Karna's marriage

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The entire Vidharva palace was in turmoil. A huge fights and emotional blackmailing was going on among the royals. Vrushali saw Mrinalini writing love letters to Karna and also drew his painting and talking to it. She was completely lovestruck by Karna. First Vrushali tried to convince her that it was a bad idea as Karna was not a royalty but a common advisor of Kauravas court. He even did not belong to their caste. But Mrinalini was adament. She even tried to run away from the palace and Vrushali was forced to inform that to her parents. Queen Sulochana was disgusted by her daughter's action. How on earth she wanted to marry a mere suta who was nothing but a servant of those evil Kauravas. She blamed King Chandraketu for giving their daughters so much independence. Even King Chandraketu was also surprised. Mrinalini's behavior completely changed when it came about Karna. His sweet, lovable daughter became stubborn and ferociuos as a tigress when someone tried to belittle Karna. King Chandraketu had no idea what happened to her. Queen Sulochana was sure that the wretched Kauravas and Karna did black magic on her daughter. She called mane sages and even shammans but they did not find any kind of magic on her. All their rituals were proven worthless and Mrinalini's obsession for Karna was increasing day by day. Even king Chandrakeu was shocked seeing his daughter's behavior. As if he could not recognize his own kid. His sweet, caring Mrinalini suddenly changed into a ferocius woman who could rip anyone who tried to come between her and her love. Chandraketu never believed in something like black magic but seeing his daughter he was wondering if there was something called as black magic.

In between all these fiasco King Chandraketu decided to visit his kulguru Ashtavakra Muni's ashram to solve this problem. He personally liked Karna and knew that he was better than any other royal prince. But as a king he could not allow his daughter to marry a common man. So he went to Ashtavakra muni's ashram and told him about his problems.

AM (Ashtavakra Muni), 'Rajan if you don't want Mrinalini to marry Karna then why don't you try to reason with her or arrange her marriage.'

King Chandraketu, 'I have tried everything. But she threatened us that she will commit suicide if we try to force her and will curse my entire kingdom.'

AM, 'Then why don't you marry her where her heart desire.'

King Chandraketu, 'Pravu, what are saying? I am a king and only a royal can marry my daughter.'

AM, 'That means you still have those prejudices. Even after being a king you performed all the austerities. But still you retain your royal ego.'

King Chandraketu was ashamed. He knew his Guru was right. But he was confused. He even remembered the sages prediction after his daughters birth.  'Maharaj your daughetrs' have unique destiny. They will face two paths in her life, one will be their true destiny where they will get to know their actual self but the other will be disastrous not only for them but for the entire kingdom.There is someone for whom they are waiting for a long. But both of their choices will impact the humanity. So while choosing their grooms you have to be very careful. Listen to your heart and then only take your decisions.'

King Chandraketu knew that Karna was a good person and would respect his daughter after the marriage.  He also knew that Mrinalini would never be happy if she was forced to marry someone else. So he decided to talk to Sulochana and then sent a proposal to Karna and his parents. 

Queen Sulochana was extremely mad about the decision. She would never, ever tolerated this kind of behavior. If she had the power, she would have throw her impudent daughter to prison and let her rot there instead of putting her reputation at stake. But she knew Chandraketu would never allow that. Another major problem was somehow entire Aryavart came to know about her daughter's love to a commoner. Now no one would marry Mrinalini and she became a joke among all the queens of Aryavart. She knew it was the conspiracy of the Kauravas. They delibarately did some magic on her daughter to belittle their family. Those evil Kauravas and Karna were trying to pollute their royal blood. They even spread this news so that now no one would agree to marry her. But she was also queen Sulochana and for her her reputation was more important than her daughter. So when the helpless king Chandraketu wanted to send his daughter's proposal to  Karna, she angrily said, 'Yes...what can we do now? Your daughter has left no stone unturned to defame us in fron of entire Aryavart. Those who cannot even dare to look at us are now laughing openly at our situation.'

King Chandraketu, 'What do you suggest then? Let our daughter die? No...Gurudev told me to let my daughters choose their lives otherwise it will disastrious for us.'

Sulochana, 'Do whatever you want. But if you want me to accept this madness then you have to obey my one condition.'

King Chandraketu (tiredly), 'What do want?'

Sulochana, 'I want you to disown Mrinalini after her marriage. You shall cut all the ties with our daughter once she is married to that low life.'

King Chandraketu was shocked. He knew his wife was a cruel and egoistic woman but he had no idea that she could be so unjust to their own daughter. He tried to be reason with her but she was adament. So King Chandraketu informed that to Mrinalini and she gladly agreed to that condition as well.

Vrushali was heartbroken. To the outer world she was a stone hearted, rude person who had no love for anyone. But actually she created the shield of arrogance around her to protect herself from all unwanted attentions. Since childhood, young men were attracted to her and her sister as flies get attracted to flame. Many young princes tried to take advantages of their innocence when they were young. To send them away Vrushali always behaved rudely to them. Another reaosn was since childhoosshe felt a void in her heart. As if a major part was missing from her life. She always felt as if someone was calling for her. She was tired of that longing, waiting for that mysterious person. Interestingly when for the first time she met Karna, she felt peace. But she was too independent to admit that feeling. To keep Karna away from her, she behaved rudely with him. But then she felt such a pain in her heart which was unbearable. She felt as if Karna could make her whole but she did not want to loose her freedom by marrying anyone. 

Whe Vrushali came to know about Mrinalini's love for Karna, the first thing came in her mind was jealousy...Why..she was jealous of her sister for loving a poor person like Karna. She sould be concerned, disgusted but why jealousy. When she contemplated her emotions, she realized that she did not want Karna to marry Mrinalini. Openly she said that Karna was not good enough for her sister who was a princess but deep down she knew that she did not want Karna to become someone elses husband. Confused with her feelings she was going to her parents room when she heard that her parents were going to disown her sister and Vrushali would not allow that to  happen. She knew what she had to do.


Anga royalties were shocked when they received the proposal. It was impossible for royals to send marriage proposal for a commoner. From their spies they also came to know about Mrinalini's condition and they were surprised. They could not believe that a woman could be so passionate about her love that she was ready to leave her luxurious life, her parents, kingdom everything. It was true that many princess got married to poor sages, for example Princess Lopamudra married sage Agyasta but they were Brahmins. But here Mrinalini wanted to marry a Suta. The Kauravas knew that it would create problems as after this Vidharva would cut all ties with them. Suyo asked Karna and he said that Mrinalini was adament and he did not want her to do anything stupid. Mrinalini also sent Suyodhana a lette asking for assylum and said that if she was not allowed to marry Karna she would give up her life and her blood would be on the Anga's royals' hands. So Suyodhana also agreed to give Mrinalini the assylum. The women like Gandhari, Bhanumati and Hidimba were happy for Karna as only a true love could do such sacrifice for her lover. It was as if Mata Sati was leaving her luxurious life for Mahadev. They also came to know about queen Sulochana's condition and they agreed as they wanted Karna to be happy.

In the meantime Karna was also somewhat convinced that maybe Mrinalini was his Niyati. Otherwise why would she be ready to sacrifice so many things of her life. 


Mrinalini was ready to leave Vidharva as Sulochana did not want to marry her daughter with a low born in her palace. King Chandraketu as a lovin father did not want to send her daughter alone. So he planned to send some guards and maids with her daughter as Suyodhana agreed to arrange the marriage in Anga. But queen Sulochana was plotting something. She sent a letter to Kunti to teach her daughter a lesson. She asked Kunti to send one her sons to abduct Mrinalini on her way To Anga and forcefully marry her. Once married. she could not do anything. 


Kunti had something else in her mind. She did not want to make a girl who loved someone else her putravadu but she planned to do something to make her sons position strong and make an alliance with Vidharva. She asked Nakul and Sahadev to abduct Mrinalini and forcethemselves on her and then keep her as a prisoner in Hastinapur. She wanted to blackmail King Chandraketu then and force him to marry Vrushali to one of her sons. Thus Madri's son would have that wretched Mrinalini while one of her own son could have the true princess and heir of Vidharva. Queen Sulochana had no idea that just to protect her reputation and royal ego, she was throwing her daughter in front of some hungry wolves.

A place between Anga and Vidharva

A small group of people were sitting around a campfire. A small tent was set up for the banished princess of Vidharva where she was resting. Suddenly a group of soldiers attacked the camp and tried to forcefully kindnap the princess. The guards of Vidharva did not even try to protect her because of the queen's instruction. Nakul and Sahadev entered the tent to forcefully drag Mrinalini out. Sahadev did not want to do this but Nakul was excited as he lusted after the Vidharva princess. Whe they entered, they were shocked to see the princess with a sword. They tried to disarm her but shocked to see the princess so skilled with sword. They knew that Mrinalini was a sweet and soft girl but had no idea that she could fight like a lioness. They were almost overpowered, so Nakul called the guards to bind her. But shockingly no guard respond to their calls. They both ran out of the tent and saw that all their guards as well as the Vidharva soldiers were tied and four people were standing. They readily recognized then as Aditya and the Rakshaks. Befor ethey could react, the rakshaks overpowered thema nd tied them down. Then Aditya said, 'Hastinapur princes, you never ceased to amaze me with your shamelessness. First that gluttonous brother of yours and now you two tried to force a woman. Okay let us mke an example of yours today so that the kuruvanshis will get a lesson.

Hastinapur, next morning

Kunti and the three kaunteyas were enjoying their breakfast when they heard a commotion outside. A soldier came running and said, 'Maharaj please come out. There is an emergency,'

All the royals and the Kuru elders came out and was shocked to see the scene. The soldiers whom they sent with Nakul and Sahadev to abduct Mrinalini were walking back but their seeing their and the princes codition everyone almost fainted. All the soldiers were almost naked except their loincloths, their heads were shaved along with their facial hairs and their faces were covered with black mud. In between the soldiers, Nakul and Sahadev were in same condition but they were tied on two donkeys. Suddenly a thunderous voice boomed, 'Hail the royals of Hastinapur, till now you have shamed the sacred womenhood by your shameless and perverted acts and get unpunished but not anymore. Here is the example of what will happen if try to act against a woman's will. These two imbeciles cannot come down from these donkeys untill they are paraded in the entire city. You can try, you can use any force you want but let me warn you, if you try to touch these criminals before they finished the parade. you turn into one of them.'

Yudhistir forced some soldiers to bring Nakul and Sahadev down from the donkeys but just by touching them, they also became bald and shaved and their cloths disappeared. Seeing their conditions, no one dared to help them again. Nakul and Sahadev pleaded to Bheesm, Drona, Bheem and Arjun to use their forces but they did not try to help them. For the entire day, Nakul and Sahdev were paraded along the roads of Hastinapur, sitting on the donkeys. In the evening the donkeys came back in front of the palace and both the princes were able to get down. The servants rushed to them and took them inside to clean them. Then they came in the court where the royals were waiting for them.

Bheesm, 'Nakul, Sahdev what is the meaning of this. What happened to both of you?'

Nakul, 'It was Aditya and the Rakshaks. We tried to abduct Mrinalini but they not only saved her but also imprisoned us.'

Kunti, 'I should ahve known that both of you are good for nothing. You are nothing but two disgraces whom I should kick out when your mother died. In fact it was my fault that I trusted you. Like mother, like sons. Good for nothing, only know how to live on others hard labour.'

Nakul, 'Mother please don't drag our Mata.'

Kunti, 'Why not? Your mother was a shameless woman who at first seduced my husband to marry her and then could not control her lust. Just beacuse of her, my sons had lost their father. Even after that I nurtured you and this is how you repaid us? By bringing shame?'

Sahadev could not stand anymore. He roared, 'Enough Kunti, enough of your nonsenses. You did not do any fovour on us. You just reared us your sons slaves nothing else. Whenever somethign bad happens, you tortured us, humiliate us. Even today you sent us to do that adharm so that your own sons could gain Vidharva's alliance. Through us, you want to force king Chandraketu to marry his only heir Vrushali with one of us while we would become the sinner by forcing Mrinalini. You are calling our mother shameless. It was you who had made relationship with three men apart from her own husband. You are the most shmeless woman I have ever seen.'

Bheem roared, 'HOW DARE YOU?'

Nakul, 'Don't you dare to touch my brother. Sahadev always wants me to show your true colors but I was a fool to trust you. I did many sins for you but when we were in danger today, none of you helped us. You called us your brothers but today we have seen how much you care for us.'

Bheesm, 'Are you gone mad? You are fighting among yourselves? You are brothers'

Sahadev, 'No we are not brothers. Today we are leaving this cursed kingdom and if I am true son of Aswinikumar and Maharani Madri and I curse you all....you all will face the humilation ten times the diagrace that we faced today. Your humiliations will bethe greatest example of history.'

Arjun screamed, 'I am not going to leave you .' Then he took his bow out.

Kripa, 'No arjun, don't...don't get the sin of fratricide on yourself.'

Yudhistir, 'Throw these two out of this kingdom. If they were not our brothers, then I will personally behead them.'

The guards dragged the twins and threw them outside Hastinapur.

Krishna, 'So Karna, three wickets down.'

Karna, 'Pravu, this is Dwaparyug. Cricket is still not present here.'

Krishna, 'Are Bhavnao ko samjho...just undersand my feeling instead of my pharses. BTW ready for your Niyati.'

 Karna, 'I don't know why but feeling that a big drama is going to happen in my marriage.'

While Mrinalini safely reached Anga by th Rakshaks. She was adament to marry Karna as soon as possible. So a small ceremony was arranged by the roayls in the palace temple. Karna's parents also came. They were so confused with everything but agreed for Karna's sake. 

Marriage day,

Both karna and Mrinalini tied the knot in presence of sage Vedvyas who was excited to unite Dev Vasusen and Devi Niyati. Even Shaurya, Tej and Jwala came in disguise as three common decoratots to decorate the palace. Guru Parshuram watched everything from Mahendragiri. During the marriage a cute girl came with some flowers and wanted to give it Karna. Both Karna and Krishan who came from Dwarka with Balram and Subhadra recognized her immediately. She was none other than Karna's ansh, his daughter Devi Vindyavasini.

Gandhari and other women prepared Mrinalini for the marriage but they were shocked to see her sad. They thought that maybe she was missing her family, so tried to cheer her up but she was silent for the entire time. 

The ritual was complete and couple came down from the marriage platform to take blessings from the elders. Suddenly they heard a scream, 'Nooo...Karna what have you done?'

Everyone shocked and after turning around they saw a girl looking eaxctly like Mrinalini was standing there. She was completely dishelved as if she ran f a long distance,

Vikarna, 'Devi Vrushali?'

The woman, 'No I am the real Mrinalini...Vrushali, how dare you?'

Karna and all of other persons looked at the bride. 

Bride, 'Yes, I am Vrushali not Mrinalini. Sister I cannot let you ruin your life by marrying him. Between us father loves you the most and I cannot allow you to stay away from the kingdom. Even the subjects love you more than me. So please go back. Marry someone worthy of you.'

Mrinalini screamed, 'You fool, what do you think you can take my love away from me? No...I have waited for this opprtunity since yuga and I will not allow anyone to ruin my chance. I will not let anyone take my Dev away from me again.' 

Everyone was shocked but now Karna understood, his subconscious was right. It was Vrushali not Mrinalini and now the way Mrinalini beahved Karna was sure that she was not the good person she portryed till now. So before Mrinalini couild attack Vrushali, Karna came between, 'Stop pricess. You have no right to touch my wife.'

Mrinalini, 'Karna what are you talkinh about. I am your true wife, not her. It was I who loved you not her. She is not worthy of you. She is a rude, arrogant, spoiled princess who cannot love anyone but herself. Please leave her. Marry me. Infact you always love me that is why you agreed to marry me.'

Karna, 'Devi,  you told me that you will commit suicide if I don't marry you. Infact I myself was confused. But now I am married to Vrushali and she is my wife. As I took the oath of Ek patni dharm, I cannot marry you. So please go back and marry someone else.'

Mrinalini, 'No I am not going to accept my defeat. You are mine and mine only. I will see for how long you can stay with her.' Saying she

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