Ch.22 The Snowy Yeti Moutain

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"We need to go to Zora's domain."

Link suddenly stopped in his tracks by me. It looked like he needed some more sleep because the rings around his eyes were getting slightly darker, but I couldn't blame him with all the stuff were going through now.

"Why Zora's domain?"

"Because I can feel it's where we need to go."

"Alright then. You lead the way this time."

"Wait!" I stopped in my tracks making Link bump into me, but I didn't feel it as the gears in my head were going off. "We need to talk to the prince of Zora's first! Maybe... I don't know!"

"Just pick one already!"

"U-ummm Prince of Zora's!"

Midna sighed as she came out from Link's shadow. "You are so wishy-washy. Let's go to the prince. I think he has information for us to where we can enter in through the mountains."

"That is a good point." Link spoke up, "But is he awake and healthy enough to tell us where it is?"

"He should be. We won't know if we don't go there."

Midna nodded and transported us to Karariko village. Being transported by Midna felt really weird because when you were transported your body broke off into tiny pieces and went through a very narrow passage way. Then the second weirdest part was when you were re-pieced together.

It always gave me shivers down my spine afterwards, but I ignore the jelly feeling of my legs as we jogged to the graveyard. Link was following me and ever since the curse came onto me I've been feeling where we need to go to things. It was like the curse was slowly giving back my powers as a goddess again.

Strange to think and say that, but I think it was true. Maybe getting this curse wasn't so bad... but bad enough for Link's life on the line. Honestly... I don't know what to do anymore... I can't even look at Link anymore without getting a stab of guilt.

"(y/n) are you sure this is the right way?"

Link's voice made me suddenly jump. I can't be thinking about this stuff right now, I'll figure this out on my own... make sure to keep Link and myself alive. "Yep! Just follow me through this hole."

I bent down and started crawling through the hole. The dampness in the air was really dense around my hair as it stood up a bit, but over by the other side was the Zora prince. We swam over to him as he waited for up to come over to the other side.

"Are you two Link and (y/n)?" The young prince asked, "My mother came to me in a dream... she showed me an image of what you looked like."

I bowed for him. "Yes we are, and may your mother rest in peace."

A kind smile came over his face. "Thank you. I must thank you for all you've have done. If there is anything I can do for you please just ask."

"Well can you just answer us this? Do you know where we can enter the snowy mountains right by your domain? We need to get there and it's important."

His face drifted off into thought. "Hmm... the man-beast of the snowy white mountain... perhaps? But more importantly it's the red fish it always holds. It must be a reekish. It's a rare specimen found only in the Zora village. You'll need a special type of coral to catch it. Luckily for me I have this coral, it's my earring."

I looked at his earring as he took it off. It was in the shape of a fish hook with it being pure white and tiny coral blue pieces studded inside it. It was truly a wonderful piece of coral to be this beautiful. "Thank you, Zora prince!"

He nodded and then looked away, lost in faraway thoughts. "I received this from my mother... But it is fine. I no longer need it. As I look at you both, I get a sense of what my mother wanted, what I should be doing now..." He rose his head to face us, "I will return to my village. The reekfish can be found near the Mother-and-Child Rock in the waterfall basin near my village."

"I'm guessing the fish is red." I guess and gave him a cocky smile.

He returned my smile back. "Yes they are red. I wish the better of you both."

"Thank you. Midna, you know what to do."

Her giggle echoed inside my ears as we were transported again. Seeing the prince healthy again gave me a new sense of relief. It was great to see the dead queen's son alive and well... or I fear her soul would have been in forever sorrow.

Link helped me when I almost fell off a rock. Stupid Midna... I see she still hasn't changed her sneaky ways. I got out the fishing rod and hooked the coral earring onto it. "I'll cast it out."

"Can I cast it out?" Link asked.

A warm smile spread over me as I handed him the pole, but had one hand on it. "We can both fish together."

He seemed to like the idea of that as he pull me into his arms, wrapped them around me carefully, and casted out into the water. At times like this I missed them. It seemed like only yesterday we were only simply childhood farmers. Now... we were on a quest to save two realms.

"(y/n) if you don't mind me asking... what has been going on with you... back at the prison you were a little distance towards me."

There it was again... the stab of guilt. I bet Ganon is laughing at me right now... I hate that guy so much right now. "I just... didn't feel good last night."

As if Link could sense my distress he could. "It's alright if you don't want to talk about it. I understand if you feel tired after every battle we have. It's my fault for all the missed out sleeps we've been having and it's because of me... my need of keeping on going when I'm not even thinking of your health."

"Link..." I looked back at him, seeing the deep sky blue of his Hylian eyes. "It's not your fault. None of this is your fault."

'It's my fault... I got us into this mess and you might die from it... Maybe I should just leave when I have the chance... it will save you from death, Link...'

It look like Link was about to say something but the line pulled at the same moment. I grabbed onto it and heaved it back with all my strength. We would have lost it if Link didn't help me pull. The reekfish was small but kind of cute at the same time.

"Alright we got it! Transform into a wolf so we can follow the sent."

Link nodded and turned into a wolf. He sniffed the fish and barked when he got the sent. He started off but I was looking at the fish, secretly pulling it into my pocket for possibly dinner later...

The sent trail lead us over to an open spot in the wall. Even if I wasn't in the cave I could still be the coldness coming from outside. To keep myself warm I sat on Link and burred my face in his fur.

It was soft alright, along with warm, but I couldn't be thinking about that right now. My powers kicked in again as I could sense we were to go into the mountains. "J-Just pass by this lake... L-Link..."

He suddenly stopped and changed back. I looked at him confused, but I suddenly started getting heated up just by my cheeks as he was taking off his green tunic, leaving him in just his mail chains. "W-What are you d-doing?!"

"Wear my green tunic up the mountain. I'm fine as a wolf but I want you warm."


He helped me put it on as I was already freezing, inside and outside. The fabric of his shirt was already making me warm. I sighed in bliss, no wonder Link loved tunics like this. He transformed back into a wolf and carefully hopped across the lake.

I wonder what winter here was like if it was only spring here. It was dangerous but I took down the snow wolfs with my arrows. It was the only way to really protect Link and myself while he climbed up the mountains.

The sun finally peeked up into the sun and gave us light. News? My face and hands were freezing, but my body was nice and toasty warm. Not the combo you really want to have. Link stopped at a corner of a mountain wall, looking back at me.

I sighed but nodded, I knew it needed to be done. He started digging into the icy ground. I swear my face at the end of all this would be all blue and purple. After he finished digging through he transformed into a wolf, and instead of going ahead, he check over me.

"Are you alright?"

He cups my cheeks in my hands. His warm felt so good I could feel my face melting into his hands. "Y-Yeah... I-I'm just really cold..."

He nodded and hugged me close to his chest. "I just hope this helps. I'm sorry I couldn't get up the mountain faster... damn it... your all cold and this is my fault."

"D-Don't sweat it..."

The cold was sucking out my energy faster than I could keep up with, and the darkness felt so good I entered into it...

Link's P.O.V

(y/n) went slack in my arm as I started to panic. My warm was barley helping her any and this cave wasn't helping her in the slightest. I needed to act fast and find some place warm... but where?! This is a damn cold mountain!

Looking around I found a strange rolling door with huge hand prints on it. It could be dangerous but (y/n) was in danger... I won't let her die... I just won't let it happen. Just as I think that more Twil come down around me.

Anger surged through me. I let it take over while holding (y/n) tightly in one arm while fighting with other. (y/n) won't die in my arms! I finished off the last two with a swing attack, making sure I got them before taking off.

I was freezing but I could care less about myself right now. This mountain was slowly draining the life from (y/n) and she needs my help fast. The storm around me calm down as above was a tall, but small tree was at a white monster was on their.

Maybe he had somewhere to rest! I rushed over and nudged his shoulder. "Please! Help me! I need to get to shelter fast! Somewhere warm!"

"Uh Whoa! I heard ruck behind me and two humans! I see not a human often, eh? Why human come to snow?"

Oh boy, this was going to take a while. "We need to find a mirror shard and my friend here is in need of warmth!"

"Oh! Mirror at my house! Come with me and I'll give your friend warmth! The shiny piece is at my house, but a gift for my wife! So talk to her about it!"

I nodded my head. "Thank you. Please take me there she doesn't have much time."

"I got it! I caught fish so I make soup! My house is far away. We slide too it, uh. Do like me! Come and bring other human with you!"

The yeti punch the tree and came down with a large, frozen leave. It hopped onto it and started to slide. Looking down at the mountain my eyes widen at the slop. May the goddesses protect me and give me safety. I rolled into the tree, picked up (y/n) quickly, and hopped onto the frozen leave.

I had she wrapped around my arm to shield her away from the cold. The slop was a crazy ride but I finally made it down. Midna came out of my shadow as we stopped at the house, more looking like a mansion than anything.

"Here? What's with this guy? He has a nice place... for beast-man."

"Let's no focus on that right now. I need to get (y/n) to warmth."

She was dangerously cold, even my heart was scared to think she was slowly dying inside. Midna nodded and went back into my shadow. I opened up the door as the inside of the mansion was frozen. I hope that beast-man wasn't lying to me...

I walked in through a couple of door and found a yeti, only smaller and in a rocking chair. "Hello." She spoke up when she saw me.

When I saw the fire I put (y/n) right in front of it. "Do you have a blanket on you?"

"N-No... I have sickness, so I can't look around to help... sorry."

"It's fine. Can she rest in here with you?"

"Of course."

I smiled and sat her near the fire. "Thank you. About the mirror... can we have it?"

"Yes... please take it away... bad things have happen to us since I got mirror... we locked in are bedroom on the third floor. The key... uhh... I forgot... but I have map of the place."

I took it and looked it over. This place was huge. I was afraid of leaving (y/n) alone... but I have to hurry up with my new found quest. "Thank you, again."

With a turn of my back I left the room. Now that I know (y/n) is going to be warm I'll be fine... but I still am worried about her... keep safe and warm for me, (y/n).

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