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You cupped your ear with a hand during the whole ride back to his home. Lanette was too exhausted to lecture you or say anything anymore. Lanette sat cross legged next to you, his eyes were glued onto his phone.

You were bitter that you didn't even get to buy a packet of (your favourite type) chips.

After catching you, Lanette immediately went home, bringing you with him. He confiscated your phone and hid it away from you.

He knows a lot of things, he knows that Caecilius was there. Lanette just doesn't know why, how or have the energy to grill you about it.

Lanette's heart burns with jealousy and stung with hurt when he saw you and Caecilius exit the (f/c) cabinet in the video. The livestream was of course, recorded and it went viral as soon as both of you stepped out of Floormart.

He's upset that you're treating that pest like how you were to him eleven years ago. Talking normally, giggling with eachother, relaxed body language, fondness—

You furrowed your eyebrows when you hear him sniffle again. You pursed your lips and cover your face with the back of your hand.

"I can't even look at him WRONGLY, he's gonna raise hell. Crazy dick." You scoot away from Lanette. The celebrity started to sob, covering his mouth with his hand tightly. His blue eyes began to fill up with hot tears again.

"Stop! Stop drifting away from me! I'm trying my best here, I'm trying very hard!" He screamed through his tears, you flinched at his sudden spike in volume. It made you cover both ears now.

If you knew that small action will cause him to lash out on you, you wouldn't have done that.

"Damn it! I say something, you go batshit crazy. I don't say anything, you STILL go batshit crazy. Might as well jump out of this car then..." you grumbled.

"What does he have!? What does he have that I don't!?" He shoved the screen of his phone in your face, you squint to focus at what he wants you to see.

"Who? Cece—"

"You even have a nickname for him! Why? Why!?" He yelled in agony, you can never understand his pain, he'll never let you anyways.

"You stopped calling me 'Volcano' and you started calling that wretched dog... that! Do you know how much it HURTS!?" you wince at the sudden crack in his otherwise smooth voice. You jolted when he started gripping tightly on your sleeves.

"It's because I can't pronounce his name right! Jeez! Lanette is easy pronounce— where the hell do you get the energy to throw a damn tantrum!?" You scowled as you try to pull his hands away.

"What does it take for me to win you back!? What do you want!?"

"At this rate, I'm gonna be deaf."

"Man! I want you to shut the hell up!" You couldn't rival his shrieking.

"You're hurting me! It hurts, it hurts! Stop!" You grimace at his deranged behavior before bringing your attention to the rearview mirror. You saw the person driving the car staring at the both of you sympathetically from the mirror.

Now, where have you hear that sentence before?

"'You're hurting me, it hurts, it hurts, stop'? Hey... didn't he say the same exact shit one time I came over to his place—"

Then it clicked. You remember hearing him scream that when you walked into a scene where his mother was brutally caning him for scoring badly on his exam.

It wasn't a pretty sight to see.

"Oh come on!"

You felt a twinge of guilt, he must be really suffering to say that same exact phrase again.

But again...

"He's probably trying to guilt-trip me into buying into his shit... asshole, tryna play with my conscience like that." You narrowed your eyes at him.

You noticed a few clues on his face as to why is he acting so moody recently.

"Daaamn... he has them bags under his eyes, how many nights has he missed?"

"I just want my (y/n) back!" He screeched.

"Blibin! Can't this car go any faster!?" You started to panic, you're at your tipping point too. "Your boss is a nuclear plant waiting to blow!" You exclaimed.

It made Lanette cry harder and Blibin widened his eyes in alarm.

"T-there's still an hour to go, (y/n)."

"A whole damn hour with him!?" You pointed at Lanette.

"Stop! I'm trying my best to keep us together!" Lanette's voice became hoarse from the excessive shouting.

"Goddamn... Blibin! Do you have a binky to calm him or something!? He's so loud!" You plugged your ears with your fingers.

"I-I'm sorry, (y/n). I-I don't know how to calm him down either—"

"Oh screw this." You shoved Lanette away from your side of the door, you made sure that he's far away from you so that he won't get hurt.

"Why!? Why did you push— (Y/N)!" His heart leapt out of his chest when he saw you opening the car door.

"Anything to get away from that siren!"

You were about to take a leap of faith but—

"(Y/n)... please..." Lanette had an iron grip on you. The rapid winds were making his long, flowy hair fly everywhere. He buried his face in your shoulder, you disliked the feeling of his tears dripping on you.

His arms coiled around your left arm tightly as he bit on his bottom lip.

The whooshing of the air was honestly better than hearing him brawl. You stayed in place, enjoying the sounds of the car whirring mixed with the rush of the wind. You took a deep breath and relaxed your muscles.

"Ahh, feels like I took a huge dump. Much better now."
You grinned at Lanette's silence.

Blibin took a second to register what was happening, he slammed the brakes immediately. It flung the both of you forward, especially you.

Before your head could hit the front passenger's seat, Lanette placed a large, soft hand between you and it, to cushion you from the impact.

He disregarded his own safety for yours. which leads him to slam his head on the back of Blibin's seat instead.

The force was strong enough for the driver to feel it on his back.

Of course, who would stay awake after that?

"Yoo-hoo! Doctor Jimmifer!" You barged into the hospital. The receptionists, the passing nurses, doctors and everyone else in the lobby turned their heads to look at you.

Some screamed, some gasp. Generally all of them had a surprised response.

"I got a half-dead celebrity behind me!" You pointed at a dazed and drowsy Lanette, supported by three bodyguards. Two were needed to prop him up by the arms, while the third walks behind him incase he falls backwards.

"Ain't he yalls favourite actor? Damn it! Get Doc Jimmy on the line, he's dying!" You yelled. Well, he's not exactly dying. He's just suffering from a concussion. Nurses, receptionists and even some patients scramble around, trying to help the celebrity in some form or way.

You grumbled, this is going to take a while.

The bodyguards panicked even more when Lanette's head drooped down.

"...uunghh..." Lanette woke up in a familiar room. It's certainly not his, but he's been here before. He brought his slender fingers up to his face to shield his eyes.

What happened? He remembered his head crashed on—

His blue eyes shot open.

"(Y/n)!?" Lanette rose from his original position quickly, too quickly, in fact. It made him nauseous, having a concussion really isn't a fun trip.

He felt the contents of his stomach rushing up his throat, he need to vomit!

A bucket was held out in front of his mouth.

Lanette retched and soon, acidic stomach fluids as well as other partially digested chunks came pouring out of his nose and mouth. A hand patted on his back, a bit too harsh though. It made him vomit even more.

You looked away from the bucket in disgust.

"Ew, I'm pretty sure I'll be using the bucket too. Gross." You held onto the bucket with only three fingers to limit contact with it.

It took him a while to empty everything out. Lanette's breaths became ragged, his body was trembling like a leaf and his hair stuck to his sweaty face.

That... was the first time in years. The last time he vomited was five years go when he joined a game show that made him eat beef Carpaccio.

It naturally felt like the end of the world for him, to expel all his energy out like that.

"You done?" You asked Lanette. He weakly nodded, face was hidden in the bucket.

"...yeaaahh... don't think so." With one, powerful blow to the shoulder, you made him spew even more.


This time, it's mostly liquid, mainly traveling out of his body through his nostrils.

He hates this. He hates vomiting.

Lanette weakly brought a hand to his face. You raised an eyebrow at that.

He pinched a side of his nose and blew out some leftovers stuck inside.

"Oh come on..." you gagged. Luckily the bucket is covering most of his face.

Once he's finally done, he was a panting, gasping, sweating, shivering mess.

You shook your head. At least he can't speak for now.

"Damn bodyguards..." you wanted to leave the hospital to meet Caecilius, a new and better friend compared to Lanette.

But Lanette passed an instruction to them, telling them not to let you leave his side no matter the circumstance.

So you were chatting with the blond through private messages. To avoid him to throw another jealous fit, you deleted the whole conversation.

It was nice to talk to someone sane for once.

You were disappointed that he's only out for a day. You wanted him to be in a week long coma so that you could catch up with your friends in Motel Motel. Too bad, at least you get to talk to Caecilius.


"Young Master! Lunch is ready." A maid knocked on his bedroom door.

"Please leave it on my desk, the door is unlocked." Caecilius's muffled voice reached her ears. She sighed as she pushed the door open to reveal Caecilius, laying on his bed, staring at his phone.

The maid raised an eyebrow, for the first time in her life, he isn't looking at a picture of Lanette but a... text conversation? That's new.

She left his lunch at the place he told her to.

"I'll be taking my leave, Young master." She curtsied.

"Thanks." Caecilius mumbled as he scrolled back up to the top. His eyes scanned every single one of the text messages you sent him. Caecilius frowned at the fact that you're not going to be online for a while.

You're not what he was expecting, you're actually very pleasant to talk to.

You're a such a great listener.

A/n: haha dudes no proofread, i hope this aint too crinegy :( please comment any errors so i can fix

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