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"Hey, hey, hey! Wake up!" You felt a hand repeatedly slap your face. You let out one last snore before opening your eyes.

"W-whurr?" You slurred while you wipe the drool off your face. Suddenly a sharp and powerful nudge to your ribs made you yell in pain.

"Your highschool friend is here! Stop cleaning the kitchen!" Tony grabbed you by the collar and shook you. You jolted yourself awake.

"W-what!? It's five a.m already!?" You half-yelled.

"It's damn eleven in the morning. The shooting for the first scene is done, now dude's lookin' for ya."

"N-now!?" You stuttered.

"Yes now! Get yer ass out to the cafe! He's waiting there." He pushed you to the exit. You held onto the doorframe.

"No wait! I'm not ready yet! What the hell is he doin here!? Ain't he supposta be filmin a sex scene with a spider or something!?" You struggled against Tony's push.

"He's on his lunch break, now get the hell out!" With a sudden burst of energy, He lifted you up above his head and kicked the doors open.

Lanette looked up from his phone, alarmed. His eyes widened at your current position, he stood up from his chair, ready to intervene.

"Whoa! Tony, what the hell—"


He hurled you forwards like a javelin. You were flung far enough to crash against a chair, you were just inches away from hitting Lanette like a missle.

"Argh..." you rubbed your head, trying to soothe the pain. Lanette was in utter shock, he froze on the spot, staring at you with his hand covering his mouth. You touched the area under your nose, blood stained your fingertips.

"Whoops! Sorry!" Tony yelled out from the kitchen.

You gritted your teeth and got up, cracking your knuckles and twisted your neck to relieve tension, completely forgetting about the long haired male.

"So that's how you wanna play, huh?" You grumbled, taking the backrest of the broken chair with you to the kitchen door. You knocked on it, soon it was opened by Tony.


You smashed the backrest across his face. The force was so powerful that it threw him to the side.

"Now we're even, little bitch!" You spat at him. Blood from his nose were soaked by his bushy moustache, he hissed in pain as he sits upright.

"What in the world is goin' on here!?" Mike bursts into the cafe with Linda, Karen and a few bodyguards.

"He started it!" You pointed at the male on the ground.

"(y/n)'s just a pussy! The crash doesn't even hurt that much!" Tony retorted. Your tired eyes widened at him.

"A pussy!? Let me throw you like a damn dodgeball and let's see who's the real pussy—"

"(Y/n)! Tony! This is not the time to be roughhousing. Have you forgotten about our special guest here?!" Linda scolded both of you.

You and Tony adjusted your heads to look at a stunned Lanette.

"ARGH!" Both of you simultaneously screamed. Lanette blinked twice in disbelief.

"Get up! Get up!" You harshly yanked Tony's arm up.

"I am, ya jerk!" He hissed.

"Dumbass!" You smacked his head.

"The hell was that for!?" He smacked yours. Soon, both of you started hitting each other's heads back and forth.

"Hey, hey, HEY! Enough, you two!" Mike grabbed you and Tony by the back of the shirt, making space between the both of you.

You panted for air and so did he, you and the male with the impressive moustache glared at each other.

"I-I'm sorry, mister Lanette. They're always like this, fighting with eachother. Please excuse them." While Mike is distracted, Tony took the opportunity to slap you on the face. He sneered at you as you flipped the bird on him and kick his shin.

"Ow! (Y/n), you cunt!"

"You're an Asshole, Tony!"

"Enough! Damn it!" Mike reprimanded. But the bickering between you and Tony did not reduce.

"Tony, I'll beat you to death. I swear on my pet fish's grave." You pointed your index finger at him.

"I'd like to see you try, dehydrated shrimp!" He snarled.

"I'd like to speak with (y/n), privately." All heads turn to the new speaker, Lanette. He's crossing his arms across his chest.

"Please." He continued, his face is now unreadable.

Tony quickly lets go of your neck and you let go of his. You stuck your tongue out at him while he gave you a stink eye.

"Enough, oh my god." Mike sounded so exhausted. Linda and Karen dragged Tony by the ear.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow-" you turned your head to look at Tony's departing form. He silently mouthed an "I'm sorry." And mouthed an additional "bitch.".

You showed him your middle finger.

Meanwhile, Lanette watch the rest of the scene unfold with a hand covering his gaping mouth.

A/n: this chapter is inspired by the "first annual crackhead throwing competition" on youtube

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