Weird Things Going On

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*** Y/N's POV (in first person) ***

God, I really do not want to go to work today. I just want to lay in bed watching my reality shows and eating noodles all day like I did yesterday. 

I'm not ready yet. Not ready to see him. 

"Uggghhhhhhhhhh," I groan as I roll myself out of bed to get ready for the day. I brush my teeth and hair, get dressed, and eat some fruit with tea for breakfast. 

I still need to take care of myself even though I feel like shit. 

I shouldn't let someone like him get me down. I just feel like an idiot because Mei Mei warned me and well she was right. 

What's done is done and I need to get to work and be an adult. 

I just need to girlboss my way through this day. 

I peak out my room door, careful not to make any noise so I can sneak off without having to see Gojo. 

Thankfully, he's nowhere to be seen or heard and I can peacefully make my way down to the training grounds. 

All of the students are already there, and they're practicing.....early? A closer look and I see Gojo standing off to the side guiding them. 

If he thinks that this will get him off my bad side he's dead wrong. It is nice that he finally showed up on time for once and that he's actually teaching, but did it really take this whole mess for him to grow up? 

I sign and head down there. 

"Goodmorning Miss Y/n!!!!!" The students shout and I smile and wave back. 

I notice out of the corner of my eye that Gojo looks over at me, but I don't look at him. I pretend that he doesn't even exist. He looks away and I finally take a breath. I stand at least 15 feet away from him the whole class session.

I let him direct the class most the day, while adding some comments here and there for the students. 

Nobara gives me a squinty look and darts her eyes back and forth between Gojo and I. That girl I swear. Her intuition is too good. I just shake my head at her and she gets back to work. 

The kids are tired and panting after hours of work. 

"Alright lets call it quits for the day," Gojo tells them. Just then he turns around and I look to where he looks to without even thinking. And I see Shoko leaning up against a pole under the pavilion of the building. She is giving him a 'hey lets go, we got something to do' kind of look with kind eyes. Gojo gives her a nod and turns back. I quickly dart my head back as well, but not before I notice the smile on his face. 

"Enjoy the rest of your day everyone!" Gojo says and walks over to Shoko and they leave together. 

What the hell was that????? I mean its just Shoko but its weird I don't know. And he didn't try to acknowledge me at all either today, which seems very unlike him. 

For some reason I am kind of upset that he didn't even try at all. I mean I did tell him off the other night but still.... ok whatever then. I don't care either!!!!

I wave bye to the kids and walk around the building to the vending machines. I put a coin in the drink one and get an ice green tea. I pick it up with a sign. 

"AHEM," I head behind me. I turn to see Nobara with her arms crossed just staring it me.

"Uhm, hi?"

"What the heck is going on between you and Gojo?" She demands. 

"There's nothing going on, and even if there was, its none of your concern." I start walking away but she runs and gets in front of me. "Nobara, stop."

"You guys are acting weird and I don't like it."

"Listen, everything is fine, but thank you for worrying," I give her a heartfelt smile. She's so sweet. "Now, go shop and eat some sushi and whatever else you like to do. You worked hard today so enjoy the rest of the day off."

"Alright fineeeeee, bye!" and with that, she scampers off. 

Jeez that girl is noisy sometimes. I open my drink and take a big sip, its super refreshing. 

I take a little scroll around campus because I just want to clear my head and are stopped in my tracks when I see Gojo and Shoko at a picnic table eating lunch and smiling. 

I dart behind a bush and peek around to see. What the hell am I doing??? I am being crazy. 

"ok this is stupid, I'm leaving," I mumble to myself and right as I stand up to leave, I see Shoko reach over the table and put her hand on Gojo's with a sweet look in her eyes, he smiles back.  

I quickly turn and speed walk away, not wanting to see anymore. Its probably nothing. Right? I mean they have known each other for a long time so its prob fine...... 

I need to just stop, I need to get away and not think about anything for a while because I am getting in my head. 

I am just gonna go for a really long run. 

And with that, I start sprinting to the forest connected to campus and begin. I think that being mindful of my breathing and not tripping with help take my mind off things for a while. 

I jump and turn and race through the forest. I have a runners high going on and so much adrenaline coursing through my blood. It has actually helped immensely. 

BAM!!!! All the sudden I'm on the ground, and my head is pounding.

All I see is black until I slowly open my eyes and turn over, I try to lift my head to look at my feet and I get a shooting pain in my skull. My vision comes into focus and I see roots wrapped around my ankle.

I put my hand to my head and pull back and see red. I am disoriented but I try to look around. 

I see a curse, with branches coming out of its eyes and black marks on its body. 

I quickly reach down and rip the roots off my ankle. 

I stand up too quick and get dizzy, I stumble back into a tree and take a deep breath and fighting stance. 

The curse summons roots and plants from the ground and sends them at me, and I dodge as quickly as I can, one of the roots scrapes the side of my arm before they all collide with the tree behind me and knock it down. 

I might actually die here. I pull out my knifes and run at the curse, but its too fast for me right now. I hit my head so hard on a rock and its really messing with me. 

I start running away as fast as I can, I need to contact someone for help. But I cant call Gojo. Someone else but who who who.

Fuck it, ill call Nobara. 

You dial her and she answers. "Nobara! Quickly send help to the forest connected to campus, there's a special grade curse here and I need help!"

"OMG WHAT OK HOLD ON," she yells into the line and I quickly hang up. I spin quickly and throw two knives towards the curse that is right on my tail, but it dodges it swiftly. 

It's toying with me, it could've killed me at any moment. But why hasn't it? 

I keep running, hearing trees fall behind me. 

Suddenly, I'm pulled and dangling upside-down. Suspended by tree roots coming from the arm of the curse.  

I pull out a knife and throw it at the root to try and break myself free, but it just summons another root to catch it. 

"Fuck you!" I spew at it. 

Just then, I hear leaves crunch, and curse moves its head to look behind me. 

It throws me to the side and I fly into a tree, I cant move.

I open my eyes to see Gojo, the second, and third years facing the curse. "Momo," Gojo starts, "Take Y/N and fly her back to Shoko to get fixed up."

"On it!"

I look at Gojo and he gives me a sad look and smile, then turns back. 

Momo lifts me onto her broom and as we fly away, I look back and watch as another curse comes out of the forest and into the clearing with other one. This one has one eye and a black dotted yellow poncho on. 


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