Yedam shooked his head many times while holding the pills, waiting to be swallow by him.
If he wants to see doyoung then he must drink the pills right?
A question yedam asked to himself, answer not found.
He made a mess and he knows it. Only doyoung can fix him but where is he?
Drink so that you can see the love of your life.
Yedam fought himself, looking for answers yet answer is nowhere to be found.
It's been 3 hours since he left the hospital and the doctors must have informed his parents already that he's missing.
Escape reality and live with my imagination?
If I'm to choose my own path, why is it hard?
kring ! kring ! kring !
Yedam reached his alarm clock and turned it off.
"What a beautiful day!"he exclaimed and went off to his bed and took a bath.
It's been years now and he's now a successful professor. He thank his parents all the time for saving him, with the love and support of his parents he was able to get through with everything.
He arrived school and he felt relieved since he arrived quite early.
Some students greeted him and he greeted them back with a smile. Just a smile can save one person who had a bad morning.
He went inside the faculty room and sat on his chair. He then turned on his laptop to prepare slides.
"Good Morning Yedam"keita said and he greeted him back. Keita and him are best friends ever since they saw each other when they took an entrance exam they got along with each other.
An hour later, he heard keita sigh. He then turn around to see what happen. He saw keita checking some test papers.
"What is it?"he asked.
"Well, a student of mine is having a hard time in math but that's not all he clearly doesn't follow instructions"keita said and took off his glasses to massage his nose bridge.
"I mean math is kinda hard"yedam said while typing some words to discuss later in his class.
"I know...well I think he's in your class too"keita added and then marked the paper with his red pen.
"I don't remember having new students"he said while looking at keita. He's kind of curious about this student, he might prepare a little more understandable slides for that student.
"That's because you're not checking your email duh"keita said and laugh a little.
"That's because I'm busy duh"yedam retorted and rolled his eyes at him and keita just laughed at him. dimwit
"Well..his name is
"Doyoung, Kim Doyoung"
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