8: The Grave Danger of The Skeleton Key

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  I was standing in front of Macaque. He was dressed in more comfortable clothing, his scarf that he never took down around tied around his waist. 
  "Okay, so the first step to study these is to master the Way of Shadows. That requires an extreme amout of focus, calm and most importantly," He placed his hands in front of him, one hand's fingers perfectly lining up with the other hand's. "Balance."
  "That's easy! I already have these." I said, crossing my arms. "Why can't I do the shadowy things already?"
  "Because, green bean," He smiled. "It's not that easy. You know just as much as any other human. While my companion was taught the Way of Immortality, I was learning the Way of Shadows. It took me days to make sure I'm focusing enough. It all takes time."
  "Okay. How will we start?" I asked him. 
  "You need to-" He stopped talking, ears down, eyes widened. 
  "Uh, monkey? Macaque? You okay?" He closed his eyes and shook his head before looking back at me.

  "Of course. I'm great." He took a deep breath. "You need to find your biggest fear. Whatever you fear the most is holding you back from achieving the main goal. It can be anything basically. From spiders to getting betrayed. It doesn't really matter. You need to find the fear and then strike it down. It can't control you, you must control it."
  "Veeery motivational. How many times did you repeat that in front of the mirror?" I asked, making him laugh. 
  "It's true though! When you realize your biggest fear, you should be able to control it. You just need to focus." 
  "So it's like sewing?" I questioned. "Y'know, you need to focus when sewing to make something you want to. When you don't focus, it's hazy and will eventually fall apart."
  "You can say it like that for sure. When you're done with this, you can really easily achieve calm and with those two, balance." Macaque said and then smiled. "You have time to find out though. Don't pressure yourself, just think about what your worst fear might be."
  I nodded and sat down, criss cross (applesauce). "How long did it take you to figure out your worst fear?" 
  "My whole life I guess." He snorted. I was not amused. 
  "That wasn't funny." I mumbled. "So you still didn't figure it out?" 
  "I did."

  I was looking at him, puzzled. "Are you willing to explain this?"
  "Hmm," He then patted my head. "No. You can figure it out." I groaned. 
  "Can I still see others while thinking?" I asked. "Maybe people like MK or Mei will help more than you."
  He laughed. "If you think that, sure! You can see your friends and leave your poor dad all alone."
  "Stop, we already talked about this!" I groaned, making him snort. 
  "Oh, but it still very much hurts!" Macaque smiled. "Just go. You're an adult, capable of making your own decisions. If you think friends will help you with focus, you can go to them. But I'm always here if you need any help with it."
  I smiled back. "Thanks, monkey man."

  We all know how it went down. I changed into something better and got on my way to Pigsy's Noodles. I mean, MK's usually there. And if he isn't there, he's delivering some noodles. And when he's delivering noodles, Mei usually comes around to ask where's MK.
  I got there just to see some guy giving MK some key. So many random things happening today. Mei was going crazy over it and I chuckled at it, slowly and quietly sitting on a free hair. I didn't want to interrupt whatever the hell was happening. Long story short, the random guy, who said is the mayor (?) gave MK a key that's able to open anything, Mei was being a puppy person, and the 'mayor' was being a weirdo. Yeah, Mei's the most relatable one. 
  "Hm. I'm starting to think.. that's maybe not the mayor." Mei said when the 'mayor' has disappeared in a bluish cloud. "Oh, hey Morro!" 

  "Hi." I waved. MK gave me a quick glance before looking back at the key. 
  "Wow. A key that can open anything.." He mumbled and then looked at Mei, both of them smiling. "You know what that means?"
  "Let's not." I nervously said, looking at the weird thing in his hands. "It can be... dangerous. That guy was weird."
  "Dangerous? Please, Morro! It'll only be one day. What can possibly go wrong in one day?" Mei grinned at me.
  "A lot of things. For example, MK got his staff and saved the whole city in one day." I raised my eyebrow at her. 
  "We're responsible enough. We'll make sure nothing goes wrong." 

  It, in fact, did go wrong. While they were enjoying their day, I was a nervous wreck, walking silently behind them. After MK achieved nirvana or whatever because of the key, he got an awesome and absolutely not horrible idea. 
  "Ok, Mei, Morro, hear me out. We knew the key could magically unlock anything. But maybe..." MK said, sounding incredibly proud of himself. "It can also magically lock anything too!"
  "You've literally just described all keys." Mei replied, making MK look at her.
  "It kind of is the definition of every key." I added. 
  "Sure, yeah, fine..." MK muttered before looking back at the key. "But do you know what this means? Having this key, this power... it's so much responsibility. But I know what we need to do."
  "Oh, give it back to that weird guy and never talk about it again?" I smiled.

  When we found ourselves in front of the Pigsy's Noodles, I was frowning. 
  "Are we seriously going to lock doors into Pigsy's shop?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at the two. 
  "I mean, yeah." MK said, locking the door. "Don't worry, it's gonna be fun! Relax a little, you're so tense all day."
  "I'm not!" I defensively replied. "I'm just saying, Pigsy's going to kill us when he finds out!" 
  "He won't. Really, Morro, don't think too hard about it. Just let us do the locking part and then have fun with us!" Mei said, smiling, trying to be supportive I guess. I took a deep breath and nodded, trying to stay calm. They locked both front and back doors and then, we all climbed up on MK's balcony for Pigsy not to see us. We waited for a little while, before we heard Pigsy's angry and frustrated grunting and then slamming into the back door to open them. 
  "Let me in!" He yelled and then repeated it again. "Who's in there?! Let me into my noodle shop!"
  He started yelling in frustration. I snorted at that while the the two next to me laughed silently.
  "Ah, I wish we had this key all the time!" MK said, smiling and holding the said key. "I don't think I've had this much fun in... forever." 

  And that's when it went wrong. A fire blast threw us off MK's balcony, also creating a huge hole in MK's apartment. I opened my eyes on the ground and looked at the figure who made us fall.  
  "Noodle boy!" The person shouted. Or more like, the demon shouted. "Finally!"
  "What are you doing in MK's house?!" Mei asked, quickly getting up. That made MK stand up as well, with me soon after. 
  "You better not have touched my stuff!" 
  "Yeah, get out now!" 
  "Do you know how long I've been waiting here for you?! Your house is..." Red Son shuddered. "Depressing! I almost feel bad taking things from you. But, I am going to need that magic key."

  With their fire powers, he made the key come to him. 
  "Hey!" I shouted. 
  "So long, Noodle boy!" Red Son started laughing, fire-teleported into his vehicle and went away.
  "Oh no! The key!" MK shouted. Mei looked at the way for a short second before whistling and then jumping into her own vehicle, quickly going away. 
  "Wait! For us!" MK said, but it was too late. He looked frustrated for a second. "No, Mei, It's all good. We definitely don't want a ride. It's totally fiiine."

  I snorted, putting an arm around his waist. "Hold on tight."
  "Wait, what are you-" I cut him off by using my wind powers to quickly go after Red Son and Mei. MK wrapped his hands around my neck and screeched. "WARN ME MORE NEXT TIME!"
   I laughed a little, losing focus. "I can only try!" 
  MK looked at me in pure panic. "Morro, the wall."
  "MORRO, THE WALL!" I looked away from him and noticed the wall he was talking about. The wall we were... getting dangerously close to- 
  We slammed into the wall. I put my hands on my head, groaning in pain. 
  "Hey, are you hurt?" MK quickly and nervously asked, getting up and grunting. I shook my head. 
  "No. It just... hurts a little, that is all." I said. He offered me hand and I took it, getting up as well. 
  "We'll take a look at that in the shop, okay? Let's just... travel with my staff. To not slam into a wall again." I nervously chuckled at that. 
  "Okay." He took out his staff (I never really got from where. From his ear?? Does it hurt? I should ask him), grabbed my hand and used his staff to travel through the city. I was holding tightly onto him, suddenly understanding why was he so nervous about being in the air with only me to hold onto. I was trying very hard not to look down, but it only ended up with me closing my eyes. 

  I opened them only when MK's hand slipped on my waist and the staff started widening. I saw MK smashing Red Son's vehicle. Red Son fell out of it, losing the key. Once we were both on the ground, MK took the key. 
  "So, looks like you've reached the end of the line, Red Son." MK said, smirking. "What were you even gonna do with this thing anyway?"
  "Why spoil the surprise?" A new, feminine voice asked. We all looked at a graceful looking woman standing on one smaller building. "Now and the key over and quit wasting my time."
  The two of them looked at eachother before striking at the woman. My vision got blurry, but I could see Red Son standing up and going to me. I closed my eyes and opened them again, getting ready to fight. But instead of fighting, Red Son stopped in front of me. 
  "Are you fine?" 
  "Huh? What? I thought.. you were gonna fight me?" I asked, confused. 
  "I'm a demon, not a monster." They scoffed. "I can see you're hurt, breezy boy. And since you offered to help me last time, I'm offering you the same."
  "No... I'll be fine." I said, trying to shook the dizziness off. "Thanks, though."

  He scoffed and looked back at the fight between my friends and the woman. I tried to move and help them, but once I took a step, I almost fell. Red Son took my arm to support me. 
  "Huh?" I looked at him. "Thank you?"

  They rolled his eyes before looking at how are my friends thrown on a wall behind us. The key fell out of MK's jacket. Red Son let me go and quickly hurried to take the key. My eyes widened and I made a quick swift motion with my arm, making the wind move the key away before Red Son could grab it. My vision was getting more blurry, but I couldn't care less. He tried to take it again but I kicked him in the calf and quickly took the key instead. With my free hand, I was making quick motions to fight with my wind instead of my hands. My hands were kinda... preoccupied. I gave a quick glance to the woman, who was looking at me. Or maybe the key in my hand. Who knows. 
  "Ugh, stop it! You're getting annoying!" Red Son shouted, peeved. My vision became too blurry, I had to close my eyes to make it go away. He took it as an opportunity and kicked the key out of my hand. I opened my eyes and panicked. I looked over at my friends, with MK helping Mei up and making sure she's alright. Then, I looked at Red Son who took the key and ran to the woman. 
  "Come, Red Son." The woman said, lowering herself on the pavement. She was still looking at me. "We have things to do."
  "Thanks for the key, losers!" Red Son shouted at us. Then, they teleported away through the wind. I could feel it, almost. 

I looked back at my friends. 
  "Did they get away with the key?" Mei asked, looking at  me. I shuddered. 
  "Yeah.." I said, rubbing my neck and feeling dizzy again. 
  "But what I can't figure out is... why?" 
  "A key that can open any door is incredibly dangerous..." Mei muttered. " We have to keep out guard up!" 
  "Finally, someone listens!" I shouted, before actually falling on the ground and my consciousness kind of, dying. 


I woke up in the shop. I could see Mei sitting next to me, nervously fiddling with her fingers. MK was somewhere else. 
  "Morro! I was so afraid we'll actually have to call a professional... thanks the Heaven you're okay!" She said, giving me some note. 
  "Huh? What is that?"
  "I don't know. It just showed up on you when I came back from the toilet. I thought, maybe you had it already in your pocket and it just fell out or something." She answered. I sat up and started reading the note. 

Hey, Morro!
I've heard what happened. Don't force yourself, and be careful next time! When you come home, I won't be there. I'll make sure you have fresh dinner when you come back, though.
Love, dad;)

  I snorted. 
  "It's from dad." I smiled at Mei. She smiled back.
  "Oh! What's written there?" She asked, leaning closer to me. 
  "Nothing important, really. Just some parenting stuff." I replied, putting the note aside. "Where's MK?" 
  "He's upstairs. He thought about bringing some of his pillows down here for you." She said. "But he's been upstairs for, like, fifteen minutes now for some reason?"
  I chuckled. "Maybe it's a lot of pillows." Then, I remembered the key. I shuddered at the mere thought about it. What could Red Son possibly want to do with that thing?

  I looked at Mei. "What are we gonna do about the situation?"
  "Only keep our guard up," She shrugged. "I guess."

A/N: Hii! Another chapter!! It's the last day of summer break for me, and I really wanted to post this before everything goes down. The Macaque episode is going to be WILD. Extremely angsty and all. 
I wanted to include Sun Yue in this, but in the middle of writing, I forgot how so I, just, let her be. Her time comes soon enough. 
However, I made this little thing for the next chapter! Because I'm really excited to write it!!

Thank you for reading this story and this chapter! If you find any mistake, feel free to comment about it and I'll correct it as soon as possible. 
Love every single one of you, 

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