Will you be my Guru?

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Next day,

Shambhav and Ramanuj along with their henchmen were taken in front of the court. After the princes and Shibu were saved by Aditya and his team, Duryodhana was impressed with Aditya's valor and wanted to befriend him. Aditya said he would think about it and then asked Duryodhana to call the guards and take those criminals away. Yuyutsu ran to the soldiers' check post and called the guards. Now they had all the evidence as well. In their godown, they found the food grains and also from the office they found all the documents regarding their illegal business. The men were thrown in the dungeon and in the morning all the criminals were brought in front of the king. The minister and Shambhav first denied every accusation against them. Even they tried to blame on the princes saying that they were trying to frame them. But Shibu and some other citizens came forward to testify against them. With all the evidences along with the witnesses, their crimes were proven. They were not only being accused for black marketing, illegal food hoarding, bribes but also of murder attempts on the princes. Shibu also stated how prince Duryodhana risked his life to protect him. The common citizens praised the Kauravas and both Gandhari and Dhritarashtra felt immense happiness for their kids. Even Bheesm said, 'I am happy that you all are trying to do some good work and earn a respectable position in the court. in future when your eldest brother Yudhistir became the king, you also can help him along with his other brothers '

Vidur, 'Yes, if you work this hard, Yudhistir will definitely give you a good position in the court. After all he is a just person who gives chances to everyone.'

Dusshasshan, 'Mahamahim, mantriji we all did what we have to do for our people. Not for any position or rewards. Also we are tremendously disappointed about you all. A famine hit our country. People are begging for foods, many have to sell their everything to get some food grains. The food prices are so high because of this illegal black marketing that most the families cannot even afford three proper meals a day. In this situation, instead of helping them you are spending money on kalapradarshan and inviting other royals to showcase our power?'

Everyone was shocked at the accusation. They all had an idea that Dusshasshan was a stupid person but today his logical questioning made everyone uncomfortable.

Vikarna, 'I know father that you ordered the ministers to distribute foods among everyone and forgives the taxes for the farmers. But do you think just issuing an order is enough?'

Yuyutsu, 'Mahamahim, mahamantriji, do you ever tried to find out if your orders were properly implemented or not? Do you ever try to find out the conditions of the poor citizens. Sitting here in the court and ordering laws are easy but it is also the duty of the king and ministers to see if your orders are actually benefitting the subjects or not.'

Kaustav was irritated. This success of the Kauravas not only foiled his plans but also made the kauravas popular among the citizens. So he cried, 'Stop, don't you have any manners. Is that way to talk to your elders?'

Yudhistir, 'Disrespecting the elders are Adharm.'

Vikarna, 'We are not disrespecting our elders. As a citizen of HP we have full right to question the king and the ministers. Mahamahim promised to make HP glorious. The glory of HP does not depend on the royals only. HP is not just a piece of land or the royals, palace and treasury. The most important asset of a kingdom is the citizens. When they are not happy that means the king, Mahamahim and mantriji fail in their duty. First, they trusted wrong men and make them the ministers and then do not keep an eye on the officials to check if they are doing their duty or not.'

Everyone was shocked. How did the Kauravas become such a good speaker, thought Drona. 

'They are good speakers, Drona, ' thought a man standing in the stable, 'You just have no time to see their potentials as you were so busy with your beloved Pandavas.'

Dhritarashtra, 'You are right, we are really wrong. From now on all the ministers should watch the officials. Vidur, I want you to keep a close watch on these matters. I don't want my citizens to suffer.'

Vidur, 'Maharaj, why don't we give Yudhistir the duty to distribute the grains properly?'

The king agreed but Kauravas understood that by doing this Vidur tried to salvage the Pandavas reputation. The citizens would again praise Yudi and forgot about the Kauravas when they would see Yudi in charge of the food distribution. Also Kaustav created a fuss saying that Duryodhana had taken help from a criminal. As Aditya helped the oppressed, Kaustav always feared and hated him. So he tried to tarnish Aditya's reputation portraying as an Adharmi and criminal. But Duryodhana interjected, 'What did he commit? In fact he saved us from those criminals. He did not do anything wrong or broke the law here.'

Kaustav, 'Don't you know, in many kingdoms he punished the royals and upper-class people.'

Yuyutsu, 'For torturing the innocents, so he is not a criminal but a savior. And in HP he did not break any law so you cannot label him as a criminal.'

Dhritarashtra, 'They are right. We cannot arrest anyone unless he breaks the law.'

After all this ended Drona demanded his Gurudakshina. Kaustav again tried to make it as a competition saying both the parties should attack separately but Duryodhana remembered Karna's words and said, 'Gurudakshina is a sacred thing. Please don't make it a competition. We all shall give it together.'

Bheem, 'Why are you scared that you are going to fail if you do it alone?'

Duryodhana, 'Son of Gandhari do not fear anyone. We just don't want to spoil a sacred thing like Gurudakshina by making it some petty competition. By any chance, if we go first and able to defeat Dhrupad then how are you going to give it and vice versa, then what will happen.'

Some impartial ministers hailed, 'Sadhu, sadhu, prince Duryodhana is right, everyone has the right to give guru Dakshina properly.'

Drona agreed as he knew that only Arjun could break the Chakravyuh, so after the war the Pandavas would have all the glory and fame. He only taught the technique to Arjun and there was no other person who would help the Kauravas to learn it. But little did he know that the progenitor of all Vyuh and war techniques was here and he was going to be the biggest support for the Kauravas.

Outside the court,

Dury, 'How brothers, you all countered the elders quite well.'

Yuyutsu, 'You too brother, I think Mitra Karna trained you well.'

Dury, 'Yes, I meet him in the morning after his Suryapuja. He told me to question maharaj, mahamahim and Mantriji about their neglects.'

Dusshasshan, 'We also met him after he came to the palace, he also told us not to hesitate in asking those questions as it was our right.'

Yuyutsu, 'I wonder, does mitra really illiterate? The way he talks, it seemed like he has a good knowledge of politics and laws.'

Dury, 'I really don't know, he is an enigma to me.'

They reached to the stable where Karna was talking to Aswatthama. Aswatthama came to know about Karna from Dury and they also developed a good bond. Dury told Karna what happened and how Vidur gave the duty to Yudi and how they tried to make the Gurudakshina into a competition. 

Karna, 'Thank God that you did not fall for the trap. But now you need to make a proper strategy.'

Aswatthama, 'Father taught Arjun the technique to break Chakravyuh and Drupad is famous for that. Mitra how are going to break it?'

Dury (sadly), 'I don't know but I have faith in Mahadev. He will help us.'

Suddenly a bird flew over Dury and dropped a letter on his head. Opening it he saw that it was from Adity and it said that if he wanted to meet him, they could come to the forest near the bank of Ganga. There was also a map which showed the way.

Dusshasshan, 'Jyasht, I have heard that Aditya is a great fight. Maybe he can help us.'

Karna, 'You guys go, I will cover for you here. If anyone asks I will say that you all are in your room planning strategies.'

Dury, 'But why don't you also come?'

Karna, 'No, it will arise suspicion. Now go, don't waste time.'

As per instruction Dury and the team went to the place inside the forest. Inside the forest there was a beautiful waterfall and there was a clearing in front of the fall. the field was surrounded by small cliffs from two sides and only one side was open. When they came near the clearing they heard a clash of swords and they saw that the woman named Jwala was practicing with Shaurya. The Kauravas knew their names last night. They were impressed with their skills. Forgot Nakul, even Drona could not such a complex move. 

'Welcome princes,' a deep voice startled them. They saw Aditya was sitting under a tree. Dury said, 'Sorry we bring one of our friends, he is...'

Aditya, 'Dron putra Aswatthama, I know. So prince, you want to be my frind, but why? I don't think the royals of Aryavart like me much.'

Dury, 'I don't know about others but you are a good man who helped others without any discrimination. That is why I like you. You are also a selfless person who serves people without any expectation in return, so I like you

Aditya, 'I don't mind being your friend as long as you be a good person and fight for justice. Once you try to harm anyone with evil intentions then I myself will be the first one to punish you...do you agree?'

Dury, 'I have no intention to harm any innocent.'

Dusshasshan, 'Yes my Bhrata never discriminate among anyone.'

Aditya, 'I know, that's why I am giving you a chance. Okay, my prince tell me why are you so tense?'

Dury, 'Actually we need to fight king Drupad as our Gurudakshina but only Arjun among us knows how to break the Chakravyuh.'

Aditya, 'Didn't your Guru teach you all?'

  Vikarna, 'No he thought only to Arjun and when we asked he said we are not smart enough to learn it.'

Tej, 'What a weird Guru is he? How could anyone do that to his own students?'

Jwala, 'The one who asked a boy to cut his thumb can only do such partiality. He is a black spot in the  name of all Gurus.'

Aditya, 'Shant Jwala shant, there is no need to waste our time on such person. Okay I will teach you about Chakravyuh. Let's sit here.'

The Aditya started to teach him abut Chakravyuh. The way he explained everything, it was clear that he was an expert in war strategists and vyuh making. He had also explained everything with such efficiency that even Drona could not do that. Then he said, 'That's all for today. Go home and come back tomorrow. I will tell you about illusions. Drupad is also very efficient on it and you have to know how to break it if you want to defeat him.'

Dury looked at his companions and then he said, 'That you.....Guruji.'

Aditya, 'Guruji?'

Dury, 'Yes, will be our Guru. I think there are lots of thing we have to learn from you.'

Aditya, 'Okay first win the Panchal war then I will decide if you all are eligible to be my student or not?'

Next day,

The Kauravas and Aswatthama were excited to meet Aditya again. They also wanted to bring Karna but he declined saying he had to stay in that palace if Gandhari needed anything. Then Kauravas again went to the forest. Today Aditya taught them to distinguish between illusions and real things. He also let them to practice with some of the illusions created by him. Kauravas were impressed to see his mastery in illusions as well. They also practiced with Shaurya, Tej and Jwala. Practicing with them made them realize that still there were many things they needed to learn. Drona always boasted that he was the greatest Guru and there was nothing that he did not know about war and fighting. But seeing the Rakshaks' techniques they realized how false those claims were. When they asked their Guru's name they said that Aditya taught them those techniques. The Kauravas and Aswatthama promised in mind that they would make Aditya their Guru and would learn everything from him. 

Panchal war,

The Pandavas and Kauravas were discussing strategies. Karna also tagged along as Duryodhana's charioteer. First the Pandavs were making fun of them as they did not know how to break the vyuh. But when Kauravas told them that they were also familiar with the technique then their reactions were hilarious, especially Bheem's. Then they decided to attack from two sides. Pandavs at one side and Kauravas at the other. Then they would reach at the middle and tried to imprison Drupad. As per planning, both Pandavas and Kauravas attacked the vyuh. Drupad was relaxed thinking that the novice could never break his vyuh but both the princes broke it. Then they started fighting with the generals. Shikhandini came to protect Drupad. Nakul fought with her but was almost defeated but Yuyutsu attacked her and then defeated her. Both Arjun and Dury broke the Chakravyuh but Kauravas broke it faster as Aditya showed them the technique which was more efficient while Arjun's way was a crude one. In fact, Karna's chariot riding skill helped Dury a lot. As if even without his instruction, Karna knew how to move and where to move. Dury reached to the center faster and fought with Drupad. Arjun also reached there and started destroying the soldiers. Suddenly Drupad screamed, 'Stop, or they will die.' They saw that Drupad was standing there holding swords on Gandhari's and Kunti's throats.  

Arjun screamed, 'No, leave my mother, you scoundrel.'

Drupad, 'Surrender otherwise you all will die.'

Arjun, 'No, please don't' saying he lowered his bow.'

Duryodhana was looking at the prisoners keenly. He was also shocked at first but then suddenly Karna screamed, 'Oh the sunrays,' and then suddenly Dury threw his mace towards Drupad and to Arjun's astonishment both the images of Kunti and Gandhari vanished and the mace hit Drupad. Drupad fainted. Dury rushed towards him and tied him up.'

Later they dragged Drupad and threw him on his feet. Drona reminded him about his insult and demanded half of Panchal for his son. Drupad reluctantly agreed and left with a vengeance in his heart. 


All the princes returned to HP. Aswatthama and Drona were also with them. Drona begrudgingly admitted the Kauravas' contribution. Gandhari and Dhritarashtra were happy for their sons as for the first time someone was praising them. Bheesm curiously asked, 'How did you recognize the illusions?'

Dury, 'Pitamaha, I was skeptical that how did he get hold of Mata and Kakishri? Then Karna suddenly screamed that there was too much sunlight and I realized that the illusions had no shadow. Then I recognized them and threw my mace to Drupad.'

Everyone was happy that prince Duryodhana was so smart. But the Pandavas, Kaustav, Priyamvada, Kunti and Drona was tensed. 

Others' POV

Drona, 'How did they know the technique to break Chakravyuh? Who helped them to learn? Bheesm...no, then who has the knowledge to break it even with such precision?'

Arjun, 'So Gurudev, did not taught me everything. Instead he taught that adharmi Duryodhana the proper techniques. He just acted in front of me but actually he is supporting those Kauravas. Afterall they are the son of the king.

Kaustav, 'Oh I have to do something. These Kauravas are getting popularity. This Drona, I convinced him to teach Pandavas well but now he is playing at both sides. I have to teach Droan such a lesson that in future no one will dare double cross me.'

Kunti, 'I have to secure my son's position by hook or crook. I have to sit on the throne of Rajmata. For that I can do anything.'

Priyamvada, 'It's easy to manipulate those foolish Pandavas but the Kaurava brothers are getting powerful. I have to do something to remove them from our path.'

Vidur, 'I have no idea that the bad omen Dury has such intelligence but from where does he learn all those things. Someone must be behind this..is it Karna...no no how come that illiterate Suta knows about wars and Vyuhs? But I must keep an eye on them.'

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