Naruto along with Beerus and Whis arrived on earth, the blonde Saiyan looked around seeing the environment, It certainly looked different than his home.
"Beerus-Sama Whis, Naruto." Goku waved at the three giving his trademark smile
"Yo Goku." Naruto greeted back walking up to him.
"I can tell you been training hard." Goku noticed.
Naruto nod and grinned. "Yup I trained with Whis back at Beerus planet in his scepter, I got three years worth of training in three days."
"Whoa no kidding no wonder you KI is much stronger, but your not the only one." Goku gave a small smirk of confident.
Naruto knew what Goku meant as he sensed the orange clad Saiyan's KI and felt it much stronger than last time which surprised him a little but was excited at this. "Good our rematch will be much more of a challenge." He smirked back still feeling confident.
"Don't think Kakarot is the only one getting stronger." Vegeta said as he walked over with his arms crossed.
"We'll see." Naruto said with a challenge grin.
"Hate to break this up but it's best we leave now, Whis is everyone ready?." Beerus asked the angel.
"Hai Beerus-Sama everyone is already in the cube." Whis said.
"Alright then let's not waste time." said Beerus walking in the cube along with Vegeta, Goku and Naruto. Whis was at the top as he tapped down his scepter making the cube float with the group taking off in lightspeed.
Naruto sat on the floor criss cross with a plate full of meat and started to gobble it down along with Goku and Vegeta.
Few minutes later the cube slightly slowed down as they were at their destination planet but what awe everybody was the sight of the humongous Dragon Balls even Naruto was awe at the sight.
"Now we know why their called Super Dragon Balls." Naruto said still in awe. Goku and Vegeta nod in agreement.
The group came through the dome and admired the place and arena.
"Not bad but I like the arena." Naruto said.
Goku nod with a smile. "This is perfect this will just be like the World Tournament."
Vegeta looked around and saw Champ. "Kakarot." he elbowed Goku gaining his attention pointing out to Champa.
"So that's Beerus-Sensei's brother." Naruto sweatdropped at the physical appearance of Universe 6 GoD.
Goku nod. "Yeah though they can't stand each other for some reason."
Vados spoke. "Now if you will, please follow me I will guide you to the first challenge." she looked over at Naruto giving him a wink which he noticed making the blonde Saiyan cheeks blush.
The group followed the angel as Bulma shouted about not failing the test. The group went up to some stairs and as they arrived to the top they looked at the other competitors, Naruto looked seeing a huge robot, a big gold space bear, a short boy who looked around 14 to 15, a blue alien with black horns and had armor like skin, finally a purple skin tall muscular humanoid man wearing a trench coat and boots.
He felt the man's KI and it was impressive. Out of everyone he seemed to be the strongest, things may get serious now.
Everyone had settle in their desk as Vados explained the rules, Naruto had been going through the answers with no problem which on his part was a big relief but not could go the same for Goku who was struggling.
Ten minutes later the group came together but only one problem.
"Why is there only four of you now!?" Beerus demanded.
Goku had a apologetic look rubbing the back of his head "Sorry Beerus-Sama. when Buu falls asleep he nevers wakes up." the group looked back at a sleeping Buu.
"Well there's no complaining its four on four now which still doesn't make a difference right?" Naruto said.
Beerus grumbled at this.
The fight was next as a alien referee announces the fight which the first round started with Goku vs Botamo.
The match didn't take long as Goku at first had trouble against his opponent as it seemed every punch and kick was absorbed but he managed to take the Golden Bear off its feets dragging him near out the ring where he then let Botamo go for a punch only for the Saiyan to catch it and flipped him over his shoulder out the ring.
"That's how you do it Goku." cheered Beerus along with others but Champa was angry at this.
Naruto knew Goku would win the match but now the second match.
"The next match will be Goku Vs Frost." announced the alien referee.
Goku saw the alien that looked like Frieza floating down to the ring.
Naruto noticed some people tensed and wonder why but had remembered why the alien looked familiar, he looked liked Frieza the alien tyranny who destroyed Universe seven Saiyan race.
The match began and Frost startled Goku as he locked the legs around the Saiyan's neck and spun real fast before slamming him down,
"That was pretty unexpected, he looked like he was going for a punch but instead came in close where he knew Goku wouldn't have any room to attack leaving him exposed." Piccolo said
Goku had told Frost about him testing his power and slowly transforming into his final form.
"So I take it Frieza did the same thing." Naruto asked Piccolo who nod as they saw Frost transformed into his so call final transformation.
The matched had picked up as Frost and Goku fought all around flying and exchanging punches and KI blast, Frost manage to land a couple of punches before knocking Goku down the arena and unleashed a barrage of dark pink KI blast.
The arena filled with Smoke which soon cleared showing Goku alright as he wiped his GI that had marks.
"It's not over yet." Piccolo said Naruto nod.
Goku transformed into a Super Saiyan and called out Frost to show his true form which he accepted unleashing a huge amount of energy blinding most of everyone. It died down showing Frost true form.
"So that's his true form. Seems this fight is about to get intense." Naruto paid attention.
Frost charged at Goku as he threw a hard right but Goku caught it as the shockwave showed the power in the punch, the Saiyan retaliated with his own punch sending Frost back in the air making him hit the dome, he shook it off as he charged in full speed but Goku kicked him in the chin sending him back this time across the arena.
Naruto eyes narrowed as he knew something wasn't right, Goku is no doubt strong but from the looks of it Frost seemed to purposely missed his attacks
Frost was barely getting up covered in bruise marks and went for a punch which Goku blocked easily but something happened, Goku started to look drowsy and weak as his body started to sway.
"Something is wrong." Naruto told Piccolo.
Taking the chance Frost used his opportunity giving a hard swift kick to the ribs sending Goku out the arena on to the floor.
The guys along with Universe seven were in disbelief, ChiChi called out to her husband along with Goten.
"Goku is eliminated by ring out, the Winner is.. Frost! Announced the referee.
Champa laughed in satisfaction, "Way to go Frost." he turned to his brother giving a cocky grin. "It looks like your strongest fighter has been eliminated."
Beerus grit his teeth but kept his composure, as long as Naruto and Vegeta are in the tournament he still has a chance.
A recovered Goku flew over to Piccolo, Naruto took a seat on a couch a few feet from Vegeta. "You smell something fishy about that match?"
The Saiyan Prince grunt in agreement.
They watched the match as Piccolo was charging up his special attack but had been dodging barrages of KI beams which he had been doing well until one pierce through his leg throwing him off but managed to endure the pain, he soon made multiple doppelgangers confusing his opponent.
Frost started to blast all around till he found the real one and got close range attacking with fury of punches and a kick to the injured leg and another solid one to the chest sending the Namekian back making him drop his attack, thinking he would win Frost didn't expect was Piccolos arm wrapped around him.
Naruto listened to Piccolo explanation of his strategy which really Impressed him. 'Damn he's smart just as Shikamaru and that's saying something.'
He looked over at Frost and saw him tucking in his arm in then all of a sudden Piccolo started to react the same way as Goku, with no choice he let go of Frost who appeared in front of him and blasted a KI through his chest making the Namekian cry in pain as he flew back hitting the floor.
The referee checked Piccolo for a heartbeat which he did and declared Frost the winner by Knockout
Universe 7 were shocked again, Beerus was more angry than he was shocked, Naruto examined Frost closely, he went to sage mode and saw what looked like a tiny hole on the aliens wrist.
Narrowing his eyes he stood up walking to the balcony. "I call a challenge!" he yelled out gaining everyone's attention.
"Hey what's the big idea." demanded Champa
"You almost fooled everyone but not me." Naruto told Frost and looked at the ref. "Referee check Frost for weapons."
"How dare you accuse one of my fighters of cheating." Champa angry at the accusation.
"Your not getting out of this brother, referee I demand you to search Frost this instance." Beerus called out.
The referee scared of being destroyed had walked quickly over to Frost and examined every inch of him until he spotted a tiny hole in the wrist, looking closer he barely saw the needle covered in some kind of purple substance, he barely poked it and all of a sudden felt dizzy.
Regaining himself the referee announced. "Frost has been caught with a weapon therefore he is disqualified.".
Champa wan angry at this demanding from Vados why she choose him but she explained she was following Champa-Sama's orders and that was 'To find a fighter that will win by any means necessary.' Champa was angry at himself for his choice of words.
Vados continued further about the True Frost and what he does which shocked everyone but Frost had a evil smile as he admitted that his nice persona was nothing but all imagine to hide behind his true motives.
Naruto KI leaked out after hearing Frost's motives, he was about to call out to the ref but Vegeta beat him to it as he asked the referee not to disqualify Frost and that he'll fight him, he even asked him to allow Frost to use his poison.
The match had began but Frost still was cocky as he charged but what he didn't count on was Vegeta appearing in front of him in Super Saiyan form and delivered a hard punch in the gut with so much force that it blew Frost back in the air and broke through the dome sending him out.
"Frost has been eliminated by ring out, the Winner is... Vegeta." Referee announced
Universe 7 cheered mostly Trunk and Bulma.
"Well that didn't take long." Naruto joked making Goku chuckle.
(I'm going to skip over Vegeta's two matches same as Canon.)
"The next match will be Vegeta vs Hit." announced the ref.
The tall muscular man floated down the arena calmly. Vegeta analyzed his last opponent and could tell he was strong...but he would not lose.
Naruto went over to Whis and asked. "Whis-sensei any information on that guy?"
"His name is Hit, He is known as the most skilled assassin of universe 6." Whis informed.
Naruto looked at the man known as Hit while Whis continued. "He's never failed to catch his target, he is called Hit the Infallible."
"Whoa is he that good?" Goku looked impressed as he now watched the match.
The matched started and Vegeta transformed into Blue SSJ, electricity crackled around him, Hit went into a stance.
Vegeta mocked him about his stance but Hit made no movement even his face expression didn't twitch.
From Naruto's point of view there was no opening for Vegeta, this guy was serious, he looked over at Goku who grinned at this.
Vegeta took a step but Hit vanished in such speed shocking the Saiyan then he appeared in front hitting Vegeta in the face sending him back.
The group was shocked.
"What happened?" Goku in shock.
"I didn't even see it?" Piccolo said as he had the same reaction
Naruto was shock at this. 'Even in my regular sage mode I couldn't follow his movements."
Vegeta went again for the attack but the man just appeared hitting the chest, head and throat sending the Saiyan prince back who barley caught himself but spat a glob of blood.
'All those shots no ordinary person would walk back up from much less be alive, no wonder he is called the Ultimate Assassin, but that speed though.' Naruto in thought as he watched the match.
(Skip till Vegeta gets Knocked out)
The winner by Knockout..Hit!" the referee declared. Hit walked away with his hands in his trench coat pocket.
Hit felt two eyes on him as he turn back to see Goku and then Naruto only for a few second and walked away.
Naruto saw Goku fly over to his friends while he went over to Whis.
"Something tells me there's more than just pure speed with that Hit guy." Naruto said to his teachers.
Whis nod. "Your are right Naruto. What Hit has been using is a technique known as time-skip which allows the user to skip time for a brief moment."
Naruto whistled at that. "That's an unbelievable technique." he looked seeing Goku warming up.
Beerus didn't show it but was growing concern of his chances of winning. "It seems Goku will be next, I hope he can find a way to beat this Hit guy."
"Do not forget about Naruto, Beerus-Sama after all he is your apprentice and we have yet to see what he is capable of since he sent him off to that mission." said Whis
Beerus looked at his apprentice who watched the match.
"Began." called the referee
Goku charged at Hit vanishing and appearing behind him and went for a low kick which looked like it could of connected but in a second Hit kneed Goku in the stomach sending him back.
The Saiyan was not done as he again charged vanishing from spot to spot trying to throw Hit off and went for a punch however in a second Hit elbowed the Saiyan in the throat sending him back again. Goku recovered and gave a small laugh making his opponent confused.
"I think I'm starting to see your attacks now." Goku said which didn't faze the Assassin.
"What's he saying?" Vegeta asked the Namekian who had no idea, Naruto was confused as well.
Goku went for an attack as he was close which in a second Hit had his Knee up but instead of hitting the body Goku blocked it with his forearm shocking everybody.
Goku had went on the attack and in a second blocked Hits punch and went for his own but slipped however he used his maneuver doing a back fist which grazed Hit.
"He grazed him." Naruto said in shocked.
Goku went SSJ Blue and the two collided landing punches after punches but Goku was getting the upper hand and had uppercut Hit sending him back.
Everyone cheered for Goku. "That's it Goku." Beerus cheered
(Time skip till Goku uses Kaioken times 10 with SSJ Blue)
He released out an energy that most of the fighters recognized, Kaioken. He didn't stop as the Kaioken energy grew bigger combined with his SSJ Blue energy.
Naruto was taken back by this, Was Goku holding back this much against him or did he train to this level, he looked at his hand and clenched it as he shook with excitement as he couldn't wait for that rematch.
"Kaioken times 10!" Goku shouted out as the energy roared in power and his skin was red while still in his SSJB. He charged at insane speed at Hit who didn't expect such speed and was nailed across the face sending him back but Goku didn't stop as he unleashed a barrage of kick and punches that hit was barely dodging, he used his time skip to attack but to his shock Goku still moved at fast speed continuing the attacks.
Goku felt his SSJB energy draining thanks to the Kaioken, with one last attack, he appeared on the ground and cupped his hand back forming a big ball of blue energy. He unleashed a powerful Kamehameha which Hit held back while being pushed back against the dome as it cracked.
Hit still held the attack and saw Goku flying at him ready to deliver the final blow, the amount of energy unleashed broke the dome
Everyone was getting pulled from the space vacuum but thankfully Whis and Vados had repaired the damage.
The audience looked once the smoke cleared and didn't see both fighters wondering where they were. Naruto looked up seeing the fighters on their GoD portraits and pointed it out.
Everyone looked up to see both fighters breathing hard and Goku looked like he was going to drop. Beerus had trickle of sweat while Champa was sweating bullets.
Goku all of a sudden fell forward off the portrait on to the arena floor.
Everyone was shocked even Naruto, the referee checked over Goku feeling his pulse which was beating.
"Goku is unconscious therefore the winner by Technical Knockout...Hit!"
Hit floated down to the arena looking at the unconscious Goku who started to wake up afterwards feeling his muscles on fire, he gave a weak smile towards the Assassin.
"Looks like you win." Goku admitted.
Hit for the first time gave a small smile. "Goku-san you are the first person to have push me to another level, never had I thought I would face a fighter like you that would push me that far." he gave his respect.
Goku gave his trademark smile laughing a little but was in pain to much before he passed out. Piccolo picked him up bring him back to the group.
"Hahaha nice one Hit." cheered Champa giving a cocky grin to Beerus infuriating him.
"Looks like It's my turn." Naruto took his coat off and leaving his staff (imagine Xeno Goku's costume without coat.
"The next match will be Hit vs Naruto Uzumaki!" the referee announced, Naruto floated down to the arena.
"So does anybody know how strong this Naruto guy is, I mean he looks no older than 16 or 17." Bulma pointed out.
Krillen rubbed his chin. "Goku did tell me and Piccolo that he and Vegeta fought another Saiyan name Naruto from another Universe, he beat Vegeta with no sweat and he was able to keep up with Goku." he informed them shocking everyone.
"No way dad lost against him?" Trunks asked in shock.
"Well If he was able to keep up with Goku hopefully he can beat this Hit guy." Yamcha put in.
Naruto looked at his opponent who looked a little beat up and a little fatigue but still could fight.
"That Hit guy doesn't even look that tired, it's amazing he can still go on after that attack from Goku." Piccolo traced his eyes from hit to Naruto sensing his energy. 'This kids energy is unbelievably high, much like Goku's but I can feel another energy source in him, what is it?'
"It all comes down to this, Naruto Vs Hit, lets see how far he has come along." Whis said
"I hope the gaki can pull this off." Beerus said with little nervousness.
"So this is the Saiyan my brother has been training, Vados how strong is that kid?" Champa asked his angel.
"From what I seen from him he's able to push Beerus-Sama to an impressive level." Vados said while not taking her eyes off Naruto, she could see his six pack abs from his tight black shirt making her lick her lips.
"Bah I'm not to worry, look what happened to his so called two strongest warriors." Champa not worried at all.
"Beg- "Hold on!" Naruto called out confusing the referee and everyone else. The blonde Saiyan looked at Champa. "Hey Champa why don't we make this interesting."
This gained the GoD of Universe 6 attention.
"Why not take this match up a notch and throw the rules
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