Entry of a new charioteer and... ?

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The next day Karna went to the palace as it was is first day at work and today he would be assigned to his Rathi. Karna knew that Bheesm would as usual favor the Pandavas and would assign him to any one of them, most probably to Arjun. But he knew what to do so that panadavs themselves would ask him to leave. While in palace Bheesm went to meet the Pandavas and informed them that he arranged a chariot and charioteer for Arjun but other Pandavas could also use it. This would raise the Pandaavs honor more, so all Pandavas were swelled with pride. The Kalapradarshan was a disaster for them. They not only did not be able to defeat the Kauravas but also Guru Drona's stunt also created doubt in other's minds regarding Arjun's talent. But they thought this new chariot would again show everyone that they were the favored ones in the palace. Bheesm also informed them that he himself took a test of the charioteer and he was really good and the new charioteer was none other than Adhirath's son Karna. Hearing that Yudhistir remembered, 'Pitamaha, is that the same Karna who was the friend of Duryodhana when we were kids.' 

Bheesm, 'Yes my son. After you all left for Gurukul, he was also sent to Sage Vedvyas's Ashram for work. But as his parents are getting old, he came back. Sage himself recommended him. And I also saw, he is a polite, obedient and hardworking person. He will be a perfect servant for you.'

After Bheesm left, Bheem said, 'Now I want to see that Duryodhana. I remember, that Karna was his best friend. Even his best friend choose us over him.'

Nakul, 'Bhrata, who wants to live with that evils. We are Devputras, everyone will feel blessed to be in our presence.'

Bheesm went outside and saw Karna standing there waiting for his instructions. He told him, 'Karna, I appoint you as a charioteer of Arjun. But you will obey all the Pandavas, their mother okay.'

Karna, 'Sure Mahamahim.' (in  mind) 'so obey only Pandavas or related to them, not other members. Bheesm, you behave as if Kauravas do not exist. You promised your mother and still showing favoritism, but I understand. Old habits die hard.'

Bheesm again said, 'They are the blessings of Gods, real Dharmvaan persons. You will learn many things if you stay with them and you can also learn real Dharmgyan from them. I am giving you a great opportunity. Don't waste it.'

Karna smiled, 'I will never waste any opportunity to be with true Dharm Mahamahim.'

in Suryalok Lord Surya said, 'He is teaching my son Dharmgyan? First, you learn what true dharma is, and then come and lecture others. I just wonder, is he really Devi Ganga's son?'

Even king Shantanu who was living in Swarg thought, 'Ganga, tell me the truth, is he really my son? Sometimes after seeing his stupidity I feel like you just brought him from a KACHDE KA DABBA (trash box) (that's what my mom said when I do something stupid).'

Devi Ganga sighed, 'After seeing his tendency to forget his promises so quickly, I am completely sure that he is your and your son only.'

Back to Hastinapur,

Karna went to the stable to take the horses allotted for him and the chariot made especially for the Pandavas. Then he took the chariot near Pandavas palace and sent the news inside that he was ready with the chariot. If they want to visit anywhere, he would take them now. The servant came out and called him inside as the Pandavas wanted to meet him.

Karna went inside and saw all Pandavas, Kunti, her friend cum Bhabi Priyamvada and brother Kaustav were sitting there. He bowed his head to show his respect. 

Arjun, 'So you are my new Charioteer?'

Karna politely, 'Yes Rajkumar.'

Bheem, 'I remember you...you were the friend of Duryodhana.'

Karna,'Yes Rajkumar.'

Yudhistir, 'Then why did not you go to him to get a job?'

Bheem, 'I knew it, no one can stay with that Duryodhana for long. Everybody wants to stay with us.'

Karna again politely replied, 'Rajkumar, I did not ask Mahamahim to appoint me as your charioteer. I asked for a job and he assigned me to you.'

Bheem haughtily, 'So you are not thrilled to do job for us.'

Karna smiled, 'I am happy to get a job here as I will get a handsome pay. I will obey all my superiors, whether it's you or Rajkumar Suyodhana.'

Bheem gritted his teeth and almost shouted on Karna bu Bheesm came and he saw Karna there. He saw Pandavas angry face and asked, 'What happened?'

Nakul, 'He insulted us.'

Kaarna, 'I have no idea prince that speaking the truth is an insult to you. Your brother asked me if I am thrilled or not and I said, I am thrilled to be here, not especially to be your charioteer. Did I say something wrong Mahamahim? Will you give me extra money for being Pandava Rajkumar's Sarathi..no....then why shall I bother who is my Rathi?'

Bheesm said, 'It's okay....putra BHeem, he is speaking the truth. It's not an insult, he is truthful. He just came back to Hastinapur and does not know you. Soon he will understand how great you are.'

Kaustav haughtily ordered Karna, 'Hey you, come with me. I have to go out to minister Kalyan's house. Do you know the location? 

Karna, 'Yes your highness.'

Karna went out to prepare his chariot. Kaustav told the Pandavas, 'Don't worry my dears. Today I will teach him a lesson. He will learn how to behave in front of the children of Gods.'

Kaustav planned to humiliate Karna and made his journey miserable so that he would be angry on Pandavas and in the future if the subjects became angry with their king, it would be easier for him to control the Pandavas. So he during his journey he continuously taunted, insulted, and pointed out some non-existant mistakes of him. After his discussion with the minister, he left from there and asked Karna to take him to the bank of the river to get some fresh air. Little did he know what was waiting for him. When the Chariot reached a secluded place, suddenly the chariot started shaking. Kaustav shouted, 'Hey you, what is happening?'

Karna innocently replied, 'Nothing Maharaj.'

But the chariot was running at full speed and the road suddenly became very bumpy. Kaustav fell from the seat. He was bumped with the hard floor of the chariot. He got a huge bump on his head. He shouted to stop the chariot but nothing happened. He got a hit on his nose and his nose started bleeding. He broke his hands. The worst part was, he was surrounded by darkness as if he got blind. Kaustav screamed and screamed, suddenly he felt someone was shaking him, 'Maharaj, Kaustav why are you screaming?'

Kaustav opened his eyes and saw that he was sitting on the chariot and the chariot was standing in front of the palace. He also saw Karna was standing in front of the chariot and it was Bheesm who was shaking him and asked the question. He just jumped from the chariot and tried to choke Karna.

Kaustav, 'How dare you, is that how you are driving the chariot. You almost killed me. Just for you, I broke my nose.'

Karna somehow freed himself and said, 'See Mahamahim, he was really talking weird. We were roaming on the bank of the river and suddenly he started screaming. I somehow managed to bring him here.'

Kaustav, 'Lies, you bumped the chariot with a tree and broke my arms. I broke my nose. I also got a bump on my head. You dare to injure the king of Kuntibhoj. I will behead you. '

Karna looked at Bheesm helplessly. Bheesm said, 'Maharaj, what are you saying? Your arms are just fine. So are your nose and head. I did not see any injury or blood.'

Listening to the commotion, Pandavas, Vidur and Duryodhana also came out.

Karna, 'Maharaj, according to you, I had bumped your chariot with a tree. In that case, the chariot will also get damaged, but look at the chariot, not a single scratch is present there. Mahamahim, I want justice, Maharaj Kausatv drank too much Madira (wine) and now he not only blamed me for a crime which I did not commit and but also threatening me. Mahamahim, I am an illiterate person who does not know many laws and rules. But I know that in Hastinapur justice is given to all and no innocent was punished. In fact Maharaj is threatening me without any reason, which is a crime I think.'

Bheem roared, "you are giving lectures and called my mama a criminal, you low born rascal.'

Seeing this Duryodhana who till now did not see the charioteer's face thought, 'That evil Kaustav Mama is blaming that poor man. I must help him.'

Duryodhana, 'Pitamaha, I think Bheem is overstepping his limits. First Maharaj Kaustav really did wrong by blaming an innocent person and now Bheem is insulting him for no reason. Bheem you mama drank soo much wine that he even cannot stand properly (actually Kaustav was so shaken that he could not stand properly). We all can see he is drunk as we can smell the wine on him.'

Then Kaustav realized that he was really smelling like a wine shop. But he was shocked as he did not drink a single drop of wine that day. And all the scars and injuries vanished from his body. Bheesm said, 'Das, take king Kaustav inside and call Rajvaidya for some medicine for the drug-induced hallucination. Bheem just go inside, Karna you go home. Come to the sabha tomorrow, we will talk to you then.'

Duryodhana, 'Karna, as in Adhirath Kaka's son Karna?'

Then Karna turned and looked at Duryodhana and smiled, 'Yes my prince I am the son of Shreeman Adhirath.'

Duryodhana was so shocked that he could not even say anything. The person standing in front of him was the same Karna whom he saw in his dream. Before he could jump and hug his friend, Karna just shook his head signing him not to do anything. Then he took his leave from there. 

Duryodhana just ran back to his part of the palace. He was super excited to tell all his brothers with whom he had met and what happened.   

The next day Hastinapur court,

Karna stood in front of king Dhritarashtra. He had an innocent look on his face. Anyone who did not know him would think of him as a helpless innocent young man but the Gods above and a certain maurpankhdhari knew better. 

King Kaustav, 'Maharaj Dhritarashtra, this mere servant insulted me. He almost killed me yesterday. Is that a way to treat your guest here?'

Dusshasshan muttered, 'Guest..who guest. He states here for most of the time of the year and saying himself as a guest.'

Bheesm, 'King Kaustav, please calm down. Karna, you say what happened yesterday?'

Karna (meekly), 'Mahmahim, yesterday after his work with Minister he ordered me to take him to the river bank for some fresh air. I was driving the chariot and he was drinking wine. Suddenly he started screaming. I stopped the chariot and asked him what happened but he kept screaming on about some accident. I got scared and took him back safely to the Palace. But he blamed me for an accident and injury. He said I broke his nose, hands, heads and bumped the chariot with a tree intentionally. He also assaulted me. All Pandav rajkumars, Prince Duryodhana, Queen Kunti and Mahamahim himself were the witnesses along with the guards. Maharaj, I want justice. Both he and Rajkumar Bheem threatened me.'

 Dhritarashtra, 'Tatshri, is he speaking the truth?'

Bheesm, 'Yes Maharaj. Maharaj Kaustav was drunk yesterday. The royal doctor also testified that. He drank too much of some cheap country liquor which creates hallucinations. We got bottles of that wines in the chariot. Those are of very bad qualities and contain harmful substances. I don't know from where did he get those?'

Karna, 'Mahamahim, he took those bottles from minister Kalayan's house.'

Bheesm, 'Minister Kalyan from where did you get those poisonous wines.'

Minister Kalyan got scared. He under Kaustav's order was secretly selling those poisonous, cheap wines to the citizens. Many poor people died after drinking those wines, many households were ruined while they got a huge profit. Today because of Kaustav's act his name came out. But he did not give any wine to Kaustav then how did he drink those?

Kalyan, 'Lies, this charioteer is speaking lies.'

Duryodhana, 'It will be cleared easily. Why don't we go and search your house?'

Kaustav was also scared now. They had good storage of those wines in Kalyan's house as no one could suspect a respectable minister to be associated with such heinous crime.

Kaustav, 'Who are you, Rajkumar, to order a search in such a respectable minister's house? Only an Adharmi like you can think this.'

Duryodhana, 'I am the prince of this kingdom unlike a guest like you. So I have full right to express my opinion about court matters.'

Yudhistir, 'Duryodhana, you cannot blame anyone especially an elderly person like this.'

Bheem, 'All this is happening because of this suta.'

Arjun, 'He should be severely punished for blaming such a respectable person.'

Vikarna, 'My brother and Karna did not blame anyone. Karna just said what he saw and Jyasht is just suggesting to search the house. And what I remember, in this court everyone is the same. Justice shall be given to all. Till now whatever Karna said is proved to be true. So what's the problem to search the minister's house. If he is innocent then he should not feel any fear...right Mahamahim?'

Bheesm was in dilemma. Minister Kalyan is an upper-class Brahmin. If they did not get anything from their house it would anger the Brahmins. But many of the citizens died because of the poisonous wines. So they had to do something. So he was confused. Then he remembered his mata's words. So he thought without partiality and said,

Bheesm, 'Yes Rajkumar Vikarna is right. Minister Kalyan, don't worry, we will not disrespect your family members. We will just go and see what is present there.'

Kalayn remembered that last night he kept all the bottles in a secret room in his basement, so maybe Bheesm did not get anything. So he agreed.

Bheesm, 'Karna you blamed a renowned person. If we did not get anything from there you will be punished.'

Duryodhana and Pandavas accompanied the guard along with Bheesm himself. The guard searched the house but found nothing. Kalyan said, 'I know you will not find anything. I am a Dharmvaan person and you did not believe me because of that low-born suta. All low borns are liers, cheap and Adharmi. Mahamahim, this man disrespected me. I want suitable punishment for him.'

Pandavas were happy but Duryodhana was sad. Karna just smiled and suddenly the floor where minister Kalyan stood broke and he fell into the basement. Everyone was shocked and they ran there to see a hole was formed on the floor and there was a basement under the house.  

Soldier 1, 'Mahamahim, there is a room inside, we need to go in there to take him up.'

Two of the soldiers somehow used a rope ladder and went down, they were shocked to see many wine barrels were kept there. One of them also found a door and stairs to go to the upper floor. All the princes and Bheesm came down and saw a store room full of poisonous wines. 

Bheesm (sternly), 'Kalyan what is the meaning of this?'

Kalayan (stammering), 'I...I don't know.'

Duryodhana, 'It's your house, your storeroom and you yourself don't know. Why did not you inform us about this storeroom when we were searching the house?'

Kalyan, 'I forgot about this room.'

Duryodhana, 'But the room looked clean which means you came here regularly. Mahamahim, we need to arrest this man.'

Kalyan screamed, 'But I was not alone. Maharaj Kaustav was also with me in this business.'

Bheem, 'Lies, don't you dare to blame my mama.'

Duryodhana, 'But what I remember, minister Kalyan was your mama's childhood friend. In fact, he recommended Minister Kalyan to be in our court. Then why will he lie against your mama?'

Bheesm, 'Let arrest him and take him to the court, then we will decide.'

Hastinapur court,

The servants of Kalyan's house admitted that he was the mastermind behind the poisonous wine business. Kalyan tried to blame Kaustav but he had no evidence against him. Also, Kaustav was a king of an allied kingdom. So they could not do anything against him without proper proof. Then Karna said, 'Maharaj, whatever I said in the court is true. Without proper reason, I was assaulted and threatened. Now I want justice. I cannot work with the Pandav Rajkumars, who blamed me without any proper evidence. I am a poor man but I also have self-respect.'

Dhritarashtra, 'You are right. I am sorry for everything the Pandu putras said to you. You don't need to work for them. If you want you can be my son's charioteer as I know your skill is very good. And in the future, please everyone in the court, don't blame anyone without reason. And king Kaustav, try not to drink too much.'

Pandavas and Kaustav greeted their teeth but could not do anything

Duryodhana almost jumped in joy. His best friend had returned to him.  Karna also agreed to be Duryodhana's charioteer as he himself wanted that.

In Dwarka, 

Krishna, 'So my dear brother, at last, you get what you want...Hmmm....bechara Hastinapur, it's just three days and you already started your shenanigans.'

Karna, 'What can I say Pravu...it is in my nature.'

Balram, 'But why did you leave Kaustav? You can easily produce evidence against him right?'

 Karna smiled like a predator, 'Not so fast shreeman. I like to play with my prey first. Iss mama ne mujhse panga liya hai...isko nanga to main hi karunga.'

In Swarg everyone shuddered. They knew how cruel Vasusen could be if he want.

Devarshi Narad, 'Narayan, Narayan.'

Note- Sorry for the late update. I have my dissertation committee meeting next week. This meeting will decide if I am ready for my Thesis or not. So it is very crucial for me. Please bear with my late updates. I will write the chapter whenever I get time.

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