Three: Asian F. Part Two.

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Ashleigh runs up some stairs outside, meeting Blaine halfway...

"The cast list goes up on Friday. Are you nervous?" Ashleigh asked.

"A little. I'm trying not to think about it." Blaine says.

"I wouldn't. My mole in the casting office says that there's only one actor they're considering for the role of Tony, and his initials are B.A. I'm afraid you're gonna be paired with Rachel, though." Said Ashleigh.

Blaine chuckled, looking away from her.

"Even if that does happen, I think you were better than Rachel." Said Blaine.

"Yeah... I still wanna beat her, though. I don't know; knock her down a peg or forty." Ashleigh muttered, pulling her hands from around her back and revealing the flowers.

"Ashleigh. They're beautiful. But what are they for?" Asked Blaine.

"You killed your audition, Blaine. Actually, you buried it. If anyone got Tony, including my best friend, the rage and wrath, I would wade on William McKinley. No joke. These are to celebrate... you, obviously."

"I love how caring and sweet you are, even to people who don't deserve it. I love that about you." Blaine says.

Ashleigh smiled, and Blaine placed his hand on her shoulder, looking around.

"Thank you."

"Right. Yeah. Whatever. They're just flowers." Ashleigh tells him.

Ashleigh turned around, walking back downstairs, and Blaine followed her, smelling the flowers.

Back in the auditorium, everyone was at Booty Camp...

"Before we dive into today's Booty Camp, I just want to say how impressed Mike and I have been with everyone's progress. Uh, Brittany, why are you here?" Asked Will.

"'Cause I intend on, you know, dancing my way into the voters' hearts." Said Brittany.

"Now your homework assignment was the widow-maker, perhaps the hardest show choir dance move ever. When you get it right, one of us is gonna tap you out. Then you can have a seat." Will says.

They started doing the assignment.

"Brittany's doing it right." Said Mike.

"Yeah. Go for her. Maybe we should've made Ashleigh stay, you know... taught her that." Will says.

"She knows. She stayed behind with me every day last week for hours. Taught the girl everything I knew. We even practiced at a park." Mike tells him.

"I just love her dedication and yours." Will says, touching Puck's shoulder.

Will touches Santana's arm.

"Come on. Come on, Finn. You can do it. Ashleigh, and I believe in you." Will tells him.

"No, he can't." Puck says.

"Oh, yeah?" Finn asked, looking at Puck.

"Come on, Mercedes." Mike tells her.

"Good job." Will said, tapping Finn's back.

"Come on, Mercedes. Down, open, up." Mike said.

"My ankle hurts." Said Mercedes.

"Push through it." Will tells her.

"I don't feel good." Mercedes says.

"You're fine." Said Will.

"No, I'm not!" Mercedes shouted.

"There's always something wrong with her when she has to dance." Santana said.

"I want you to be the best you can be, okay? Did you even practice this?" Will asked.

"Stop picking on me. You're always singling me out, making me look bad." Said Mercedes.

"That's crazy." Will tells her.

"No, you're crazy for not letting me shine." Mercedes says.

"Another Rachel." Puck whispered.

"Where's Ashleigh, huh? I don't see her being a part of the team." Said Mercedes.

"That's uncalled for." Said Quinn.

"Yeah, Ashleigh practices every single..." Finn said.

"No one asked you two. Everyone knows Ashleigh's your favourite."

"So what if Ashleigh's his favourite...? Ashleigh's my favourite, too." Said Brittany.

"And mine." Puck said, glaring at Mercedes.

"That's not true." Will tells her.

"No, it is true. You give that skinny, Ratatouille, ass-kisser everything..." Mercedes said, pointing her finger at him.

"Watch your mouth! Who are you calling a Ratatouille?" Puck asked, getting into Mercedes's face.

"Ashleigh. What are you gonna do about it, huh?" Asked Mercedes.

"Ooh." Santana and Quinn said.

"Don't get cocky, Mercedes. Leave Ashleigh's name out of your big gob! She's worked harder than all of us put together." Puck said.

"Puck. Puck, it's okay. It's okay, dude. She's just wound up. Chill out, man." Finn says, pulling Puck away from Mercedes.

"Ashleigh can't learn anything else from me, Mercedes! God, every day last week we trained from the minute that bell rang until 2 in the morning. She paid me, but still, she knows everything I know." Said Mike.

"You know what your problem is, Mercedes, is you are simply lazy. You don't wanna dance; that's all this is. I'm afraid we're not gonna win by standing on a stage and singing. Not anymore. We need to be able to dance and sing." Said Will.

"I'm done." Mercedes says, turning around and walking away, knocking a lot of music sheets off the stand.

Everyone stared at her.

"I've outgrown you. I've outgrown all of you." Mercedes says.

"Sweetheart, you're not that talented." Quinn says.

"Mercedes! You walk out that door; you're out of Glee Club. For good." Said Will.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Mercedes comes out of the song, finding herself alone in the auditorium.

"It's over." Mercedes mumbled.

Later, Mike was back in the same room he had been in before dancing...

Mike was standing in the mirror, seeing his mom standing behind him.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" Mike asked.

"What are you doing, Michael?"

"I'm... I'm just warming up for football." Mike said.

"How can you look at me like that and lie to me? I got a call from your chemistry tutor when you didn't show up. I covered for you with your father. So now I'm a liar, too. The least you could do is tell me the truth."

"I auditioned for the school musical. I don't want to be a surgeon or a lawyer, Mom. I want to be an artist. Special. And the only time I feel special is when I do..." Mike says, jumping up, spinning around, and landing back on his feet. "That. Mom, please don't cry."

"Hey, Mike, is everything okay?" Ashleigh asked, popping her head in. "Hi, you must be Mrs. Chang. I'm Ashleigh."

Ashleigh held her hand out, and Julia shook it.


"Your son is a terrific man and dancer. We couldn't have gotten to nationals without him. Hopefully we can win the whole thing, hmm? Maybe before you all leave me." Ashleigh said, looking over at Mike.

"Mom, this is, um, our best singer, and trust me when I say she can sing. She's amazing." Mike tells her.

"Well, why thank you?" Ashleigh asked, smiling softly.

"Ashleigh, you've gotta be on stage in less than five minutes; we should..." Blaine says, walking back on himself and seeing her.

"It was lovely to meet you. Sorry, I've gotta sing again for the school musical. Quite nervous." Ashleigh says, walking away out of the room and looking back at Mike.

Mike gives her an appreciative smile.

"You're gonna be great, Ash." Mike tells her.

"Michael, my job is to encourage you to live your dreams. Not mine, not your dad's. I was raised in a certain way... and my parents had expectations of me, and... I was simply not as courageous as my son. I let go of my dreams, but I never want you to do that. Do you hear me? So... you can help your team win, um, nationals."

Mike smiled.

"Do you know if we earned that part in the school musical yet?"

Mike shakes his head.

"Well, when you do, we're gonna tell your father about it. Together."

"Mom." Mike says, smiling softly, walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her.

She smiled, and they pulled out of the hug.

"So, what dream did you let go of?" Mike asked.

"Like you, I loved dancing. But your waigong never let me take lessons."

"Some people think I'm a really good teacher. I've been teaching the Glee kids." Mike says, taking her handbag and hanging it on the railings.

They began dancing together.

Later, everyone was in the auditorium: the football players and the Glee kids...

Rachel and Finn stood at one entrance, while Ashleigh and Blaine stood at another.

Ashleigh shook her hands nervously.

"Never sang this song before?" Asked Blaine.

"I've never watched the show, honestly." Ashleigh says.

Blaine grabbed her hands, and Ashleigh smiled at him.

"Rachel, focus." Finn tells her.

"You want this more than she does; trust me. I can see it." Blaine tells her.

"I do. Only because I'm evil, and I want everyone to laugh at her." Ashleigh says, inhaling sharply and holding it for a second.

"You've earned this. The part's already yours." Finn says.

"This thing has been waiting for you, Ashleigh; all you gotta do now is take it from your sister. No biggie." Blaine says.

"Oh, I will." Said Ashleigh.

"Rachael Berry? Ashleigh Berry?" Artie asked.

"Go get it, baby." Said Blaine.

Rachel and Ashleigh walked out, and they met in the middle, where Emma was waiting for them.

"Ladies." Said Emma.

"Ashleigh, you look stunning! Trash her, babe!" Puck shouted.

"Yeah!" Santana and Brittany shouted.

"You're both wonderful." Emma tells them.

"Screw West Side Story. This is Clash of the Titans." Puck says.

"There will be bets, and they'll be on Ashleigh." Kurt says, looking at Tina and nodding his head.

"Heads or tails?" Emma asked.

"Tails." Said Rachel.

"Heads." Ashleigh says, smirking widely at Rachel.

"T..." Emma says.

Finn starts celebrating.

"Heads." Said Emma.

The crowd began laughing loudly.

"Miss Pillsbury, you cannot do that; my heart simply can't take it." Finn says, grumbling slightly to himself.

"Ashleigh?" Emma asked.

"I'll go first. I like the fact that she'll be stressed, causing herself to get early grey hair and wrinkles long before me. Said Ashleigh.

"Wait, did Ashleigh just say... that?" Kurt asked, laughing loudly and hitting his leg with his hand.

The crowd laughed, and Rachel stormed away.

"Good luck, sweetie. I'm rooting for you." Emma said, walking off the stage.

"We're all rooting for you, Ash!" Santana shouted.

"Yeah!" Everyone shouted.

Ashleigh 🎡 Sometimes I wonder Where I've been Who I am Do I fit in? Make believin' is hard alone Out here on my own 🎡

Rachel 🎡 We're always provin' Who we are Always reachin' for that risin' star 🎡

Blaine had his arm wrapped around Ashleigh's shoulder, pulling her closer.

Rachel 🎡 To guide me far And shine me home 🎡

Ashleigh 🎡 Out here on my own 🎡

Rachel 🎡 When I'm down and feelin' blue 🎡

Ashleigh 🎡 I close my eyes so I can be with you 🎡

Ashleigh & Rachel 🎡 Oh, baby, be strong for me Baby, belong 🎡

Rachel 🎡 To me 🎡

Ashleigh 🎡 Help me through Help me need you 🎡

Rachel 🎡 Sometimes I wonder where 🎡

Ashleigh 🎡 I've been 🎡

Rachel 🎡 Who I am Do I fit in? I may not win But I can't be thrown 🎡

Ashleigh 🎡 Out here on On my own Out here 🎡

Rachel 🎡 On my 🎡

Ashleigh & Rachel 🎡 Own 🎡

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Ashleigh won that for definite!" Brittany shouted, jumping to her feet and clapping her hands.

Everyone else got to their feet, whooping and clapping.

"Bravo! Bravo!" Kurt shouted.

Rachel turned, walking back over to Finn.

"That was excellent. You were amazing." Finn said.

"No. She was way better than me." Rachel muttered.

The next morning, Rachel stormed down the hallway, heading to the boys' locker room...

"Coach Beiste, I have something very important to discuss." Rachel tells her.

Later, Emma walked into the apartment, finding the table set...

"What is this? Are we having a romantic dinner?" Emma asked.

"Sort of. I invited your parents over." Will says.

"Is that my little freaky-deaky?"

"I'm gonna say hi in one minute. One minute. One minute." Emma says, walking out of the room.

Emma begins freaking out.

Will ran around, meeting her in the hallway.

"Why would you do this?" Asked Emma.

"I wanted to meet your parents, so I thought I'd take the bull by the horns." Will said.

"It's okay because maybe... maybe we can get them to leave. I will pretend like, um, an ovarian cyst burst. Works every time." Emma mumbled.

"Emma, what is going on here? Are you ashamed of me?" Will asked.

"No. I'm ashamed of them." Emma whispered.

"What? Why?" Will asked, furrowing his brows at her.

"My parents are ginger supremacists." Emma mumbled.

A few minutes later, all four of them were sitting around the table.

"We're not ginger supremacists."

"We don't hate anybody. We just prefer the company of other redheads, which is why we enjoy the Red Oaks so much."

"What's the Red Oaks?" Will asked.

"It's a ginger-only club. It's really the only place I feel I can be myself and let my auburn hair down."

Emma was looking down at her cutlery, and Emma used her finger to scrape it.

"Oops. Looks like freaky-deaky's coming down with a mean case of the cleanies."

"And don't bother trying to stop her once she starts, Will. We used to tie her thumbs together, and she'd chew right through the twine. Adorable."

"I think it's weird. I don't know where she got it."

"I'm sorry." Will says, banging his hands on the table loudly. "I don't mean to be rude, but has anyone ever told you that you're both a little racist?"

"I'm sorry?"

"All I know is that if Emma and I were blessed enough to have a child, I wouldn't care what she or he would look like. And you know what? If my child had O.C.D., I'd maybe try to show a little compassion instead of calling her a name that makes her feel like a freak." Will tells them.

The next morning, Rachel was at her locker, and Kurt walked over to her...

"I think we should talk, don't you?" Kurt asked.

"About the, um, upcoming deadline for the NYADA applications?" Asked Rachel.

"About you telling Coach Beiste that you're running for senior class president... against me." Kurt said.

"Look, Kurt, you saw Ashleigh, okay? I'm not gonna get the part. So I figured if I win, I'll make you vice president, and then maybe you could just do vice versa." Said Rachel.

"Rachel, if you win, yes, it'll improve your chances of getting into NYADA, yes. But if I win, it could make a huge difference at this school. Not just for me, but for kids like me. Things could actually change for them. So, whatever it takes, I'm winning." Kurt tells her.

"Look, I just... I need something for my senior year that's gonna make me special, that's gonna make me stand out." Rachel mumbled.

"Rachel, in 10 years, when you look back at this time, you're not gonna be thinking about the clubs you belonged to or the parts you had. You'll be thinking about the friends you had and... and the ones you just tossed aside." Kurt said, turning around and walking away from her.

Later, Rachel and Ashleigh sat in Emma's office in front of Shannon, Artie, and Emma...

"I'm gonna be honest; there was a clear winner for me." Artie said.

"Please tell me we don't have to try out again; I don't think my blood pressure can take it." Ashleigh muttered.

"No. No, you're fine. We've come to a decision." Artie tells her.

"It was the hardest decision of my life, and that includes when I had to sell one of my prized donkeys to pay my gas bill." Shannon said.

"Everybody wins. Your sisters, we couldn't choose between you." Emma tells them.

"I could. I chose Ashleigh. That first song you sang was great." Artie tells her.

"Wait, what does that mean? Everybody wins?" Ashleigh asked.

"We're double-casting Maria." Emma says.

"You'll get your well-deserved standing ovation on Saturday matinΓ©es and Sunday mornings for the retired Lima veterans, and I'll do all the evening performances." Said Rachel.

"You one cocky son of a bitch! Do

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