"Nature" Mr. Matthews hits the board with a stick
"Makes us sneeze, puts us in the infirmary. Nature" he hits it again.
"Again, Matthews?" I ask with a groan
"Riley?" Missy questions and my best friend grins
"You'll see soon, babe"
"Nature. The only place a bear can kill ya from. Nature!"
"Why is he so angry?" I repeat Riley's answer
"You'll see soon" apparently Missy is dying of curiosity
"What's he got against nature? Isn't he running the Nature Club?"
"He's only running the Nature Club because it was either that or the Ski Club"
"So why didn't he choose the Ski Club?"
"He can't run the Ski Club because of what happened and the Mount Sun Lodge when they were our age" Mr. Matthews repeats his action
"Well, what happened at the ski lodge?" I answer to our naive friend
"A mountain girl kissed him"
"I didn't kiss her back" Mr. Matthews replies, clearly irritated
"Nature!" I say, trying to imitate him while slamming my hands on the desk
"How 'bout I throw you back in the street where ya came from, you waif!" Well, history does repeats itself after all.
"Those were very bad times for Cory and Topanga, but everything's fine now, except we can't ski ever or say 'ski' or walk downhill"
"So why is he all upset with nature?"
"Guess where the hike is. Little clue: we went there in freshman year"
"The Mount Sun Lodge?"
"Nature!" This time the stick breaks
"Dad, we're all grown up now. There's no need to give us this lesson again"
"Oh, I'm not bringing it up for you. I'm bringing it up for her!" he points at me and I frown
"What? Why me?"
"Do we have to talk about your second triangle? Have you not learned anything from the first?!"
"I learned that everyone can still be friends when it ends" he laughs sarcastically
"Oh, really? That's what you think?" I nod suspiciously
"Okay then. I'm sure you won't mind our chaperones..." the door opens and Ms. Matthews, Elliot and Josh come in.
"Hey, kiddies" the two boys say in unison, making me giggle nervously
"I definitely don't mind" Riley sighs, she already knows what's going on
"Here we go" I chuckle, okay Maya, play it cool
"You're my chaperones"
"I invited them" Ms. Matthews says enthusiastically and I smile at her
"I love you!"
"I'm coming too"
"I invited her. I'm smart. We'll be watching over you"
"Wow, Maya. You're still stuck in that triangle with those two? Come on, choose a real man. Choose me" I turn around to face Bryce
"Never. Not in a million years. I wouldn't date you even if we were the only two human beings alive"
"You love me"
"I despise you" I turn back around.
"Okay, now it's time to go, come on!" I take my backpack and wait for my friends to reach me to talk to them.
"Guys, I have something important to say" I haven't told them that I've made my decision already so I'm dying to finally talk about it and ask for their opinion.
"If you wanna talk about how your baby brother rolled over again then I'll pass" I roll my eyes at Farkle
"It's not about that. It's about-"
"Guys, in the bus!" Well, seems like I'll have to wait a little longer to tell them.
*At the ski club*
"Bay window! Bay window right now" I notice Evan and smile at him
"Just a minute, I gotta say hi to a friend. I'll be back in a few minutes"
"Okay, Peaches" Riley hugs me and walks to away with the other girls while Zay and Farkle go settle down in their dorm.
"Hi, Maya"
"Hi, Evan" We hug but I have this feeling that someone keeps looking at me, almost glaring.
"How's it going?"
"I'm pretty good. How is that Lucas guy? You two still together?" I chuckle awkwardly
"Well, not really. We broke up"
"Such a shame" he smirks
"So you're available?"
"I-" Before I can talk both Josh and Elliot step in front of me
"Evan, buddy! How you been?"
"I'm cool, thanks. I was talking with Maya about-"
"Boys, I heard you. You see, the answer is pretty simple. Uh, Josh?"
"Of course" he clears his throat
"Maya is my girlfriend"
"Is this true?" I frown in confusion
"Yeah, Josh is my boyfriend. And how would you like to be called?" I question Elliot
"Boyfriend. Equally as much" Evan's face assumes an indecisive expression
"It's complicated" I specify
"Another triangle?" I sigh
"Good luck with that, then" Right then a girl approaches him
"Evan, I need you to watch over the Sharpay's today and show them around here"
"Will do" I notice both of the boys looking at her with hunger in their eyes and I can't help but feel jealous, especially towards Elliot.
"Oh, guys, she's my older sister Belle"
"Hi!" she says with a smile and shakes their hands while completely ignoring me. I already hate her silky chocolate hair, perfect hazel eyes, barbie's nose and average height.
"Hi, I'm Josh, junior at NYU"
"Elliot, just started college"
"Cool, what do you study?"
"Psychology, I love observing people"
"Law, I wanna bring more justice"
"Very interesting paths! Can you tell me more?" I can't believe what I'm seeing. She wraps her arms around them and they all walk away. I hear Mr. Matthews scream when he looks at her
"Lauren! Topanga! That's Lauren! How's that possible!"
"Matthews, that's her daughter" I reply with annoyance
"She walked away with the two guys, leaving you alone?" I nod at Ms. Matthews and she crosses her arms while raising an eyebrow
"It must be a genetic trait then"
"Hey, Evan is not like that"
"I was actually about to ask you out" Oh boy...
*Hours later, at the girls' dorm*
"I can't believe you said yes!" I sigh at Riley's comment and apply a little bit of mascara
"I didn't say yes to a date! I said yes to a friendly meeting! I made things pretty clear with him"
"Maya, you are nuts!"
"Missy, you saw how both of them lost interest in me as soon as they saw that perfectly beautiful girl. It took them less than a minute to leave me so I don't get why I can't go out with a friend. I bet they won't care anyways"
"Somebody sounds jealous" Smakle says with a smirk and I blush
"I'm not jealous. They can do whatever they want with their lives. I don't care about them anymore. You know what? This triangle is over and I choose nobody. At least this way they'll be free to chase every girl they want. And you know what? Maybe this will be a date with Evan. He's a great person I can talk to and he never played with my feelings"
"Smakle, analysis" Riley orders
"She's trying to get back at them by making them as jealous as she is right now" I grab my jacket and start heading out.
"I said I'm not jealous!" I open the door, revealing Farkle and Zay
"What are you guys doing here?"
"Movie night! Where are you going?"
"On a date, with Evan" I walk out, leaving them with their jaws to the floor.
*On her date*
"I'm glad you came"
"You are?" I ask while looking at the panorama. We're on the cableway because he wanted to show me the view and I'm happy he did. This is breathtaking.
"Yes. A lot actually"
"Because I missed you. Did you miss me?" I nod as I smile
"Yes, a lot. I really missed someone to talk to about my problems without the fear of being judged. And you also give me another perspective, an objective one that makes me understand how things really are. Best part of all is that you don't judge me. Or at least that's what I think"
"I could never judge you, you're my friend"
"Really? We literally saw once two years ago"
"True, but you can't deny that we connected"
"Yeah, you're definitely right"
"How is your art doing?"
"Well it's in development right now. How's your dream job doing?"
"Good, actually"
"Oh, yeah? You like it?"
"Really much"
"Keep pursuing your dreams, Evan"
"Only if you keep pushing what you like...or who you like" I raise my eyebrows
"I'm sorry, what?"
"It's pretty clear that you like Elliot, a lot"
"Is it really that obvious?"
"No. My sister had to come and steal him from you for me to notice. If looks could kill everyone would be dead by now" I laugh. He's the best.
*A few hours later, after the date*
"I'm back!" I say with a smile as I come in but none of my friends seem to acknowledge my existence.
"Uh, hello?" they all turn around and I see Riley holding a list, Missy's list.
"Maya...care to explain this?" I try to play dumb
"Explain what?"
"This list!" I look around the room, trying to avoid their glazes
"Well, I think it's pretty clear..."
"When were you gonna tell us about this?"
"Riley, calm down. I was scared of your opinion about it so it took me a while to find enough courage to tell you. I was about to this morning, I swear"
"Is that the important thing you wanted to talk us about?" I nod at Farkle
"So you chose Elliot?" I cross my arms over my chest
"At this point I don't know if I still wanna be with him, he's with another girl right now"
"You don't know what they're doing right now" I bit my lower lip
"I can only assume"
"Well, assumptions are not facts. Sometimes assumptions are wrong"
"Like my assumptions about you only going on a date with my uncle and brother. Not kiss them or make love to them!" My cheeks turn a bright shade of red
"Looks like Elliot's pretty good too, I would be interested in-"
"Hands off my brother!"
"Hands off my man!"
"I was kidding!"
"So, what do you think about my choice?"
"You go, girl!" Missy shouts excitedly
"You couldn't go wrong with either of them, they're both amazing guys"
"I know, Farkle"
"I wouldn't have been able to choose" Smakle adds with dreamy eyes
"Yeah, well, I had to"
"That's because I'm smart and you're not"
"It would've been weird to have you as my aunt, this way we'll be officially sisters"
"Zay?" I know how hard this must be on him. He literally acted like a kid whose parents divorced when Lucas and I broke up so I wanna have his approval as well.
"I know what you're thinking, Maya. But I gotta push my selfish desires aside. I want you to be happy. So why don't be happy with Elliot?" I hug him tightly.
"Thank you"
"So, when are you going to tell them?"
"Right now I don't have it in mind"
"Is it because of Belle? You jealous?"
"Pft. I'm not jealous. I'm Maya" Riley laughs
"Okay, Peaches. Whatever you say. But let me tell you this: if you keep ignoring both of your feelings you'll loose him"
"What do you want me to do? He's out with Josh and Evan's super hot sister. I'm no competition. She's perfect. Tall, slim, beautiful, just...perfect"
"Do you even know why he's with her right now?" I nod
"Yeah, I just told you. She's pretty, she's-"
"No, Maya. Well, I mean, yeah, it's also because of that. But do you know the main cause?" I frown in response
"He thinks he doesn't stand a chance with Josh so he's trying to pull himself out of the triangle. Just like you did for me with Lucas"
"Why does he think that he doesn't stand a chance against Josh?"
"I don't know...maybe because earlier you let him call himself your boyfriend?!"
"I let Elliot too"
"Yeah, but that still hurt him" I sigh
"I messed up, didn't I?"
"Kinda, but he messed up too. Nobody hurts my best friend!" she rolls up her sleeves and starts walking out of the room but Missy stops her by grabbing her arm.
"Do you think I should go and find them?" Zay nods
"Yeah, probably" we all hear a loud pound on the door
"Is Maya in there?!"
"Open the door, now!"
"Am I in trouble?" Zay grins
"Yeah, I can't wait what happens next"
"Me neither" Smakle says with excitement
"You!" they shout together while pointing at me
"I guess we'll just leave you three alone" my best friend says while going out with Missy and Farkle
"Guys! Out, this is not our business" Zay throws his popcorn to the ground
"It was finally getting interesting!" he scoffs but walks away too with Smakle
"Why were you out with Evan?"
"Didn't you like both of us?!"
"There's a third one guy now?!"
"Shut up!" I yell.
"Why are you acting like this? You've been literally ignoring me since we got here to be with his sister!"
"That's different!" I raise my eyebrows and cross my arms. Are they serious right now?
"How is that different?!"
"We were being friendly!"
"You were literally drooling! My hangout with Evan was just a friendly one!"
"And why would we believe you?"
"Look at me in the eyes and tell me that I'm lying to you" Elliot and Josh move their glaze to me
"She's not lying man"
"Yeah, I'm not like you two" at this point Elliot snaps and slams his fist on the table in rage, making me flinch.
"That's it! I've had enough! I just can't wait for you to come around, Maya! I can't stand being stuck in this situation knowing that you might not even choose me!"
"If you just listened to me for a second then you would know that I've already made my choice!" he bites his lip and clenches his jaw.
"Well, then I guess I'm free to leave now..." I can't believe it, is he really that stupid?
"Yeah, whatever. I don't care" he storms away
"Maya?" I sigh
"Yeah, Josh?"
"You chose him, right?" I look down
"I-I'm sorry"
"Don't be. You can't control your feelings" I hold my hand out for him to shake
"Friends?" he faints a smile and shakes it
"Friends. I'm glad we got to live our someday"
"Me too"
"Guess you were wrong about everyone staying friends, am I right?" I turn around to look at Matthews and his wife
"What do I do, Matthews? He's very angry at me. How do I fix this?"
"I wish I could help you but I can't"
"Well, he can..."
"I just don't want to"
"It's your son we're talking about"
"Oh, well he's angry at you, not me" I whine
"Go to the fireplace and talk to him. I'm sure he'll listen" I hug both of them
"Good luck, Maya"
"Thanks, Ms. Matthews"
"You can call me Topanga now"
"Great, it just took me eleven years of friendship with your daughter and becoming your son's girlfriend to get this honor" she chuckles
"Go now"
"I will" I glance at all of them before leaving.
*At the fireplace*
I see Elliot's shadow. Now it's time to tell him. I haven't prepared a speech or anything like that so I guess that I'll have to improvise at the moment.
I decide to finally approach him but I see he's sitting with Belle and I can't help but feel jealous.
"What's wrong, El?"
"Nothing B, everything's fine"
"Come on, tell me" What is wrong with me? I shouldn't be listening his private conversations!
"It's Maya"
"What's up with her?"
"Do you know the whole triangle thing?"
"Well, he choose Josh" Lies, lies and other lies. She holds his hand. I don't know for how long I'm gonna be able to contain myself
"How do you know?"
"Well, we were all having a big argument about her going out with your brother and then she said that she had already made a choice. So I asked if I was free to go out. And do you know what she replied?"
"Yeah, whatever. I don't care?"
"She said 'Yeah, whatever. I don't-' How do you know?"
"That's basically what any angry and jealous girl would say when the person she likes is completely deaf and doesn't listen to them"
"Elliot, I'm pretty sure she chose you"
"But she didn't stop me. She stayed in the room with Josh"
"Probably because she had to explain the whole situation to him. Remember that you're not the only one in the triangle, otherwise it wouldn't be one. She's probably taking care of one problem at a time...I have a feeling she might've come to solve this. Right, Maya?" How did she now?! I come out of the shadows shyly
"I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, I swear" she chuckles
"Yeah, okay. You talk to him, now. I'll leave you kids alone" she stands up and leaves
"Can I sit?" Elliot scoffs in annoyance
"I don't know, can you?"
"Great, thank you!" I respond with sarcasm and sit next to him on the fireplace
"Listen, I know I messed up bad-"
"Oh, really?"
"Shut up and listen to me for once!" I can see the regret in his eyes for talking to me in that way
"Okay, I'm listening"
"I made my choice. I made it the same night I went out with you"
"Wow, was I really that bad?" I sigh and pull out of the pocket of my jeans the list
"This is the list that Missy gave me. I graded Josh first and the morning after our date I graded you, even though I knew who I liked more. Now, you can read the list of trust me enough to believe me when I say that I like you more" I hand it to him
"I chose you, Elliot. I really like you" he smiles
"Me too, Maya. I'm sorry for acting like that"
"I'm sorry too. I guess I was jealous, even though I didn't have the right to"
"I totally get you. So..." we start holding hands
"Are we together now?"
"I mean, only if you want to"
"You're kidding, right? I've been waiting for this moment since I first met you" I chuckle
"Can I kiss you?" I nod in response before he lays his lips on mine. Our first true kiss as a couple. How awesome is this?
"Woah, it might not be the 4th of July but I definitely saw the fireworks" he chuckles at my comment
"Totally agree with you" he glances at the sheet of paper he's holding and bites his lower lip.
"Okay, go ahead and read it if you want"
"Yes!" he opens the folded list and starts reading.
"Woah, I had all tens? Even on the last one?"
"I gave you an extra point just because you snuggled with me until I fell asleep"
"Really? I thought you gave me a ten because I made you-"
"Yeah, okay, fine. You're right" we both chuckle before starting to lean in but stop when we hear someone clearing their throats.
"Josh, hey" I say nervously
"Hi, Maya. I'm here to talk to Elliot"
"What is it?" he shakes his hand
"Good game. You won. Congratulations, buddy"
"Thank you. I hope we can stay friends"
"You're kidding, right? You're my nephew, we'll always stay friends no matter what" I glance at Mr. and Ms. Matthews who are watching the scene on the other side of the room.
"Guess I was right this time, Matthews, huh?"
"We're proud of you, Maya"
"You are?" I ask for confirmation.
"Yes, we've seen you grow up and mature. Cory, remember how cute she was when she told you to shut up?"
"How could I forget, Topanga? I remember it as if it was yesterday. Oh, wait, it was" I feel an arm wrapping around my shoulder
"Mom, dad. I would like to present you my girlfriend"
"Good luck kids, relationships are not easy" I nod
"I know, we'll try our best to make this one work out. Because I strongly believe in it"
"Good. Now go to bed"
"Not together though!" Matthews screams
"As if we haven't already" he whispers in my ear and I laugh. This is gonna be good.
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