The F Word

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Hyper Thrust was in a big warehouse with the windows boarded over. If there wasn't any loud music leaking into the outside air, you would never guess that it was used as a nightclub.The party had already started without us. I knew that they weren't going to wait for us to get there to start drinking.

We approached the Killjoys playing security outside of the club. A clean shaven man with electric blue hair grinned when he saw us and opened the doors to the club, only to announce our arrival. I could hear people cheering from inside and even more anxiety built up inside me. I felt famous for doing absolutely nothing. I refused to become like one of the Kardashians. I wouldn't soak up the fame and find myself losing touch with reality. I was a normal person after all!

Ghoul held my hand so we wouldn't get lost in the large crowd. A lot of people were having fun on the dance floor while a young man up on a stage acted as the DJ. Colorful lights flashed on and off around us, illuminating the crowd. The other guys immediately went their separate ways, but Ghoul stayed with me. He yelled something at me but I couldn't hear him.

"What!?" I yelled into his ear with all my might.

He shook his head and laughed. He got close to my ear and yelled his request.

"Can I buy you a drink?"

"Sure!" I yelled back. "Surprise me!"

He pulled me over to the bar and yelled our order to the bartender. I was already getting used to the loud music and found it easier to understand the people around me. I figured that later my ears would be ringing.

The bartender slid our drinks over to us and Ghoul paid.

"What did you get me?" I asked and took my drink from him.

"It's named after you. Just kidding. It's actually called The Phoenix Witch." He smirked.

"Why do they call it that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It's named after a legendary witch that supposedly delivers letters to the dead and helps them pass on. Remember the mailbox?" He explained.

I nodded. "Oh right! I hope they don't mind that we have similar names."

I took a sip from the small glass in my hand. It was stronger than all hell but it tasted good. It wasn't long until it was gone and another found its way into my system. I knew my limits and wouldn't allow myself to have another. Ghoul was all set with one more beer.

"Am I too boring?" I asked my lover.

"No...why?" He finished off his beer and left the empty bottle at the bar.

"Because I don't dance like those other girls." I glanced over at a bunch of girls grinding against Poison who was clearly enjoying it. "They look like they are having way more fun. Maybe we should be dancing."

"First of all, don't compare yourself to the groupies. Second of all, I don't care what we do as long as I'm with you." Ghoul smiled and put an arm around me.

"Show me how to dance." I demanded.

"You shouldn't take lessons from me." He shook his head. "But okay."

We were in the middle of the crowd. I guess I was a little bit tipsy so I found it easier to become one with the mass of people. After two songs of copying what the people around me were doing, I found myself dizzy and exhausted. I still hadn't seen Rocket anywhere and felt disappointed. If I saw Kobra dancing with anyone besides her I knew I would kick his ass. In order to get a better look at everyone, I begged Ghoul to move to a place where we could get more air.

I could finally see Kobra pulling Rocket out of the crowd of people and outside. She obviously had a little too much to drink. I prayed to an imaginary god that they would stay safe. I would grill her later on why she hadn't come to see me. Maybe Kobra had just gotten to her first.

"I found her!" I turned to Ghoul, but he was no longer next to me.

I crossed my arms across my chest and huffed in annoyance. I couldn't imagine where he went off to. I strolled over to the bar where he was nowhere to be seen but Jet was there picking up a fruity drink for himself.

"Jet!" I called.

He looked all around, trying to figure out who was calling him.

"Jet, seriously." I approached him and he jumped.

"God is that you?!" He yelled drunkenly.

"Have you seen Ghoul?" I put my face close to his so he could hear every word I was saying with clarity.

He thought for a moment and nodded. "Yup he was with you."

"Very helpful. Thank you." I replied sarcastically.

Jet flashed me a genuine smile before sitting down with his drink. "You're welcome!"

He had no clue. I rolled my eyes. If Ghoul was going to abandon me, I was going to have another drink until he came back. I persuaded Jet to let me order something with his money. It wasn't hard to do considering how confused he was.

This third drink looked like what Jet had just ordered. It was very fruity smelling and came in a cute martini glass. It tasted more like fruit punch than alcohol. I could see myself sitting poolside on a summer day enjoying it. If only a pool had been installed by Alan and Ross...I could be living my dream.

A popular band was introduced on stage; Mad Gear and Missile Kid. Dr. Death Defying played them often so I knew it would be a great change from the electronic music everyone had been grinding to. The musicians began to play one of their most famous songs about how they hated BLI. The crowd of people in front of the stage had turned from grinding to moshing. They knew how to have a good time no matter the occasion.

I had sipped down another martini. It took me a little while of sitting there and watching the crowd to realize I was drunk. I didn't feel all that great and wanted to go home. I turned around to find Jet had joined the people cheering on the band. Nausea started to build up within me and I regretted drinking more. What was wrong with me?

I shuffled past people towards the restrooms. It was really only about three stalls so there was a long wait. I could have just gone to the men's room (they were usually less busy), but I didn't know if I could wait even a few minutes. I sped outside of the club and into the fresh air. After some pacing around, I was able to find a space where I could throw up in peace. Despite the cool night air I still found myself sweating. I pulled off my jacket and carried it over my shoulder to the Trans Am.

There was no one in the car and the doors were locked. I had forgotten that Poison had the keys.

"Stupid car!" I yelled.

The car didn't yell back at me.

I walked around to the front of the old car and boosted myself onto the hood. I pushed myself up as far as I could so I was leaning my back against the windshield. I let my head rest against the Trans Am's glass. I felt dizzy but really couldn't throw up anymore. There was nothing left in my stomach. I needed a glass of water, a shower, and my warm bed at home. I fantasized about the soft sheets against my skin and closed my eyes. Doing this helped me with my spinning head.

"Who is that girl on your car?" I heard a female voice loudly.

"That's Phoenix on my damn car!" It was Poison's drunk voice that responded.

"No way that's Phoenix. She doesn't look like that."


My eyes shot open wide to find the source of the voices. The whole crew stumbled towards the car like zombies.

"Rocket!" I yelled excitedly and slipped off of the hood of the car.

I ran towards her, throwing my arms around her. She hugged me back tightly.

"Your hair is gone." She exclaimed after pulling away from our hug.

I nodded. "Yeah. I didn't like it anymore."

She giggled. "Phoenix, you sound so drunk."

"I do?"

Rocket nodded. "You don't notice it but I do. Let's go home so you can tell me everything. I want to hear all about the good food."

I gagged at the mention of food. Her and Ghoul immediately came to my rescue while the others recoiled in fear of me vomitting on them.

"I'm okay." I really did need to go home.

"No talk about....the f word." Ghoul looked around nervously.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK! That f word?" Jet yelled.

"No, you douchecanoe, FOOD." Kobra slurred.

"Can you both shut 'the F word' up?" Poison rubbed his eyes. "I have an 'F word' headache."

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