I walk through the hallways filled with posters mostly main character posters as I walk I see poppy and her friends Brightney , Tisha and scraps I try to stay away from them but scraps saw me and told poppy I try to walk faster
but they call my name and I turn around and they yell " HEY BOXTEN HOW ARE YOU DOING DATING A MIRROR" poppy yells And her group starts laughing " AT LEAST IM NOT DATING A PAPER CAT" I yell back and they fall silent I don't think they liked that as I try to walk faster I get grabbed and thrown to the ground by scraps " watch what you say" she said " but you talked about my boyfriend so I said something back it's called talking back" I said " well this is what talking back gets you"
scraps said before punching me and kicking me hard " O-OW IM SORRY JUST STOP" I beg " what's the matter boxten fragile fucking wimp" scraps said " scraps let him go we'll get him next time" poppy says maybe she does still care
I walk to glistens room knowing that maybe he could help me I knock on the door and glisten opens the door " BOXTEN WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU" I hear glisten yell " scraps attacked me just please help" I beg " ok I have a medkit get inside" glisten says I go and lay his bed
Glisten patches me up and lays next to me to comfort me he tries to hug me but it hurts " ow that hurt" I say " sorry" glisten says " you can hug me but be gentle" I say glisten wraps around me " boxten be careful around the hallways ok you can get yourself hurt" glisten says I like when he cares
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