(Insert Dragon ball Z soundtrack-The saga continues)
DBZ Narrator: Last time on Dragon ball Super. The Zeno Expo had gone underway with Broly winning the first round for his Universe.
In midair mystic Gohan fired a Kamehameha down at Lavender who desperately fired his own attack but was consumed by the hybrids blue energy wave and was knocked out in a crater
"With Bardock's motive a success, Gohan was able to awaken the mystical power that he had long forgotten."
Gohan stood across Bardock who had a grin and spoke, "This is what I want from you. A true battle between two warriors. Now it's time for me to show you my new power, and it's not Super Saiyan.
He floated up high and transformed into a Super Saiyan, but it didn't stop there as he concentrated. An Orange aura surrounded his body and was then engulfed in a swirl of golden red flames like energy. Seconds later the energy slightly died only to reveal Bardock who was now a Super Saiyan God.
"Bardock now had to possess the power...of a god. What will the outcome be as these two warriors clash, find out now on Dragon Ball Super.
Gohan stood across from his grandfather who had a smirk as both of their energies flared in power.
Chapter 15: The Zeno Expo part 2, Mystic vs God, Blood vs Blood, Gohan vs. Bardock. The rematch of the century Goku vs Naruto
(end song: 1:13)
Bardock and Gohan were staring at one another as their energy continued to flare with power and the ground beneath them was cracking.
"Whoaaa, Bardock is glowing red now, how is he doing that?!" exclaimed asked an excited Zeno
"It seems Bardock has transformed into what is known as a Super Saiyan God, possessing the power of a deity." Answered the Grand Minister.
"This energy... it cannot be." A gobsmacked struck on Sidra's face
"Remarkable, a mere mortal possessing the power of a god." Said Arek with slight interest.
"How-How is that possible?" asked Ramon who was slightly sweating and nervous at the power from Universe 0.
"Well, Well. Universe 0's warriors are just full of surprises." Heles commented.
"Well, this just became more interesting." Said Marcarita. "What do you think Belmod-sama?" She asked her master and was surprised that he didn't answer as he had a rare serious expression while looking at Bardock.
"That's not possible, how can another Saiyan possess the power of a god!?" shouted Champa while sweating bullets.
As the rest of the gods talked, Universe 7 discussed with each other. "Whis, how is Bardock able to become a Super Saiyan God?" asked Beerus
"I'm confused just as you my lord." Whis said with honesty and looked at Naruto who looked at him and gave a quick fox grin before looking back a t the battle. "But I believe Naruto has something to do with it." He said with a small smile.
Goku looked down at his son and knew this would be a true test to his power, hopefully he won't underestimate Bardock as he knew how powerful the Super Saiyan God energy is.
The two Saiyan's circle around and got in their stance. Both slowly moved towards one another not taking their eyes off each other and waited for one to attack first.
Bardock red eyes looked calm but ready.
Gohan black eyes narrowed as he was too ready.
Energy had burst from both men as they threw a right punch at the same time which connected and sent a vibrating shock wave. Both continued with blurs of punches that were connecting one other making a friction as KI sparked from each punch. Bardock switched with kicks that Gohan was dodging but as he avoided a 360-spin kick, he almost was hit by a tail fortunately he back flipped away only having a graze on his cheek.
Bardock appeared behind him with a kick but was caught and threw in the air where Gohan followed and went to throw a punch but was blocked by a left forearm from his grandfather who retaliated with a knee but Gohan followed the same motion and both started to throw fast repeated knee's against each other making sparks. Both fired KI at the same time which pushed each other back.
"Incredible, Gohan is still able to hold his own." Shin said.
"For now, yes, but I have a feeling Bardock is holding back." The elder Kai said. "If I would guess, he must be testing Gohan's power."
Both vanished and appeared all over the place trading punches and kicks. Each blow from both men created small tremors. Gohan faked a left kick which his grandfather fell for and went for a fast right kick unfortunately it was caught and was elbowed in the gut knocking the air out of him and was hit by a corkscrew kick sending him down.
He caught himself on the ground and looked up at Bardock. 'Seems Super Saiyan God is fast. Course I shouldn't be surprise since dad used it to fight against lord Beerus.'
Bardock floated back down on the arena across from Gohan. "I hope you're not tired yet." He said.
Gohan gave a light chuckle. "No way, let's keep going." He shouted and flared his KI making Bardock smirk as he additionally flared his god KI. Both flew once again towards each other and locked back into battle exchanging lightning fast punches against one another
Zeno was awe at the performance from both men so far.
"I'm amazed that Gohan can keep up with Bardock's Super Saiyan God form." Naruto said.
"Yes, but for how long, Bardock is only using a quarter of his strength." Kaguya added.
"Still, that's something." Hagura commented
Bardock was now switching from his punches to kicks that Gohan was blocking from medium and high for a couple of seconds until Bardock changed it up and threw repeated right kicks to the body that were again blocked till he faked one that was fell for and kicked Gohan hard across the face stunning him back as he shook his head clearing it
Bardock faked a high kick and quickly axe kicked down at Gohan's right leg hard making him stumble back and was kicked hard in the chin which sent him tumbling back.
Appearing in front of him, Bardock threw a punch that was easily dodged and was struck in the stomach and was too kicked in the right leg, he retaliated with his own kick which connected Gohans face sending him away.
He skids backwards but stopped himself and looked at Bardock who appeared in midair with an axe kick that was dodged as it created a small crater on the ground.
Bardock threw lefts and right punches follow by elbows that almost connected the side of Gohan's head had he not guarded up. He was then pulled forward as Bardock grabbed the back of his head and started to throw fast repeated knees that were blocked.
Breaking apart, Gohan threw a right kick that was blocked and landed a punch to the face but the veteran Saiyan shook it off like nothing and gave two punches to the body before pulling the back of Gohans head closer to him and again with repeated knee's that were once again blocked but the sixth one had broken through and connected the nose of Gohan sending him back.
He recovered his sense of balance and was panting a little, trickles of blood ran down from his noise which he wiped it away with the back of his hand which slightly smudge his lower mouth. Thinking of the same thing, both flew up and battled in the air.
Gohan on the offense swarmed Bardock with rapid lefts and rights all over but were blocked. He caught a knee but didn't see the fast elbow that slammed hard to the side of his temple sending him back.
Gohan appeared behind and landed a kick to the back of Bardock sending him into a pillar but caught himself and used his momentum launching himself higher in the air and fired a barrage of Ki blast down at Gohan who was doing his best to avoid each of the them.
Deciding to try his new move that he has been working on. Gohan dodged a blast and charged up a small blue ball of energy on the tip of his index and middle finger. He shouted and fired the blue spiral energy beam at Bardock which exploded in an energy wave, shaking the area.
"SUGOI" Zeno cheered.
"Whoa I never saw that attack from Gohan before." Goku amazed at his oldest son's attack
"What do you think so far ancestor?" Shin asked the elder Kai.
"Gohan seems to not have lost his touch with his power and seems to be holding up well against Bardock's Super Saiyan god form." Elder Kai replied.
"That may be true. But I can sense that Bardock is only using a quarter of his true strength." Whis said.
"No doubt that Bardock will began to get serious now." Beerus said.
Suddenly the smoke was blown away clearing the air and revealed Bardock who still stood with his energy more intensified. Only the right part of his armor was destroyed and some scratches on him but were quickly healed due to his god KI ability.
He popped his neck and had a serious look on his face. Speeding toward his grandson, Gohan was ready but once the veteran was inches away, he vanished. Looking back quickly he tried to block a punch coming at him but unfortunately it was too fast for him as it connected staggering the hybrid back.
It was now Bardock on the offense when he swarmed with blurs of punches to Gohan who was doing his best to block them but eventually his guard broke and felt the rapid solid punches all over his body and a final one again to the face only this time it sent him crashing into the ground hard making a loud impact covering the air in smoke
A dozen of KI shot out the smoke towards the Super Saiyan God who dodged them with ease. Gohan flew fast and got behind Bardock, he threw a kick, but he caught his leg and gave a smirk. "You're going to have to do better than that." He punched Gohan hard in the chest causing him to cough up spit and sent him flying back crashing into a pillar which broke and crashed on the ground making a rumble and cover the air in debris.
Universe 7 cringed at the impact when Gohan crashed. "This doesn't look good for Gohan." Shin said as he worried for his friend
"You were right Whis-Sama. Bardock's been holding back this whole time and seemed to only be testing Gohan's power." Elder Kai said.
"Even with Gohans new power. I'm afraid he still no match for Bardock's Super Saiyan god form." Whis said truthfully.
Goku didn't believe that. Gohan has been in tight situations before and he managed to beat them. 'Come on Gohan, you can do it.'
When the air cleared, Gohan was on his feet but suffered some damage as did his GI which was torn diagonally leaving half bare chest. He was panting with sweat dripping down from his forehead. 'So Bardock's been holding back this whole time. If this is half the power of a Super Saiyan God than what hope do I have? even with my potential power awaken again it's still not enough.' Gohan was getting frustrated and began to lose hope.
A picture of Pan being held by his wife Videl flashed a moment in his head making his eyes wide. He clenched his fist.
Gohan screamed loud as his Mystic energy appeared around his body which was growing at an impressive rate, but it was not enough. However, he wasn't going to give up. 'come on, I can do this!' he screamed in his head.
The place started to shake, even the pillars and arena started to crack. The Universes including 0 and 7 and 9 were surprised but not much more than U7 when they saw a gold aura mixing around Gohan's mystic energy.
"Ancestor, what's going on?" Shin asked as he was confused on what was going on with Gohan.
The elder Kai's slightly narrowed as he concentrated around the gold aura and immediately recognized it, his eyes widen in shock. "That kid is actually doing it!" he said out loud catching everyone's attention.
"Sir, what is it?" asked Kibito.
"If this actually works, Gohan can turn this fight around." Elder Kai said.
Beerus was tired of the stalling "Just tell us now old fossil!" he shouted but not loud enough to disrupt the fight.
Elder Kai got scared and apologized to Beerus. "Yes, sorry my lord. What Gohan is trying to do is combine his Super Saiyan energy with his potential power, I never thought it was possible."
Whis saw and was impressed with this. "Gohan's energy almost seems to match up against Bardock's."
"Go for it Gohan, you can do it!" Goku cheered for his son
"I didn't see this coming." Naruto said as he was impressed by his rival's son's energy growing rapidly. Bardock felt the power rising from his grandson while also seeing the golden energy mix with his Mystic form.
Gohan kept pushing further and felt something. 'Almost there!' A flash image in his head showed his daughter. Giving a finally loud cry a bright gold and Mystic energy blinded the arena.
As the brightness died, it revealed to be Gohan who still looked the same except for his eyes were green just like a Super Saiyan, his muscles were firm and noticeable, but what stood out was the gold jagged fierce flame like energy surrounding his Mystic power with a few white lightning flowed over his body, each arc of lightning sounded like a little bomb exploding. Gohan's face had become serious just as a Super Saiyan 2.
Universe 7 Kai's were gobsmacked at what Gohan has accomplished, Goku had big smile on his face. Beerus along with Whis were amazed at the power that Goku's son now possessed.
Gohan looked up at his grandfather and vanished. Bardock turned around quickly for a punch but was stopped by Gohan who kneed him in the gut making the veteran spit out saliva. An elbow blow to the back of the Saiyan's neck made him gasp in pain and then a kick to the face sending him flying fast crashing into a pillar which collapsed on him.
"Whoa, Gohan has now become more stronger!" Grand Zeno cheered
"indeed, he has my lord." The grand Minister agreed. "Gohan now has possess a power that which can rival a deity."
Gohan floated back down on the arena, He knew Bardock was still conscious, it would take a lot more than that to keep him down. Not a moment soon he burst out the rubble with his energy more intense, his armor was cracked from the punch. Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth which he wiped away.
Bardock grinned and looked across Gohan. Both clashed again and combos of punches and kicks Gohan was evading. Seeing a punch coming at him, he threw up his left forearm blocking it and slammed a fast elbow to the side of Bardock's face which stunned him.
Gohan took advantage and delivered a couple of solid blows to the stomach and then a front rising kick to the chin sending Bardock high in the air where he followed up with an axe handle, Bardock guard up but the force still sent him down. Gohan appeared below him and gave a solid uppercut that connected the Saiyan god's chin sending him back high in the air.
Gohan brought his hands up high together and formed a gold KI. "Masenko!" He shouted and fired the now large KI wave directly towards Bardock who saw this and crossed his arm in a x guard making a big explosion. Smoke filled the air for a few minute and faded away revealing a damage Bardock. His armor was broken off, the left side of his combat pants leg was torn halfway, blood dripped out of the red bandana down to his forehead which he wiped away.
Bardock felt his Super Saiyan God energy fading away, he knew he didn't have much time. 'I have finish this quickly. Gohan, you truly are my grandson.' He clenched his fist and shouted as the god KI surrounding his body grew much larger, the area had shaken.
"Looks like Bardock is going all out." Naruto said.
"Which means his Super Saiyan god power is almost at its limit." Kaguya added.
Hagura looked at Gohan who's gold aura was flickering. "It looks like Bardock is not the only one who's close to his limit." He pointed out
"Who would have thought, that Goku's brat would be able to go toe to toe with Bardock's Super Saiyan God form." Beerus Said.
"Indeed, my lord. Though this is the first time for Son Gohan, he seems to have good control of his newfound power, not to a full degree but at an impressive level." Whis commented.
Gohan was in the same position as Bardock when he sensed his own power Fading. 'looks like I don't have much time, I got to make this last.' The Saiyan hybrid started to power up more as the gold and light energy intensify.
"Both of them are almost to their limits and are gathering every ounce energy for the closing." Elder Kai said.
Both combatants' aura had now became wilder and intense than ever before, Gohan flew fast up towards Bardock who followed down with the same intention. they both pulled their fist back and connected one another which sent a big shake, both warriors appeared and reappeared all over the arena exchanging lighting fast attacks which created a min shock wave.
Zeno was thrilled at the fight. "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!" he followed the two fighter all over in the air.
Bardock connected a right punch to the face but Gohan ignored it as he continued with his attacks until he retaliated with a left hook to the chin but just like him, Bardock ignored it and continued his attacks. Neither had led up or stopped for a second.
Once he blocked a right kick, Bardock chopped Gohan in the throat which made him hold it and gag. A hand grabbed his face and was flown down fast where he was dragged deep across the arena leaving a destructing trail,
Lifting Gohan up while still having a grip on his face Bardock spun around and flung him forward at incredible speed. he sped forward and was on the opposite side of the arena, he clenched his right fist that covered in a blazing sun red aura
Pulling his arm back, he threw the punch but to his surprise so did Gohan who's fist was too covered in a aura only it was a mix between his Super Saiyan and Mystic energy.
Both clashed against one another making a loud boom and sending a blast of wind all around with a crater made beneath them from the amount of force. Both kept pushing forward with neither letting up.
Gohan got the advantage and broke through the attack connecting Bardock's chest which sent him flying back and skip across the arena before getting back to his feet.
Both Saiyan's were starting to pant a little with their powers flickering away. They decided it was time to end it.
Gohan took his stance and cupped his hands back forming a white translucent color orb that had gold lightning crackling around.
Bardock held out his right hand and a big ball of red energy was formed but then to Goku's shock, Bardock got in a familiar stance with his other hand above the big energy ball.
"No way is he going to!" Goku exclaimed in shock
"Oh my." Whis said.
"So that's what Bardock's been working on" Naruto said as he knew the Saiyan had isolated himself for a couple of days and was 'training' as he said.
Broly looked on at the fight with a concentrated look.
Both men had their energy build up to the maximum, lightning crackled around Gohan while Bardock aura flared as hot flames.
"KAMEHAMEHA!" At the same time, they thrust their hands out firing their blast.
A Blue KI wave surrounded by yellow lightning tore through the arena as did a red gold KI wave that soon clashed with its opposite. Once colliding a beam of brightness formed with both pushing back and forth.
Both Universe's 7,9 and 0 eyes squinted due to the powerful brightness except for their respective gods and angels.
"I-Incredible, both of them are equally powerful." Said a flabbergast Kibito.
"It all
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