2. Hotel Horror

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I smiled as I picked up a plate and followed Eddie around, I met Big Show, Booker T, Rick Flair and a couple more.

We headed to a Table where Undertaker, Kane, Shawn, Hunter, Rob VD, Matt and Jeff Hardy sat along with Rey. Eddie sat down beside Rey and I noticed the only seat left was next to Shawn and Taker.

"Hello, señorita DarkKill" Rey said causing everyone's gaze to turn to me.

I froze in spot, I was met by the eyes of all of my favorites. What was I to do? I slowly hung my messanger bag over the back of the chair and sat down with my tray of food.

Eddie noticed I looked uncomfortable "Guys, this is Adri, she is going to be with us for five months so BossMan can test her out in the ring" he said and started to dig into his food.

Jeff grinned "Hey, aren't you the girl I seen in the wrestle camp magazine? You took down two guys in one fight" he said amazed.

Matt rolled his eyes "You really need to quit with the magazines" he told Jeff and gave me a smile and a nod.

Rob gave me a nod "Nice to see a new face in this place" he said and went back to eating.

Kane looked at me in the face with curiousness "Five months? That is all he is giving her?" he asked Eddie.

Eddie nodded "That is what was said."

Taker looked down at me I felt like a munchkin off of the wizard of Oz, I looked at him in awe.

Here I was sitting by my ultimate favorite wrestler. I was looking at him like I had never seen a guy before, I was embarrassing myself by looking at him like that.

"Do I know you?" His creepy voice rang through the air. The creepy voice that told me to rest in peace years ago, the walking dead man who gold me to rest in peace when I was a kid was sitting right beside me.

"Uh, you-you met me years ago" I stuttered out and gulped "1984. I was ten, as a birthday present my dad took me to watch wrestling... It was your first match."

His eyebrows went down in confusion before his eyes widened.

"Ah, yes. I remember."

I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding in. I was relieved he remembered me.

Shawn's eyes lit up "My first debut was in 1984" he said with a grin.

Hunter smirked "I am guessing Mark is part of the reason you wanted to wrestle, right?" he asked as he took a bite of food and swallowed before looking at Shawn "Much better than this dumbass."

"Well, yeah. When I was a little kid I was a Andre the Giant fan then Ric Flair. When I was ten Taker had just started to wrestle and I was in awe."

Shawn looked down at his chicken in front of him "How long have you liked wrestling?"

"Liked? Try loved. I was born to wrestle."

Hunter put his arms on the table leaning towards us "How did you feel having to wrestle all guys in school? I heard Vincey-Boy saying that the other day" he told me.

I shrugged "It was a challenge ...and I love challenges. It makes me want more" I tried to explain as I looked at the fruit on my tray "I just enjoy getting out there."

We ate and talked, me and Taker really hit it off. It was like a dream come true, getting to talk to and sit by your role model.

After I ate I stretched my arms and shook my head "Um, anyone know of a nearby bus stop? I gotta get to my hotel" I said and crossed my arms.

"I'll take you-"

Hunter glared at Shawn who shut up "Down boy" he warned and crossed his arms before looking at me "Where are you staying?"

"The one near the school. It was all I could find."

Taker nodded "That is where I am staying. Me and Kane could drive you" he offered.

Triple H smirked "A lot of wrestlers stay there. I stay there and unfortunately so does Shawn" he looked at HBK who winked at me.

"We can protect you from pretty boy" Rob said with a laugh, HBK just glared at him while everyone laughed, I just chuckled.

"Okay. Well, when do we leave?"

Eddie stood up "After you get your WWF stuff Vince said to grab for you. Come on" he said, I stood up after him and dumped my plate and nodded to the guys before running after Eddie.


Walking into the hotel was weird. Why? Well let me point some stuff out.

1. I am five foot three.
2. I am walking with professional wrestlers who are taller than Me.
3. I am wearing black jeans, a Pantera shirt and black boots while they are in wrestling attire.

Think that isn't weird enough? Wait until you read about what Vince did.

"What?" I said to the woman at the counter "How can my room not be ready?"

"I am sorry, but nobody put a Adri DarkKill or Ms. Morrin into the system."

After a argument with the lady I walked to the wrestlers and decided to try to beat my head into a wall. If I could find one that nobody was looking at or leaning against...

And everyone was rooming together, The Hardy boys roomed together, as did the brother's of destruction, Shawn and Hunter then Rey and Eddie. Rob was rooming with Edge.

I sat down in a chair "My camp told Vince that I have no moolah and he said he would pay my way to get here" I said and looked up at them.

"You could room with us for tonight" Shawn offered causing Hunter to glare, Shawn frowned "What? I promise to be nice. Okay, not too nice, but you know what I mean."

Hunter rolled his eyes "Maybe she should room with the hardy boys?"

Jeff shook his head "Can't, wild party tonight" he said and fist bumped his brorher.

Hunter rolled his eyes "Alright. Shawn can get the couch and you can sleep in his bed" he told me, Shawn turned to him.

"Why don't you get the couch?"

"Because I am the one who is not trying to flirt with her... Or annoy her."

I sat on the bed looking at my lone messenger bag that held few clothes and what all Eddie gave me for WWF. I took out the World Wrestling Federation shirt and stared at it.

Hunter went down to grab some snacks while HBK was in the shower, he came out with a towel wrapped around his neck in sweatpants and no shirt, he saw what I was looking at.


I looked up and nodded to which he grinned "You get used to it" he assured me and sat on the couch rubbing the towel over his hair "Say, do you think I am a flirt?"

"Isn't that why you are called 'the heartbreak kid?' Because that is how you roll?"

He hung his hands off of his knees looking at me "So you do. Maybe I should redo my first impression" he said and tapped his index finger on his chin before grinning at me "Or do you like what you have seen so far?"

Hunter, please hurry back. I begged silently.

Listening to Shawn sing his theme was ....kind of annoying, kind of funny. The funny part was him trying to hop around the room to it while singing the first part over and over and over and over again.

I was tempted to throw a pillow at him when Hunter walked in with three bags of food, he threw one at the back of Shawn's head, who was standing in front of the window.

Hunter gently handed me mine "I am sorry for what you have had to witness while I was gone" he said and went to sit on the other bed, I chuckled.

"Hey, I wasn't that bad." Shawn sat down on the couch and looked into his bag "Man, I wanted a-"

"I got whatever they had. There was no chicken of anykind at the resturaunt I went to."

I looked on the bag and raised a eyebrow, it read McDonald's. Trying not to laugh, I glanced over at Hunter who was smiling proudly at me.

Shawn looked down in disappointment before realizing what the bag said, he looked at Hunter with a glare "Chicken Nuggets would have been good too" he said before digging in.

I opened my bag to find a chicken sandwich, a smirk was placed onto my lips a I pulled it out of the bag, I waved it at Shawn who looked in disbelief at the burger then looked at Hunter.

"I see who you love more, Hunt. I am really hurt by this."

"Shut up and eat, pretty boy."

After eating, I grabbed the pair of pajama's, soap and shampoo I had brought with me and went to the bathroom.

It was nice. I set my stuff down and tried to figure out the walk in shower, I turned the water on and got sprayed in the face, I yelled and wiped the water from my eyes.

A knock came on the door "You alright in there?" Hunter asked, I rolled my eyes at my stupidness and tried not to get angry at myself.

"I'm fine ...just got attacked by water."

I grabbed a towel and hung it up by the shower and heard "Usually what happens when you are taking a shower" from the otherside of the door, it was followed by a "Ow."

Had to of been Shawn.

I got in quick and got out as fast as I could. I put on my black sleeping pants and a regular black t-shirt before going out the door. Hunter was already in his bed while Shawn was on the couch trying to get comfortable.

Feeling kinda bad, I crossed my arms "I could take the couch. It wouldn't be a problem" I told him, he shook his head with a smile up at me.

"Nah. I will be alright. Go to bed."

With a nod, I walked to the bed and got in turning the lamp off. I closed my eyes and sighed.

In the morning I am going to give the boss a call about this, I don't want to end up being a burden to these two guys.

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