Oh Hello

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At last a week had finally dragged by. I woke up at 5 am, too excited to sleep in, and immediately ran into Eric's room.

"Eric! Wake up, we're leaving today!" I cried eagerly.

He let out a groan, lifting his head from his pillow. 

"Y/N, wh-what time is it?" he yawned, squinting at me. 

"Oh...um, 5?" I said sheepishly. 

He shook his head, immediately burying his face back in his pillows. 

"Wake me up again in three hours. We'll leave at nine," he mumbled. 

"Fineeee," I grumbled, shutting the door to his room.

I spent the next three hours triple checking I had packed everything I needed waiting desperately for him to wake up.

Finally he shuffled out of his room with a yawn, running a hand through his hair. 

"Lemme get some breakfast and get showered, then we can head out to the airport," he said.

"Alright!" I said with a smile. 

At last he had gotten ready and put our suitcases in the trunk of his car.

"Bye sweetheart! Listen to your brother and don't get into trouble!" Mom said, giving me a hug and a kiss. 

"Bye Mom, bye Dad!" I said, hugging both of them.

Eric said his goodbyes too and at last we finally headed off. He spent most of the drive lecturing me on making certain I didn't get in trouble and following the rules he put in place for me. I just nodded and agreed, too eager to finally be going on tour to want to upset him. 

We reached the airport and he led me to the private jet. I lugged my suitcase up the stairs into the plane, doing my best to shove it into the overhead compartment, but my short size wasn't making it any easier.

"Here, let me get that for you," a voice said, taking my suitcase from my hands and putting it in the overhead bin for me. 

I turned around to see who had come to my rescue before feeling my heart stop. 

Now I had seen Bruce Kulick several times before, performing at shows and on TV interviews, but I had never seen him in person, at least not this close. He gave me a gentle smile, crinkling his beautiful deep chocolate eyes, and I felt like melting.

"Oh, th-thanks," I mumbled, feeling my face burning a warm pink.

"Of course! The overheads are always such a pain, especially if you're not obnoxiously tall like I am," he said with a laugh. "I'm Bruce, but I'm assuming you knew that already. You're Y/N, right? Eric's kid sister?" 

I nodded, shaking his hand. 

"That I am! It's nice to meet you, and thanks for the help," I said, hoping my voice wasn't as squeaky as it sounded to me. 

"It's really cool we're gonna have you join us on tour, Eric talks about what a great sister you are all the time. It'll be nice to finally meet you myself!" he said cheerfully, before slipping an arm around my shoulders and leading me to my seat. 

I very happily sat next to him, relieved to see he seemed to have no intention of removing his arm from around my shoulders. I did everything I could to look at him without making it obvious I was staring at him.

He was absolutely gorgeous, with his mocha eyes sparkling warmly, half-hidden behind his curly bangs that spilled over onto his forehead. The rest of his dark curly hair tumbled over his shoulders, framing his face neatly. And oh his face, with his strong jawline and defined features, accented ever so adorably by a dimple on his chin. His lips were twitched into a faint smile and looked soft, perfect for kissing, and I oh so desperately wanted to do that. 

But of course before I could even really finish the thought, Eric walked over, poking Bruce's arm with a drumstick.

"Hey, hands off my sister," he said with a grin, but his eyes were stern.

"Oh, sorry! Wasn't thinking, I just wanted to show her to her seat," he said, giving me a smile. 

"Yeah, yeah, but I'm gonna be sitting next to her," Eric said. 

With a shrug and an almost apologetic smile to me, Bruce rose to my feet.

"It was nice to meet you Y/N, I'll see you later!" he said, walking off to another part of the plane with a parting wave. 

Eric took his now empty seat, giving me a smile.

"So what do you think so far?" he asked.

I returned his smile, heart fluttering.

"It's amazing! The plane is so nice," I said.

He nodded, leaning back in his seat and closing his eyes. 

"It really is. Private planes are fantastic," he said. "Now I'm gonna take a nap since you woke me up so damn early. Don't get in trouble while I'm sleeping," he teased.

"We're on a plane, what could I possibly do?" I teased back.

He ruffled my hair affectionately.

"I'm only joking. Now shh, let me sleep!" 

I let him sleep next to me, looking at Bruce across the plane. He looked up from the book he was reading, giving me a smile, and I felt my heart melt again.

I mean surely when Eric said he didn't want me to date any of his friends he only meant the ones with more of a reputation, like Paul and especially Gene. He always talked about how sweet Bruce was, surely he wouldn't mind if I dated him!

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