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"Do you have anything to declare?" A bald man, dressed in a  professional suit asked.

"I'd like to declare my independence." You glared at him with baggy eyes. The bickering, screaming, fighting and yelling among the crowd kept you awake for three days. Of course you're ticked off, you just want to get his autograph and go back to Motel motel.

You were even attacked by his rabid fans once, leaving you some nasty bruises on your face and body. You didn't provoke them, they just... randomly attacked you. Linda, Tony, Mike and even Karen defended you while you squirm away.

Turns out, you lost the 'Lanette' badge. Making them think you're only in it for the money and you're not a 'real fan'.

You resorted to writing "I LOVE LANETTE" in all capital letters on your white shirt with a black marker. You didn't get attacked anymore, but you did get some glares from the same group.

"I can see why ONE autograph is worth 'round ten grand..." you thought to yourself as the male pat your body down for any restricted items.

"Okay, once you're in there, do not—"

"Yeah, don't touch him yadda yadda. I know, I know. Can I go now?" You gritted your teeth.

He gave you one last suspicious look before letting you go. Once you're out of his sight, you flipped the bird on him.

You sighed and took a deep breath before knocking on the fortified door. A bodyguard from the inside opened it. You muttered thanks and entered, gripping your pen and paper tightly in anger.

You couldn't see Lanette yet, which made you raise an eyebrow.

"Turn right." A soft, smooth and masculine voice echoed throughout the spacious room. You twisted your head and saw nothing there.

"That is your left." Your cheeks turned somewhat red as you corrected your action. Finally, you met this oh-so-handsome man, Lanette.

Yes, he is handsome. Drop dead gorgeous with his blue eyes, matching the sea. Porcelain skin and his luxurious long hair made him look like a doll. His face is chiseled to perfection. You gave a tight-lipped smile as he stared at you, with no emotion or warmth in his cerulean eyes.

You advanced to him and placed the paper and pen on the marbled table. He

"Greetings... uh, sir! It's an ho-"

"Name." He interrupted you, he's using his own fountain pen.

"Wow, rude." You maintained a fake smile.

"No name sir, just your signatu—"

"Then I won't sign it." Your mouth is open in disbelief.

"Usually my fans would want their full name written down... and those with pecuiliar requests like yours—" He glared at you.

"—usually have an ulterior motive." He continued.

You inhaled and exhaled, pondering what is the world's most common name so that it would increase your chance of selling it.

"Err..." you clench your hands behind your back. His piercing, judgemental eyes are staring through you. The fact that he's not smiling makes the situation even worse.

The longer you made him wait, the more his left eyebrow rose. "Holy shit! If he 'runs' out of forehead to raise his eyebrow, I'm dead meat!"

"See um... the thing is..." you tried force the words out, but you couldn't.

"Do you speak english? Do you have a preferred language?" He asked, growing impatient. "普通话? Français? Tagalog? Español? عربى? Nederlandse taal?" You flinch at the harshness of his tone.

"Y-yeah! I speak English, alright but—"

"Then you should be able to comprehend when I asked for your name." Your nostrils flared a bit in fury. You still remained silent.

He huffed. "Securit—"

"Okay! Okay! (Y/n)(l/n)!" You cracked under the pressure. He furrowed his eyebrows a bit.

"(Y/n)(l/n)..." he grinned a bit. "Sounds like someone I know..." He mumbled under his breath and absentmindedly fiddled with his pen for a while.

He then blinked out of his daydream. "Spelling?"

"Damn! Should have said my name was John Smith or something!" You were about to spell out your own name until you had an idea.

"M-o-t-e-l, m-o-t-e-l." You clench your buttocks, hoping that he would be fooled by that.

"If I can't earn ten thousand bucks from this, I'll earn it another way." Since your pay is based on the profits made by Motel motel, you hope that by making him sign with it's name, it will boost popularity of Mike's business.

To your dismay, the tip of his expensive pen didn't even touch the paper yet. His eyes remains on the blank sheet of paper, unmoving and unreadable.

"Y-yeah, my mama likes the unique spelling. It's pronounced as (y/n)(l/n) but it spells out Motel Motel. Y'know, just like errr... Kelly can be spelled as K-e-i-g-h-l-e-e or k-i-y-l-i-y." A drop of sweat rolls down your back. He did not respond for a while until,

"(Y/n)?" Lanette looked up, his eyes twinkling with an emotion you could not identify.

"Yeah! But it's spelled m-o-t-e-l and m-o-t-e-l. C-cool name, huh?" Your voice starts to waver.

"(Y/n)(l/n)...from Featherstreet High School...?" His voice was barely above a whisper.

You raised both eyebrows in surprise.

"Err... I don't think I've ever went to high school. But I was 'high' in school." You snickered. You stopped when you saw the celebrity staring at you.

"Oh snap, you're serious?" He ignored you and wrote down something on the piece of paper.

"Is this... your name?" He brought it up to show you. It spelled out (y/n)(l/n) correctly.

"Well, yeah—err Instead of (y/n)(l/n), its m-o-t-e-l, m-o-t-e-l. Its a unique spelling." You bit the insides of your cheek. Lanette knitted his eyebrows.

He mumbled something quietly. Too quiet for anyone to hear. You shot the bodyguard a look that screams "HELP ME". The bodyguard was confused as you are.

You turned your head back to the male and jolted when his eyes returned to your form. You blinked for a bit and told him,

"I...remember you." The male's voice became breathy.

"You probably recognized me from the news." This piqued his interest.

"Oh? Is that so?" He replied.

"Yeah! I was all over it, the police couldn't get enough of me that they had to send in a helicopter to chase me down! I was arrested many times for many drug busts!" You tried to make him kick you out as you couldn't stand being in his presence anymore.

"I'm a drug addict!" You blurted out without thinking. You heard some shuffling behind, you assume that the bodyguard is preparing to escort you out of the room. Lanette raised a hand, gesturing the other person to stop.

"Oh, how... interesting." You wanted to punch him in the face.

"Shit! I gotta get out of this!"

"—and a repeated sex offender!" This time, the long haired male only stared at you in disbelief. He did not comment on it. There was a long silence before someone else speaks out.

"Okay buddy, that's enough. Let's go, you have made Mister Lanette uncomfortable." Two burly man grabbed you by the arm and dragged you to the exit. You gladly complied.

The celebrity sat still, completely dazed by what you said.

"Ha ha ha ha! What the hell! Y-you... ha ha ha ha!" Tony clutched his stomach as he laughs uncontrollably. You covered your face in shame.

"Shut yer trap, Tony. You'd do the same If you were me." You hissed at him.

"Except I ain't! You embarrassed yourself in front of a GOD! Ha ha ha ha!" He slapped his knee. You harshly shoved him to the ground but he's still giggling.

Only Mike and Linda received an autograph. Tony and Karen was rejected by Lanette. Why?

For Tony, Lanette didn't like his 'unkempt' facial hair and offensive body odour. As for Karen, she urinated herself upon seeing the handsome male in the eyes.

You grumble, at least you could have found someone also named (y/n)(l/n) who is interested in buying that piece of paper. However, you left it at Lanette's table.

What a week.

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