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Hi! I'm the certain girl the poet talks about, the next chapters would be the collection of poems I've collected from him, it's either they're WRITTEN IN ENGLISH OR FILIPINO

I wanted to share these beautiful creations he made just for me, I appreciate every single letters, words and phrases he made. He's the very first person who made these kind of things for me and I love him a lot, he's raising my standards every time he treats me well.

I'm not claiming each or every single poem as mine, they are made or written only by him, don't worry I asked for his permission if I can share these with you guys and he happily agrees with it. I wont reveal any hints on his identity because I respect his privacy and life. His pen name would be Yamato Risama.

Lastly, I don't want any hate on him, I'm sharing this because I want to inspire you guys and show you that he is incredible and his works are so amazing. That's all, I hope you'll enjoy them and inspire you to write one for yourself or your love ones. Thank you!


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