25. Bars

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"She gets a painkiller every four hours. Muscle rub is in the bag, it goes on her knee, when you apply be very careful or she will try to kill you. Now, she gets nauseous if she doesn't eat when taking her mdicene, uh, ice every hour. She has crutches, but she is stubborn and don't use them, and-"

Hunter smacked Shawn upside the head to get him to shut up while Jeff just looked at him like he was mental. "Dude, Adri is a grown ass woman. She really doesn't need us to watch her, we only came to get you to go back Diesel tonight" Hunter snapped at him.

Shawn frowned before looking at me, I smirked at him just like he would me, he walked forward and grabbed my head in his hands before giving me a quick kiss.

Jeff smiled "Does she heed to be kissed every thirty minutes? 'Cause I can do that" he told Shawn, Hunter and me laughed while, Shawn glared at Jeff.

"No. Thats my job and only mine" he told him before letting go of me and walking towards the door, he looked back at me and hesitated "Take care of my girl."

Hunter flopped down on Shawn's bed and put his arms behind his head as the door closed, I reached to the side table and gabebd my coke as I changed the TV.

Jeff got on the bed with Hunter and laid back too as I found a movie on TV, I left it on the Outsiders.

We talked and finished the movie, I sighed and shook my head "Okay, since my run in with Owen, Shawn has kept me locked up in this room. I want to go out and see Chicago."

Jeff ad Hunt looked at each other with a grin "Well, we got two hours until the match comes on TV, wanna go eat something?" Jeff said, I raised a eyebrow.

"Depends on where we are going."

"Its a surprise" Hunter said with a smirk.


"Where are we?"

A blinking blue sign read Bar & Grill. I looked at Hunt and scowled "What? Is this the best place you could find?" I asked him as Jeff stared at the sign wide eyed and jumped when something went bang in the alley.

Hunter grinned "Come on, I used to sneak into these things back home so me and my pals could drink. Plus, it is a Bar and Gril" he asked as he walked towards the door. I stared after him before following.

He opened the door and walked in, I walked up to it and shoved it open with Jeff right behind me, we stopped as we stepped in and the door closed behind us with a ding.

"Shit." My eyes widened at the nice bar and grill, a menu was over the bar Straight in front of us where a bartender was waiting on someone while waitresses and waiters served food from the kitchen, I looked around at the TV's, tables and booths. A sign saying restroom pointed down a hallway.

Scary movie right there waiting to happen folks.

"Oui baby" Jeff said as he stared at women in short skirts and low cut tops, some were talking to other women, guys or sitting at the bar drinking alone. Hunter smiled as he motioned to a booth and went to order some drinks. Me and Jeff looked at each other before stepping towards the booth and sitting down, he looked around at the women surrounding him with a smirk "I see three lucky ladies that could be worth my time."

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window of the booth to see the moon and stars "Down boy. Put your tongue back in your mouth" I said making him smile at me.

Hunter returned with him and Jeff some alcohol and handed me a simple soda, I kept moving my leg from the stupid brace I was having to wear, it was uncomfortable and awkward.

Footsteps approached the table and I heard a "I don't know why some people think we are a five star resturaunt" before the person cleared their throat "A drink for the young woman sent by the mysterious man at the bar" the man said, Jeff reached forward the grab it, but the man put it down in front of me. I just stared at it.

Hunter laughed "Thanks. When will our food be done?" he asked the guy. The guy shrugged and simply said "In ten minutes" before walking away, we all three shurugged as I stared at the fruity drink that was right in front of me.

Jeff raised a eyebrow before looking back at the bar "Wonder which one it was" he said as he cocked his head to the side "The pretty boy one wearing shades at night inside, the one dressed in a fancy suit or the one wearing shorts."

Hunter coughed a laugh "Possibly the tattooed biker" he said, I pushed the drink away from me "I just know that if Shawn was here, he would be trying to fight him."

It wasn't long and our food was brought to us, we ate and Jeff was asked to dance while Hunter finished off his fries, he looked at me "You are being awfully quiet. Penny for your thoughts?"

I took a  long drink of coke "I was awake when you and Shawn were talking at the hospital. I know Vince is thinking about taking me out of WWF" I told him making him sigh, I looked up at him "I have been hurt many times on the count of my knee, it never stopped me at camp. I know there are many chances being a wrestler."

Hunt finished off his beer and sat it back down on the table "Kid, I know you love this. I saw your face light up seeing your first official merch on a teddy bear" he said making me smile "I will fight for you to stay with us. A lot of us will. You will not go aywhere, I promise."

I sighed and leaned back into the booth crossing my arms "I don't want anyone to get fired on the count of me" I simply said causing Hunter to frown.

Jeff sat back down and had a goofy grin "Heh, I like Chicago" he said, he had a lipstick mark, or five, on his face.

We left the bar and grill with both guys walking on either side of me, I limped as we walked to the car. Hunter unlocked the doors and looked up behind me and Jeff.


We turned and ducked as something was swung at our heads, Jeff caught ahold of the person by their throat and swung them up before bashing them into the sidewalk back first.

I stood against the car as Hunter ran over an looked down confused "Did we seriously just get attacked by a  citizen?" he asked As he srood in front of me. Then he grabbed the guy and pulled him up holding him against a power pole.

"Okay, I am going to say this as nice as I can. Where the hell did you come from?"

The guy struggled "I'm sorry. I was told it would be easy" he said and tried to shield his face from being punched "All I had to do was hurt her."

Hunter tightened his grip "Wasn't so easy, now, was it? Who hired you?" he hissed at the guy.

"None of your business."

Hunter nodded before punching the guy so hard he fell to the ground, he looked at Jeff "Help me load him into the car" he said, Jeff sighed and walked forward.

"Are we seriously kidnaping someone?" I asked, and looked at them in annoyance "This really does not surprise me, at all."

They loaded the guy into the backseat and Jeff frowned "Where am I supposed to sit?"

"Sit on him in case he wakes up, he won't go anywhere."

Jeff made a face making me smile and roll my eyes before getting up front in the passenger seat.

I have a bad feeling about this. Or my name is Adrienne Michaels, and its not.

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