oneshot 3: Strawberries ♡

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All readers are aged 21 and above !!

Gojo x fem yn!!

Smut warning ♡


"Welcome,we were expecting when we recieved the call earlier"

Bowing down in curt, yuji and novara jumped around the Inn with excitement. Megumi came in with yn, nudging him by the elbows to join the other teenagers.

" go on megumi, loosen up. The mission just ended! And yuji, nobara, don't break anything!"

Slapping her forehead in annoyance, yn watched as the two had stars in their eyes. She felt a cool blow on her earlobe followed by a loud chuckle. Satoru wrapped his arm lazily around her neck, leaning half his weight purposely.

" satoru, you're so heavy"

"Carry me,yn-chann. I'm hurt"

Trying to maintain her balance with a 190cm idiot crushing into her, yn ditched him at his room as she rudely shoved him off. Her room was just beside his, sharing one with nobara. Yn felt nobara stare into her back, as if she wanted to ask something.

"Ask away nobara, curiosity won't kill"

"Do you like gojo sensei,yn?"

Curiosity does kill.

Stopping in her tracks, yn turned to face nobara. Recalling her question, yn's face heated up , turning red and nervously she laughed out loud.

"He's impossible to love, noba-"

"I asked if you liked him not love, HAHAHA!!"

Running out the room like a maniac, yn settled her racing heart. She didn't know where she stood with him, sure they might have fooled around made out a couple times but did they really mean anything.

Being a jujutsu sorcerer meant everyday might be their last, even today. Earlier she had the mission under control, guiding them to finish it quickly. Then again sukuna decided to come out and 'play' which led to him talking flirtatiously to yn, threatening her to succumb. She didn't see much into words of a curse, he's just mumbling nonsense is what she thought.

In a flash, sukuna who cornered yn was thrown and she was being carried by a very furious satoru. He knew sukuna won't do such things and those words hiy exactly where that damn curse wanted to hurt.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice satoru slip in the room. Leaning against the doorframe,

"These walls are pretty thin, y'know?"

"You heard her,didn't you?"

"I'm more interested in what you have to say"

Pursing her lips in a thin line, yn stood on the other side of door. Satoru had one of his arm pinned above her head, lifting yn up by the chin to meet eye to eye. His pink lips tugging upwards, flicking from yn's irises to her lips. Normally he'd be kissing any woman without hesitation but for now he doesn't want to ruin whatever was going on between them.

The tension turned into an aching pain in yn's heart, the longing to be held by someone. She might regret to give in so easily, but hus touch was magnetic that just something simple could have her folding.

Leaning closer, yn tilted her head as their lips brushed briefly. She sucked in a breath, hoping to have no gaps. Satoru had wrapped his arms around her waist, lightly boosting her up. Their kiss was cut short-


Instincts kicked in, yn pushed him away to create some space as he turned to see YUJI being chased by megumi. He sighed, nodding to yn as he went to settle the boys.

Preparing herself to hit the hot springs, she heard it heals wounds and soothes the skin. Walking behind with the trio chatting lively , satoru had a blush on his cheeks as he caught a glimpse of yn. She had her hair up in a bun, carrying a bag of necessities. They felt like a big family bringing their kids to vacation.

"NOBARA that's for the guys- oh she went in"

"Why not you and i-"


going over to the other side, yn couldn't imagine getting into the water with him. That's something you'd find in a smutty book! She got relieved when he didn't follow her. Dropping the towel to her feet, yn immersed herself into the warm waters. Dipping herself shoulder deep and undoing her hair.

"No funnn"

Whining at yn playfully, he stripped straightway and joined yn. Satoru smirked at yn's protest,

"Stay there, that's your side. This is mine!"

"What? Scared I might seduce you?"


Splashing some water on him, yn was drenched as he did it double the amount. They played around the water, yn's laughter filling his ears. Interrupting them was a woman who immerged suddenly out of the blue. Satoru was delighted ! How can one say no to women? He threw in a flirty comment to welcome her, reciprocating his energy that woman chatted with him.

For a split second he forgot yn, it's not like he was purposely doing it.

My jealous jealous girl.

Breathing slowly, yn watched as they conversed well without any uncomfortable anecdotes. He treated her the same way he'd be with yn, flirting and maybe going more closer than he already should be. Thanking the steam to cover her face and expression , yn walked away from the place. She handled confrontation really poorly, heart aching and throat drying up as the image of them together in bed kept reappearing in her mind.

Wrapping the towel tightly around her, yn went back to her room. She put on the silky robe the inn offered , drying her hair and taking her phone to call shoko. Sighing as she didn't pick up, yn threw her phone onto the bed and settled on the floor. Insecurities came rushing back, maybe she was just foolish to think that they might work out.

The whole evening yn disappeared in them, truth be told she was drinking strawberry soju on the balcony. Yn felt the sweet alcohol intoxicate her body, hugging her body in attempts to not feel the cool breeze. She had something warm and fuzzy around her , looking up to see satoru's blue eyes. He didn't have his glasses or blindfold on, hair let down .

"Mmmmmm satooo~"

Yn cooed sweetly to him, obviously drunk. Her robe came undone just a little to reveal some cleavage. His cheeks brightening up at the slightest scene as yn took another shot. He grabbed the bottle from her hand , glaring at her.

"Nuuuu don' you"

" I wish you were sober,yn. I really do"

Carrying the girl who clung onto his neck for oh dear life, he placed her on the bed gently. Yn didn budge either, she was drunk and vulnerable. Taking advantage of that would just be an act of a coward. He'd rather had yn all to himself when she's sober, to remember who kept her up all night.

"Don't leaveee, I'm here for you! You don't need that bitch"

"I'm not going anywhere,babe."

"Promise? "

Smiling at her, she was cute. Cheeks puffed up, hair messy and looking like a lost kitten. Chuckling at her,

"I promise,yn"

He got caught off guard as yn kissed his lips briefly, pulling away to pass out. She was out cold, snoring peacefully as if she didn't suffocate him in the name of cuddling. Trying to control whatever left of morality in him, satoru bit his tongue as yn's robe rode up to her thighs.

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, he admired her features. Kissing the top of her head, he drifted to sleep with yn laying in his embrace.



Groggily yn woke up to a solid warmth, she traced her hands on it to only have a firm hand grip hers. Yn was terrified as she thought she was In a stranger's room,

"Good morning sunshine"

"Ha...? You? It's 3 am, am I dreaming?"

She rubbed her eyes, pulling away from him to get out of bed. Satoru wrapped an arm around her waist, not letting yn go as she tried to joke it off.

"Dreaming of me? Were you trying to relive me fucking you dumb at the academy?"

Going rigid as he whispered huskily, yn closed her eyes to let out a shaky breath when gojo pulled her back to bed. Yn still felt Abit drunk, whoozy as she tried to free herself from his tight grip.

Her chest became heavy as satoru rubbed her sides, having his hand dangerously close to her ass. A moan escaped her lips as he squeezed the soft mounds of flesh. Smirking at yn, satoru teased yn by lowering his head to capture her neck to nibble on it. Sucking on the spot that made yn crane her neck backwards to give him access , yn had her fingers raking through his white locks.

"Or the time I ruined your dress for Christmas?"

Her erotic memories of him came rushing back as satoru rose up to meet her reddened face. Yn couldn't muster up words as she turned her head away in embarrassment that he still knew all her sweet turn ons.

"How drunk are you, yn?"

"Drunk enough to regret this tomorrow morning but sober enough for you to not worry about taking advantage"

Licking his lips, he wasted no time to engulf yn in a fast,needy kiss. Their tongues colliding and gliding together as he trickled his finger all the way to her hips. Undoing the knots of her robe, yn shuddered at how she was exposed to the chilly air.

Her nipples perked and hard, chest heaving and a pool of warm wetness forming in between her thighs. Yn was high in the skies, his thumb pressing on her red,hot clit. Opening her legs wider for him, satoru pulled away with saliva dripping down their lips. Parting her mouth, yn arched her back as he instead his veiny,long finger to run a teasing line along her slick folds.

"Keep it down , hmm? As much as I want you to scream, cry and beg took a lot to make them sleep-"

"Shut it and take me already"

Whining at his lousy speech, yn buried her head in the pillow to ease the immense movement of his fingers. Thumb up playing with her clit, going in a clockwise circle then two other being thrusted in and out her hole. Her legs shook and body vibrated as he increased in fingering her, her breasts catching his vision. Licking the peak of her nipples then engulfing it in his mouth.

" ...ooohh...oohh"

Fondling and squeezing her breasts, he left bite marks all over her. Kissing a trail down her torso to the v-line that led to her pussy. Satoru locked his eyes with yn's, as a sign of approyto continue. Taking up one of her legs to be on his shoulder and kissing the other free leg,he trailed his tongue along the smooth skin until her clit.

Swiping his tongue rapidly, yn gripped onto his hair tightly to pull him closer. Rolling her hips on his face as his tongue plunged deeper,

"Aaahh...I'm- oooo"

Nearing her release, yn bit her lips in frustration as he pulled away and replaced his tongue with middle finger. Yn blushed intensely as he stripped naked, showing off his hardened dick that sprung out. Her mouth watered at the sight of him, she had no time to react,

Kissing her lips in attempts to surpress her moans, yn wrapped her legs on his waist, rolling their hips together. His hands cupping her breasts as he went in deeper, growing bigger at how desperate yn tried to feel him closer to her.

"You feel hot,yn"


Panting at her precious expression, yn felt him hit her walls and toes curling. White sticky fluid dropped down yn's thighs as she tried to catch a break but to satoru he had more plans. Grabbing yn by the back of her neck, he switched them to have yn on her knees before him. Understanding what he meant, yn had her palm on his length and fingers rubbing him up and down. Yn blew onto him, the warm breath made him shake and groan from the bottom of his throat.

Going down his shaft, yn licked and scraped her teeth on his dick. Sucking it like a lolipop and letting out wet sounds from her mouth. Yn looked up to see him throwing his head back, she had her hands feel up his chest and solid build. Choking at how he bopped yn's head, she hissed in pain as he gripped her hair roughly.

Releasing his cum into her mouth, yn swallowed it. The unpleasant taste lingering on her, having yn on top his lap to ride out his dick. She sighed feeling him inside her, moving her hips to a slow rhythm to adjust to his length.

"See how perfectly we fit?"

Spitting the place where she was disappearing inside her, yn was more focused on that part too. Satoru was mad at how she wasn't paying attention to him, lifting up her by the chin, yn kissed him. She loved how pleasurable it was to be fucked numb,her tongue swiping on his bottom lip and breasts squishing against his chest.


Slapping wet sounds of skin slapping filled the room, bouncing on him shamelessly as yn licked his ear nibbling his earlobe, satoru walked them over to the dresser. Turning her to face the mirror as he dropped to his knees , spreading out her ass cheeks. Clinging to the dress, yn's body shook with ectasy as he ate her out till she was a mess.

"Such a dirty girl"

Gripping her hips, he pounded into her mercilessly. Curving her body, yn whimpered to be touched at all her sensitive places and to be done by him in every corner of the room. Obeying her pleas, satoru did her on the balcony. Clinging onto the railings, Not caring that they might fall if one silly mistake. On the coffee table, pushing everything off and fucking yn rudely.

The bed creaked with each thrust as yn held onto the bed frame, her ass had a red handprint and shoulders littered with purple marks. Ripping out a condom, yn closed her eyes feeling his warn fluid inside her. She had to kiss him before they both came , so that she prevented screaming or crying.


A smile crept it's way on his lips, yn passed out from the intense activity. Yn nuzzled into his chest , wrapping them up in a blanket. Waking up to him made yn blush as she remembered their night together. Cupping his cheeks , yn tried to sneak out but he was gojo satoru after all.

"Sneaking out isn't polite,yn"

"Good morning"

"Why do you still run?why?"

Taking in her hands , satoru wrapped yn in a hug as he brought her to his side. Yn wanted to stay longer but this was for the best,

"Why? Cause ... They threatened me to stay away from you but you just kept cawing your way back to me and I'm an expert at detachment issues"

"What? I didn't know-"

"Of course you don't, that's why I transfered to Kyoto high but nooo, you had to come there too! What is it that you see in me? I'm not strong or beautiful or-"

Cutting her off with a kiss, satoru wiped the frustrated tears that streamed down her cheeks. Yn buried her head in his chest,legs getting tangled up.

"You're yn. My yn ln, my love. How could I leave you? threatening you means threatening me, whatever happens I'll be with you. Cause I love you,yn ln."

Words never left her mouth even though yn had so much to say. She cried instead, wailing at his honest , genuine confession. Yn hugged him tightly, kissing him sloppily. One kiss turned to two or three which led them to make love in the morning. Losing count of her orgasm, yn was dazed by the time they stopped.

"Yuji, nobara,megumi! Wake up!"

Chiming in to get them ready to travel back, yn hoped that she wasn't loud enough for the three to hear their lewd sounds. She had cute sundress on since it was hot outside, her heart racing as she saw satoru in a casual outfit. He stole a kiss from her, sneakily teasing yn. Her touch was irresistible,

"Noo they might see us!"

"So? I'm loving my girlfriend, that's not so bad"

"Yo sensei!"

Yuji greeted satoru who pulled away and acted like nothing happened. Nobara side eyed yn, leaning closer as if there she was a puzzle.

"What is it,nobara?"

"You got laid! YN SENSEI GOT LAIDDD!"


She was utterly tired and her legs didn't cooperate to run either. So yn watched as nobara snickered at her, satoru whispered in yn's ear-

"It was me, nobara"

"Don't you dare!"

Slapping his chest playfully,the lively bunch left the inn. Yn was content on how half her weight on her shoulders were released, a firm arm wrapped around her waist as they walked behind with the trio at front.


Hope you enjoyeddd

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