Power comes with insanity. Or voices in your head.

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"God damn it, Kyuubi."

Those four words have become his personal mantra now, considering that it must have been the fifth or so times he grumbled that line to himself in the span of three minutes.

Kakashi really hated that stupid fox.

The Kyuubi didn't send him to some other place that was away from the war against Kaguya. Noooo, the stupid fox sent him to some other time, straight into another war.

The Third Shinobi War, to be precise.

God damn it, Kyuubi.

Because for all the power of a god damn bijuu, surely Kyuubi could give a little hint of Kakashi's whenabouts? At least a little note saying that he would be dropped in the period of war rather than discovering that on his own when a bunch of Iwa-nin tried to crush his skull with surprise doton jutsu the moment he hopped out of Kamui to scout his environment.

Bless Kamui. God, Kakashi adored Obito's auto-activated Kamui. He would've been a crushed pulp if not because of that ability.

But all in all, Kyuubi was the worst.

And has the worst freaking timing in all history of worst timing.

Kakashi phased through the Iwa-nin, dark cloak billowing with his movements as he swiped a kunai from his enemy and drove it through the man's throat in one smooth movement. The man gurgled, falling dead to the ground before his teammates could even react. Kakashi took the advantage of that moment of surprise, white lightning flickered in his hands as he phased through the falling body and lunged for his next kill.

Two Iwa-nin fell to their death—the last thing they saw was the seething cold fury of the flickering lightning that illuminated the blank white mask of their unknown assailant.

Kakashi pulled his hands out of the fallen nin and turned his attention towards the remaining standing members of Iwa squad.

"Get the omega away!" one of the Iwa-nin barked towards the pair that lagged at the back of the squad. "We'll hold him off."

The mismatched gaze of brilliant blue and bright green trailed to the retreating shadows, only to widen in recognition.

Then, red.

Red. Red. Red.

Kakashi could only see red.

He would recognise that dark blue and orange sleeve everywhere.


He sniffed the air, taking in the scent of blood mingled with something much, much sweeter that made his mouth watered and—

Kakashi lost it.

Black flames erupted from nowhere, consuming the leader of the Iwa squad before the man could even seek for Kakashi's gaze from the eyeholes. Kakashi phased through the doton jutsu that was attempting to skewer him, gliding like an omen of doom—dark cloak billowing, white mask a stark contrast against his heavy hood and red eyes gazing murder to those who dared to meet his gaze—and like the grim reaper, he left deaths and scattered corpses in his wake.

When the lightning fade, there was not one soul of the Iwa troop that remained in their charred bodies.

Intercepting the retreating shadows were terribly easy, considering that they were already turning against each other by the time he ripped the dimension apart to appear right in front of them. Kakashi didn't bother to listen to their argument. He didn't bother to take notice on the way the female Iwa-nin curled her body in front of Obito' tattered one, one kunai pointed threateningly at her partner.

It was none of his concern.

He simply activated his Raikiri and obliterated the man. It was all too easy. The Iwa-nin has immediately stopped arguing with his partner in favour of launching an avalanche towards Kakashi, but Kakashi was quicker and have more motivation to kill, thus the man stood no chance. The scent of Obito's blood triggered a mad bloodlust he didn't know existed within him—a form of hatred that he didn't know he was capable of feeling—but he didn't care.

Was this what Sasuke felt when he lost his family?

Was this the hatred and anger that drove Madara insane?

Was this the pain and anger that broke his Obito when Rin died?

Kakashi didn't know. He didn't want to stop and think about it.

He has lost that boy twice.

He wasn't going to lose Obito for the third time.

His lips curled behind the mask as a deep snarl tore from his throat. Cold lightning flickered back to life in his hand and he turned around to end the last Iwa-nin.

(Obito was bleeding to death in the hands of the enemy and Kakashi wanted to protect him, so he needed to kill kill kill kill kill—)

"Don't fall for it, idiot."

Kakashi stopped.

Kyuubi? He called back, hoping that by chance that the fox was stuck inside his mind and maybe he wasn't so alone—

The voice in his head didn't reply.

Kakashi waited, and when the silence persisted, he laughed—mad and unhinged—finally submitting to the dark thoughts that have been haunting him ever since he was sent here. Of course. Of course he would always end up alone. His mother died. His father died. His teammates died. His teacher died. His pseudo-elder sister died. Even his students were not immune to be the victims to his bad luck.

He was destined to be alone.

Whoever that he ended up loving would die.

Kakashi drove his lightning-encased hand towards the trembling Iwa-nin.


He stopped, merely inches from the woman's chest, the red of his eyes faded upon seeing the green glowing hue of chakra from her hands that hovered above Obito's torn body. The Iwa-nin was sobbing, yet the flicker of her chakra didn't waver, steadily closing the tattered chunk of Obito's torso.

"Please," she croaked, looking up to meet his mismatched gaze with tear-glazed eyes. "Kill me after he is stable."

Kakashi blinked, the strange rage within him subsided as the confusion arisen. He allowed his lightning to fade but did not let his guard down by one bit. He simply stood there, staring numbly at the way Obito's right arm was hanging off his shoulder with measly strings of muscles that connected the tattered limb. Obito's right leg was in a similar predicament, torn and twisted so grotesquely that amputation would have been a mercy by this point. Kakashi watched in awed confusion when the Iwa-nin worked on Obito. The woman was attempting to stop the bleeding without care of her depleting chakra reserve, although it didn't do much to help.

Kakashi only interfered when the worst of the bleeding has been reduced as the woman's eyelids struggled to remain open.

He caught her into his arms before she collapsed onto Obito's broken form.

"Why?" he asked, voice quiet as he laid her to rest on the ground.

Why heal an enemy? Why go to this extent?

The woman choked a delirious laugh. "Because I hate them too."

Kakashi cocked his head—confused.

"Take the omega to the base," she rambled, too exhausted to speak clearer than a slur, yet the way she spat the words out conveyed her distaste. "Cut off his limbs and tongue. A breeding stock did not need to move or speak," she spat to the grass beside her, voice dropped to a mockery of a man's voice, "Just make sure his womb is intact."

That would have angered Kakashi again yet his wrath was overpowered with pure confusion.

Womb? Kakashi thought. But Obito is a guy?

Somewhere at the back of his mind, he swore that there were voices echoing his thought with the same amount of bewilderment.

"I'm loyal to my country," the Iwa-nin slurred, eyes fluttering shut. "But I love my fellow omega more."

Kakashi was very, very confused.

Then, her eyes snapped open with a vicious vigour, shaking fingers shot up to grasp the collar of Kakashi's cloak, causing the dark hood to slide off and reveal stark silver hair.

"Give me your oath, alpha," she hissed, chakra flickering unsteadily like a candle was about to be snuffed out. "Give me your words that you will get him some help. Give him back to Konoha. Keep him with you. I don't care," she gritted her teeth, swallowing harshly as she moved one hand to fumble with her uniform. "Just give me your words that he will be cared for and never be treated like a breeding cattle."

Kakashi was still terribly confused with everything, but this woman was dying. She was dying from saving Obito. She risked betraying her nation and dying out of chakra exhaustion to give Obito a survival chance.

She deserved his words.

"I swear I would protect him with my own life," he murmured, finding that not one word of that promise was a lie. "He would be cared for with respect and kindness."

The grip on his cloak slackened and the hand that was in her uniform pocket shoved something to his chest.

Kakashi looked down, feeling the blood drained from his face when he saw the two perfect spheres of onyx eyes in the glass container.

"They're his," she gasped, glazed eyes fixed on his own with a knowing look. "Return them to him."

With that, her trembling hand slid down the fabric to lay limp on the ground. Her eyes fluttered shut, and soon, she was completely unconscious, her chest heaved with effort.

Kakashi laid her under a tree before he gathered the eyes and picked Obito up. Being mindful of the tattered limbs, Kakashi readied himself to tear open a portal to his Kamui dimension.

I'll protect him.

I swear.

For all the bravado he put on in front of his teammates, Obito really didn't want to die.

He was just turning fourteen, still so young with goals to achieve and expectations to defy. He wanted to be a Hokage, to prove to the assholes that only looked at him and saw a breeding stock that an Omega like him could be a leader too.

He wasn't the first omega who will wear the hat, but he sure as hell would be the first ordinary omega to become Hokage.

Even if he wasn't a prodigious genius like the Nidaime, didn't mean that he couldn't do it.

Plus, if he died here, it would only prove to his clansmen that an omega didn't belong in the battlefield.

That was wrong. He wanted to defy that stupid expectation. After the gruelling struggles to get this chance, he was not going to fail. He had to fight teeth and bones to be allowed out of Konoha's gates for this mission and if he failed—

Any male omega that was born after him would end up being confined in the village, serving duties as a breeding stock because some god awful tradition of the old clans firmly believed that the likelihood of producing stronger kekkei genkai increased dramatically when the super-rare male omega was one of the parents.

Obito already had enough being victimised by that stupid belief, having random alphas of his clan coming up to him ever since he was five to bury their nose into his neck and rubbed their scent all over his mating gland without showing any manners or courtesy what so ever. They have already been marking him, whispering promises that when he became of age, they would be coming to claim him and produce lots of strong Uchiha for the clan.

Obito wanted to change that belief, and the only way to do that was to become strong.

He has no wish to seal the fate of a breeding stock to future male omega that was unfortunately born into any of the old clans, thus, in short, Obito really, really, really didn't want to die.

But everything was dark—his left eye was not functioning despite being free of injury—and he could no longer feel the right side of his body. The rest of his body was in agony. Each breath was a war on its own. Blood clogged his throat, making it even harder to breathe.

Then, there was a tremor in the ground and Obito heard something shattered right above him.

"I knew I smell an omega," an unfamiliar voice said, glee dripped in his voice.

Obito wanted to speak, but the blood that clogged his throat lurched up, causing him to gurgle in pain.

"And look at that," another one said. "An Uchiha."

"Konoha is stupid," the first voice drawled, and Obito whimpered in pain when he was hauled up by his left arm. "Letting an Uchiha omega out to fight in a war."

Obito struggled to move his right arm, wanting to reach for a kunai to defend himself.

It was a futile effort, of course.

"Mari!" the man that was holding him barked, and soon Obito felt that he was transferred into a pair of much gentler arms. "Heal his womb. Make sure that we can still breed him."

"But, sir—!" the woman that was holding him cried out, exuding a protective lovey scent that almost dulled Obito's pain. "His limbs, sir! We need to fix them first—"

"Cut them off."

Dread washed all over his body.


"A breeding cattle doesn't need to move," he ordered, and Obito felt a rough hand on his chin, tipping his face to the side before he felt crooked nose on his neck. The hot breath tickled his skin, while the lustful scent caused nausea to rise up his broken body. "Cut his tongue and gouge his eyes while you're at it too," he added once he was done marking Obito. "We just want him to provide Uchiha into our ranks. He doesn't need anything else. Just make sure his womb is intact."

There was a beat silence, the omegan scent around him suddenly faded to a dull muted scent as he felt the soothing chakra healing his centre.

This was it. He was going to be turned into a breeding cattle by Iwa.

Obito wished that he had died.


Kakashi was at a stalemate.

He has shed the cloak and mask he has liberated from Obito's stash in this dimension the moment he stepped inside Kamui. Leaving Obito for a brief moment of reluctance, he ventured out, aiming for the storage warehouse of Konoha's hospital. He liberated supplies for Obito—moving completely on auto-pilot—and returned to Kamui once he has gathered enough.

Then, he realised that he was not a medic.

Sure, he still remembered the theories he has read over Rin's and Sakura's shoulders, but he has never put those theories to use. He knew the basic first-aid to sustain certain wounds, but Obito's condition was not in his list of knowledge.

Kakashi was at a stalemate.

He could've dumped Obito in the hospital, but something selfish within him refused to let this boy out of his sight again. Crashing with Obito into the hospital would surely have him carted to T&I at the first sight, and the last thing he wanted was to have his mind looked at and revealed the future to Konoha when he didn't even know if Konoha here would have the same blind prejudice that killed his father.

What if Inoichi saw what his Obito had done and told the Hokage? What if the Hokage and the council decided to execute this Obito to prevent the war that has happened to Kakashi? What if Danzou took interest in this Obito?

Kakashi refused to risk that.

Then, came the weird terms that the Iwa-nin has used regarding Obito. Omega. Alpha. And...

Obito has a womb?

That was the ultimate what the fuck in this whole fucked up situation.

Kakashi was confused and at his wit's end.

He traced a finger over the purple diamond at the centre of his forehead, feeling the storage of chakra that his little kunoichi has worked so hard to gain. The vulnerable human inside him couldn't help but wished that Sakura was here. What's the purpose of having her abilities if he didn't know how to use it to save the boy that was his personal hero?


Kakashi blinked at that faint voice that so resembled his only female student.

It happened again.

Now that he has the time to wind down from the adrenaline of the sudden scouting turned to fight and rescue mission, Kakashi finally was able to reflect on the strange voices he heard in his mind.

The one that stopped him from killing the Iwa-nin sounded so much like Sasuke.

The second one that stopped him sounded like Naruto.

And this one, it sounded like Sakura.

Perhaps it was the product of his delirious grieving mind, perhaps it was the result of having this much power in one body—but Kakashi wanted to think that his students were still here with him.


Thus, he called back, hopeful for a reply.

There was none—though he wasn't surprised at the lack of response—but there was a sudden jolt of memories rushing through his head.

He remembered gruelling chakra training, attempting to resurrect a dead fish under the watchful gaze of Tsunade. He remembered the exact way to channel his chakra into a wound, weaving the skin close and healing the cells inside. He remembered reading a forbidden jutsu scroll—written in the hands of Senju Tobirama—as the Nidaime explained in full detail a kinjutsu that would accelerate cell division, promote regeneration and reattach missing limbs or prosthetic to one's body. He remembered the exact way to activate the Strength of A Hundred Seal and channelled it towards mass healing.

The rush of memories stopped with a warm feeling that reminded him of Sakura's cheerful smile, Naruto's encouraging grin and thumbs-up as well as Sasuke's smug huff.

Kakashi was fighting tears.

He now knew enough to help Obito.

Thank you, Sakura.

With that, he fumbled to tie his hair back, pushing his sleeves up to the elbows to get to work.

He has laid Obito in one of the liberated futons after amputating the tattered limbs and wrapping the still bleeding wounds in a tight bandage. He didn't have the heart to put Obito's limbs aside for burial, and he was deeply grateful for that, considering that he has the Nidaime's kinjutsu in his head now.

Kakashi steadily unwrapped the bandages, moving with methodical precision as he snipped the edges of muscles that were beyond repair on Obito's shoulders. He healed the bones first, forcing the shattered bones in the amputated arm back to its original position. It must have been a delusion of his, but Kakashi felt that he was not alone conducting this healing. He felt like Sakura was there with him, guiding him (from perhaps the spirit world) to heal his friend. It felt almost too natural, to mend the shattered bones of this arm before proceeding with the reattaching process.

Kakashi was suddenly grateful that he has Naruto's chakra reserve. There was no way in hell he was able to do this in one go if he has normal shinobi's reserve.

The reattaching was much trickier and required more concentration. The odd thoughts that floated in his head (that he now has considered as Sakura's spirit attempting to help him) warned him about the risk of reattaching the arm the wrong way. Thus, he made sure that he fit the bone properly into its socket, adhering to the random thoughts in his head that prompted him to weave the muscles layer by layer, forcing the cells to regenerate using chakra and making sure that not one mistake was done.

He didn't know how long it took, but even with Naruto's reserve, Kakashi felt reasonably depleted after he has successfully reattached the arm.

Yet, he didn't stop. He repeated the process with the mangled leg.

It has taken twice as long, considering that he has to fix the limb first and unlike the arm, Obito's leg was destroyed.

Kakashi has to resort to Sakura's Strength of A Hundred Seal to sustain him and provide him with enough chakra to continue on the healing of Obito's internal organs. He felt the marks spread all across his face, elevating his energy from the exhaustion as he

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