Since Hunter's disappearance from the Emperor's castle, scouts had been skittering through every little alleyway in Bonesborough and, as everyone knew, the halls of Hexside. Hunter was uneasy, he didn't want to go to school, and most of all, he didn't want the twins out of his sight– ESPECIALLY Edric. When Hunter slept, which wasn't often, it was either clutching the green-haired boy tightly or sitting guard outside his bedroom, slumped against the doorframe in the hallway or near the window.
This week, Belos broadcasted a message stating that he was searching for "One Special Young Witch" to be inducted to the Emperor's Coven earlier than the scheduled entrance trials– no surprise to any of the Hexside students that had gotten to know Hunter. He wasn't exactly quiet about his life in the castle. The St. Epiderm kids had even started to hear the news of Belos' true intentions seep into their Penstagram feeds and word of mouth.
Lilith was so taken aback by Odalia's attempt to kidnap the twins for recruitment that she became completely unhinged. It didn't help that she was so distraught over knowing Hunter was so badly hurt by Belos, too.
She started making anonymous Anti-Emperor posters to hang up around Bonesborough. It wasn't much, but she was so angry that these were enough to make a person shudder from a single glance.
The list went on. Lilith was done with censoring, and she was done with the Emperor. Every time one of her posters went up, it was shortly seen burning at the edges, disintegrating from the Emperor's Coven scouts on a desperate hunt to remove all signs of what Belos called "treason" or something.
Even Eda was surprised to see such primal maternal instincts arise from her sister. Lilith was never one to be terribly protective. As kids, Eda and Lilith were close and stuck together, but it quickly became clear when they were around 15 that Eda was too "wild" for Lilith's studies, and their relationship dissolved nearly in its entirety.
That's why when Lilith suddenly went from being the president of the Hunter Hate Club to a surrogate parent to the boy, Eda was taken aback.
Even as fear started to rise and bubble over in town, there was a little glimmer of hope among the Hexside students: Grom was in only four days, and spirits were high and light for a change.
Edric woke up on a Monday morning, feeling refreshed from the weekend and a REALLY great sleep. He hadn't noticed how poorly he had been sleeping until he started sleeping at the Owl House. Blight Manor was anything but a restful place, but there was something so comforting about the disheveled nature of the Owl House. It was nothing like the sparkling cleanliness of his childhood home, but Edric appreciated the messes and the gross things crawling in the corners. Perhaps he even started to grow fond of them.
And then there was Hunter, who was practically strangling him, still asleep. His arms were wound tightly around Ed's neck. Even in this strong grip, Ed still had his hands free to move about, and he combed his fingers through Hunter's hair.
There was no sleep quite like one next to Hunter, and Ed thought maybe he couldn't sleep alone ever again after this. Whatever "after this" meant. He thought of the few lovers come and gone in the few years now of his teen life, and Edric assumed Hunter would have to be a person of his past at some point.
For the first time, though, the thought of someone leaving him made his eyes sting with tears.
The blonde boy stirred, as if on command to soothe the green-haired boy. He twisted softly, loosening his arms and propping himself on one elbow, the other lightly stroking Hunter's cheek. Right over his scar.
Hunter's eyes were still closed, and perhaps he wasn't even awake yet. At least he looked at peace for a change. Calm.
Ed couldn't resist: he nestled his nose in the crook of Hunter's neck and took a deep breath in, inhaling.
Hunter smelled so good, it was almost addicting. Edric loved the constant reminders of Hunter when they weren't together. His scent always lingered on his clothes or on his arms or on his jacket after a hug, so whatever the Emperor's Coven put in his soap, Edric wanted a lifetime supply of it.
"Mmph... you're being weird again."
Edric twitched in surprise, unaware that Hunter had woken up while he was buried in his shoulder.
As Hunter stood from his bed and stepped across the hall to the bathroom, Edric could only think about how badly he wanted to tell him that he was in love, and Hunter could never be gross. Maybe those two facts meant the same thing.
"Luz, are you going to ask Amity to Grom?"
"Willow, I think you and Gus should go as friend dates! It'd be such a power move!"
"Viney! I'm so excited to see the suit you bought!"
Words of Grom were buzzing throughout the school. It was hard to concentrate in class, especially for the three older witches.
Em, Ed, and Hunter were sitting in the hallway, crouched in one of their usual hiding spots because they could not be bothered to attend Advanced Runes on a Monday morning. Plus, since Principal Bump knew of the three's certain misfortunes, the staff was a little more lenient, and the trio was definitely taking advantage of that.
Emira had even more ideas.
"Hey guys, you won't believe what Viney and I got a hold of." she giggled as she dug around in her bag. Viney patted her lap in anticipation.
Ed and Hunter cocked their heads to the side as she revealed a small tin, but Ed was soon in the loop. His mouth opened slightly and he exhaled a little laugh.
"No way, you did not–"
Em laughed again and nodded proudly. "Yup, sure did."
Hunter was confused. "What is that?" It looked like just a little plain box to him.
Ed patted his boyfriend's shoulder. "That, Blondie, is the finest that Boonesborough's sketchy alleyways has to offer: dried extravagant flower petals."
The blonde didn't say anything. He just nodded to seem like he knew what was going on.
"Hunter, it's drugs. We're going to get high on Grom night." Em explained.
Admittedly, Hunter was really excited to attend the dance and the fight, but he was secretly hoping his experience could be amplified by Edric asking him formally. He thought it would be so sweet if he got a note or a flower or even just the simple question, "will you go to Grom with me?" sealed with a kiss.
Hunter was just dreaming, though. They were already dating, so it was safe to assume they'd be going together automatically.
Not like he couldn't have fun with it all, though.
"Oh, I'd love to find out, but too bad I don't have a date." Hunter said with a swoon to his voice.
Em's jaw dropped humorously. "Ooh, BURN!" she said with a laugh. Ed turned a bright red and gave them a sheepish smile.
Then, she stood up and brushed off her tunic. "All right guys, speaking of Viney, I've got to help her sneak out of detention. Catch you at lunch!"
She ran off, her boots lightly tapping against the stone floors, leaving Ed and Hunter alone in the dark corridor. He turned to look at the greenette, who was still bright red.
"Nice face, Red." Hunter said with a smile. He stood up, brushing off the front of his school uniform.
"Shut up!" He exclaimed, leaping to his feet. "You're the one who called me out!"
Hunter leaned in close, leaving their faces just inches apart.
"Make me." he whispered, and Edric gasped.
Memory of the night a few weeks before flashed through his mind, where they were so close to something but Edric pulled away. Hunter remembered being so upset and turned right off when he said "in due time, Blondie," but they had no time to be alone since then, and even if they were, they weren't really in a kissing mood.
Well, now, Hunter was VERY MUCH in a kissing mood.
Edric closed the oh-so-tiny space between them by pressing his shorter boyfriend gently against the wall, grabbing his chin and kissing him deeply. Hunter wasn't so gentle, though. The pent up energy of being lost and found and separated and connected all over again was finally ready to explode inside him. He kissed Ed so passionately, Edric nearly stumbled over his own feet.
"I want you closer... so much closer." Hunter mumbled into Edric's lips, pulling him in so their chests touched.
"Hey," Edric finally whispered between kisses. Hunter quickly backed off.
"Hey," He panted, "are you okay? Is something wrong?" He asked with concern.
Ed reached out to hold the back of Hunter's neck and shook his own head. "No, I'm okay. I just wanted to get your attention." He paused and laughed. "Titan, you are too sweet. I love... that you care about me so much."
Wrong time.
Hunter closed his eyes and leaned into Edric's hand, the slightest smile on his lips. "Well I love that you noticed. I really do care about you, Ed."
He smiled at the blonde.
"Anyway, I was going to ask if you were serious about wanting a date to Grom. I want you to know that I didn't do some big gesture because I wanted it to be a little more private, and I also wasn't sure if you wanted to go to such a big event since things have been... less than safe."
Ed continued, his gaze softening.
"You deserve to go to Grom in peace. So hopefully by keeping it off Penstagram somehow, you'll be a little less watched, if that makes sense. I hope that's okay."
Edric slid his hands down to meet Hunter's, their fingers lacing together gently.
"So, Hunter, would you go to Grom with me?"
As soon as the words left Edric's mouth, Hunter became a new boy. He was nearly giddy to be asked such a question.
"I'd love to." He beamed. In fact, Hunter smiled so widely that Edric thought he would go blind. But. truthfully, if Hunter would smile like that forever at the cost of him going blind, he'd happily give up his sight and then some.
Fuck it. Right time.
"Hunter, I love you."
And so went the beams of sunshine that were Hunter's smile. In a flash, his mouth closed and his expression fell.
"You love me?" he whispered. Ed could barely hear it.
Nervously, he nodded in response. He made sure to not look nervous, though, he just smiled at Hunter sofly.
Hunter closed his eyes, a tear rolling down his cheek. He whispered again, even more quietly than before:
Are you sure?
The same words he asked Edric the time he asked Hunter to be his boyfriend.
Ed's heart broke at that. Not for the idea that maybe Hunter didn't feel the same way, but it broke for the fact that Hunter had never experienced even the love of friendship before age 16, much less the romantic kind.
Ed sat back down, inviting Hunter to join him. Once they were both sitting, he put a hand on Hunter's knee and stroked his thumb back and forth, slowly.
"Of course I'm sure. I haven't felt very sure about many things lately, but this is one that I could never doubt. I surely love you."
Hunter giggled, wiping his eyes. "I surely love you, too. Very surely."
A veil of relief fell over the two boys as they hugged tightly, and Edric tucked his face into his neck to breathe deeply.
"You're right, you smell a lot better now." He mumbled into Hunter's shoulder.
"You dumb nerd!" Hunter laughed, and suddenly they were kissing again. It was fast, urgent, like they needed to kiss right now or they would pass out.
Hunter grabbed the collar of Ed's tunic, pulling his head closer to his own. Ed put one hand back on the back of Hunter's neck and the other on his shoulder, leaning in as closely as he could to the blonde.
Hunter dipped his head down to kiss Ed's neck, and he gasped a little as Edric lightly gripped the longer hairs on the back of his head. In response, he climbed over Ed's legs to straddle him, and kissed Ed's lips one more time before kissing his neck again.
Edric had been sexually involved with several of his peers at that point, all of which had kissed his neck before Hunter did. Having his neck kissed then was more like a segue into something else, just a connector from one thing to another.
Having his neck kissed now was... it was sex in itself. He'd never do anything else again if he had to. He found himself totally dazed as he relished in Hunter's exploring: to his ears, to his collarbone, never missing a square inch of him. Occasionally, Hunter would lift up to kiss him on the mouth, leaving behind just enough of a taste of him to tide Ed over until he came back again.
When it felt particularly good, Ed would grab Hunter's hair more tightly for a moment, which Hunter obviously enjoyed. He'd hum little affirmatives and smile into Ed, whether it was his neck or his cheek or his mouth.
Edric's mind started to go places that weren't appropriate for school, as if whatever they were doing was any more appropriate. He thought of Hunter in ways he hadn't yet. Not with the amount of stress they'd been under.
But once Hunter had kissed him like that, Ed caved. He was moments away from switching places with Hunter to make some of those thoughts a material reality when the bell screamed, pulling them both out of their heavy trances suddenly.
The boys quickly stood up, the moment gone. They might have been interrupted, but the tension remained thick between them, dilated eyes and all.
Hunter looked Ed up and down, at his sexy, handsome boyfriend. His green locks were sticking out in all directions now, but somehow they fell in the perfect way to look effortlessly cute on him.
"Nice hair," he laughed.
"Thanks," Ed replied while combing it down with his fingers, "Just got back from the Blondie Salon."
He winked at Hunter.
Hunter's heart sped up and his cheeks flushed red.
Ed turned to start walking down the hallway.
"You have Healing now, right? It's on my way to Illusions. I'll walk you there." He said to Hunter nonchalantly.
Hunter held his hand as they walked off towards the staircase. They didn't say anything else before they parted ways outside Hunter's classroom.
"I'll see you at lunch. I surely love you." Edric said.
Hunter smiled softly. "I love you."
Surprise? Y'all better thank my friend- they Fr begged me- AND I MEAN BEGGEDD me to add another chapter to this fic- ofc they helped me write most of it heh- they didn't want me to say their name but y'all Fr better say thank you in the comments cuz you guys would still be starving for content if it weren't for them 😭😭 anyways I hope u enjoyed🫶🫶
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