Chapter 4

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Luz and I ran into the dungeon, Eda was there.

She was in still in her owl beast form.

"Eda!", Luz exclaimed as we ran over to her.

Eda threw us off, the owl beast was the one in control right now.

I quickly activated a light glyph and held it up to Eda's face.

"Eda Wait! it's us", I said.

Eda blinked, and her eyes went back to normal.

"Luz, y/n? Oh no, oh no no no no no. What- what are you doing here???", she asked.

"We're here to save you", Luz said.

I nodded and pulled out a fire glyph.

I placed it on the chain around Eda's neck.

The chains glowed for a moment but didn't melt.

"Your magic isn't strong enough for this, you need to leave", Eda said.

"But it's my fault you got's my fault you needed to save us", I said.

I tried the glyph again and again.

"No", Eda told me.

She stood me upright.

"I'm here because of my own actions. I went against Belos' law, and for a while I was able to get away with it. I don't regret anything, I lived freely, and I got to meet you two".

Eda took my hand.

"But we're a family", I said, holding her hand to my cheek.

"Us weirdos have to stick together, remember?".

Tears started forming at the corners of my eyes.

Eda sighed and pulled the portal key out of her hair.

She pressed the button on the key, and the portal door appeared.

The door unfolded itself and opened.

"You have a family already, go back to them", Eda told us.

"when you two get home, use your fire magic to destroy the portal door. I don't know why Belos wants it, but we can't take any chances".

Me and Luz hugged Eda tightly.

"I love you Eda", Luz said.

"M-me too...", I stuttered, choking back tears.

Eda hugged us back.

"I love you too, kiddos", She replied.

Suddenly an alarm sounded.

We knew it meant that Eda was about to be risen up onto the stage.

Then she would be petrified.

"Luz, y/n, get away", Eda told us.

She pushed us off the platform.

The chains around her neck and back legs turned into a cage.

"No", Luz cried.

"Not yet".

She grabbed Eda's hand.

Luz was now hanging off of the platform.

"I'm sorry...", Eda said.

She pushed Luz off the platform.

Luz fell to the ground.

I looked up to see Eda go up and then out of sight.

"Eda...!", me and Luz cried.

Luz dropped to her knees, completely in tears.

I put my hand on her shoulder.

A voice came from behind us.

"Drat! I'm too late. At least I found you, humans".

I knew right away it was Lilith.

"YOU. You hurt Eda. You put her in chains", I said, turning around to face her.

"Now, I will take you down!".

I took out my glyphs and jumped at Lilith.

I slapped a glyph, making a blast of fire.

Lilith blocked it with her staff's magic.

"I just want to talk", Lilith said.

"Talk to the glyph, WITCH", I retorted.

I grabbed a bunch of plant glyphs and slapped them onto the ground.

It sent giant green vines towards Lilith, enclosing her in them.

She burst out using her staff.

I tried punching Lilith several times.

She just kept backing up until we both backed up into the human realm.

I leaped on top of her, knocking us both over.

I pulled at her hair.

"What is wrong with you?", Lilith asked.

"You deserve to be petrified, not Eda!", I yelled at her.

Lilith sat up and let go of King, who immediately climbed onto my shoulder.

"You're right...I deserve to be in Edalyn's place", she said.

I sat up as well.

"Why did you do all this?", I asked.

Lilith sighed.

"When me and Edalyn were younger, we were the best of friends...".

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