Christmas vacations are about to end in a few days and I can't help but feel a little bit sad. I'll have to go back to school and studying now with sleepless nights dedicated to art and other activities.
I'm currently at Topanga's, sitting next to Lucas as we're waiting for Alice and Missy to come here. Alice told us that she needs to tell the gang something really important so we're all waiting for her to come. I
I don't honestly have a good feeling about this but I could be paranoid since I've never liked surprises.
"Hey, is everything fine Peaches?" I nod
"Yeah Riles, I just don't have a good feeling about this. What if a bad new?" Lucas wraps an arm around me
"I'm sure it's not that important" I play with my fingers
"Yeah, maybe you're right" he tilts my chin up so that I'm looking at him
"Can I get a kiss?" I nod
"Sure" I lean in and start kissing him. We pull away only when Smakle calls us out
"I know you have a lot of sexual tension but can you tone it down when you're in front of us?" I start blushing
"We don't have any sexual tension going on, Smakle!"
"Yeah, and I'm Obama" Zay replies with sarcasm
"Peaches, I hate asking you this kind of question but: have you two done anything, at all? I can literally smell you hormones going crazy right now" I sigh
"No, we haven't"
"Ever since Shawn caught me they basically put super glue on her window because I can't open it anymore"
"And his place is never available"
"What about-" Lucas cuts Farkle off
"No way we're doing it in Mr. Harley's closet"
"And he also prohibited us to go in there ever again last time when he caught us kissing" Elliot scoffs
"Wow, you should really need to learn how to be more discreet like me and-"
"Hi" Alice and Missy say as they come in. Elliot walks up to his girlfriend and wraps an arm around her shoulder
"Alice" he pecks her lips, making her smile widely. Ew, now I understand how he feels when I kiss Lucas. I take a moment to study the two sister: Missy looks anxious while Alice is definitely worried.
"Okay, I want you all to sit down for this..." she shows us an envelope.
"What's that?" her sister asks
"You know how I applied to a lot of colleges? Even Duke University?"
"Yeah, I had to convince you to apply because you were too afraid to be rejected by your dream college"
"Well...This morning I checked my mail and noticed a lot of envelopes... they all accepted me" We all clap and Elliot hugs her
"I'm so proud of you! Which one will you go to?" she sighs
"Duke University. It's always been my dream to go there" Suddenly a thought hits me
"Wh-Where is it?" she sighs and looks down
"Durham, North Carolina. I'm leaving in a few days. I have enough credit to start immediately this new semester. Sure, I need to catch up on a few things but I can do it" I knew it, I knew something bad was going to happen
"I'm so proud of you, Alice" Elliot hugs her again
"You're leaving?" Missy asks and her sister nods
"Yeah. Missy, this is my dream and-"
"I know, I know how much this means to you and I'm not gonna stop you from going there just because of my stupid and selfish feelings" they hug
"I'm so sorry, Missy"
"It's fine. I expect you to come back with your Medicine degree"
"I will, trust me. I'll be back for everyday holiday"
"I know" Alice wipes Missy's tears away. I just look away because I don't wanna start crying too. I notice that Lucas looks very upset too. He's completely lost in his thoughts
"Thank you for everything you've done for me. You introduced me to your friends but also to my boyfriend, Elliot" I faint a smile
"You're welcome"
"I'm not done yet. You were my first true friend to me and my sister. You made sure we'd be okay at all times. You've helped me countless times with cheerleading duties. Without you the team would be a mess" she stands up and hugs me
"I know how you're feeling right now. You're probably also scared too and asking yourself what's gonna happen now" I keep looking at her. If I talked I know that my voice would crack and I'd start crying immediately
"I felt the same way when my co-captain did the same thing. And this must be ten times harder since you're only a sophomore and have a lot of other things to care about. I highly recommend you to choose another co-captain. Possibly a senior or a junior because they have more experience. I'm sorry if I didn't teach you enough things about being a captain"
"It's fine, I'll handle it. I'm okay" she rests her hands on each side of my cheeks and moves her thumbs to brush my tears away. Am I seriously crying? I need to keep it together!
"You always say that, even though you're clearly not" I decide to remain silent once again and she decides to hug me tighter than ever before. I can't believe she's leaving too. We pull away from the hug and she turns around her boyfriend
"Elliot" he smiles
"It's fine. I swear. I'm proud of you and I know that you're gonna be the best student ever and are gonna kick everyone's ass. Just like always" he kisses her
"I really like you, Elliot"
"I like you too Alice" she sits back down
"Well, now that we're on the topic: I need to tell you guys something too" I frown
"What do you mean, Lucas?" he takes my hand
"My dad, he got relocated back to his hometown. I need to move" at this moment I can't see anything else as tears fill my eyes and keep streaming down my face. Two people I care about are leaving
"When did you find out?" Riley asks
"Christmas, but I didn't want to ruin the holidays for you" I stand up in rage
"When were you going to tel us?!"
"Maya, relax"
"No, Farkle. I won't relax! He's about to leave!"
"I didn't know when I was going to tell you. I just saw the opportunity now and said it"
"When are you leaving?"
"Two weeks" Two weeks. I have to weeks to spend with Lucas and show him how much I love him. I have two weeks before he'll leave. I have two weeks before my heart will be completely broken.
"Can't you do anything about it? Can't you talk to your parents? Maybe you can't stay at Farkle's! He has a castle! I bet that they have a-"
"I've tried, Smakle. I've really tried. I talked to them for hours and hours and nothing came out of that argument. I'm going back to Texas and there's nothing I can do about it" He looks right into my eyes and sighs
"I'm sorry, Maya. I really am" I hug him tightly and soak his coat with my tears
"Please don't leave. Your leaving along with Alice's will destroy me completely. It will destroy all of us" I manage to say in between sobs. He simply shush me and rubs my back in comfort
"It's gonna be fine. We'll be fine. I swear I'll come back whenever I can" I shake my head in denial
"We both know it won't work out Lucas, we know it. Stop lying" I take a minute to recollect myself
"Let's just enjoy these two weeks we have left"
"Maya, don't make this sound as a goodbye"
"Then, what is it? 'Cause you're leaving for good" he opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off
"Hey, you're going back home. That's good news, am I right?"
"Maya, New York is my house" I go back to hugging him and I'm soon joined by everyone else. How can he be leaving? Everything was going so well. My life was finally perfect. A new dad, the arrival of my siblings, good grades, art club, cheerleading team, new friends, a boyfriend. I was finally happy. This is why I don't like surprises.
*Four days later, at the airport*
"I guess this is it" Alice chuckles and shakes her head
"You know that I'll be back for spring break, Missy. It'll come sooner than you expect. I swear" She kisses Missy's head and moves on to Elliot
"I'm gonna miss you very much" he hold her hands
"I'm gonna miss you too. I hope you'll meet lots of new people. Make some friends and have fun"
"And I hope you'll find someone who'll you really love"
"Thank you, but I've already met her. She's just with someone else"
"Then I'll hope she realizes that you're totally awesome" they hug
"Bye Alice, I'll miss you"
"I'll miss you too El. I'll see you on the future"
"I hope so" they share one more kiss
"Bye Riley. You are a true ray of sunshine" she smiles
"Thank you. You're a very sweet girl and I'm happy Elliot found you"
"Thank you Riley. Most sisters would've been jealous at me"
"Yeah, but she's no ordinary sister" Elliot says proudly while wrapping an arm around his sister
"She's definitely not" she moves
"Smakle, Farkle: if I ever need help with something I know I have to ask you since you're geniuses"
"Why thank you"
"We'll be very glad to help you understand your basic health and medicine concepts" Zay frowns
"Why aren't you at Harvard yet?" Alice chuckles
"Zay, please, be careful while playing football or you'll get your butt kicked. Got it?" he nods
"Lucas... please watch over Zay since I know he won't follow my advice"
"Will do"
"I'll miss you"
"I'm not leaving forever"
"I know, but it certainly fells like" she hugs me
"Oh, Maya. I hope this doesn't crush you"
"It'll tear me down, but it won't crush me. I'll be officially crushed in a week and a half" I reply, referring to Lucas' leaving. She squeezes me
"I'm sure you'll get back up and even stronger. I promise" she pulls away from the hug
"Well, it's time for me to leave now. Bye guys" she then proceeds to turn around and walk away. Minus one, now. As much as I'd love to cry right now I know I have to be strong for both Elliot and Missy.
"Hey, are you okay?" Missy shakes her head and cries into her chest
"It's gonna be fine, I promise" I approach Elliot
"Are you okay?" he slowly nods
" can let it out" he turns around to look at me and notice that he has tears in his eyes.
"Oh, El..." We hug tightly
"You're gonna be fine, I promise"
"Why do all the girls I care about leave me?" I rub his back
"It's not your fault. I swear it's not your fault. I know it's hard to believe but it's the truth, okay?"
"Yeah..." we keep hugging until he stops crying
"Maya, I know you. Let it all out" I shake my head
"I can't"
"Why not?"
"I gotta be strong for all of you" he holds my hands
"How about you stop being strong and let your defenses down for a while?" I start crying too
"I'll miss her Elliot! How am I gonna talk about adult girl stuff if she's not here anymore? How am I gonna lead the cheerleaders? I'm completely clueless!" I bury my head on his chest and he gently strokes my hair
"You are not! She taught you a few things, use your experience and choose another co-captain" Zay rests his hand on my shoulder
"Until then we won't leave you alone" We do one of our usual group hugs but there's something different, and not the good kind of different. We all know big changes are about to happen here in a matter of days.
"Thank you Zay"
"Missy, feel free to sit with us whenever you want" she smiles through the tears
"Thank you, Riley. I feel like I might need some company right now. And I definitely wouldn't turn off the offer to sit with you. You guys are awesome" I feel like we're trying to pull away form our hug
"Nobody move!" I order
"Why?" Elliot asks
"Cause I want things to stay like this. I won't let anything else bad happen to us" my boyfriend sighs
"Maya, you know-"
"Shut up, you heard her"
"Thanks, Elliot" he slightly smiles and winks at me
"You're welcome. I don't want that either"
"I don't think anybody does" Farkle adds and as always, he's right.
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