"Maya, why haven't you picked me up yet? And why are you still in bed?!" My best friend exclaims as she uncovers my body, making me groan
"Riles, I don't really feel going to school today"
"Yeah, and the same thing happened yesterday, and the day before yesterday. Peaches, you promised me you'd be back to school today"
"I promised you because I thought that by today I'd be better"
"And how are you feeling today?" I hide my face on my pillow to cover my face from the light coming through the window
"Even worse than yesterday" she sits on the bed
"I don't recommend you sitting on the mattress"
"Why?" I start blushing
"...Sanitary reasons. It's dirty. I need to wash the sheets"
"Oh, I've sat on worse-"
"Lucas and I did it here" she immediately stands back up
"Where did you think we could've done it?"
"I don't know, maybe on your mom and uncle Shawn's bed!"
"Nah. I don't even dare to come in there. Those twins had to come out of somewhere after all"
"Maya, get up"
"Ring Power!" I groan
"Fine!" I sit up
"Now get out, I need to change" she squeezes me
"Yay!" she shouts before walking out.
Ever since Lucas left I haven't gotten up from my bed, I just don't feel like it. I don't have enough strength to do it. Thankfully I'm not the only one, Elliot and Missy are in my same state. At least I'm not alone in this.
After I finally get dressed and fix my hair I climb down the fire escape down to Riley's bay window
"I'm here"
"I'm glad you made it" she hugs me
"Yeah, well, I made a promise so..."
"Elliot!" he opens the door and wobbles towards us, he looks like a zombie.
"What do you want?"
"Get the car, we're going to school" he sighs
"I don't feel like driving is the best choice right now for me. Let's just take the subway instead"
"Why can't you drive?" he glares at his sister
"Unless you wanna have a car accident then it's better if I don't drive"
"Hi guys!" Ava and Auggie come in
"Ava, I need to ask you something" she smiles at me. Boy, she grew up a lot since the last time I saw her, which was a very long time ago.
"Do you remember last year? When your dad left?"
"Remember what I told you?" she nods
"Did you follow my advice?"
"Yes. Auggie is my anchor" they lock arms
"If it wasn't for him and your advice I'd be lost right now"
"Do you feel better?"
"Yeah. I'm super happy now. Mom met another guy now and he seems very friendly" I faint a smile
"I'm happy for you" she rushes to me and hugs me
"What was that for?"
"I've heard your friend and your boyfriend left. I thought you needed one"
"Oh, thank you sweetie but-" she squeezes me and I let a tear stream down my face
"Yeah, I guess you were right" I manage to keep it together and hug her back. This is gonna be a tough day, isn't it?
*At school*
"Hey guys!" Riley says with her usual enthusiasm and Missy hugs her
"Hey" she takes a glance at Elliot and I
"Wow, you look... different today" I roll my eyes is annoyance
"Well, I'm glad you're back to being your old self but I'm still dealing with this, okay?"
"Yeah, me too. I lost a girlfriend and a beloved friend" I frown
"You hated Lucas"
"You know, I don't like using the term 'hate', I just didn't like him that much. But deep down, I kinda cared for him somehow" I sigh
"Yeah, well. I lost more than a friend and a boyfriend. Alice was basically my guide. She taught me a lot of things not only about cheerleaders but also about boys" Elliot frowns
"You're really hard to comprehend"
"How? When a man says 'I'm hungry' it means 'I'm hungry"
"Yeah, but for what, though? You need to specify more. She taught me how to read your minds"
"She's not wrong. That's why I'm into girls" Missy says casually. Did she come out to us? Awesome! Maybe there's a chance for Riley after all! We just need to figure out if she likes her just as a friend or more than that.
"You...what?" Zay asks in confusion
"Yeah, I'm a lesbian, I though you knew. Everybody in school knows it" she looks at our shocked faces and chuckles
"You really need to get out of your bubble and explore more" I nod
"Yeah, we probably should" I notice that Elliot is looking at me, waiting for me to continue
"Anyways, going back to what I was saying: I lost more than a friend and a boyfriend. I lost a mentor and a piece of me" he wraps an arm around my shoulders
"We'll get through this" Missy smirks
"You know a great way to get through this? Party at my house!" she's more bubbly than usual. I wanna know her secret to be this happy despite someone loved leaving.
"Sure, what time?" Riley replies with a big smile
"How about ten? The whole school is gonna be there"
"It starts at ten?!" she asks in disbelief and I chuckle
"We'll be there" she winks at my bestie
"Good. Can't wait to see you there" she walks in class
"Riley, did you see that?" I question in a whisper so that she's the only one to hear me
"See what?"
"She winked at you!" I say excitedly but she rolls her eyes
"Listen, just because she came out and winked at me doesn't mean that she's into me"
"Yeah, whatever. But when you'll get married I'll remember you of this moment" we go to class and take our seats as Mr. Matthews starts talking
"'What happens next?' a kid once asked when her dad left" I immediately frown, why is he quoting Ava?
"'When people you've loved all of your life suddenly decide to leave? Well, you sit by yourself for a while and you'll try to figure it out. And you'll blame yourself. But it isn't your fault. You probably won't believe that, though, and you'll think you did something wrong, but... you didn't. It isn't your fault. Most of all... you stay with your best friend. People make their own decisions. And sometimes, they decide to go away for a while. And sometimes, it takes time to understand why. It isn't your fault' a teenage girl who went through the same experience replied to the child. Do any of you know who that was?" Riley raises her hand
"It was my dear friend Maya Hart"
"In what circumstances?" Farkle replies this time
"We abandoned her and Riley"
"To meet a new world"
"Where you ready?" Zay shakes his head
"Why did Lucas leave? Who do people leave? That's the answer. They wanna meet a new world" he rests his arms on my desk
"Maya, please, follow your own advice. I know you're hurt but you'll get through this" I furrow my eyebrows
"I'm totally fine Matthews"
"If you were then your grades wouldn't have dropped and you'd go to Art Club. Tell me something, how is the team doing?" I don't answer because I truly don't know, I haven't practiced in a while
"Exactly what I though. Maya, if you were okay you wouldn't forget so many things and stay in bed all day. Happy 16th birthday" he hands me a small box wrapped in wrapping paper.
Today is really my birthday? It can't be possible. I check the date on my phone and realize that...it's true. I turn to my best friend
"You knew?" she nods
"Everybody knew. That's why Missy is throwing a party in the first place"
"I'd like to disagree on this. I was already planning a party and then I made it into a birthday party when I discovered it was the same day as your birthday" she smiles
"You'll be the special guest" I faint a smile
"Thank you, Missy"
"You're welcome" I turn back around, unwrap the box Mr. Matthews gave me and open it, revealing a locket with the picture of the magnetic resonance made to my mom to see the twins. I fell my eyes getting teary. I've never seen a picture of them. Mom and Shawn always tell me that they wanted to surprise me. I guess this is the surprise.
"Mr. Matthews?"
"How can I repay you?"
"Give me another test that is worthy of an A+. I can't explain the joy I feel when I see your answers" I nod
"I will, then" the bell rings. Time for another class.
*Hours later, at Missy's party*
"Do we really have to?" Riley, Farkle, Smakle and Zay nod at the same time
"Yeah, you two need to have fun" Smakle replies, referring to me and Elliot.
"But I don't want to" Riley walks in front of us
"Listen, I did not come here at ten in the night just for you two to whine like little kids! Get over it! They left but they're not dead! We have technology to communicate with them"
"You know it's not the same thing!" she turns us around.
"Get inside. Now!" Wow, she has never sounded this bossy. She's definitely Topanga's daughter. I sigh and step inside
"Yo! The birthday girl is finally here and she's lookin' fine! Mind giving me your number, baby?" the DJ shouts at his mic. I can already tell that he's drunk just like all of the other teens here.
"Hey! I thought you wouldn't make it here!" Missy screams at us and hugs each one of us
"Of course we came" Riley replies with a smile
"I gotta show you something!" she takes her hand and drags her away. Well, one minus.
"Melon balls!" Zay screams and disappears along with Elliot
"There's a library over there!" Farkle and Smakle shout and walk over there, leaving me completely alone. Might as well just drink a little. I go over the kitchen table and get myself some punch. As soon as I take a sip of it I notice that it contains alcohol. Just great. I look around the table to see if there's something alcohol free but there's literally nothing. I'd open the fridge but there's a couple making out with the boy's back against the refrigerator door. I just shrug and drink the whole cup since I'm very thirsty, without worrying that I might get drunk because the taste is not as strong of the vodka I drank from Elliot's drink a couple of years ago.
"Mhm, it's not that bad. I'm gonna get another cup" I say to myself and keep drinking my second cup until a guy approaches me.
"Hey cutie" I roll my eyes and ignore him
"You're the birthday girl, right?" I sigh and nod
"Then why aren't you over there, partying like the others?" I shrug
"Not really in the mood" he smiles at me
"Would you mind telling me why?" I frown
"No" he whines
"Oh, come on! Why not?"
"First of all: I don't even know your name"
"Scott Smith"
"Second: you're drunk"
"I'm not that drunk, look..." he proceeds to do a handstand
"Okay, you're not that drunk" I say with a laugh when he stands back on his feet.
"So, you're gonna tell me or what?" I sigh
"One of my closest friends left, same with my now-ex boyfriend" I take a sip of the third cup of punch mixed with some sort of alcoholic beverage
"Oh, well, that's a shame" I slowly nod and turn around to look at his face. I take a minute to examine his features: Dark and kinky hair that matches his completely black and mysterious eyes. Perfect jawline and cheekbones along with full and juicy lips. He's kinda cute.
"Was it a serious relationship with your boyfriend?"
"Yeah, we were together for over a year and I met him in sixth grade. He was like family to me"
"Boy, I hope not. Otherwise some of the things you've done would be considered incest"
"Hey!" I friendly punch his arm
"I mean, if you've ever done something" I grin at the memory of me and Lucas on my bedroom. It was so...magical.
"Yeah, well, we managed to have some fun before he left"
"I can tell"
"By what?" He smirks.
"Your grin" Why am I talking about my sex life with a complete stranger? I ignore him and pour myself a fourth cup. I feel more relaxed now.
"Wanna dance?" I leave the empty cup on the table and take his hand
"Sure" he guides me to dance floor where we start dancing. At this point I completely loose myself. We start grinding and telling each other dirty things. I didn't even know I could grind. After we stop dancing he starts whispering in my ear
"Can I show you something?"
"Sure" we hold hands and we end up in a bedroom
"What did you want to show me?" he locks the door and I smirk when I understand his intentions.
"I think you know why..." we immediately start a heavy makeout session. I don't know why I'm doing this. My inner thoughts keep telling me to stop but I can't stop me. We keep kissing and end up on the bed. It took me more than a year to get to this point with Lucas and now here I am, about to fuck a stranger I've known for an hour.
"Get off of her!" An angry Elliot shouts when he opens the door. I immediately cover myself with the bed sheets since I'm only in my bra
"Elliot! What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to bring you back home!" Scott stands up in front of Elliot
"Maya, you didn't tell me you had another boyfriend"
"That's because he's not" my words seem to have hurt Elliot.
"Listen, buddy. We're trying to have some fun here" Elliot pushes him away
"She's coming with me. Maya, let's go" I slowly nod and put my shirt back on
"Bye, Scott" he sighs
"Bye, babe" Elliot drags me out of the house
"What were you thinking?! Who is he?! Why were you making out with a stranger?! Do you realize how dangerous that was?!" I start crying
"I'm sorry..."
"I am too! Because you go too far! Do you understand me?" he resembles Mr. Matthews right now
"I-I just wanted to have some fun and forget about Lucas. Even just for a night" he sighs
"You've been drinking?" I nod
"Well, at least you're not fully drunk and still have a conscience. Come on, I'm gonna get you home" I shake my head furiously
"No, please!"
Elliot's POV
I hate seeing her this scared. Nothing bad will happen to her now that I'm with her.
"Don't worry. I won't tell your parents you've been drinking, okay? You look pretty sober. You can still walk normally so they won't have any suspects either"
"What about the others?"
"After I drop you off at your house I'll come back and make sure they won't make your same decision. Come on, let's go now" We get inside my car and I start driving
"Remember when you told me that drinking in high school was normal?" I nod
"You were right. I'm sorry for telling your parents" I chuckle
"It's fine, really. I'm over it by now"
"Do you miss Alice?" she asks in a whisper
"Do you miss her?" I sigh
"Yeah Maya. But I knew it'd happen. Seniors choose different universities. And sometimes they're our of the state, maybe even out of the country. Do you have any ideas of where you'll go?" I ask in an attempt to change the subject
"I'd like to go the Paris College of Arts" My heart stops. She wants to leave too?
"But I won't go there" I frown. What is wrong with her?
"Why not?"
"I'd have to leave all of you" after that I hear some snoring. Typical Maya.
I pull over and pick her up bridal style
"I'm home!" I yell at mom and dad who are still working
"Hi" mom frowns when she looks at Maya
"What happened?"
"Oh, well-"
"Has she been drinking?"
"No! No! She just, uhm- she got lost in Missy's house and couldn't find any of us so she went out and I found her asleep on my car. She really wasn't in the mood to party" Well, that was a pretty good lie.
"Oh, okay. Just bring her to Riley's bedroom. I'll call Shawn later" I nod and do what mom told me to. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. Still, I can see how broken and devastated she is. I bend down and kiss her forehead.
"I'm sorry you feel like this. I really wanted you to be happy, even if that meant me not being in a relationship with you. I promised you to keep you safe but I didn't and for that I'm truly sorry. You deserve better" I sigh
"Happy birthday, Maya" I climb out of the bay window and drive back to the party where I find the others. Thankfully none of them are intoxicated.
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