Love Hurts

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You always went for walks on Saturday evenings. It was nice to detach yourself from your responsibilities and lose yourself a little while wandering the city streets. Now this would have been a normal walk like any other, but a rather unexpected occurrence crossed your line of sight as you strolled down a street practically filled with bars. Just outside of one of the establishments, a familiar tuft of white hair could be seen alongside the tack tie you knew all too well. Gojo and Nanami conversed on the edge of the sidewalk, and you grew excited, wishing to go and say hi to your white haired lover. It was when you started to walk closer though, that you witnessed something cruel.

It was no surprise to see the man surrounded by women, but it was absolutely a shock to see him receive a kiss from one. An absolutely gorgeous woman had leaned in to kiss him, but you could not bear to witness the rest of the interaction from across the street. Instead you whirled around and cut your walk short, running back home as fast as your legs would carry you so you could safely let your tears fall. That decision to assume so soon though caused you to miss the last important bit of information.

Gojo swerved the woman, surprised by her boldness and thankful for the constant activation of his infinity. While she groaned in frustration, upset by his maneuver; Gojo noticed you as you disappeared into the crowd and around a street corner. His heart plummeted. He knew exactly what that looked like to you. That misunderstanding had to be corrected immediately before you had a chance to overthink and do more damage to yourself.

"Nanamin, I'm gonna need your help with this one. You close off the business deal for me. It was clearly for more than just business." Gojo requested in a sing-song voice, yet the stern look he shot at the woman was so cold that it was a surprise to anyone who knew him.

Nanami gave a silent nod, rather impressed by the commitment his moronic friend had for you as Gojo turned and ran off after you. He pushed his way through the crowd and around the same street corner you disappeared behind, knowing damn well you would've just gone home. So, he booked it in a beeline for your doorstep, getting there in minutes. That was only half the work though. The next step was getting you to let him inside.

He knocked gently to start, then got heavier with his raps each time you didn't respond. After about a minute of knocking he heard you yell 'fuck off' from inside, and that wasn't gonna fly with him. With a frustrated grunt he warped inside of your home, fed up with your refusal to allow him to clear the air of misconceptions. His sudden appearance in your living room initially scared the hell out of you, but you stood your ground across from him, both of you wearing stern expressions that meant vastly different things.

"_______ let me-"

"I knew loving you would kill me inside some day." You interrupted, your voice struggling to maintain stability.

"Quick cutting me off and let me explain please." Gojo repeated with growing desperation.

"As if I haven't heard that one before." You scoffed. "Every guy I've been with uses that as his cover."

"Can you shut up for a second please?" He said a little more firmly, shocking you into silence. "The angle you saw me from made it look bad. I promise you that chick never even came into contact with me. My infinity was on so I was able to dodge her."

"Oh really?" You challenged, still not fully believing him.

|Yeah really. That woman had an ulterior motive while Nanami and I were there for business. You can call him to confirm. I'm not lying. I would never do something so cruel to you _______." He said with confidence.

"... So if I call him right now, he'll back you up?" You questioned.

"He's not one to lie, so of course he will. Do it." He encouraged.

You were quiet as you slowly pulled your phone from your pocket and dialed Nanami's number, putting it on speaker for both of you to hear. The man picked up within the first two rings, as if he was waiting for you to call.

"Nanami, you were with Gojo tonight, so I assume you saw everything." You started.

"I was, yes." He replied through the receiver.

"Great. So you know why I'm calling then. Was his infinity really on? Did he genuinely avoid that kiss as he says?" You asked.

"Yes, it was on _______. I can assure you he wanted no part of what that woman tried." Nanami answered.

"... You're not lying, are you?" You pressed, glancing over at Gojo whose expression had not changed.

"Of course not. I hate lying, and you know this. If that idiot truly makes you happy, then I have no reason to make up stuff about anything he's done. He's being truthful, and so am I." Nanami confirmed.

"... Thank you." You responded quietly as you hung up the phone.

Your living room was silent for a moment. Slowly you returned your gaze to Gojo who looked at you with a surprisingly gentle expression. Tears were in the corners of your eyes, and your heart filled with shame.

"See? I wasn't lying." He said softly, approaching you and reaching out to try and touch your cheek.

You backed away from his hand though, feeling dumb.

"Now I look batshit crazy because I doubted you. Don't touch me." You grumbled weakly.

"Oh come on. You were always a little crazy _______. That's why I love you." He sighed. "I'm not upset. I'm just glad you understand now that I didn't allow that woman to kiss me. Now let me comfort you. Your concerns aren't unreasonable."

"Hah. That's wise coming from you." You scoffed.

Before you could back away again he snaked his arm around your waist and pulled you into his chest, leaning down and hovering his lips dangerously close to yours. You turned your head away from his though, denying him the kiss he so clearly wished to steal from you.

"Dove... C'mon." He begged softly.

"Your infinity bullshit pisses me off." You muttered.

He chuckled warmly and backed you up to your couch, gently pushing you down onto it. You groaned in protest as he straddled you, slowly chasing after your lips with his.

"Let me kiss you. Please?" He asked again.

"Eat shit." You said quickly as you pressed your lips together.

Gojo defiantly kissed your pressed together lips, wishing to shower you with the love you felt so undeserving of in this moment. He poked his tongue out and asked for entry, wanting you to kiss him back and give him a pass into your mouth.

"Let me in, dove." He requested.

When you grunted in defiance, he took matters into his own hands. Literally. Reaching down, Gojo rolled his thumbs into the sensitive little dips on your hips, earning a burst of laughter from you.

"H-hey! Satoru stohohop! A-aha- mm!"

Gojo took advantage of your open mouth and welcomed his tongue inside, kissing you feverishly with a need for more. His hands gripped each of your thighs, squeezing them lovingly as you finally have into his kiss, having never wanted to deny it in the first place. You felt a fool, but the passion in which he kissed you with returned you to your senses as your arms automatically found their home around his neck, holding him tightly as if you almost lost him.

Eventually he pulled back and looked you directly in your eyes, his blindfold having slipped down in the process of your makeup session.

"Listen, dove, I know love hurts but-"

"But it hurts so good." You interrupted. "I'm glad. I'm glad it's you that I love. I'm glad you love me back. I'm glad you never let her kiss you. I'm glad all your kisses are mine, and always will be."

He smiled wide, happy to see the light back in your eyes. "You're right. They always will be, just like your laughter as well~. Now no more frowning! I love you and you damn well better never forget that!"

"S-Satoru! Nooo!" You shrieked when his fingers began to dig into your hips again.

"I need to make you laugh more to make up for all that sadness you just experienced. I've got a lot of work left to do if I'm to make you smile that much~" He teased.

You could no longer respond. Toppled down on your couch beneath him you fell victim to his ticklish assault, laughter replacing all the words you would have said. Having melted into a puddle of giggles, you endured the treatment of your hips, thighs, and sides until he decided you'd had enough, a blushing mess once again as he kissed you over and over. Yes, love was painful sometimes...

But it was worth it if it was with him.

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