Vegeta knocked another fighter off the arena . Sensing a Ki blast behind him he grabbed and crushed it. He looked back in anger and saw it was from Frost who didn't even bother looking. Seeing Roshi in danger he quickly dashed down and connected a solid punch that sent the frost demon flying and hit a huge boulder.
"Vegeta?" Roshi was surprised the Saiyan prince saved him.
"I only came because this guy is pissing me off." Vegeta said as he walked to Frost.
Roshi blinked as he glasses were off and gave a low chuckle before he fell out of the arena from exhaustion and appeared next to piccolo and Krillin who fed him a senzu bean.
"Roshi from Universe 7 has been eliminated." stated the grand priest
"Here master." Krillin helped the old master up and fed him a Senzu bean.
"You did good old geezer." Beerus said.
"Thank you Beerus-Sama." Roshi bowed his head
"Looks like Vegeta will be taking care Frost." Piccolo said as the others watched
Frost got out of the rock and saw the attack had come from Vegeta. He smirked. "Ah, so I finally found you." The Saiyan prince did not say anything as he stood across. "Ever since my defeat at the tournament I've been thinking of how to defeat you."
Vegeta scoffed until then he heard something and Frost dashed to the side as the boulder behind him was destroyed which revealed Magetta who attack to with multiple punches to which Vegeta returned, both were relentless but he turned SSJ and had the edge and sent the machine stumbling back. "Out of my sight trash!" Vegeta shouted and fired his big bang attack but surprisingly the machine blocked it and the attack went around which sent an explosion behind the background.
Frost laughed at this. "Too bad, your useless words won't do anything to Magetta." Vegeta saw lava rocks covering the machine's hearing. Before Frost attacked, a fast dark red KI struck the machine and sent it flying into the void. The frost demon was shocked and looked up to see someone, the smoke cleared and revealed the person.
Vegeta's eyebrows narrowed and saw it was none other than Cumber, he knew he would find him soon. Ever since he saw him he knew something was different.
He was taken back by the speed of Cumber as he appeared in front of Frost who was too taken back and was struck in the stomach hard by a left fist which almost went through him and made him cough blood. He was grabbed by the throat in a vice grip and was lifted high up.
Bringing the ice demon close Cumber spoke. "Weak." Was all he said and slammed another punch but this time followed it with a dark red KI blast which sent Frost through multiple huge boulders and into the void.
"Frost from Universe 6 has been eliminated." The Grand Priest said.
Cumber turned to Vegeta who remained in position. "So, you are the Saiyan Prince." He spoke with a deep voice.
"What of it?" Vegeta questioned.
"Show me your power." Cumber said.
Vegeta didn't waste time and turned Super Saiyan Blue with electricity crackling around him.
"Vegeta's already turning Blue." Beerus said as he watched.
Whis nods with a serious look. "It seems he knows that his opponent is just not only a Saiyan but a special one just as Broly."
"Aw man that doesn't sound good." Krillin said.
"Vegeta's going to have to be careful with him." Piccolo said with a recovered Roshi nodding.
Cumber flew really quickly to which Vegeta barely blocked a punch but was still sent back with Cumber still pushing forward. He broke it and the two engaged hand to hand. Each punch struck the other, Cumber matched in speed but still. He sent a strong right punch to Vegeta's face who barely got his hand up and blocked it again but still sent far back before landing on his feet safely.
'Damnit, even in Super Saiyan blue he still does not look tired and could keep up with my speed, just what kind of Saiyan is he?' Vegeta thought.
Cumber came at Vegeta again who again blocked a punch but was pushed through many huge boulders. Cumber spun and kicked him which sent the prince crashing hard.
He landed on the ground and looked towards the spot where Vegeta was. The debris was cleared as it showed him with some scratches on his clothes. He charged again to which Vegeta did also and the two locked hand to hand clenching one another.
Vegeta struggled as he started to feel his grip being overpowered. Quickly he flipped backwards and connected both feet under the chin of Cumber which stunned him and released Vegeta who then fired a strong Big Bang attack which sent the Saiyan back first against a stone boulder that was destroyed.
"Nice work Vegeta." Krillin cheered.
"Somethings wrong." Roshi said as he sensed a dark energy rising to which he was right as the smoke blew away and revealed Cumber who had a dark red aura surrounding him.
"Whis that energy is it..." Beerus eyes narrowed as he felt the energy.
Whis nods with a serious expression. "I'm afraid so my lord, Cumber is releasing Dark KI." This was something Beerus did not expect and grit his teeth at this, both Kai's were shocked when they heard this.
"Dark KI, what's that?" Krillin asked.
Elder Kai spoke. "Dark KI, it's perhaps the most dangerous and deadly of energy. To achieve this power, one must sever all ties of their past life and have no emotion but Rage and the desire of bloodlust." This shocked the trio as they never heard of such a thing.
"There's more." Whis was about to inform but he stopped when a SSJ Cabba went to attack.
"Cabba don't!" Vegeta shouted out but it was too late. Cumber did not move as Cabba went for a punch but the moment he touched the KI his fist was surrounded by a dark aura that quickly spread all over which made him shout in pain.
Vegeta grit his teeth at this and saw the gold energy was now surrounded by a black and light red aura, but what stood out was his now pupiless eyes. Cabba looked up and the minute he saw him he shouted in rage and shot towards him which made Vegeta block while being pushed back.
"Snap out of it Cabba!" He shouted but in response a solid kick connected him which he did not see and skid a little back.
"What happened to Cabba?" Krillin questioned.
"It's one of its dangerous abilities, if touched by anyone it taints and will send them in a berserk state. They will attack anyone in sight, but theirs more the KI makes Cabba much faster and stronger than an ordinary Super Saiyan." Whis said
Cumber decided to leave and see If the prince will chase after him.
Cabba starts attacking Vegeta who broke away, he had to be finish this quick since he could not afford to go blue too long but Cabba was making it difficult. Once he started to attack the prince found an oppening and struck a body shot to the gut that made the young Saiyan gasp and fell to his knee. The corrupted KI vanished.
Vegeta looked up and saw Cumber gone, he moved as he looked around but couldn't find him. His fist clenched.
"Master" He heard Cabba from behind. "Next time, don't rush into a fight without observing your opponent." Cabba was surprised that his master was giving him advice. He saw him leave.
It was not over yet
Cooler and Frieza fought in midair and descended down.
He was dodging every of his little brother's attacks which started to piss off Frieza who tried a different maneuver and used his tail to catch him off guard but Cooler caught him and quickly came down and slammed him into the ground back first which made him spit saliva.
Frieza broke his tail out of the grip and quickly dashed backwards. He panted while wiping his lips. Cooler behind his mask was smirking as he was enjoying this. "Is that all you got little brother? What happened to that cocky attitude?"
Frieza grit his teeth in anger and stood up. "Don't think you have won just yet!" he shouted and powered up more before charging and threw an assault of punches to Cooler who now blocked them until he found an opening and connected a knee to the abdomen which made the young ice demon gasp and drop to his knees coughing hard.
"Man, who would have thought we would see someone handling Frieza like nothing, I mean of course maybe Goku or Vegeta but not this fast" Krillin said.
"Cooler hasn't even landed a blow until now and even that damaged Frieza a lot." Piccolo said.
"This silver form is like Frieza's gold one but there's something special about this particular one." Roshi said.
"Yes, your right. I've been watching Cooler closely and this form not only enhances his speed and strength but mostly his senses as well, that's particularly why he's able to dodge Frieza's attack so easily." Whis said.
"Interesting." Beerus said.
Cooler slammed his knee into the face of Frieza who slid hard against the solid ground leaving a trail path. Walking towards him, Cooler wrapped his tail around the neck of Frieza and lifted him up to his eye level. "What a disappointment." He said and proceeded to pummel Frieza's body and let go of him but not before kicking him in the body which sent him crashing into the boulder.
Frieza slid down and fell to a knee. He looked up and gave a venomous glare. "Try to dodge this!" He got up, ignoring the pain and shot out a velocity of KI attacks from his finger which struck Cooler. Frieza laughed like a maniac as he continued to fire. Soon His golden form faded away which left him back to his regular self which made him stop his attack and looked as smoke covered the area. He panted and slowly looked satisfied as he finally put down Cooler.
He laughed
"What's so funny?" a voice said from behind to which made Frieza stop and had a wide eye shock expression. He slowly looked back and saw Cooler was fine, only a couple of scratches were shown.
"My turn." He said and shot Frieza with a variety of small KI beam attacks from his finger which sent the younger ice demon away. Cooler kept it up until he stopped. Seeing his brother still conscious he formed a giant Ki orb like the sun in his hand.
"Oh man, Frieza's done for." Krillin said
"And he's not getting up any time soon." Piccolo said.
"Damn It." Beerus cursed
"Farewell little brother." Cooler said and was about to launch his attack but he was interrupted when he was struck in the back by a Ki blast which made him drop his attack and saw it was from 17. "Sorry if i'm interrupting a reunion, but I couldn't watch and have you eliminate my teammate." He said.
Cooler looked at him and knew this would be a challenge. "By all means, Iets see if you can give me a fight" He got in his stance and charged to 17 who smirked as he attacked.
Shallot was with Broly who were fighting a couple of machines from Universe 3. Shallot sighed. "I hope I'll get a challenge soon." He was answered as the machines were hit by two Ki attacks and were blasted out the way.
Shallot and Broly looked confused and saw the Universe 6 Saiyans, Kale and Caulifla who both were super Saiyans.
"Careful what you wish for." Grinned Caulifla
"Alright, I'm game." Shallot grinned and turned SSJ which both girls didn't expect, Broly didn't turn but was using his Oozaru state .
"You got this Kale." Caulifla said as she charged towards Shallot engaging in combat. Kale had followed the example and attacked Broly. Each punch hit against another, small shockwaves were felt around to some of the fighters who were close by.
Caulifla and Shallot continue to exchange attacks, but for Shallot he started to pick her pattern of attacks, as he dodged a left punch he quickly caught her right kick to which surprised the female Saiyan and was quickly brought forward where she blocked a punch but it was a strong one that it sent her skidding back but still on her feet.
Shallot continued on with the attack as he charged and threw a combination of punches and kicks which made Caulifla go on the defense. This guy was actually good, she knew she needed to get more serious. She'd hope Kale was doing okay with her opponent.
Kale slammed her forearm against Broly's and both were fighting for dominance. She grit her teeth as she could feel being pushed back. using her right free arm she slammed her fist into the face of Broly which took him by surprise and was dazed back which gave Kale a chance and slammed her hand into his abdomen to which she created a green Ki that sent Broly skidding back but still on his feet.
He threw Ki attacks to which she dodged them easily but didn't expect them to detonate so quickly which exploded behind and sent her towards Broly who hit with a right fist that sent her flying and crashing hard into a boulder.
"Kale!" Caulifla shouted in worry which quickly turned to anger and soon her power had risen quickly making her gold aura jagged and electricity crackling around her. She was back in SSJ2.
Caulifla was done playing around, She grabbed one of Shallot's punches and quickly kicked him in the gut which made him spit out saliva. Not done yet she delivered a variety of powerful punches which turned the tables as Shallot now was on the defense.
She was holding back. The thought of this didn't irate him but now it became more exciting. Guess he doesn't have to hold back as well. A punch sent him flying back but Broly caught him. "Thanks." The saiyan said to which Broly nod.
"Kale, you okay?" Caulifla helped her up.
Kale nods a small smile but Caulifla could see she was hurt. "Yeah, I'm alright." They saw both the guys looking towards them.
"Looks like we're gonna have to step it up." Caulifla told her protégé/surrogate sister. she along with her had powered up.
"Let's do this Broly." Shallot was pumped up now and shouted as he turned to SSJ2. Taking his stance along with Broly they got ready.
Both teams had charged at each other at the same time and clashed.
Kid Buu was sleeping peacefully but someone from Universe 3 was going to give him a rude awakening. He looked like some kind of superhero wearing a blue and white spandex with an initial P on the chest and a mask like helmet.
The man came down with a glowing fist and just as it was about to connect it was caught by none other than Buu who looked really mad as he was woke up and gave a fierce glare towards the one who disturbed his sleep. he gave a dropkick to the mans chest which sent him back but he was not done as he leaped towards the man and gave a fury of punches. The fighter was blocking as best as he could but not for long as then a pink tail wrapped around his neck.
Buu came down and slammed his opponent into the ground, the man quickly flipped back to his feet unfortunately Buu was on the attack already and was giving a fury of punches, he stopped and vanished right behind the man and kicked him in the back hard which sent him crashing.
Android 18 and 21 were battling it out. Both had determine to give it they're all and wouldn't be holding back
Gine and Bardock were watching some of the fights taking place. They heard someone walking behind and saw it was Toppo. "Warriors of Universe 0, I am the leader of the Pride Troopers, Toppo. I have come here to eliminate you both." he declared
Bardock's eyes narrowed and could feel that this guy was strong. He transformed into SSJ. "Gine get back." He told his wife who didn't argue as she saw his expression that she has seen many times when she was with his squad before retiring.
"Be Careful." She told him and gave him a kiss on the cheek and quickly left for a safe place. She was on a tall boulder that was far away from the fight but still could see it. Someone landed next to her and she knew it was her son.
"Looks like dad is already in Super Saiyan." Goku said.
Gine nod. "Your father had a feeling about that man, of course it's no surprise since he's been on the battlefield for a longtime."
Bardock and Toppo waited for the other to attack first. In a burst of speed both men collided as their fist met against the other which made a shockwave. Both were back and forth with blocks and punches. Bardock changed it up as he dodged one of the punches and started to kick fast. He was grabbed and flung far but he landed on his feet and flew back towards Toppo and again engaged in combat. He had quickly turned SSJ2 and connected a punch followed by a corkscrew spin to the face that sent Toppo back but still on his feet. He then sent a powerful Ki blast that hit Toppo which made a small explosion.
The smoke cleared and showed Toppo had blocked it and only had scratched marks on his uniform. "You have damaged the pride of my uniform, therefore I will not hold back." Toppo released some of his energy that was visible.
Bardock had a sense that he was holding back. And he was right as he was barely able to block a punch but the force pushed him far back. He slightly winced as they were much harder but he ignored it as Toppo continued on until he did a 360 and sent a dropkick which sent the veteran crashing into boulder.
Goku winced as he heard the impact and saw his mom who was a little worried. He put a hand on her shoulder in comfort and she looked at him. He gave a small smile "I got a feeling he's gonna turn things around."
Bardock broke from the stone boulder as he landed on a knee and wiped his lip. 'Looks like I'm gonna have to step it up more.' He stood up and took his stance. He started to shout as his energy skyrocketed high and the arena started to slightly shake which made some stop their fight. Goku was shocked at his fathers power but he soon started to see the transformation which he recognized, Gine was in awe as she saw this.
Bardock let out a warrior cry as golden energy blinded the area which made Toppo cover his eyes with his hand.
The energy died down and revealed Bardock who's golden energy was jagged around his body, golden lightning crackled around his firm muscled body, his eyebrows were different. What was noticeable was the spiked hair was now long down to his waist.
Bardock had transformed into SSJ 3.
Toppo was slightly impressed. "So, you have been holding back as well."
"That's right." Bardock's voice was gruffled. "Now then where were we?"
They charged at one another and colidded again which made another shockwave but it was twice as powerful than last time.
Cell and Gohan were continuously attacking each other with punches but none of them connected only against the others fist which created a small sparks of KI. The two slammed them forearm against the other. Cell had a smirked look while Gohan showed a stern look.
"At least you're much more powerful than last time." Cell said.
"I know your holding back Cell." Gohan said as he knew the Android was just playing with him.
Cell gave a low chuckle. "Of course, I was just testing to see If you have gotten stronger. You certainly haven't disappointed me. But now."
Gohan looked at the ground as it started to crack and a crater was forming. He saw that Cell was now getting serious.
"Aw man, I never expected Cell to be this strong." Krillin said with sweat on his forehead as he grew worried.
"It should be no surprise, since he has trained the last few days before the tournament." Piccolo added.
"Yes. and from the looks of it Cell seems to be unleashing a portion of his true power." Whis said. Beerus said nothing but was inwardly concerned.
Gohan stood his ground. He grit his teeth as he wondered how much Cell was holding back if this was just a small portion.
Cell vanished in a blur and appeared in front of Gohan followed by a fist to the gut that lifted him slightly off his feet
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