CH 10 New Work place means Workers needed!

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"Mwhahahaha! I'm rich! I'm rich!"

Victor made a sizable fortune because of his well-received computer games, enormous toy collection, and well-received film Kong Fu Panda. He gained significant cash and a large number of Bitties via his creative endeavors, which allowed him to invest in more enhancements and tools for his entertainment software as he looked forward to a bright future of innovation and success in the sector.

With his hums resonating gently throughout the room, Victor thought aloud, "Right... With this much money... What should I do first?" He caught a glimpse of himself in the dusty mirror, seeing the disheveled mess of his dirty hair and the loose hairs on his little mustache. He realized he needed to quickly straighten up and mentally noted that he should become clean before determining what to do next. A wave of pride and a little reservation passed over him as he looked about the jumbled room full of treasured Otaku relics. Even while he loved his toys, video games, and movie collection, he realized that his existing setup didn't exactly represent the prosperous artist he wanted to be.

Deeply introspective, he wondered aloud, "Maybe it's time to invest in my very own studio... or better yet, considering the possibilities, maybe even acquire a building where I can truly dive into my creative work without distractions." Eyeing the promising future, he focused on making his surroundings more in line with his expanding goals and dreams.

Victor's mind drifts as he ponders further, realizing that with the recent success of the movie in theaters, questions are bound to arise. Even renowned movie producers and film industries are beginning to feel the pressure to produce a film that can surpass this unexpected hit. However, considering the limited entertainment options in this Parallel world, the competition seems subdued. Despite the world's advanced technology, human creativity may not be sufficient to outdo this phenomenon. Victor acknowledges this with a faint hum, affirming his decision. "Perhaps it's time to secure a piece of land to give this project a more official touch," he muses aloud. With a sense of purpose, he promptly turns to his PC, exploring various parcels of land available for purchase, eager to lay the groundwork for his ambitious endeavor.

After scrolling through numerous listings, Victor stumbled upon a piece of land that piqued his interest. To his surprise, the Entertainment software on his computer not only showcased detailed schematics and blueprints of various buildings, but also allowed him to make custom edits. Excited by this unexpected feature, Victor eagerly began tweaking different elements to personalize the design to his liking, turning his vision into a reality.

He spent a significant amount of time making various edits, almost reminiscent of someone engrossed in a game customizing a character for an extensive period before engaging in the actual gameplay. This meticulous attention to detail during the editing process led to a prolonged delay in progressing through the project.

After 3 hours of meticulous work and dedication, he finally completed constructing the building he had envisioned. With a sense of satisfaction, he eagerly checked the price, only to find that it was listed at a surprisingly modest hundred thousand. Amused by the pleasant surprise, he simply clicked away, content with his work.

"Wait," Victor's voice expressed puzzled curiosity as he questioned the seemingly miraculous rate at which the building was coming together. He pondered aloud, "How can it be built? Is there a dedicated construction group working tirelessly, or is this simply happening instantaneously?" A moment of doubt crept in until the notification on his computer screen confirmed the astonishing reality - the building was indeed being completed in an instant. With a mix of surprise and understanding, Victor's expression softened as he concluded, "oh... Never mind, I got my answer."

The excitement of a fresh adventure flooded his thoughts as he shut off his PC, driving him to get on the road as soon as possible. He glanced at his phone to find the exact location of his potential company building and drove with purpose, excited to witness the physical results of his hard work. When he arrived, he was met with a magnificent sight - a magnificent pink edifice that was embellished with many ribbons and delicate blue streaks that gave the building a charming touch. The distinctive Hello Kitty emblem, proudly perched atop the building, dominated the skyline, symbolizing his accomplishment in realizing his dream project.

With a trace of surprise, Victor murmurs, "Hmm, not bad," in a tone that is equal parts amusement and delight. "I made it as a joke," he says gently, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of real admiration and mischievousness, "but not bad at all." Getting out of the car, he walks confidently in the direction of the building's door, his interest growing. He enters and is immediately filled with contentment as he sees the spotless, unoccupied room. He is filled with delight by the freshly polished and scrubbed inside, and the stillness only heightens his enjoyment as he takes in the change in front of him.

Entering the main office, the center of his new professional realm, he takes a moment to take it all in and gets used to the layout that will soon become second nature. His eyebrows raise in slight surprise at the unanticipated finding of installed entertainment software as he notices another PC. Despite being perplexed by its existence, he dismisses his interest, figuring it's just random magical stuff.

Apart from a well-equipped gym and a huge lounge space with many games, the institution also features an expansive pool. He was attracted by the thought of having a work space with a swimming pool, which sparked his interest and inspired the design of this special element. That's only out of curiosity.

Not to that, there's a café with a buffet where you may dine, and most significantly, rombas are open 24/7. In addition, there are tiny little rombas that are capable of carrying and serving beverages. Above all, the toilets are made of gold.

He then stares off into the distance through the window, where he can see the building from up here in his new office. As he gazes out at the bustling city below, Victor feels a sense of accomplishment wash over him. The view from his high-rise office is breathtaking, symbolizing the heights to which he has risen in his career. The cityscape stretches out before him, a canvas of opportunity and success.

"Hmm... Now what's next?" Victor ponders. He had a new building and a new workplace, but he never thought he would get rich like this and never thought he would be that successful in this life.

"Perhaps I'll make some event, yes, an event," Victor mumbles as he then smirks. The idea of hosting an event excites him, presenting an opportunity to showcase his newfound success and connect with others in the industry.

"An event... What kind of event? No... That will be for later... Perhaps I'll find some workers... Yes, workers, and then an event... That will be perfect," Victor mumbles, so he decided to write up a website for the HelloKitty industry first and then write about hiring people; he didn't much care what occupation right now as he would find a way to use them. 

To be continued....

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