Bardock was dodging attacks from the three of the seven swordsman, even though the mist was there he didn't have trouble sensing them. He retaliating with a series of punches, elbows and a backflip kick sending them away, The Saiyan saw two more in the air and fired a KI blast destroying parts of their body and fell but were slowly reanimating back giving the seal team a chance to seal the two bodies, he continued on fighting three of the swordsman but one of them left to go after Broly.
Broly slammed his fist against the jaw of the last owner of Samehada sending him away, he then turned around swiftly giving a backfist to another swordsman sending him crashing into a tree, a flying needle pierced into Broly shoulder making the warrior shout in pain.
"Broly!" Paragus called out to his son.
The weapon proceed to wrap around the giant Saiyan and was squeezing him however it didn't last long as the pain turned into rage as he broke free and turned to see the one responsible, locking eyes on his prey Broly charged grabbing the mask swordsman by the face proceeding to slam the ninja into the ground repeatedly and relentlessly creating a deep body crater.
"Broly enough!" Paragus ordered however his son disobeyed, he pulled out a remote from his hip and clicked a button.
Broly felt a voltage of electricity shocking through his body forcing him to drop the ninja and slowly calmed down.
"Paragus what the hell." Bardock called out while kicking away two of the Kiri ninja's and blasted them away where they were being sealed, he floated up in front of the elder Saiyan with his arms crossed with a look that said to explain.
Naruto vanished in the mist before appearing before the revived Kiri ninjas with fast punches and kicks, they barely were able to dodge the attacks as they were too fast however a elbow to the gut follow by a snapping swift kick sent them skidding back.
Kabuto was already getting annoyed with the gaki and these newcomers, 'Lets see how you like this.' he activated a ram seal.
Zabuza went through hand signs. "Suton: Water Dragon Jutsu." a huge water dragon popped out a river rushing at Naruto who shot a White KI destroying the dragon, this shocked Kabuto behind the scenes.
Naruto jumped as he turned around connecting a knee to the chin of Haku sending the Yuki member into the ice mirror destroying it, he then grabbed the legs spinning the ice ninja into Zabuza crashing into him.
"Naruto you have to weaken them in order for us to seal them!" Kakashi called out to inform.
Hearing his former sensei he nod. He opened both his hand creating two KI balls. He looked at the two people who showed him the true life and meaning to be a shinobi. "Zabuza...May you find peace in the afterlife with Haku....Haku-Chan...I know why you lied about your true self...and all I can say is...I'll never forget you." he quietly said and threw the attacks in which exploded a powerful blast on contact.
Once the air cleared the reanimation was slowly reforming, not wasting time the sealing team went ahead and proceed to seal the bodies. Haku looked at Naruto giving him a smile. "Thank you Naruto-Kun." She said for the last time as the seal was complete.
Naruto felt a tear drip down his cheek and clenched his fist in rage. He shouted in the air releasing his KI blinding the shinobis, once it died down it revealed the Majestic Saiyan with lightning crackled around his body and was a little muscular. His hair was a little spikier but most noticeably his KI flared in power. The Shinobis were shocked at what they had just saw as were Kakashi and Sakura but remembered the transformation against Madara.
Naruto saw Bardock, Paragus with Broly regrouping after finishing their opponents, he flew and landed next to them. Bardock was shocked seeing this strong KI energy, so this was the power of the Majestic Super Saiyan, can the SSJ of legend really match up to it, Paragus was shocked as well, he might be stronger than Broly who too was surprised.
"Alright from the looks of it we're gonna have to split up," Naruto created two KI clones. "My KI clones should be strong enough to aid you when you need it plus they'll let my friends know your allies." He informed them.
Before he continue he stopped as he felt a familiar dark powerful chakra, his eyes narrowed as he looked to the west. He only knew one chakra that had this feeling...the Kyubi.
"What is it?" questioned Bardock.
"I'm feeling a familiar power that I know of and If I'm right, this will change the battle if we don't stop it." Naruto said.
"Broly and I will take care of it." Paragus said. The Majestic Saiyan looked at both men and then at Broly feeling his power grow.
"Alright then but be careful, If i'm corrected watch out to not get hit by the tails." He advised them who nod, they placed their hands on the KI clone shoulder and vanished.
He looked at Bardock. "I'm going to find the bastard who controls the reanimation, I'm sure once the user is killed the jutsu will drop, I need you to help my friends against these white creatures." The Saiyan father nod.
Before Naruto left he heard his name and turned to be hug by Sakura. "Be Careful. The damn Tsuchikage and Raikage want to lock you up." she told him quietly.
Naruto broke the hug and gave a grin. "I'll be fine, don't worry about me." he winked before he flew off shocking more of the shinobi's
Kakashi looked up at his student flying away. "Good luck Naruto." wishing his student safely.
"Raikage-Sama, Naruto Uzumaki has appeared on the battlefield along with three other men." said one the shinobi's
"Where is he?!" Barked A
"We can't tell Raikage-Sama, He and the three men had vanished." said the man,
The Raikage was furious at this, Tsunade however had a ghost smirk as she knew the battle was going to be in their favor soon. 'Give them hell kid.'
Darui was battling against Kinkaku who had transformed to the second Kyubi chakra form, he was dodging the tails as each stabbed or slammed into the ground, many of the alliance shinobi threw Jutsu after Jutsu but it was not effective.
Kinkaku-Kyubi formed a black purple ball and ate it, Darui eyes widen as he has seen this move before. "Earth squad defense!" he called out as the earth team formed many giant earth walls, the beast blasted the attack obliterating the defense and was about to destroy them however a green wave of energy clashed against the attack pushing it back into Kinkaku creating a big explosion sending shockwaves as many shinobi's shield their eyes.
Once the smoke cleared Kinkaku got back up and growled looking for whoever did that.
"Hey..asshole...up here." Naruto called out as he was floating, Kyubi-Kinkaku growled and used his tails to attack however the Majestic Saiyan was dodging them with ease before shooting a KI blast sending the beast back slightly.
"Attack Broly!" Paragus commanded.
Broly gave a shout as his energy spiked up and flew towards the beast while dodging the tails and connect a bone breaking punch to the face making it fly back but the Saiyan was not done as he flew after the beast and grabbed it by the face giving many headbutts but the last one sent the Kyubi-Kinkaku away before crashing into the ground.
Naruto was impressed with the power Broly possessed, even though this was a weak version of the Kyubi chakra it still had some power but Broly had no trouble.
Darui watched the battle and saw the kid from the meeting and remembered the Raikages orders, however seeing the power the kid and his companions had it would be dull to fight right now.
Broly charged at the beast slamming his fist into the gut pushing it deep while flying forward with it. Not done yet he slammed his knee into the spine follow by a hard axe handle sending the Kyubi-Kinkaku into the ground which created a crater.
Kyubi-Kinkaku roared trying to get up but Broly quickly slammed his feet into the beast and repeatedly stomped on him before jumping back and shooting many green KI blast creating a big explosion.
Once the smoke cleared the Kyubi-Kinkaku looked beaten, never has anyone one been able to takedown the beast and all of a sudden this big newcomer shows and took down the enemy like child's play.
"Enough Broly!" Paragus commended making the giant Saiyan stop.
Darui sealed Kinkaku inside the Kohaku no Jōhei and saw the kid floated down along with Paragus and Broly.
"Look, I got orders from the Raikage to apprehend you if your in this battle but considering you just saved many lives and mine, I'll turn a blind eye." said the Black Lightning user.
Naruto gave a nod as he appreciated it, before he spoke the ground shook and came out was a humongous humanoid monster.
"What is that thing!?" One of the Shinobis shouted.
Naruto flew along with Broly and Paragus. Once they were close the Majestic Saiyan saw the one person that made his blood boil... Madara Uchiha.
His Ki flared more and flew at sonic speed, then without any warning the mask Madara was greeted by a solid punch to the face sending him back but was still on his feet.
Madara glared up but didn't expect the Kyubi Jinchuriki to be here but this was a better time. Before he had a chance to speak he was dodging Naruto's KI blasts, again he was hit this time in the chest by a kick sending him back more. This was ridiculous, how was the gaki so strong. He took a closer look and saw that he was using the same transformation he saw before.
Naruto had dodged a stomp from the Gedo Mazo and fired many KI blast but it had no effect. He blocked a punch that sent him through some huge boulders.
Everyone thought he was dead but to their surprise he bursted through the rocks. "Ow, ow, ow, that's going to leave a mark." KI Naruto clone rolled his neck popping it.
Paragus commanded Broly to attack to which the Saiyan speed towards and launched a hard punch which surprisingly made the monster step back.
Broly unleashed many more punches to the monster but soon it began to get irritated and punched the Saiyan who blocked it but still crashed through the earth.
Naruto flew towards the monster and leaned his head back before blasting a White KI wave from his mouth making it drop on a knee however it started to get back up.
Before the Majestic Saiyan could attack again a figure sped by him revealing to be Broly who gave a nasty punch to the Gedo Mazo jaw again making it step back this time a little farther, the Saiyans punches became louder as each blow landed.
"Broly is getting more powerful so fast." Naruto said who floated next to Paragus who nod.
"Yes, I trained Broly to the best of my knowledge, what's astounding is each damage he takes his power grows and his battle instincts increases, he learns just as he fights." Paragus said with pride
Naruto looked at the Saiyan and knew there was more in Broly, but that though can be for later, he went into a stance getting his signature move ready.
The Ino Shika Cho trio looked on at the battle.
"I'm glad he's on our side." Choji said.
Shikamaru was analyzing the battle and then looked over to the knucklehead who was in a stance with his hand cup back forming a white KI energy
"What's Naruto doing?" questioned Ino.
"I don't know but I have a feeling it's going to be big." said the shadow possession user.
Naruto was ready. "Broly move!" he called out as he thrust his hands forward shooting the attack "Majestic spiral wave." Broly heard this and moved before the attack hit on target making the Gedo Mazo roar before falling back.
Thinking that had did it everyone sighed in relief but that didn't last long as the monster roared shooting lightning out it's body taking out some of the shinobi's force.
Broly was hit by the attack and was sent flying into a cliff. To the elder Saiyan's horror the collar around the neck had broke.
"No,No,No,No, It can't be!" Paragus repeated in fear pulling out the remote and trying but it was useless.
"What was that?" Naruto eyes narrowed at the Saiyan who flinched at the glare.
"I-I made a device years ago for Broly to keep him under control as his power is too dangerous. In one of our spars he somehow lost control of it almost killing me.., With no choice I made the device should he again lose control." finished the elder Saiyan.
Naruto was feeling his blood boiling hearing this, before he said anything, they felt an energy spike really high and saw Broly showing a tint of green KI around his body, not only that but his hair seem to slightly look untamed.
Broly's head snapped up and gave a loud shout breaking out of the cliff and flew launching a punch to the monsters face sending a shockwave, He continued with big lefts and rights relentlessly.
Naruto eye wide at this. 'His power again increased but this time even greater.'
The muscled Saiyan shot out a large green energy KI wave from his mouth to the Mazo face which cried in pain but he wouldn't let up who again connected a bone shattering punch to the creature making it fall back but the Saiyan didn't stop as he started to pound the head forming a crater with each blow.
Madara was getting nervous as he didn't know how long the Gedo Mazo will hold up, he needed what he came for. He saw the kohaku no jōhei and teleported next to it and was about to disappear with it but the Majestic Saiyan appeared surprising him and was met with a solid front punch to the front face.
Madara stepped back feeling the effect even with the mask protecting him, he was about to be kicked by the Majestic Saiyan but thankfully he used his Kamui as the attack went through him. Naruto grabbed the large pot and floated up.
He smirked at the angry Madara. "I'm guessing you need this in order to feed the Kyubi Chakra to that monster." Naruto concluded pissing the Uchiha off.
"Naruto Uzumaki, you are starting to become a nuisance." Madara clenched his fist.
The Majestic Saiyan threw the big jar to him which he caught but was confused. "Go ahead feed that to your monster, I'll be happy to show you my true power and destroy whatever you throw at me to prove to you Madara, it's useless to fight against me...If I were you...I be getting ready.
Madara didn't take reconsideration in this threat and left in a swirling vortex along with the Gedo Mazo vanishing causing Broly to snap out of his rage.
Naruto turn to see an angry Darui. "You fool do you realize what you have done!?" He questioned/demanded
"Oh relax it's nothing that I can't handle." the Majestic Saiyan waved it off and excused himself as he flew towards Paragus.
"Alright by the looks of it, night time is already coming in so that means were going to have to fly and be on the lookout for the enemy and for those white creatures." He led them as they flew off.
-Medical base-
Bardock was looking around seeing many shinobis injured and were being treated, seeing this brought flashbacks of his time he was under Frieza which angered him. He broke from his thought as he sense something wrong. Floating up he flew over to the strange energy he was sensing, he spotted the figure and landed near a tent. He peeked over seeing it go into the tent.
Bardock acting fast ran into the tent and saw two of the shinobis, Sakura he knew since Naruto told him but the man with long hair and white eyes he has never seen.
"Bardock is something wrong?" Sakura asked seeing the look on the Saiyans face.
"I felt a strange KI energy that I was not familiar with and saw something come in here." The Saiyan said and narrowed his eyes towards the man.
Before Sakura asked, the man pulled out a Kunai and lunged towards her but she turned around nailing a fist into his gut and slammed him down creating a small crater.
The man transformed into a white Zetsu. "So your able to manipulate the chakra you absorb transforming into your victims." She gave a iron grip around the throat.
Bardock was impressed by the woman's logic, not to mention strength. "I have a feeling there's more of them..out there." he added. "Looks like I got work to do." he turned around with a grin that craved for battle and left as other shinobis came in.
-With the real Naruto-
Naruto was able to get information from one of the White Zetsus of the perpetrator behind the Edo Tensei.
It revealed to be the one person he was irritated of and hated just as much as Madara and that man was Kabuto. He also learned that the man had fused himself with the DNA of Orochimaru, after extracting the info he obliterated the White Zetsu.
Right now MSSJ Naruto had transformed into his Kyubi Chakra mode with his coat flaming yellow with black markings and a swirl on the back, without knowing it, It slowly transformed into flaming white. 'Kabuto...I will show you no mercy for what I'm about to do to you.' he flew faster out in the distance.
He looked down seeing shinobi's throwing weapons at him but knew these were the enemies, he created four chakra arms that shot out KI energies destroying many of the enemies that turned back to White Zetsus.
Naruto saw a giant one charging at him, he held a finger up creating a mini KI Rasenshuriken and tossed it which sliced through the creature before exploding into a blast. He decide to try his new move that he had been working on to finish half the group of enemies.
He raised his right hand concentrating his KI into his hand while adding his wind chakra which formed a swirling white blue ball, he clenched it tight and threw it towards the enemies hitting one which in three seconds exploded into a force of wind sending the enemies scattering.
"Looks like everyone will need my help, let's do it." He said and created thousands of KCM (Kyubi Chakra Mode) Naruto's spreading out.
He turned to leave but saw two people that he was familiar with, he landed in front of them. "Itachi...Nagato."
"Naruto, it's been a while." said Itachi.
"It is good to see again, although I wish it was under different circumstances." Said Nagato.
Naruto nod as he felt the same way. "Me too, I promise you both that Kabuto and Madara will pay for this." he vowed.
The two men were then in a trance 'Well then we'll see about that now won't we.' Kabuto activated the Jutsu.
Both men charged at Naruto who anticipated this and attacked head on, he was blocking kicks from Itachi and gave a reverse spin kick sending the Uchiha back, he was suddenly being pulled and saw Nagato, quickly he vanished thanks to his instant transmission appearing behind the former Akatsuki leader kicking him in the spine sending him crashing.
"What happened to Sasuke." Itachi went through hand signs blowing out a huge fireball out towards Naruto who opened his mouth shooting a KI wave destroying the attack.
"Sasuke is a wanted criminal...he attacked the five Kages and joined Madara." Naruto said shocking Itachi.
'Did Madara tell him?' he thought.
Naruto had deflected a blast from Nagato who's arm transformed into a machine cannon that shot out a beam, he created a mini KI shuriken throwing it at the arm slicing it off and gave a kick sending the reanimated shinobi away crashing through the ground.
"Amaterasu...Naruto watch out." Itachi called out as the black flames came at the Majestic Saiyan who backflipped away from it landing on his feet and launching a KI blast nailing Itachi who fell but was reanimating.
Kabuto was getting tired of the gaki and decided that play time was over. "You've been making a fool out of me for far too
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