Chapter 10: The Fourth War part 4, Oozaru on the loose, the Ultimate Power.

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-Universe 7-

It was currently night time as we find Goku sleeping in bed alongside with his wife Chi-Chi in their new home. Ever since the tournament of destroyers was over it has been a trouble week for the earth born Saiyan, you see Goku had lost control of his KI due to the strain from using the Kaioken X10 and SSGSSB from what King Kai told him and because of that he hasn't been able to train until recently he managed to get his KI stable much to his relief.

Once falling in a deep slumber he started to dream.


OST: Bardock fails 1:50

A baby Kakarot was heard crying in a space pod that was set down.

"I programed this to head to a distance planet called Earth. The people in that world have low power levels and aren't technology advance, I think he'll be able to do well there Gine. Good thing it's not an extremely valuable world so I'm hoping it won't even show up on the Frieza Forces Radar."

Baby Kakarot opened his eyes seeing a beautiful woman who had slight tears in her eyes. "If you're Father is wrong about this, then we'll come and get you immediately." She said.

A man who looked like him except with a scar on his cheek stepped next to her. "Listen son, you do what it takes to survive got it" He told him.

Kakarot tilt his head innocently. "We'll see you really soon." the female Saiyan said.

The man put his hand on the red tint glass while Kakarot did the same wanting to feel the warmth of his father.

"Goodbye." said the man.

The pod started to slowly float up high in the air as Kakarot looked down through the glass. Before he was blasted away the woman ran crying out "Don't forget us Kakarot!"

The pod blasted off in the deep of space.

-End Dream ost 2:44-

Goku's eyes snapped wide opened and sat up quickly, breathing and sweating. He looked to see Chi-Chi shifting around but still asleep much to his sake as he knew his wife was not a late night person.

He took the covers off him and slowly stood up wearing no shirt but Orange sweatpants. He went over to a window looking out in the sky seeing the stars. What was that dream about...that man that looked like him and that woman...were they his parents?

Ever since knowing his Saiyan heritage from his late brother Raditz, he never wanted to know about his family, he may not had admit it but he was afraid to know. He learned about the Saiyan's history from King Kai but...he never had thought about his real parents since grandpa Gohan was the only family he needed...but that dream made him have lots of questions.

'I wonder what they were like?' Goku thought.

"Goku." He heard his name and turned his head back to see his wife Chi-Chi awake looking slightly worried as she knew her husband never wakes up this late at night. "What's wrong." she frowned.

He shook his head giving a small smile. "Nothing just a dream." he told her and came back on the bed giving her a kiss making her smile. "Let's try to go back to sleep." he said laying back down with his wife who cuddled with him.

Goku closed his eyes and would see tomorrow if King Kai can know who his parents were. With that though he went back to sleep.


The Majestic Oozaru roared pounding its chest and shooting out a large white beam in the sky. Juubi roared not intimidated and charged. Naruto had charged locking a grapple with it and the beast tried to bites his head off but this made him angry, he opened his mouth shooting a intensify KI beam right to the eye making it cry in pain which Naruto took advantage of and gave a big right punch sending the beast back.

Madara and Obito were forced to jump off as they knew this fight they would not want to be in the middle of.

"He actually manage to hurt the Juubi." Obito looked in disbelief.

"So it would seem." Madara said and looked to see the Shinobi force arriving. "Looks like we have guests."

Oozaru Naruto rushed towards the Juubi and connected a shoulder thrust sending it skitting but still held its ground. It opened its mouth forming a enormous amount of energy.

The Majestic Oozaru opened his mouth slightly creating a enormous white kI. Both beams of energy collided against each other for dominance but Naruto's attack was overwhelming the Juubi's attack in which struck the beast making it fall in pain

Madara was using his Susanoo wiping out many shinobis, he looked to see the ape dominating over the Juubi. 'The Juubi was supposed to be unstoppable but I guess without the full Kyubi Chakra it can not be healed as quickly and can take only so much from that ape.' He broke out of his thought feeling a shockwave and looked to see the muscled Saiyan Broly pounding away at his ultimate defense while the other ape shot a beam of energy. He flared his Susanoo to full power into its perfect form. It drew it sword and went to strike down at Broly who caught the weapon and was slightly being pushed down but that didn't stop him as he pushed the blade back.

Oozaru Bardock charged towards Madara and gave a KI infused superman punch slightly cracking the face. Broly was next who ripped the sword out the grasp of Susanoo and threw it with the blade stabbing into Susanoo which Obito and Madara had to dodge on the inside.

Broly and Bardock opened their mouths and fired a combination of blue and green KI wave to the Susanoo who formed a shield to stop it but it was useless as it was destroyed along with the left arm.

Oozaru Naruto charged at the recovered Juubi who opened its mouth forming an enormous Bijuu bomb but he didn't slow down, the attack was shot towards him and instead of dodging it he punched it away in a far distance destroying many mountains, everyone even Madara and Obito were shocked.

Growling the Majestic oozaru opened Its mouth and formed what looked like a enormous Bijuu bomb but with bright white colors. He shot at the beast creating a giant explosion releasing a blast of shockwave.

Oozaru Naruto growled lowly waiting for the smoke to clear. Once it did the Juubi had evolved growing legs and a right arm, the eye had fully healed, it gave a terrifying roar.

The Majestic Oozaru pounded it's chest and roared making chakra explode from his body, black marking were appearing all over the fur as it too started to glow like flames.

"H-His power has drastically become enormous ." Paragus said in a scared tone.

"I can see now why he's a God of Destruction." Oozaru Bardock said in respect.

Broly was shocked seeing a power that was much far stronger than his.

Obito started to sweat in fear. How. how can this have happened, the battle was supposed to be in his favor, everything was going so well but these...these...Monkeys are ruining everything.

The Juubi formed a cone shaped Bijuu bomb and shot at the charging Majestic oozaru who threw a right punch knocking the attack away, not letting up the Juubi fired multiple bombs at the oozaru who continued to smack or punch them out of the way.

Once it was close enough the oozaru caught the punch of the beast and snapped his jaw on the arm making the chakra monster scream but it was not over as Naruto jerked his head back hard ripping it off making it scream in agony.

The Juubi used ten of its tails to attack but Naruto caught them and started to swing the beast around slamming it on the ground repeatedly four times and stomped on the back.

Kicking the monster back Oozaru Naruto roared and out of nowhere started to attack the shinobi force. "Why is he attacking us?" Kakashi dodged a attack with Paragus. "He's lost all self control of himself, a first time Saiyan going into their great ape form nothing can break them out from their blinding rage." Paragus said.

Naruto stopped attacking the shinobi army and saw the Susanoo, he formed a KI energy and shot a white beam at it.

Madara and Obito saw this and only had time to brace themselves as the Susanoo was destroyed sending them flying and crashing hard. The Majestic Oozaru went back again at the army but Bardock got his attention. "Naruto snap out of it!" he called out but was swatted away.

Broly charged at him next, He dodged a swat and kicked the ape in the face dazing him but he shook it off and blasted a regular size KI wave from its mouth sending the muscled Saiyan crashing into a cliff.

Madara was barely getting up to his feet and was next to the Juubi who looked in pain. He saw Obito who unfortunately had the worst of it as the left side of his arm and leg were gone and had a scorch mark. "Looks like I'll have to take my plans into action much early than expected.." he went through hand signs. Black rods stabbed into Obito and Madara who was feeding off the Chakra, he went through another hand sign, this time with the help of his Rinnegan he was back to life once more.

Madara looked at his hands and a big grin, he looked to see the white flaming ape attacking the shinobi alliance. Using the advantage he went through hand signs once more and touched the Juubi which absorbed into him.

Naruto Oozaru was getting hit by many fireballs and earth bullets which irritated him. He grabbed a chunk of a cliff and throwing it with force.

Broly came back this time much faster and slammed a headbutt knocking Naruto on his back. The Saiyan had charged down slamming his foot into the body of Naruto who roared and grabbed Broly squeezing him. Slowly the Saiyan's bones were popping and just before something snapped he was saved in the nick of time as Bardock connected a KI infused punch to the eye temporally hurting Naruto.

"What do we have to do to get him back to normal?" Kakashi asked Paragus.

"The only way to do that would be to cut his tail off, that's where the source of his power is." said the elder Saiyan.

Majestic Oozaru smacked Broly away and was about to send a KI wave to the shinobi army but just before he did.

"NARUTO-KUN!" a female voice called out his name.

The Majestic Oozaru stopped and turned to see a female shinobi with lavender color eyes that looked familiar to him.

"Naruto-Kun...Its me Hinata..,you have to stop...were not your enemies...please come back." she had a tear rolling down her cheek.

Oozaru Naruto was confused at this, wondering why was this girl crying, he slowly lifted up his hand and gently brushed the tear away with his finger. He lowly growled as it was thinking of who she was, memories started to come back slowly.

Madara burst from the ground gaining everyone's attention. He was floating up with his now white spiky hair blowing in the wind. Floating before the shinobis was sage six path Madara. He transformed the Shakujo into a very large spear like weapon throwing it at Hinata, Naruto saw this and grabbed her as he turned around. He roared in pain as the weapon stabbed into him.

"Naruto-Kun!" She cried out.

Majestic oozaru set her down and slowly pulled the weapon out the shoulder. He threw the weapon back at Madara who caught it as it transformed back to its regular Shakujo form.

"The power of the sage of the six path...outstanding." Madara looking over himself and then at the ape who jumped on a cliff and growled.

"Show me your true power Naruto me!" Madara madly called out.

Oozaru Naruto roared as he started to glow brightly, he thrashed around and released his KI energy destroying the cliff he stood on, smoke from the debris covered the area.

A recovered normal Bardock and Broly looked to see what happened, Hinata was fearing for the worst as did Sakura, Tsunade had arrived with the other Kages and didn't know what was going on.

Madara's eye narrowed as he try to sense for any life.

The debris had slowly cleared showing a figure standing on a broken boulder. Clearing a little more, the person stood six foot wearing black pants with a silver sash around the waist, silver wristbands and kung fu shoes, he had a tail with white fur covering his muscled body except his chest and abbs. His hair was dark blond with long untamed spike bangs. Lastly his iris was a dark white color with a silver shadow trim around his eyes.

Everyone including the Saiyan's were shocked at what they're looking at.

Naruto looked at Madara giving no expression which for the first time made him uneasy.

"K-Kakashi-Sensei what's going on?, Naruto h-he looks completely different." Sakura stunned at her teammates transformation.

"I'm confused as you are Sakura." Kakashi said. Bardock and Broly along with Paragus were too shocked at the Majestic Saiyan's new transformation.

"N-Naruto-Kun." Hinata said in shock, the Majestic Saiyan looked at her which made the Hyuga heiress nervous but it vanished as he flashed her his trademark fox grin.

She smiled at this

Madara float to the ground and looked to see the Shinobi alliance prepared for battle. He slammed his hand down creating an army of monsters that were part from the Juubi.

Naruto saw the creatures and narrowed his eyes, Hinata go back to your team." he told her

Hinata would have argued but she had faith in the Saiyan shinobi, she nod and ran back to her team. The Majestic Saiyan didn't move an inch as he kept staring at Madara like an animal stalking its prey.

The shinobi force along with the Samurai's stood behind him and drew their weapons preparing for the battle. Growls came from the creatures.

The five Kages had recovered enough chakra and were in front leading the army. Broly, Paragus and Bardock weren't breaking a sweat and were ready for battle

The sound of the wind blew through the air.

One of the creatures roared and charged along with the army, soon the five Kages and shinobi army followed the same motion charging towards them as they cried out in battle with their weapons out and jutsu's ready.

Both Madara and Naruto flew up in the air as the army had collided against each other.

Bardock blasted KI in every direction where he spots many enemies, one try to sneak up on him but he turned around nailing a punch to its gut and blasted it away. Another charged at him but he flew towards it and kicked it in the face giving him a boost as he flipped backed in the air sending multiple KI destroying more of them.

Broly was knocking every enemy that charged at him and gave a backhand to one sending it crashing into a mountain. A huge one was charging at him but the Saiyan had followed the same and gave a right punch splattering the creatures head.

He saw his father being overwhelmed and rushed towards him at sonic speed knocking every enemy that stood in his way. Just in time he stopped one that tried to stab his father ripping its arm off and swung it knocking its head off.

Madara was barely dodging the barrage of attacks and combination of punches and kicks but fell for a fake left as it was instead a right kick which connected his face and then a reverse spin left kick that was blocked with the Shakujo but still sent him flying back.

Naruto flew towards him while dodging the seeking orbs with ease, he shot a barrage of KI but Madara shielded himself in a iron like defense ball. Not stopping yet he continued to fire at it and flew in with a kick sending it away, not stopping he teleported behind kickin it away again. He repeated this many times making Madara defense look like a pinball, the sage Uchiha didn't realize it but his defense slowly started to crack.

Appearing above. The Majestic Saiyan gave a solid hard axe kick to the defense which also sent a blast of wind, the ball started to crack and finally shattered. Madara had his arms up blocking it but Naruto kept pushing down with force. He shouted while breaking through the guard nailing the Uchiha in the face with his heel sending him through cliffs, huge boulders and into a deep crater.

Not finished yet Naruto flew down connecting a punch into the gut making Madara coughed a glob of blood. He continued to relentlessly punch the sage Uchiha's body with lefts and rights while pushing him through the earth. He finally gave a uppercut sending the Juubi Jinchuriki out the ground crashing into a rocky mountain destroying it.

Bursting out the ground Naruto flew up in the air. His stoic face slowly formed a grin and laughed with excitement as he looked at his hands. "This new's feels much stronger than my MSSJ 3 but what should I call it." He thought for few seconds and had an Idea. "How about, Majestic Super Saiyan 4"

Madara pushed a boulder off him and sat up. He had some scratches and blood dripped from his mouth but wiped it away, one of his horns cracked and broke off. 'What monstrous strength. Unlike the Senju woman this boy no doubt used pure physical strength.' He stood back up to his feet

Naruto flew at insane speed around Madara in the sky until he became a blur but that didn't bother the Uchiha who was keeping track thanks to the Rinnegan. However the Kyubi Jinchuriki vanished before appearing below giving a hard-low double rising kick to the chin sending him high in the air. Not done yet he cocked his right fist back and threw it releasing a blasting force of wind which Madara blocked with the truth-seeking ball turning it into a wall defense.

Naruto vanished thanks to his I.T. (Instant Transmission) Appearing behind a few distance from the Uchiha he did the same move which Madara didn't have time to block as it struck his back. Not finished yet he flew above doing the same attack and down below.

Madara felt trap in the wind pressure, he could only turn his head seeing the Jinchuriki charging up and nailing a punch to the chest which no doubt shattered a couple of bones in his rib cage while being sent through many more rocky cliffs and crashing deep into the ground.

Naruto landed on a boulder. "Come out. Is this really the so called most powerful shinobi to ever live, show me you true Power Madara Uchiha, show yourself and show me what you got!" He roared flaring his KI around his body with electricity crackling around.

Madara Uchiha burst out the ground with chakra shrouding around him. He laughed and grinned excitedly. "No one has ever gotten my blood flowing with excitement, not since Hashirama.... Very well Naruto Uzumaki, let's dance" He flew at the Majestic Saiyan who too did the same.

Naruto dodged around the truth-seeking orbs and kicked one away back to the owner who stopped it but it was a distraction as Naruto appeared with a knee that was blocked by the Uchiha's Shakujo, but the force still blasted him up in the air. He went through hand signs. "Sage Art: Shadow Style Thunder Blast." He shot out purple electricity towards the Saiyan who just stood there and took the attack which created a blast covering the area in smoke.

Madara looked for any movement but Naruto appeared in front of him going for a punch but was stopped by a invisible force. The Uchiha blew out a purple laser beam that would have sliced his head off if he hadn't bent his head back, he backflipped with a kick to the chin of the Juubi Jinchuriki pushing him back.

Appearing behind, the Saiyan Shinobi had gave a vicious elbow shot to the spine which would've destroyed it if the sage didn't enhance his bones but he still was sent across the ground and crashed. Naruto dove down with another axe kick which Madara barely moved out the way as it made contact against the ground creating a crater with spider cracks. Transforming the Shakujo into a double sharp end staff, he threw it at lightning speed towards the Majestic Saiyan. Easily sensing the danger coming at him he caught the weapon and threw it back at faster speed not giving Madara time to react as

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