....but it was also the day that I met the woman who would nearly scare me away from the courtroom forever.'
Next: Lyla's First Court Appearance and Dahlia's Deception

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