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After being patched up again by the nurses, you had to endure an earful from Lanette. You covered your ears with your hands the whole time just to annoy him.

He huffed in anger and decided to stop talking, seeing that you're not paying attention to him.

Now what? His phone is unusable, you refused to talk to him, you already ate so he has nothing to cook. Lanette tries not to watch the television because it may stress you (news channel).

He ran his fingers through his hair and pouted. "You're so stubborn." He mumbled.

"I heard him say that like... the millionth time now." You thought to yourself.

Lanette stood up from his chair and walked to his duffel bag on the shelf. "That reminds me, this doesn't seem like a hospital room. It's more like an apartment. What the hell? Is this what rich people spend their money on?"

The male rummaged through it and pulled out two, smooth wooden sticks. "Huge chopsticks?" You raised your eyebrow.

Then, he brought out another bag that has "YARN" embroidered onto it. Lanette flashed a friendly smile as he returns to his seat.

"Is this... what you do in your free time?" You questioned as he tied a string of (f/c) yarn into a slipknot.

"Yes, is something the matter?" He casts on numerous loops on his right needle.

"Knitting?" You added.

Lanette nodded as he starts to knit skillfully and quickly. You were surprised that he does it so easily, it looked like a machine is performing the task.

Within minutes, you watch the length of the knitted fabric increase.

"Wow." You commented. He giggled at your reaction and paused. He searched within his 'YARN' bag and then pulled out something (f/c).

"Here, It took me four days to complete it." Lanette placed it on your head.

"What—" you pulled away from your head to take a closer look. It's an (f/c) beanie, your fingers rub against it. It's quite comfortable and soft to the touch.

"Huh, pretty cool! Thanks!" You gave him a big, goofy grin.

Lanette's fingers trembled, he tried his best not to pull you in a hug or give you a deep kiss. He can only return the smile nervously.

You wore it and laid back down onto your bed.

"Oh, (y/n). You're just so cute, I want to kiss you so badly." Lanette cooed as his fingers reach out to touch your forehead. You furrowed your eyebrows and slapped them away.

You shot back up and grimace in disgust. You immediately remove the headwear, setting it down next to you.

The male frowned sadly. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"You gross the crap outta me, man. Ew." You shuddered and rubbed your arms. Hurt was written all over his face, but he dared not to voice it out.

He took a deep breath and continued with his knitting. "I wish you could see me as your loving husband..." Lanette murmured.

"We all have wishes, Volcano. I wish I can gouge my eyes out." You replied.

"Huh...?" Caecilius furrowed his eyebrows as he watch the news. Your exhausted face appeared in his large, flatscreen TV as the reporter narrates what happened earlier.

"...(y/n)(l/n) tried to make an 'escape' and caused quite a commotion in Seaview Hospital, let us take a look at a video, submitted by Liss Arde—"

"Blimey!" He exclaimed as he watch you jump off the rails from the fifth floor, crossing your arms on your chest. Your fall was cushioned by the hoards of fans.

"Has that wanker lost the plot!? They could have gotten themselves killed!" Caecilius pulled on his blond hair in anticipation as he watches you being lifted in the air.

He winced when the video showed you kicking one of Lanette's bodyguards in the face. "Ouch! Poor lad."

He took note of what your (or Lanette's ) fans were calling you. "Crackhead? Isn't that a term for druggies?"

He watches intensely as you were tackled to the ground by two bodyguards. "Oh no!" He bit on his lip nervously, you're probably severely hurt, especially you recently went through a brain and heart surgery.

"No, wait! Why do I care if that tosser is hurt, they stole my Lanny— oh my god!" He shrieked silently as he watches you slowly lower your head on the ground, closing your eyes.

"Are they... dead!?" He jumped out of his sofa. You were unresponsive for a while, making him feel a heavy sense of dread in the pit of his stomach.

"Hold on... I-I don't care! They deserve to..." his eyes trailed away for a while. Caecilius couldn't bring himself to finish that sentence.

"W-what's wrong with me...? I-its not proper to wish death upon someone..." what a hypocrite, he told numerous people who 'disrespected' Laelilius/Caenette they deserved to 'die in a loo' before. Somehow, he couldn't bring himself to say that now.

Then, here comes the three girls coming to your rescue. He sighed in relief when he saw you lift your head back up.

"Wow..." his jaw dropped when you overpowered the single bodyguard.

"What a... crackhead." He shook his head at the whole video.

"—wait! But there's some more, our villian in the upcoming film, 'Defeated', gave chase!" Caecilius's ears perked up at the narrator's words.

He stared at the screen of his television, Caecilius squealed in delight upon seeing Lanette's handsome face and his elegant, silky hair floating behind his well-built body as he zooms past the camera.

"Lanny! What a dream..." he sighed shakily. Caecilius can only imagine being chased down by him. He giggled as he imagined himself being pinned to the ground by Lanette and—

"Ow!" Your scream from his speakers snapped him back to reality. He scowled, if it wasn't for you—

"Huh?" He raised both eyebrows in surprise.

"T-they... don't seem to want to be with Lanny..." He mumbled to himself as his eyes trace your features. It's obvious, you were trying to get away from the long-haired male. But you were unable to do so because he was pinching your ear.

"Ungrateful Git! Who wouldn't want to be with Lanny!?... oh god, he's so yummy..." the blond continued swooning over his object of interest.

Caecilius glowered once the video is cut off, returning to the image of the reporter.

"What could have caused such an extreme reaction from 'our lovable crackhead'? Is there anything going on between (y/n) and Lanette behind the scenes? Or are they doing this just to gain Lanette's admirer's favour? Coming up, America's cutest pets—"

He switched the appliance off.

"I can't believe it! Anyone in the world would die to be in their situation, why is (y/n) so ungrateful—" your words from his first face-to-face encounter with you echoed in his mind.

"...they said I still have a chance with Lanny." He bit on his thumb as he pace around his living room.

"Why...? Why would they want to give Lanny to me?" He inhaled and exhaled noisily.

"Why? Why would they degrade themselves? I'm... worth more than them?" Caecilius mumbled.

"A-and they wanted... a friend?" He felt chills down his spine.

"This must be a trick... a trick to humiliate me in front of everyone...!" He's confused, he doesn't sound so sure of himself anymore.

"...If they were trying to humiliate me, why did they humiliate themselves? It makes no sense... they make no sense, argh!" He groaned in frustration as he rest his head in his hands.

Caecilius mind couldn't stop replaying what happened to him this afternoon.

He chuckled. "Hehe, I'm a swell guy— wait!" Caecilius furrowed his eyebrows.

"No! That, plug-ugly monkey's opinions doesn't matter to m-me...? Argh! I'm so confused!" He ruffled his own hair and threw another tantrum.

His maids and butlers, hidden from his sight, watch him worriedly as he mumbled,

"Why? Why would you do the things you did and say the things you said, (y/n)....? Why!?" Caecilius angrily threw a cushion on the ground.


Lanette when reader repeatedly rejects him:

Hey guys i hope i dont make Cece too cringey :(, and it seems like msot of yall like Cece more than Lanette.


Caecilius while watching the video of reader goin full on sicko mode:

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