Lightweight In Love

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What a wild day it had become. You went from sifting through stacks of paperwork, to kissing the Gojo Satoru -your damned crush- and now you were on your way to a bar with him to get drinks on what he deemed a last minute date. A date as a couple, to be exact. A lot happened in the last few hours, and you decided to just go with the flow on whatever happened next.

As you and Gojo walked to the bar he had been begging you to go to with him, he swapped out his blindfold for a pair of dark sunglasses instead, loosening up his appearance before he grabbed your hand and dragged you along with him, clearly very excited to be taking you to this bar. Being tugged along down the sidewalk, you soon came upon a nice looking bar, headed straight inside without any hesitation. He clearly came here quite regularly due to how the bartenders greeted him, but you paid it no mind as he pulled you to the opposite side of the bar where it was relatively empty. He hopped up onto one of the bar stools with excitement, eyeing you playfully.

"C'mon! First round is on me~!" Gojo gestured, patting the stool next to him. "Hell, I'll pay for it all!"

"Well shit if you're paying, don't mind if I do." You smirked, taking a seat next to him.

"That's the spirit!"

The bartender made their way over to you relatively quickly after you settled, Gojo ordering your first round of drinks quite promptly. From there your interactions carried on as they normally would. Chatting back and forth with the only difference being both of you were a little more flirty with each other. It didn't take long for the drinks to start going down, you having gone through a hefty six beverages while Gojo had only gone through about three and a half. When you noticed the disparity in your drinks, you were quick to notice that he already seemed quite tipsy already despite having consumed less than you. You raised a brow at him curiously, noticing a little sway as he fumbled to keep himself upright.

"You haven't even finished your fourth drink. You doing alright there?" You asked him with a little huff.

"I'll admit _______, I'm a bit of a lightweight when it comes to drinking," He confessed with a little chuckle. "Surprise~"

"No way. You of all people can't hold your liquor?" You laughed, totally amused. "That would explain why you seem so tipsy already then."

""I'm not that tipsy." He argued, a slur already taking over the smoothness of his speech.

"Bullshit. You've been leaning into my left shoulder for the past five minutes." You snorted with him currently pressed firmly against your side.

"Oops. I guess you're right~" He hummed, downing the rest of his drink with blazing confidence.

That last bit of his drink had done him in. Whatever level of tipsy he was before had turned straight into being flat out drunk, giggling at nearly everything as he pressed further into your side. The man could barely support himself currently, and the sight of him in this state made you laugh.

"I'll admit, you're kinda cute after you've lost your mind to a couple of drinks~" You commented.

"Ooo, you're getting comfy with me already huh~?" He cooed, an arm wrapped around your shoulders.

"What? If we're gonna be dating, it would be weird if I didn't actively admire you." You argued.

"Ah, so you were doing so passively before I asked you out then, hmm? Don't think I didn't catch you looking on the odd occasion~" He slurred.

Your cheeks grew red at his little comment, eyes locking with his over the edge of his sunglasses for a brief moment before you looked off to the side. "Oh shut up. No more drinks for you." You mumbled.

"Aw come on _______!" He whined, pinching one of your pink cheeks.

"Stop being a hooligan!" You scolded, though not harshly as your voice was riddled with laughter.

You quickly turned your head to lick his finger which in turn got him to stop pinching you, instead drawing out the word 'ew' from his lips before laughing again. He instead settled his head on your shoulder after he wiped his finger off, still grinning like a fool as he kept himself rather close to you. Even you couldn't help but smile in this situation, gingerly sipping on your seventh glass of booze as he nestled into your shoulder like his life depended on it. It was actually quite endearing to see him so carefree in your presence. It was a different type of freedom compared to his usual nature; being way more soft and lovey than you ever figured he could be. You couldn't help but stare down at him with a weakness in your eyes that you never thought you'd look at him with.

"Don't you think your turn is over by now?" A feminine voice rang out from behind you.

Torn from your enamoured stare, you turned your head to see a couple of girls standing behind you with irritated expressions. You raised a brow at them as you continued to sip on your drinks, catching a bad vibe from them even through your tipsy state of being.

"Can I help either of you?" You questioned.

"Yeah, you can. Give us our turn with Gojo-san. We take turns here." One of them explained to you.

"Exactly. He doesn't just pick one girl and stop. He makes his rounds. Right, Gojo-san~?" The other added on.

Gojo definitely heard them, but he made no effort to acknowledge them. They seemed to already be acquainted judging by what the girls said, but Gojo had responded to them simply by scooting his stool even closer to yours, tightening his grip on your shoulder and muttering a blank 'nah' before he pressed himself nicely up against your side, not even turning to so much as glance at the ladies. They both looked so pissed that he wasn't giving them the attention they were clearly used to. What was surprising wasn't that he had interactions like this before tonight, but that he was flat out refusing to engage with the people he usually did in favour of you. This little fact made a victorious smirk spread on your face, and you turned just a little more to face the two ladies with an unusual amount of confidence.

"I hate to break it to you, but it seems like he has. I didn't really believe it either, but it seems that neither of you are even getting so much as a glance from Satoru." You pointed out in a mocking tone of pity.

"Ugh, I bet you just can't hold your liquor. Being drunk would make you sloppy enough for him to want to be with you longer." One of them cringed, quite irritated by how you so confidently addressed Gojo on a first name basis.

You had to audibly choke after hearing that. Dramatically, you gestured to your six empty glasses before finishing your seventh and slamming it down with the rest. Then, you beckoned the bartender over with a finger before you gently nudged Gojo off of your side. He protested for a moment, but got curious when he saw your serious expression.

"Three shots of tequila please." You requested.

With a nod, the bartender quickly poured out three shots before you. The girls thought you were going to make them take the shot with you but were quickly proven incorrect when you grabbed each glass and downed the shots one by one, straight faced and without any salt or lime. You didn't even twitch after you threw back all that liquor, and you eyed the girls threateningly.

"You were saying?" You remarked, voice still stable, coherent, and strong.

"Ugh, fine. Have your fun." Both of them scoffed, unwilling to admit how impressed they were as they walked off in defeat. Plus, with the way Gojo was staring at you, they couldn't bear to witness him look at someone else like that without a single glance directed at them.

You sighed once they had gone, really feeling the effects of the liquor after those shots. It may have been a bit overkill, but you got your point across so that was all that mattered. Pressing your fingers into your forehead you leaned on the counter as you tried to slow the wave of intoxication that washed over you. As you leaned there, Gojo's arm found its way back around you, this time at your waist as he grinned excitedly at you.

"That was hot. I didn't know you could hold your liquor so well~!" He hummed.

"I had to prove a point. I hope you don't mind that I shooed off your eight o'clock appointment." You joked, blushing a bit.

"I couldn't give a damn about em. Past interactions are in the past for a reason. You're what matters now~" He informed you.

"Ah so you have changed a bit then. How cute." You smiled.

"For you of course! So does that mean I can call you babe now? What about dove? That one seems fitting, cause you're pretty like a dove." He rambled on, slurring his words together.

"Honestly, call me whatever you want, Satoru. It all sounds nice." You mused.

"Gladly~ Do I get a pet name too? Hmm?" He pestered.

"How about I start with hun?" You suggested, your cheeks remaining a vivid pink.

"Mmm, I like that~" He nodded, returning his head to your shoulder.

"God, you're such a whiny lightweight." You giggled, finally bringing one of your arms up to rest across his shoulders.

"So mean!" He complained, looking at you with a pouty expression.

You took advantage of the pout on his lips and planted a quick kiss on them, making the man beam brightly back at you as you waved over two more drinks. "Yeah, I know~"

Both of you happily finished your drinks together, finally deciding to stop on account of being too fucked up to carry on. That tequila you had was not being kind, and you swore you were seeing double as Gojo paid for the drinks. With a bit of effort though you both stumbled into a cab and headed for his place first, ready to end off the night. When you got there though, Gojo refused to let you ride home alone. He in fact insisted that you come in with him because he needed you, and it was impossible to say no to his drunken request. So, you followed him into his home, realizing that it was indeed a safer option for you.

There was a bit of incomprehensible mumbling between the two of you before he stumbled off to his bedroom, you seeking refuge in his kitchen with the filtered water he had, trying to reduce your chances of getting a wicked hangover. After you chugged one glass, Gojo suddenly called your name and requested your presence. Wondering what was up, you entered his bedroom to find him face down ass up on his bed, groaning into his pillows with his lounge clothes on.

"Tuck me in." Was all he said, barely audible through the pillows.

"My god, you're a piece of work." You sighed with a smile. "Put your ass down first, hun. Before I smack it."

He hesitated at first and you could practically feel his smirk from where you stood. Rolling your eyes you pushed on his lower back to flatten him out and pull his blankets up over his shoulders, wedging the fabric under his sides. You then took his sunglasses from where they fell next to his head and set them on the night stand where they wouldn't get crushed. When you finished, Gojo had already passed out like a light, all that alcohol finally catching up to him. You sighed gently, looking over his sleeping form with soft eyes.

"Did this absolute fool really want to date me? Me?!" You muttered to yourself.

You pondered on the possibility of sleeping next to him as you watched. His bed definitely had the space to do so, but you shook the thought from your head, thinking it may be too soon to do such a thing. Instead you simply bent down and gently kissed his forehead, opting to sleep on the couch instead. It would be less awkward that way, you figured.

Wandering back into his living room, you tossed off the outer layers of your outfit and left yourself in your more casual and comfortable under layers. Nabbing a blanket that sat on the back of the couch, you plopped yourself onto the soft cushions and bundled up, trying to settle for the night. Unfortunately, it wasn't so easy to do that. Your mind was racing with thoughts of Gojo and all the interactions you had earlier today: from his confession, to his kiss, to his offer to stay the night; you were charmed and unable to get him out of your mind. Everything he did was convincing enough to make you believe that he may just truly be in love with you.

Those thoughts invaded your mind for the next hour and a half, making it impossible for you to truly fall asleep. You flitted in and out of consciousness, tossing a little before you accepted defeat and stared at the ceiling.

"Can't fuckin' sleep." You muttered to yourself.

As you kept attempting to get comfortable enough to fall asleep, you halted your efforts for a moment when you heard shuffling come from across the room. Looking over, you saw Gojo dragging his feet as he approached you, his duvet draped over his shoulders and a groggy expression resting on his features. He had definitely already entered the hangover stage of the night.

"Satoru, what are you doing awake?" You asked.

He didn't respond right away, instead reaching down and pulling out a section of the couch that expanded it to the size of a double bed. You had no idea his couch did that, and felt stupid to witness it from where you sat. Gojo then climbed onto the surface and went straight to you, dropping all his weight down onto you where you laid. You were surprised by the gesture, feeling his weight and warmth press down on your body as you let out a little gasp. He then released a big sigh as his arms wrapped around you, clutching you tightly with his head buried in the crook of your neck once again.

"Mmm, cold." He finally answered. "Something was missing, so I couldn't sleep. You were that something."

"A-ah, I see." You nodded, resting your arms across his back.

"Looks like you can't sleep either. We both need snuggles." He mumbled.

Your cheeks heated up once more, surprised by how soft and innocent he was being. Must be the liquor, but your heart beat rapidly nonetheless as you held onto him, taking in his scent and warmth as he nuzzled comfortably against you. It was nice seeing him like this, and you began to start tracing gentle circles on his back on instinct as you laid together, allowing him to relax into you even further.

"I think I'm actually in love with you." Gojo mumbled into your neck out of nowhere.

Your heart fluttered, and you squeezed him tighter. "Me too."

"Good. I like it that way."

Before you could respond he had passed out almost instantly again, your warmth having taken him off to dreamland. You sighed knowing he would no longer respond, gently toying with his hair as he slept.

"I hope you mean that, hun. Because I sure do." You mumbled to yourself, letting out a tiny little groan as sleep finally decided to come to you.

He was right. Something was missing. Sprawled out on the pullout bed together, that something was found, and you slept in comfortable bliss holding the most powerful sorcerer close to your chest as your own. 

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