All I do I run, run and run. I know the hospital is definitely not close. It's ten a ten minute ride from our building so it'll take me at least fifteen minutes. Let's not also forget that I just started rushing from the school, which is twenty minutes away from home in subway. Wait, the subway! Of course! There's one every ten minutes! I stop to look at the hour in my phone. Great, it should arrive in five minutes which means that it'll come in seven since they're always late. I rush to the station to buy a ticket and wait on a bench while tapping my foot nervously on the ground. A woman sits too close to me but I don't care. Right now a person invading my personal space is the least of my problems
"Darling" I frown, the only person who has ever called me that is-
"...Crazy Hat?"
"That's me!" I smile back at her
"Hi. Still watching people?"
"Still sarcastic?"
"Touché" she frowns
"What's wrong, darling? You look pretty nervous" I nod
"Yeah, my mom is about to give birth"
"Where were you?"
"I had a Musical"
"Ooh! You played someone?"
"Yeah, I played Sandy. You know, from Grease"
"You should've invited me! I love that Musical"
"Will do next time, I promise" she keeps looking at me
"But there's something going on right now aside from your mom, right?" I sigh
"Yes. But it's nothing important right now"
"But it'll be after you'll become a big sister. Come on, tell the old Evelyn"
"Fine. I like two boys and I don't know how to choose who I'll end up with. They're both amazing guys"
"What are their names?"
"Elliot and Josh"
"Tell me about them"
"Well, Josh is Riley's uncle and Elliot is his brother"
"Boy you must love that family, literally" I laugh
"Yeah, I guess so"
"So? Josh?"
"I've had a crush on him for as long as I can remember. I call him uncle Boing just to mess with him"
"Does he have any nicknames for you?"
"He sometimes calls me beautiful, honey or ferret" she furrows her eyebrows
"Yeah, you see, I jumped on his back and opened his acceptance letter to NYU and while he was trying to get me off him he screamed the nickname" I smile at the memory
"You seem to like him very much"
"I do"
"What about Elliot?"
"Well, it's complicated with him. We fake dated when we were in middle school for a while but then it turned out that we actually liked each other. Then things got awkward between us and-"
"Wait. Hold up. So you liked each other but broke up anyways?" I nod
"I wasn't ready for a real relationship with him. I was afraid to hurt him"
"Okay. We broke up and things got awkward between us. Still, we remained friends over the years. He even pushed me and my now ex-boyfriend together"
"So he put his happiness aside for you?" I nod
"Who do you think it's the best choice?" she smiles at me
"That's your ride, isn't it?" I turn around and look at the subway
"Yeah, it is"
"Then go to your mom, she needs you right now"
"Yeah, sure. See you around Crazy Hat!"
"It's Evelyn!" she screams at me as the door close, causing me to laugh.
Elliot's POV
"Hunter? Where is Hunter?!" the director screams
"Uh, she...she left!"
"What did you just say little Matthews?"
"Family emergency" I see the director on the verge of a mental breakdown, she's literally about to explode
"Jones!" she screams and Anna runs up to her
"Hunter is missing. Go change. You're Sandy for tonight"
"Uh, Miss. Jhonson?"
"What do you want big Matthews?"
"Riley and I need to go too"
"What?!" she groans
"Bryce! Jenna! You're replacing the Matthews! Everyone go change! Now! Be ready in three minutes!" everyone keeps moving while Riley, Josh and I keep looking at each other, not knowing what to do in the meanwhile
"Riley!" I shout
"Call the others! What are you waiting for! Call Farkle, Smakle or Zay. We need to be by her side to support her"
"What are you waiting for?! Hurry up!"
"Fine! Fine!" she pulls out her phone and starts calling one of them. I'm so excited for this! Even though I can't stop thinking about Maya. Is she fine right now? I should call her but I already know that she won't pick up
"Farkle! Where are you? Wait, are those Smakle and Zay? Perfect! Listen very carefully. Maya's mom has gone into labor. Meet us at the hospital in an hour? What do you mean? No excuses!" she hangs up
"They'll be there are soon as possible" I nod
"Now I gotta call Missy..."
*At the airport, Farkle's POV*
"Hello?" I say as I pick up
"Farkle! Where are you?" I smile
"Can't tell you, it's a surprise"
"Wait, are those Smakle and Zay?" she questions me as soon as she hears their voices in the background
"Perfect! Listen very carefully. Maya's mom has gone into labor" my eyes widen
"What?! Now?!"
"Meet us at the hospital in an hour" I sigh
"We-We can't Riley. It'll take us longer than that"
"What do you mean?"
"It'll take us at least an hour and a half!"
"No excuses!"
"But-" Great, she hung up on me.
"Who was it?"
"Maya's about to become a big sister. Her mom is in labor right now. We need to go now!"
"What?" I pick up the luggage that my friend let fall on the ground out of shock and throw it inside my limo.
"Get inside guys!" both Zay and Smakle get in
"Lucas! Get in!"
"Yeah, okay. Not the best welcoming thing you've said to me" I roll my eyes and close the door
"Take us to the hospital, Geoffrey. As fast as you can also. Thank you" I turn to look at the Texan boy
"I know this wasn't how you imagined to spend your first day back here but this is an emergency"
"Yeah, I totally understand Farkle. Maya's about to meet her new baby siblings. It's pretty important if you ask me" he looks down while smiling widely
"Talking about do you think she will react?"
"I bet she'll be very happy, Lucas"
"How did she react when I left?" I tilt my head.
"She was heartbroken, man. Her grades dropped, didn't paint or even left her room for a very long time"
"What? I did that to her?" I glare at Zay
"B-But now she's better. Her grades are up in the air, paints all day. She even started working at Topanga's and is also in the school's musical of Grease. She's killing the game" Smakle nods
"Absolutely. If it makes you feel better she has even moved on"
"What? He had to find out sooner or later!"
"Farkle, relax. I'm happy for Maya. Who's her new boyfriend? Is he someone I know?"
"Well, uhm...she's kinda stuck in a triangle, again"
"Another triangle?! Between who?"
"Josh and Elliot!"
"You wanted me to lie?!" Lucas' jaw clenches
"So when she told me not to worry about them she was lying to me?" he scoffs
"She took her shot the second I left to do what she wanted, huh?" I shake my head because he couldn't be more wrong.
"No. You're totally wrong. She actually went through some bad things when you left. Did you know that she had alcohol problems?" His expression changes into a shocked one
"And did you know that Charlie Gardner also asked her out?"
"Charlie Gardner?!" I nod
"Exactly. And she said no to him because she knew she wasn't ready for another relationship" he sighs
"That same day she kissed Josh and called him by your name while they were making out"
"Is this supposed to make me feel better or-"
"She and Josh agreed on taking things slowly because she's scared of getting in a relationship that could go wrong in so many ways. Lucas, she admitted that she likes both of Elliot and Josh but that doesn't mean that she'll choose. At least not right now. She hasn't jumped from one guy to another. You know that's not like her"
"Yeah, yeah. You're totally right. I guess jealousy took the best of me. I know we aren't together anymore but I still wanna protect her" I pat his back
"Don't worry about that. That's what me and the others are for. You can go back to riding another bull. She'll be safe with us"
Maya's POV
I didn't think it could rain so much at the end of May. It's basically summer! I finally reach the hospital and immediately find Shawn
"Shawn!" he turns around and we hug
"How's my mom?"
"She's fine. She's having a few contractions and her water broke not too long ago. She'll start pushing in a few hours. This is gonna be a long night kiddo"
"Maya, what are you doing here? Cory left just ten minutes ago. And why are you soaked?"
"Well, I couldn't wait for your husband to move his butt. I had to make sure mom was fine so I ran. Then I took the subway. Then I ran again under the rain. That's why I'm soaked. Can I see my mom now? Please" Shawn nods
"Okay. Topanga, can you ask Cory to stop at my place and grab a change for Maya?" I frown
"How will he get in?"
"He's got a spare key"
"You mean my spare key? The one I've been trying to find for a month now?" he laughs nervously
"Go say hi to your mom"
"Aren't you coming with me?
"Nah, I'll just stay here. She told me that the next time she'd see me she'll kill me so I better keep some distance"
"Seems fair" I reply before going to the room he pointed at earlier and see mom. Her head in laying on the pillow while her teeth are greeted. Probably a contraction.
"Mom?" I ask in a whisper
"Babygirl? Oh, babygirl. Come here" I sit next to her and grab her hand
"How are you?"
"How do you think I am?" I bite my lower lip
"I'm sorry. But hey, you're about to meet the twins"
"I swear if they turn out like Shawn or you I'll put them up for adoption"
"Well, Shawn and I had a reason for being troublemakers. I'm sure they'll be angels"
"They better be" she squeezes my hand in pain
"Are you okay? Do you need something? Do I have to call somebody?" she faints a smile
"What did I ever do to deserve you?"
"Nothing, mom. You're worth it. You're worth of having me. I'm grateful for having you as my mom"
"How? I was terrible mother. I was out half of the time" she starts crying and I do too. The only difference is that I manage to keep my cool.
"It's not your fault. You had to bring food to the table. You did it for me. You did it for us. It's fine, I swear" she sobs and this just breaks my heart even more. I hate seeing her like this.
"No, it's not fine! You basically raised yourself. You had to grow up so fast and you couldn't fully enjoy your childhood. You were acting like a full adult at the age of seven! How can I redeem myself?" I wipe away a tear that escapes my eye
"You want redemption?" she nods.
"Well, you don't need it. But I'll tell you what you can do: give these children a happy and carefree childhood and stay close to Shawn. You two are made for each other, okay?"
*Half an hour later, Elliot's POV*
"Where's Maya?" Josh, Riley and I ask in unison
"Relax, she's talking to her mom"
"Can we go in?"
"If you wanna meet up with an angry Katy and a stressed Maya then go ahead. Hey, Cor?"
"You got her change?"
"Yes" dad hands him some new clothes.
"Perfect. Guys, wanna come?" we all nod and follow him.
"Sweetie? Maya?" he knocks the door but nobody answers so he carefully opens it just to find both girls asleep. Maya kneeled down and resting her head on the mattress with her mom's hand on top of her hair. This is so adorable.
Shawn slightly shakes his daughter to wake her up.
"What do you want?" She opens her eyes and notice that they're red. Has she been crying?
"Here's your change" he hands it to her
"Thanks, I'll go change now. Let's just say that wet denim is not the most comfortable thing ever" she stands up and walks past us, not even acknowledging our presence.
"You noticed her eyes?" my sister nods
"She's definitely been crying"
"Why though?" Josh asks
"I don't know, you never know with Maya"
Maya's POV
I quickly change, put on my best smile and head out of the toilet.
"Hey guys!" I hug my friends
"Hey, are you okay?" I nod at Elliot
"Why did you cry?"
"Just had an emotional conversation with mom, that's it. I'm cool now. Can we get coffee, please?" they all share a look before nodding
"Great!" we head to the bar and sit at a table after ordering
"So, Maya. What was your conversation with your mom about?" Yeah, better change topic cause I don't wanna get emotional right now
"You know, Riley. I met Crazy Hat at the subway"
"Really?! How is she? Tell me everything!"
"Well, I was sitting in a bench and then she sat next to me" she looks hesitant to continue
"And then we talked"
"About what?"
"Stuff like your mom giving birth or stuff like the triangle?" Josh asks
"Did she help you make a decision?"
"Not so fast, Elliot. We both now she made the best choice by choosing me, right?"
"Ha! She chose me!"
"She hasn't made a decision yet! Let her breathe!" Smakle snaps when she comes in followed by Missy and Zay
"What are you guys doing here?" Riley smiles and answers me
"I invited them. I though you needed some company tonight. So I called them. We're not gonna leave you alone, not even for a split second" she frowns
"Wait, where's Farkle?"
"He's talking to someone right now"
"You'll see soon" Missy approaches me
"Maya, you're totally over Lucas, right?" I frown as I nod
"Yeah. I've started a new chapter. Why are you asking me that?"
"Hello!" Farkle shouts with enthusiasm as he comes in followed by the one and only Lucas Friar
"Guys, I think I'm having a vision. What kind of drug did they put in that coffee?!"
"I don't think you're hallucinating. I think this is real, Peaches"
"Lucas?" I slowly stand up from my chair and carefully walk up to him. Is this a dream?
"Hi, Maya"
"What-Why are you here?"
"I wanted to spend the weekend here and say hi to you. Is that okay with you?" I nod
"Yeah, it's fine, it's cool"
"Cool..." we stand there looking at the floor for a few seconds before hugging tightly
"I miss you"
"I miss you too, Maya" I hold his hand
"Come on, we have a lot to catch on to" I lead him to another table.
"So? How's Texas treating you? Have you rode another bull?" he chuckles
"Nah. Not yet. What about you? Farkle told me a couple of things"
"Like the whole story with Josh and Elliot. Not to mention Charlie Gardner" I start blushing
"Yeah, I like both of them"
"Do you still-" I cut him off
"Of course I do. You were my first love and you'll always be"
"Would things be different if I stayed?" I sigh
"Of course Huckleberry. But we both know that things went that way and there's nothing we can do to change them" he looks at the table
"Yeah, I know, but I wish I could" I rest my hand on his cheek
"Hey, it's fine. I'm okay now" he laughs sarcastically
"Yeah, sure. Like I'm gonna believe that" I try to change argument
"Can I ask you something?"
"How did you choose between me and Riley?"
"Well, I kinda always knew. Sure, Riley was my first kiss and my first girlfriend but my connection with you was much deeper" I nod.
"I've heard you've been keeping yourself pretty busy lately. Can you handle that pressure?"
"I'm Maya Hunter, I can handle everything"
"Really? You can handle school, Art club, being the only cheer captain, work and the triangle? Not to mention that you're also a big sister now"
"Of course I can. Don't worry, I'll be just fine, 'kay?" he looks hesitant
"You know, there's something I forgot to tell you before you left"
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yeah. Do you remember the assignment Matthews gave us about the '60s?" he nods
"I found out that May and Merlin actually became lovers and ran away. They formed a duet and even toured the country"
"What? You're kidding!"
"I am not. I swear. I read her diary"
"How did their love story end?" I shrug
"I don't know. After Merlin went to prison May stopped writing. Maybe you could dig a bit deeper into his story when you'll be back to Texas"
"Oh, I will" Shawn approaches us
"Maya, your mom started pushing"
"Can I-Can I see?"
"She said she didn't want to see her in that state. I'll call you as soon as they'll be out, okay?" I nod and he leaves again.
"Well, I-uh-I gotta go back to my hotel room. I'll see you"
"Yeah, sure. Go ahead" as he's about to leave he turns around
"I'll always love you, Maya"
"And I'll always love you too, Lucas...Goodbye" I know we promised not to say it but we have to face reality. We're through.
He sighs in defeat and leaves.
"I'm fine, Riley. I mean it" Zay comes back while eating a granola bar
"He left? Too painful to be in the same room with the girl he should've married?" I glare at him
"Just sayin'!"
"Riles?" she wraps an arm around me
"Why were you crying earlier?" I sigh
"I guess I have to tell you, huh?"
"We wouldn't mind knowing" Elliot replies.
"You don't believe we had a deep and emotional conversation?"
"We do believe it. But we know that you didn't let yourself go until you were sure she was asleep"
"We started talking. She was in pain. I asked her if there was anything I could do to help her and then she started saying how she didn't deserve me and how sorry she was for my childhood" I can feel my eyes getting watery
"She was crying Riley. She was crying for something that wasn't even her fault. It's not her fault dad left. She was crying because of me! I..." Elliot's starts approaching me
"This is not your fault your dad left" I look away from him
"Yeah, I know that" I say in a whisper
"Look at me, Maya" I do as he tells me to
"It's not your fault" he repeats and I nod
"I know"
"It's not your fault" why does he keep sayin that?
"I know" he steps closer
"No, you don't. It's not your fault"
"I know" I reply quickly this time
"It's not your fault"
"All right"
"It's not your fault" I am done replying to him. I can already feel the rage inside of me building up
"It's not your fault" I decide to look back into his eyes but my vision is blurry because of the tears that are trying to escape.
"Don't fuck with me"
"It's not your fault" I push him away but he decides to get even closer.
"Don't fuck with me all right? Don't fuck with me Elliot, not you"
"It's not your fault" at this point I explode and start crying
"It's not your fault" he whispers one last time before hugging me.
"I-I'm sorry Mr. Matthews. I've been trying to forgive myself but I can't" I manage to say through loud sobs. My face completely snuggled into Elliot's chest.
"Hunter family" everyone stands out except for me, Riley, Elliot and Josh who were already standing.
"I'm the daughter" I reply as I wipe away my tears.
"Right. Do you wanna come and see your new siblings?" I nod. I just wanna forget about what just happened and spend some quality time with my family.
"Hi, babygirl. Come here" mom says with a tired smile while holding the children.
"They're beautiful" I say in awe as I look at them. Usually newborn babies look like aliens but they look like dolls instead.
"You wanna hold them?" I smile
"No. Not yet. I'm not ready. I've never held a child. What if I let them fall? They look so fragile. Nope. Maybe when you'll get home and teach me stuff about them. Wait, do we have any names?" Shawn smiles proudly
"Chet Jonathan Hunter and Bridget Amy Hunter. Do you like them?" I nod
"Definitely more than Penelope"
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