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When she asked me to be her girlfriend, I did not know what to say. I was going to say no, but then I thought about it. I thought about what it could mean for us and what it would feel like to kiss her. I thought about the late night texts we'd send and secret love letters we'd pass. I thought about tickling her and kissing her hands until she'd open up and tell me she loves me. I thought about laying down and falling asleep in her arms after telling her my most deepest, darkest secrets and trusting that she would tuck them away under her own secrets. I thought about what my friends would say. I thought about the jokes and stares. I thought about everyone calling me gay so much that my parents would find out about it. I thought about hurting her because I couldn't handle the hate. I thought about losing her because we forgot how to communicate. She's waiting for me to say something as she searches far into my eyes for an answer I haven't even come up with yet. "I like you. You know I do but..", her face drops and she looks down at the floor as if her insides fell to her feet. "Look at me, Listen to me." I place my hand on her chin, I want her to see that I'm not rejecting her. "I need time. I need to figure out these feelings I have and I need to adjust to them before I jump into a relationship with you." She noddes willingly and takes my hand from her chin and holds it in hers. I wait for her to let go so I can walk away but it takes her a second.. when she lets go, I can't even walk away. I just told her that I would not be her girlfriend, yet I can't walk away. She can see it, so we just walk in the same direction. I'm thinking to myself, "If I would have said yes, what would she have done?", "How long will she wait for me until she finds another girl that will say yes the first time?" She interrupts my thoughts, 

"Whenever you feel like you're ready to be my girl, just let me know. I'll wait for you."

I'm so astonished by the feeling of having something special with someone, I jumble up my words by mistake; "I will be waiting soon. I mean, no I'll be ready soon." I'm so fuckin' slow, but she doesn't make me feel bad about it.. She adores me for it. I can tell by how wide her smile is and how cute her giggle sounds. I can be myself around her, in a sense and it feels nice. "Can I walk you home?" 
My heart does a two step in my chest, "Yes, you can."
My parents don't reach home until around 6 and it's 3:30 p.m. I know good and well that I am not supposed to have anyone in the house when they're not home but I want to, I really want to be alone. I want to be alone with her.
I ask her to take my key from out of the front of my book bag, so she does but in the process she comes across my bra strap, peaking out from under my blouse onto my shoulder. She gently runs her fingers on it and tells me she likes the color. We make it up to my room and we place our stuff on the floor. I take off my shoes and get comfortable and she does the same. All I can do is smile when we make eye contact. We're literally just sitting there and the mutual desire to touch floats around in the air as she licks her lips. I get tired of the silence and the waiting, I get bold. I get demanding. I show her I'm not afraid. I make sure she'll wait till I'm ready to be, all that she needs, despite what anyone else may think.

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