eighteen: quite voices

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Romeo and Juliet -taylor swift

"Come on guys it's 5 in the morning and you drag me here because you want me to sing!" I whine as Jay and Michael pull me toward the studio, I was still in my spandex and Brady's tie dye hoodie. "Shut up it's Brady's orders" I just let then drag me into the lounge and up the stairs to the stage. They let go and I sat down and crossed my arms, they walked to the music controls and turned switches and tapped buttons on that flashed across there faces. I stood up and fixed Brady's beanie that held my hair out of my face. Jay walked over and handed me a mic, "sing it like Brady was here" he winked and walked back over to Michael.

"Okay pick a song! Any song!?" Michael shouted, "castle on the hill- ed sheeran" he typed in the name and the music started, Jay started beatboxing to the rhythm.

[A gif or video was added here in a newer version of Wattpad. Update now to see.]

"POW!" Jay clapped his hands happily, "I really wanna post this but I'm not allowed to be around you guys till the end" Jay pouts and stretches his long legs out in front of his seat.

"Alright sis what's next?"

By the time we leave the studio I can hardly talk, my throat aches bringing tears to my eyes when I do try and say anything. I fall straight to sleep when I get into the hotel room, I don't even hear Sydney crawl into bed with me at three in the morning.

I wake up to my phone ringing in my ear, Brady's name flashes across the screen, I swipe it and open my mouth, "he-o" my voice crokes, "now I've never heard that before, did Jay and Michael sing you voice dead- wait don't answer that you can't talk- um anyway I was calling cause I couldn't stop thinking about you and now it's 48 hours....make some kind of noise so I know you miss me" I cough and try to clear out my throat, " I miss you" my voice comes out a whisper and my eyes start to water. "Alright I'll let you rest your voice I'll see you soon" I hang up and roll over, Sydney's asleep next to me. "You sound sexy when you wake up" Michael said from his bed, I flipped him off and slid out of bed.

"I like the non talking you" he pushed the covers off and sat up, he pulled off his shirt and threw it at me. "Shut up" I whispered and closed the bathroom door as he started laughing. I showered and dressed in leggings and a tank top, I tried my voice out again and it was not any better.

Me: I can't even talk right now my voice hurtsssssss

Bradford: aw I wish I was there baby girl

I stared down at my phone he called me baby girl thee Brady fricken Tutton called me that. I breathed in deeply and closed my phone, I stepped outside and jumped onto Sydney who was still out cold. She groaned into the comforter, "wake up boo, I just got called baby girl by a Mr Tutton" I whispered and she opened her eyes and smiled, "ABOUT DAM TIME BRADY!" She sat up knocking me over onto the floor.

Just a brainstorm about something , it's coming up oml!!!!

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