When all seems lost

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A/N: I'm adding songs from now on to help express the characters emotions. This song is after the heartbreak. Og version: briel von huges. This is the nightcore version. 

As more and more negative energy flowed into Ulric's book, the glitter force was at a loss. They would have to fight with April. "Well, if it isn't the glitter force. Oh wait, one of you is missing. Did little glitter spring finally leave? You should follow suit!" Cried Ulric.

"Glitter spring hasn't left! And neither will we!" said Emily. "Power up girls!" The other transformed into the glitter force. Noticing glitter Sunny's blank expression, Ulric decided to retort. "Looks like glitter sunny isn't the same with out spring. Oh well, soon you'll all be feeling crushed! Buffoon, come on down!" Cried Ulric producing a red nose.

A nearby pencil turned into a buffoon. "It's time to finish you, glitter force!" cried Ulric. The glitter force took up their positions. Even without Spring, they could still fight. They all jumped up and kicked the buffoon. However, they bounced back. The unharmed buffoon began to make it's move. "Buffoon bash!" It yelled, smashing a giant fist into the girls.

The glitter force were knocked over like bowling pins. Glitter sunny still seemed as defeated. The other girls got up. "I'll show you how much more powerful I am than you, glitter brats!" said Ulric. "Buffoon punch!" yelled the buffoon. The girl leapt up, but were still blown through the air. Maybe they couldn't do this without glitter spring.

Meanwhile, April felt as though her world had ended. She turned off her phone, still sobbing. It was then that she noticed how quiet it was. April turned around, and saw the people lying on the ground. It's one of those villains, thought April. Oh well, they don't need me anyway. But then April heard something. She turned towards the courtyard where the rest of the glitter force was being knocked back by a buffoon. Ulric was laughing.

But it wasn't her fight. Not anymore. But as she heard the glitter force's screams and groans of pain, she knew what she had to do. If its my last fight, I may as well go all out, she thought. April brushed aside her tears. Her romance issues could come later. Right now, her friends needed her. If they even were her friends...

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