A few days went by and everything was quiet. Pete and Mikey barely spoke and Tyler didn't say anything to Mikey. Josh gave the youngest death glares and Ryan and Brendon got caught in the middle of it.
"Okay, what the FUCK is happening?!" Ryan shouted the curse in the middle of dinner.
"Nothin'." Mikey mumbled.
Josh hit his hand on the table and pointed at Mikey. "You don't fucking get to say shit."
Everyone looked at Josh like he had four heads and three arms. Mikey held up his hands in defense, while Pete snickered in the back.
"Okay, what the FUCK was that?" Brendon repeated his boyfriend.
"Mikey thinks-" Josh was about to spill before Tyler stopped him by kicking his leg.
"Josh, stop." He whispered.
"No, Josh go on." Ryan said.
Tyler rolled his eyes as Josh continued. "Mikey thinks he'd be a better boyfriend to Ty."
"What?" Ryan and Brendon said at the same time.
"Okay, that's bullshit! That's not what I was saying!" Mikey defended himself.
"Sure sounded like it." Pete added in a hushed tone.
"Stay out of this, Pete." Mikey said.
"No, Pete, tell Ryan and Brendon what Mikey said." Josh said, drawing his attention to the black haired man.
"I don't want to be a part of this." Pete said.
"Sure fuckin seems like it." Mikey said.
"Shut the fuck up Mikey." Josh glared.
"Can someone just fucking explain what happened?" Ryan asked.
"I heard Mikey and Pete come home a few days ago." Tyler spoke up. "I don't know if they didn't know I was home or what, but Mikey said he thinks Josh and I are going no where in our relationship. He said Josh should do a better job comforting me and that Mikey could do a better job. That's when Pete said Mikey sounded like he was obsessed with me. That he needed to realize Josh and I are together."
Mikey sat in shame while Josh was sat with a scowl on his face. He couldn't keep his eyes off the younger, which only worried Tyler.
"Fuck Mikey, that's like..."
"I know! God damn, get off my fucking ass! It's not like I deliberately said I wanna fuck Tyler!"
"Don't you ever fucking say that!" Josh jolted up, making his chair fall back, as he slammed his hands on the table once again.
"Or fucking what? You're gonna beat me up? You're gonna put me in the hospital like you did Remington? Fucking do it you pussy!" Mikey said as he stood up.
Before anyone could even blink, Josh had Mikey on the floor in a headlock.
"Yo, what the fuck!" Pete yelled, pushing his chair back.
"Fucking say that one more time Mikey, I fucking swear you'll fucking wish you never met me!" Josh said behind his gritted teeth.
Mikey hit Josh's arm, indicating he couldn't breathe. The other guys were freaking out, yelling at Josh to let him go. Josh just wouldn't listen, he kept Mikey in his grip until he felt satisfied.
"Joshie?" Tyler asked quietly as he knocked on the bathroom door.
Josh was sat on the side of tub, his head in his hands crying. He knew he would do anything for Tyler but fuck, that was too much.
"Lovie? Can I come in? Please?" Tyler pleaded.
He heard the lock click and his face lit up. Barging in, he closed the door behind him.
"Joshie, why did you go that far?" He asked, pulling Josh into a hug. "It wasn't that serious, he was just being an ass."
"I-I don't know, Ty. Something just... flushed over me. I'm sorry."
Tyler shook his head and chuckled softly. "Thank you for being so protective of me."
"It doesn't scare you?" Josh broke the hug and went back to sitting on the tub. "I put some guy in the hospital for you, Mikey could've gone so worse...how do I not make you want to run the other way?"
Tyler smiled and cuffed Josh's face with his hands. He kissed Josh's forehead for a second. "Lovie, you were protecting me. I'll only be scared of you when you throw that shit at me. Which, with the way you've acted towards people who do that to me, I don't think it'll happen any time soon."
Josh shook his head and closed his eyes. "You're a blessing, Tyler Joseph. A fucking blessing."
Tyler smiled and kissed Josh softly. "If I'm a blessing then you must be God himself."
"Themself. We don't know if God's a He or She." Josh smiled.
"Gosh, you're right. Silly me."
The next week was...awkward, to say the least. No body really talked to Josh, besides Tyler of course. Everybody just treated everybody differently. It kinda seemed like a mistake to move in together.
"You know that saying?" Pete asked, blowing a puff of smoke out.
"Be more specific." Ryan coughed.
"If you want to lose friends, move in with them." He half smiled. "I never thought it was true. I thought we were better than that stupid fucking saying."
"It was just too soon. Tyler did it on a whim, to apologize to us. He didn't think about it and neither did we." Ryan said.
"I feel so stupid for liking Mikey. I knew he loved Tyler, I knew it! I just didn't want to be alone. Fuck, I'm so pathetic." Pete laughed at his really, unfortunately unfunny situation.
"Pete, you didn't do anything wrong. You liked him, that's that. You did nothing wrong." Ryan tried reassuring his friend as they smoked bong after bong.
Mikey hasn't come home for a few days, since everything went down. He hasn't answered anybody's texts or calls. They would be worried if they didn't know where he was.
"I just hope Ty doesn't hate me." Pete said quietly.
"There's no reason for him to. You defended their relationship, you're not the one who put him and Josh in that position."
"Yeah, but if I had just shut Mikey down the very first time he did that...maybe this shit wouldn't be happening."
"Pete, there's no way you would've know this was gonna happen. It's Mikey's fault. He was being stupid and Tyler just so happened to overhear. Mikey isn't even the bad guy. There's no bad guy, Josh just freaked out and Mikey just so happened to push him over the edge. We're okay, Pete."
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