A week after texting micha and Alice I was waiting at glasgow central to pick them up and take them back to my flat. The amount of happiness I felt was an unusual feeling I had lost for a few weeks now. They wandered around my flat looking at my paintings and undoubtedly the setlist for catfish and the bottlemen came into conversation.
"Have you broke up then?"
"I don't even know, I think so, I've not heard from him since before Christmas" i sighed
"We I think that's rude and pathetic to ignore someone like that"
"Yes Alice but I was the one who didn't want a long distance relationship, he told me he loved me in Llandudno and I didn't say it back"
"But do you?" Micha questioned earning a nod of the head
"I do, well I did, I still do, i don't know"
"Let's forget Van for a moment, we have some exciting news" Alice interrupted "we're moving to Dublin.
"What!? Why!? Whe-"
"We move next week, there's so many up and coming opportunities there and we have a cute 2 bed apartment right in the city centre, and we both thought you should come with" Alice smiled
"We know we have a 2 bed and it's too late to now look for a 3 bed because we've signed everything and that's ours, but the 1 beds aren't too expensive and you like your own space and honestly we did find one next to us"
I sat in silence, in shock, not knowing what to do. I liked glasgow, I liked my little place. But my tenancy was up in may anyways and I would need to find somewhere new, a flight from Dublin to Newcastle is probably quicker than the train as well. I made a mental note to look at flats later, and told the girls I'd think about it. The 3 days they were in glasgow consisted of lots of coffee shop trips and cooking in my kitchen, a lot of talk about art and a few trips to the galleries in the city.
I took them to the station and waved them off
"Please think about Dublin" Alice said into my ear as she hugged me good bye
I nodded in response and turned to go home as they made their way through the ticket barrier. As I got through the door I kicked my converse off my feet and locked my door behind me, walked over to my sofa and pulled my laptop onto my knee and google searched rightmove. Admittedly I had found a few flats I loved and they were cheap, I booked a few virtual viewings in and picked up my phone to ring my mam and let her know I was thinking of it. Before I hit the call button a twitter notification slid down my screen
Catfish and the bottlemen's second studio album, The Ride, is set to be released April this year
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