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The situation with Caecilius has gotten so bad that Lanette had to build up extra fences to prevent trucks and trucks of gifts coming in. Somehow, the blond managed to contact you through Lanette's wifi-connected television.

You had a few severe panic attacks over this, you would lock yourself in your bedroom and shiver, sweat and hyperventilate under your sheets. You stayed away from all electronics and Lanette, you did NOT want to see the world's reaction to this.

The long haired celebrity didn't get the message that you wanted to be alone. He would just enter using his spare keys and hold you in his arms. Lanette thought that it calms you down, but no. It only made it worse.

You would cry until your voice becomes hoarse, gasp for air, shake like a leaf— all that while tightly bundled in his arms.

You wanted to phone your friends from Motel Motel, but Caecilius's cyberattacks made it impossible to access anything! You don't understand how was he able to carry out these.

Lanette was calm and composed the entire time. He has faced this before and now he has experience on what to do. However, he never considered the fact that this is your first time going through...these.

"Argh! Make it stop!" You screamed when you hear Lanette's phone vibrate in his pocket. The male sighed as he took it out and turned it off, he can't believe that he has to get a fifth phone.

Lanette carelessly threw it onto the ground, making the screen crack. But it's still functional.

"Shh, shh... it's okay. I'm here." He wrapped his arms around you as you lie on your side, facing his chest. You curled into a ball of fear as he propped his head up with a hand.

Lanette pulled the blanket over your body and then rhythmically pat your back. His lips are pressed against the top of your head and is legs are loosely intertwined with yours.

You don't know if he's taking advantage of the situation or not, however, he spent some nights sleeping with you in the same bed. You're always the 'little spoon' while he's the 'big spoon'. You hated this, but you felt... somewhat safer? With Lanette?

Maybe you're not in your right mind. Tony, Mike, Linda and Karen should set your mind straight. But how are you going to get to them? How—


Lanette smiled in relief when you finally calmed down. Your breaths aren't irregular and you stopped shaking.

Lanette continued to affectionately touch you as you bury your head in his chest. The gears in your head started turning.

"What am I afraid of?" You wondered to yourself.

"Caecilius isn't going after my head, he isn't trying to kill me. He's just givin' me a shit ton of calls and messages." You furrowed your eyebrows as you slowly regain your 'consciousness'.

"There ain't nothing dangerous about the crap he sent... there is no way he can kidnap me without reaching news... so, what the hell am I so afraid of?" You silently questioned yourself.

"He doesn't yell at me when I answer his calls, he doesn't send me hate, he generally doesn't mean harm to me..." Then, it clicked.

"Son of a bitch..." you took a deep breath and exhaled. Realising the intimate position that you're in right now with Lanette.

Lanette was the one feeding fear into your system! You remember now, he was the one telling you horror stories about his fans stalking him. Lanette treated this like a crisis that must be avoided at all costs, he would go so far to destroy every gadget that Caecilius has contacted.

Lanette painted a terrible, terrible image of Caecilius— well, phone calling someone incessantly isn't necessarily normal but, Lanette made you see the blond as a cold-blooded, psychopatic maniac that will sexually, physically and mentally abuse you at every possible opportunity.

He painted Caecilius out to be a scary monster whereas the worst thing he did was racking up Lanette's phone bills... and maybe sent truckloads of romantic gifts every day.

Yes, what Caecilius did was... unsettling. That is an understatement— however, the public knew about this. Even if the police couldn't do anything when things become too serious, the public will definitely be a useful tool to save you from Caecilius.

If things became as bad as how Lanette described it to be.

...you have a plan to end this.

You slowly pulled away from the male. Lanette frowned a bit before attempting to bring you back to him.

"(Y/n)? What's wrong?" He cooed. You ignored him and quickly got out of bed to swipe the phone off the ground.

"(Y/n)!" Lanette attempted to snatch it away from you, but you were faster and more agile than him.

"What has gotten into you—" You turned it on, soon the ringing began. The dreaded sound bounces off the walls, echoing and making you uncomfortable.

You bolted out of the room and into the bathroom.

"(Y/n)! Wait—!" You slammed the door shut on him and locked it. You then pressed your back against the door, trying to hold it as long as you can before Lanette (possibly) breaks it down.

You wince at the feeling of his fist banging against the surface of the door.

"(Y/n)! Don't you dare answer those calls, Caecilius is a dangerous man! He will hurt you!" Lanette yelled.

You ignored him and answered a call.

"Cece." You put the phone to your ear.

"(Y/n), My sweetiekins! Oh, thank heavens. I'm so happy to hear from you again—"

"Listen, I can't—"

"(Y/n)!" Lanette exclaimed from outside. You jolted at a particularly loud crash.

"Was that Lanette?! Oh, you poor poor thing... don't worry, I'll save you from that bloody, tyrannical—"

"Listen! I can't goddamn be on line for long, I have another channel where we can talk!" You shouted into the slightly damaged gadget.

"H-huh? What—"

"Stop calling me for at least ten minutes, I need to use the phone for something else!" You continued.


"Hey, do you want to talk to me or not? Through this other 'channel', we can talk for goddamn ages. Hell! We can even meet up if we're lucky— so give me ten minutes to set up this other channel!" Before he could say another word, you hung up and promptly went to the phone's keypad.

"(Y/n), open the door!" You felt him kick the barrier between the both of you. What an intimidating and desperate display, it's as if he's not doing this for your sake but Lanette's doing this for his sake.

You dialed another familiar number and crossed your fingers, hoping that she'll pick it up before Lanette gets you.

"Pick up, pick up—"

"Hello, this is—"

"(F/n)! I'm in a damn rush right now, I'm willing to be interviewed only if Cece is there too!" You heard some rustling in (f/n)'s background.

You were too busy panicking to notice the jingle of Lanette's keys outside.

"Oh okay, shit, shit, shit... okay. When? Where? How?" She bombarded you with questions.

"Now! Call Cece and ask him for Lanette's home address, we'll do the interview there— bring as much paparazzi, fans, journalists, ambulances and even the damn police if ya can!" You wince once Lanette's fist collided against the door.

"Ain't that shit illegal!? And what the hell is goin' on at your place!? Are ya being attacked—"

"Man, what is a lawsuit compared to a hot selling story? No time to explain, just do it! Goddamn Hurry, you stupid bitch!" You screamed.

Suddenly, the door pushed open and you were dragged out by the collar. The phone dropped to the floor one last time before it becomes completely useless.

"Let me go!" You spat.

"(Y/n), no." Lanette sternly glared at you and restrained your wrists as you try to free yourself from him.

"Stop." He held you in place, letting you burn all your energy by struggling and squirming.

"Then stop treating me like a child!" You retorted.

"What did you do, huh? What did you say to him? Why won't you listen to me when I say that he's dangerous!? I'm doing everything for your own good and you're not even appreciating that!" He scolded.

"Not this damn talk again..." you mumbled as you twisted your body, trying to wriggle free from his hands.

"I'm trying my best to keep you safe, stop putting yourself in danger— don't you know it breaks my heart to see you in pain?! Caecilius WILL hurt you! He will stop at nothing to break you! I don't want you to go through what I did, stop inviting trouble!" He raised his voice, tears rushed out of his tired, blue eyes.

"I'm gonna say this once, your experiences are different from mine. You scared the crap out of me for nothin, he ain't no piece of shit. You are!" Your harsh words stabbed through Lanette's already severely bruised heart.

"(Y-y/n) I—"

"Look, your method of solvin' this type of situation ain't doin' nothin' for the both of us. It's time to move on to my way, old man. I'm not gonna explain how I think this is gonna work cause you obviously you're too stubborn to listen." You snarled, which caught him off guard. Lanette sniffled, he opened his mouth to say something but you immediately cut him off.

"I know you, Lanette. You don't see me as a human being anymore, you see as this big dumb bitch who can't do anything for themselves. You know nothing about me, you don't care about my development at all. Keep in mind, I lived for eleven years on my own without you." You wrenched your hand free to jab him in the chest.

"You're sick, Lanette. It's pointless to hold a conversation with a dead wooden plank like you." You slapped Lanette across the face as hard as you could, at least the blow distracted the male, giving you enough time to escape his house through the front door.

Lanette cradled his cheek and stared at the floor, wide eyed in heartbreak and devastation. There are no more tears left for him to cry anymore, he's just so tired.

He just wanted you back. Lanette wanted you to be his sweet, little (y/n) again that depended on him.

The long haired male clenched his fist, Caecilius just had to ruin everything for him again.

You propelled yourself as fast as you could, letting the wind slap your face not caring what's in front of you until—



You bodyslammed onto something tall and solid. However, your head was cushioned by something... fairly soft?

"Ow, what the—!" Two strong arms wrapped around you and a mop of blond, wavy hair nuzzled against your cheek.

"(Y/n)! Oh, how I missed you, my sweetiekins..." Caecilius mumbled onto your neck. You grimace at the nickname.

"Hey, Hey, Hey!" You blocked him from slobbering kisses all over your face like an excited puppy who have finally reunited with its owner after years.

He pouted and lets out a cry when you pushed a hand against his plump lips. His large hands were still petting your head and hair.

"How did you get here so fast!?" You asked in a hushed tone while looking around.

"I-I was so excited to meet you again that... I immediately drove out of my house after receiving that call, I—" you knitted your eyebrows in concern as you saw his lower lip tremble and his round eyes getting watery. He started whimpering incoherently too.

"I missed you!" He wailed as he let out a sob. Your head was pushed against his surprisingly pillowy chest!

"Wha—" you pulled your head away only to slam it into his chest at full force, knocking the air out of his lungs.

He wheezed in pain.

"Wh-what was that for!?" Caecilius panted as he gave you a flustered glare.

"Man! What the hell!? Those are like airbags or something, ha ha!" You laughed at his reddened face.

"I can't h-help it if they're soft! Stop l-laughing!" He stuttered in embarrassment.

"Ya got a call from this gal named (f/n)?" You asked. Caecilius nodded furiously, his lovesickness returning to his brown eyes.

"I love you!" He suddenly confessed, giving you large 'puppy eyes', he's silently begging to be petted on the head or at least receive praises from you.

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.

"Okay, that was really out of the blue. Anyways, are like... the news truck here or something? How do you guys even do an official interview—" you were cut off by a hoard of camera, microphone and paper wielding people calling out to the both of you. The only thing that's keeping them from trampling over you is a fence.

They're trying to scavenge some juicy information out of you before (f/n) does.

Caecilius's face lit up.

"Come, dear. let's tell the world that you want to be with me instead of that arsehole, Lanette!" He grabbed you by the hand and gently lead you to the hoard of paparazzis.

"Wait what!?" You hissed.

"Isn't that... why you called them— and me here?" He paused in his tracks and stared at you with knitted eyebrows. Confusion was swirling in his expressive, brown eyes.

You stared back with a difficult expression on your face. You called them here so you could have a public talk with him, convincing Caecilius that you're not worth his time.

In short, you wanted to tell Caecilius and Lanette to leave you alone, on national TV. Not the best idea, but you're at your wits' end, you can't take this life anymore. You just wanted to work as a no-name employee in Motel Motel.

You couldn't care less about Lanette's feelings anymore considering the fact that he put you through all of this, but Caecilius?

Aside from his stalkerish behavior and excessive calling, he isn't necessarily a bad person. He doesn't really deserve this, he's just an unlucky fool that was pulled into this mess at the wrong place and the wrong time.

You felt guilty knowing that this will absolutely destroy him, crush his heart to bits. To be brutally rejected twice in public isn't fun at all. You do harbour love for him after talking to him for a month, but its not... romantic at all. It's entirely platonic, how are you going to tell him that? How are you going to tell the world that?

"Sweetiekins?" He brushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. He looks so happy, you pity him. He didn't have any friends that showed him a shred of human decency, of course he would act like this!

To be treated like trash by Lanette for years... he finally got out of that toxic obsession to move onto... you.

And you're going to ultimately reject this poor, bruised, love-starved, hopeless romantic.

You sobbed into your hands. You can't handle it. The guilt, the shame, the stress and the pressure. You never wanted this! You never wanted to hurt Caecilius!

"S-shit! I can't— I can't do this!" You wheezed and gasped before taking off, running to a place that hid you from the cameras. The blond followed you with concern on his face.

You cried, letting your frustrations out.

"(Y/n)..." Caecilius gently brought his two, soft and large hands up. Cupping your face and wiping the tears away.

"I'm sorry! I really c-can't— I never wanted to be a damn celebrity, that son of a bitch pulled me into this shitstorm and now you're in it too!" Caecilius frowned.

"I feel like I'm goddamn tied up, I can't do anything without gettin' bitten in the ass! I— I don't want this shit, I really can't return your feelings cause I don't feel the same way—but I, I don't want to shit on your mood! I don't know what to do!" You half-yelled. Caecilius somewhat had the message delivered to him and it hurts. But he understands.

A stray tear of anguish rolled down his cheek as he gave you a sad smile. He is obviously rejected once again.

"(Y/n)... it's okay. I under...stand..." his voice cracked as more tears rush out.

"...It hurts. But it's your choice a-and feelings." He continued, you silently rested your face in his hands.

"It doesn't change the fact that I love you and I won't give up pursuing your heart. Rest assured, I won't...use the same, dirty blackmail tactic like how Lanette did." Caecilius softly chuckled. It sounded forced and strained.

"It's up to you. This is your voice— though, I was really hoping that you'd publicly accept my love for you, haha." Caecilius gulped and wiped his tears away.

"I'll still call and text you whenever I can. I'll still send you gifts and you're always welcomed to my home. I won't abandon you no matter what you do or say— I'll always be there for you, because you were there for me first." His shoulders drooped in disappointment over your rejection.

A nervous giggle left Caecilius's lips. "But in the end, it's your choice to accept my romantic gestures... and it's also my choice to stop or continue it. I'll choose to go on until you finally accept me one day." He gave both of your hands a comforting squeeze.

You sniffled.

"Don't cry, I'm not upset— well, maybe I'm a little sad over your rejection... but, I still love you dearly." Caecilius pulled you into a tight embrace. You rested your head on his fluffy chest.

You sobbed, it's muffled by his body.

You returned the hug and began composing what you want or need to say in your mind.

Caecilius stroked your hair with his fingers, his hot tears dripped onto your head.

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