one: beaten path

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Hoodie -hey violet

*6 months before*

There was a constant drip of water out of the faucet. The ever burning stench of mold, alcohol, and bleach. Outside a door would slam, an argument would start and there voices would travel into the window that was boarded up by a plank of wood. I quietly pulled off the one sheet that covered the bed and tiptoed to the bathroom. I locked it and leaned against the door, my body shivered from the cold floor under my feet. I leaned over the sink and twisted the knob, the water poured out now. I cupped my hands and splashed the icy water over my face, I looked up and saw a girl only four months ago I would've recognized. Her cheeks hollowed, bags under her eyes, bruises lined her jaw and continued down to the greenish bruise on her bony hip. I pressed my forehead to the mirror and I felt hot tears start falling.

I slid the small bag of clothes that I'd tucked under the cabinet sink out, my phone was in the bottom so no one could find it. "Please answer" I whispered and typed out, "I'm sorry for what I said to you and beemoc, I want to come home" I sat on the floor and waited, the phone lit up and I sighed in relief at my mothers words, "Michael is on his way , I miss you so much"

I waited for about 30 minutes before I opened the bathroom door silently and tiptoed to the door leading into the hall. I heard a chain move from the bedroom and growling, as I twisted the doorknob, two hands grabbed me by the shoulders. "Where do YOU think your going?!" A snarl came from within his throat. "Let go Alex!" I snapped and pulled his hands off of me, his eyes where black. "Your not leaving me!" He grabbed my wrist as I pulled the door open. "I hate it hear. I hate you!" I yelled, the tears starting to drench my cheeks again, my cheek burned as it went across my cheek. I stumbled backwards into the wall across the hall from the door.

"Mads!" The boy running down the hall yelled, he rounded on Alex and his fist met with his nose, Alex yelped and fell back landing on the coffee table. "Come on" the boy grabbed my hand and pulled me down the creaky stairs and out on the dark streets. Beep Beep. His car lights flashed on, he opened the door and I climbed in without a word. As he pulled away from the curb, away from the apartment, away from the bloody faced boyfriend, and away from the nightmares in the tiny place. I looked over at him, he held the steering while so tightly his knuckles where white and his jaw was set. I laid my head on the window and closed my eyes, I finally felt safe after what seemed like forever. I felt my mind wandering back to when I had made my choice to run out on my family just for a boy.

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I had screamed at him for the first time in my life, his blue eyes seemed to loose there normal light. I slammed my bedroom door in his face and grabbed the first thing i could put my hands on, a small picture of Michael and I when we where 6 and 5, it hit the bed post and the glass shattered all over the floor. I had thought at that moment my life was over, I was forbidden to be with the love of my life. Alex.

I had grabbed my small bag and shoved clothes into it and stormed down the stairs in a fit of anger. "Hope you have a good life, I don't want you in mine anymore!" I had yelled and slammed the front door. The old beaten up car parked in the street had been my getaway, driving away from that house was like a blessing then. How I wish I had turned around and listened to my mother.

"Madelyn. Wake up." My mothers voice startled me awake, I looked up from where my head had lolled over I looked up at to the woman standing with the car door open. "Momma" I whispered, I jumped out of the car and wrapped my arms around her. She ran her hand up and down my back like she'd done when I was a baby, she slowly led me up the steps and into the house.

The familiar sound of the bath water made me sigh, Dena filled the bath with warm soapy water and helped me undress. She said nothing about the bruises and scrapes that covered my almost translucent skin, I stepped into the water and slid down. As she brushed through my tangled hair she sang 'You are my Sunshine' , I wanted to remember this moment. The moment my life became whole again.

There was some confusion of when Madelyn relived the memory of her getting in a fight with Michael because Dena and him didn't want her around Alex.

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