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You are just chilling in your bed and watching TikTok Until....

Jaden texted you.why should Jaden Text me like wth.Where did he even get my number... we'll I had his number and had him in my contacts but never called him duh..

Ma hater🙋🏻‍♂️

y/n.. it's Jaden. I have
something to tell u..
Text me back Soon as possible
Read 1m ago

Alright tell me.

Read 1m ago

Nah not like this. Come
over at 4pm.
Read 1m ago.

Read 1m ago


I have no idea how did he become like this towards me but I don't wanna overthink it so I'm just gonna leave it. So it's 2;30pm and I went to the shower... after a shower I get changed. I am not even wearing makeup that often anyways  I think I am and everyone else is beautiful with or without it. Okay so now is 4;00pm and I am gonna just go to Jaden's. He is Literally just my neighbor so...not a big deal.

I went to the Jaden's room already and saw him laying on his bed without his t-shirt and watching TikTok ig. "Take a picture it'll be last longer"
(Honestly English is not my first language so I don't even know what it means... I mean what this words means. I know the meaning. I think I wrote it wrong lol)
"What did you wanted to talk about?" I start absolutely ignoring his 'funny' joke

"So I wanted to tell you...Um.... God that's never been that hard to say that...okay so..." he inhaled. "I REALLY REALLY LIKE YOU AND I WANT YOU TO BE MY GIRLFRIEND" he said really fast I didn't even get a word right Omg. "Um... what? It was so fast I didn't even got it" I said. " I really like u a lot so I wanted you to be my girlfriend" he said slowly. "Nah.. I don't wanna date u" I said. " wait what?..." he seemed sad. Ugh how stupid. "I AM KIDDING U DUMBASS I LIKE U TO. AND I WOULD LOVE TO BE UR GIRLFRIEND" i said. He immediately hug me pick me up and spinning me around. "Okay put me down now..." I said with laughing. He put me down and I kissed him. :) .  Jayla and wanna were listening to our conversation this whole time so they know it.

"YASS I KNEW FROM THE BEGGING YOU TWO WERE MEANT FOR EACH OTHER!!" Wanna yelled and start jumping like little girl. "Y/N FINALLY GOT WITH JADEN!!" Jayla start yelling and running around the house. "I think they are more happy than us" I said with laughing. "Absolutely right" Jaden said and pulled me in bed. "Come let's cuddle." Jaden said with childish voice. Awwwh this voice I love it. "Alright J" i said. And cuddled with him

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